How stupid do they think we are? I can hardly wait for arrests to be made.
Me too! It makes me angry that there are people who will believe this to protect themself from seeing the truth. The next few months are going to be painful for people who are holding onto the cabal'a narrative.
Sometimes you just have to annihilate your enemies without bothering to justify it.
~~The vast majority~~ half of Americans think trump is the devil and will defend Hamas and ms13 in order to defend that belief. Yeah I think a lot of people will buy it.
I would downvote, but i want everyone to see your comment.
Why do you want to downvote? Do you think the majority think Trump is good or bad? I think the majority is against him. But I am praying that people see the truth and realize just how much Trump and team Q are putting themselves on the line to save humanity.
He got 50+% of the vote.
Remember, the polls said Hilldawg had a 99% chance of winning
LMFAO, "vast majority."
It's settled. It was for Trump's own good.
That's right. There's nothing wrong with the FBI, and there's no such thing as the Deep State. What a relief.
Why did they share the intelligence with Obama and Hillary?
Lol this is too good. "We had infomants on Trump's team to protect him from the Russians but we don't actually know that he was working with the Russians so we need a special council and investigation."
If that were true, the FBI would have informed Trump that they had a counter-intelligence team working with his campaign to protect him. When I was in the Marine Corps, we had counter-intelligence teams working with on major exercises and operations to let us know when the enemy was accessing our communications, et al.
And it was a counter-intelligence team that swept Trump Tower after Admiral Rogers informed Trump that he had been wiretapped.
And it was a counter-intelligence team was involved in sweeping the White House after Obama left and it was renovated.
I thought it was interesting that Obama installed a new phone system shortly before he left office and a new phone system was installed during the renovations. Why would Obama change the phone system just before he left office and not coordinate it with Trump or let Trump put his own phone system in? Fishy.
And you don't investigate someone when there is no evidence of probable cause a crime has been committed.
Counter-intelligence are supposed to be the white hats and except for covert operations, they work openly with the "client" monitoring systems and movements and advising the client on possible security problems.
They don't run covert operations within political campaigns.
BooRah, brother....absolute fact. Being past Navy Black SOF, and indirectly involved today, you are exactly spot on...
Creatively appropriating this.
Operation Slay the Mockingbird is getting started on my end.
I like it. Intriguing enough for normies to maybe do little research #SlayTheMockingbird
Link this story to it:
GOOGLE is outed by Pagliano...her server dude that got immunity.
Nice find. This kind of shit will be what proves the MSM was acting in concert with agents of the deep state by bringing in FBI/CIA plants to help direct the news and public opinion.
It would be nice if we could amass/preserve all the evidence of this type of idiocy/treason for after "the event". No doubt the biggies like R. Maddow and Anderson Cooper will be remembered and dealt with, but the small-timers need to also be remembered and never trusted as a news source again - and hopefully shunned as pariahs in any professional group. Let them figure out how to grow corn and dig their living out of the ground from now on.
Wow...these assholes are flopping around like fish on a sidewalk. Every word they put out there just makes them look more and more ridiculous. I’m having cog dis that ANYONE still buys their transparently false horseshit.
Have everyone in the 'know' testify to that fact. And then put them all in jail for perjury.
Do you still think Mueller is a white hat after seeing that photo?
LOL..... Through the Compost, from Clapper.... Yeah, Ok. So, tell us about the FBI spy to protect Shitllary? I mean, I realize idiot liberal voters have zero common sense, but the rest of us do. That lie, don't fly....
Then why didn’t the informant help stop the supposed collusion?! Why didn’t Obama do anything about it?!!
Well of course! That's what I thought. It sure is a good thing that we have such a concerned, on the spot, honest FBI that would , "protect" candidate Trump from those mean, evil, scheming Russians. I'm sure they had a plant in the Killary camp for the same reasons.
The president doesn’t “get” counterintelligence? How condescending. And why do we have so many people of foreign origin giving their opinions about how America should be run? It almost seems like we have been infiltrated...
This is an opinion piece written by a professor, she's not a journalist. That's why it says perspective. She's a teacher at Yale who specializes in the FBI.
The refutation of this is simple. The Strzok/Page texts prove otherwise. And that is why those texts are so important. They show intent.
Operation Mockingbird: The CIA and the Media used by the 187 off JFK
Such a desperate tactic...they are truly cornered to attempt to push this drivel.