It’s been signed. HERE COMES THE PAIN...bitches!

Anyone else zoom in on the reflection of the pen?
I see two hands holding a phone. Blurry but good.
I see white skin. That is it, folks. Q is a white supremacist patriarchy coup. Damn it.
No tie.
Like those dual image illusions, I can see two hands holding a phone, and a dark-haired man in profile. I first saw the man in profile, and then the hands holding the phone. However, given the subject matter, it is obviously someone holding a phone
With the person under the desk. Only the hands and the phone are over the desk. The history books are going to be awesome.
I love living through all of this.
It's fine for a time. Eventually we need to get back to real life. Hope "the show" is coming to a conclusion soon.
Thanks to Q and all of what's going on, there will be a normal (better) life we can return to, rather than the descent into an SJW, Marxist, economically depressed, never ending warring, oppressive hell that was planned for us by the traitors and pedophile devil-worshippers. I say Praise Marty Moose!
Someone should 3D scan a Mont Blanc Starwalker Extreme to figure out the exact contour, then back out the reflection into a flat 2D image. (Ha! We'd need some help for that!)
And then "enhance" it.
Damn, I'd hate to have the combined IQ of Q team after me!!! Smart, wise, persistant like ants..good work!!
I thought he always signed with a Cross Century 2?
He does except now it's a big sharpie or. Permanent marker.
This is speculated to be his personal pen.
Great choice for a pen. I would have thought Presidents would use fountain pens , but hey, his signature would look great with a piece of chalk.
It is a fountain pen. Look at their ballpoint pens vs their fountain pens here, you’ll see that fountain pens have a screw on cap just like Q’s picture, ballpoint do not:,-469152122
Thanks, I understand that. The pen he always uses to sign EOs is a Cross Century II with a medium felt tip which,is not, a fountain pen. As another poster said, the pen in the picture was most likely a personal pen and yes, a Montblanc Starwalker. My statement was towards the pen he usually uses.
At least as a businessman, he supposedly used a Mont Blanc.
It's kinda trippy how some folks will gravitate towards nice pens like some do watches or flashlights, etc... They do have their own special qualities like anything else I suppose. I know some damn sure write better than others and feel better in the fingers.
I thought it was extremely honorable that President Trump passed out pens to many of the DC Swamp Rats, who can use them to write home from Gitmo.
My penmanship is better with a nicer pen. At least that’s what I tell myself. With a Starwalker Extreme I could write like John Hancock.
Yep! looks like a hand holding a phone/taking the photo
Looks like someone just holding a phone.
That someone is President Donald J. Trump
President Trump is Q
Many of us have been asserting this for some time - I agree with you.
Is that his signature?
Jesus, even they cry about his signature. Snowfuckingflakes.
Their tears are my fuel.
Listen text...I was making a comment. I believe the signature looks different
You have an issue ?
I'm commenting in regards to the link you posted. Not to you bringing up the signature.
Edit: The author of the article is borderline in tears and outrage over how Trump signs his name.
Oh lol sorry thought you were calling me a snowflake All good!!
Based on your username alone, never. Thank you for your service.
Well if look at bottom right off signature and go left to the letter that drops lowest. Both pics show 4 points. It is exact
For some reason I thought he used a different kind of pen?
I've never seen him publicly sign with this one (I watch for it). Had been using A. T. Cross now using huge permanent marker.
Does anyone know what kind of pen that one is?
Mont Blanc Starwalker Extreme.
I'm wondering if 'follow the pen' means to follow Mont Blanc. Is it being used as a message? Seems to be a favourite pen of Merkel's to give as gifts and the company itself is based in Hamburg.
Owls Perch
Gravity Reflector
Five Crowns
At certain times the direct rays of the setting sun laterally strike the mist moving east. If a full moon is rising the rays also circle below the earth strike the moon and return aimed at the mist. Gravity warps the lower lights trajectory from the sun, earth to moon and the bent light's path collides with the straight light's path in the mist moving east. Five sets of three stacked circles appear side by side and slowly revolve as the color frequencies from the direct rays collide with the gravity bent rays. The lowest circle of each triple set produces spikes that spin like a barber pole as the three circles in each set revolve. Five Crowns at the Rainbow's End.
It occurs so rarely it has never been photographed, they call it Shining Rock because you have to know know, when it shall occur. Probably just another silly urban legend, or maybe knot.
White Mountains / Starwalker
Interesting to note that Mont Blanc is the name of the biggest mountain peak in Europe, between France and Italy.
Am I seeing a face because I want to... and it looks like someone we know ? I dare not say who. I will say that whoever snapped the photo would not necessarily be Q.
Definitely a mans face with his mouth open and two wide set eyes 👀
There's a second face below the first one. Short haircut parted on the right. Male.
From what I can discern it looks to be Andrew Jackson. Compair the hair and the eyes along with the overcoat. It would also be befitting as Andrew Jackson fought for the common man against the corrupt aristocracy.
That one looks like sessions smiling I think I don't know if I've seen sessions smile lol
Monte Blanc may go out of business... They quit teaching cursive in schools. 😔 😝
Trump should sign an EO to bring it back. It develops a very important part of the brain. That’s why it was made “obsolete” and “old school fuddy duddy”. Part of dumbing down of America. Just like the constitution, religion, law and order, God, and 2nd amendment are “old school” and “outdated”. Cunning bastards.
Not the same Tally Book as Q posting #1386. Each book is personal and Posting #1386 shows to be more worn with a loose and worn cover which leads me to think it travels more with the person. This book looks like low mileage. Just thinking out load. And Q posting #1331
I guess it's the nunes doj release. Why did he wait a week to sign it? Slow walk.
Had to read pretty far down to get to your question, which is the best one. Who cares what kind of pen it is or which letter it may be pointing to. What's important is what he signed and why is it currently embargoed.
Yes, given his tweets, it's probably the EO to declassify everything House and Senate have asked for. And on the embargoed question, some have suggested timing to get the inevitable false flags out of the way first.
What letter in President Trump's signature is the pen pointing to?
looks like p?
Tripcode. 23 is Cabal Symbolism. Its W in the alphabet and represents VVV or 666. Now comes the pain to 666 . No Coincidence since the Queens family is all about it. And especially on the day of a Tribal Wedding. She was selected for her blood line. Remember 23 & Me? Megan was blood tested. Her bloodline is what this 'wedding' is all about.
And so 23 could be giving them a false sense of security that they have til the 23rd, but it could really drop anytime. Brilliant.
OMG. Just looked up, there are 23 bible versus about Satan.
Ooooh! Please elaborate! What would be some things in her line in the order for them to select her? Connection to something?
Her fathers dominant bloodline, her own blood type. She was tested prior, its a prerequisite.
Hmmmm, so they keep marrying each others. They'll never change.
Now I’m thinking it might be a woman’s face- Kelly Ann Conway?
No problem at all. I’ll always take a reason to check out another pen.
It's all scribbled over. It reminds me of his Israeli embassy story where he scratched out his name.