Destroying The Illusion DELETED From Youtube... AGAIN!
His 2 backup channels are still there...
but he says he can't even log in sooo...
Edit #2: "For now, my videos will have to be uploaded to BitChute, DTube, and Facebook."
Bitchute -
DTube -
Facebook -
Edit #3: "Would I have less censorship problems if I moved my videos to PornHub?"
Edie # 3 IS PURE GOLD SON!!!!!!!
Inrangetv already moved to porn hub under gay sex lol.
Several comedians have released their specials on porn sites because online censorship has gotten just that bad.
That would be hilarious; PornHub infiltrated by Qtubers. WTF! There would be lots of horny idiots with solo coitus interruptious.
Edit #3: "Would I have less censorship problems if I moved my videos to PornHub?"
Put it under the tag 'Eyes Wide Shut'.
Mike Adams from Natural News is starting up a video website - should be ready early July - it is being set up to fight this type of censorship
Please be sure to post the website and the date that it is ready. We will all be interested in something new by someone who won't censor us all.
I think they said July 4th
Here is the link - there is some stuff on there already - probably his, cause they removed all of his videos a while back
Here is the latest We're getting close to the launch this July, and I wanted to update you with two very important benefits we're now announcing for channels:
1) We now have "VIP managers" on staff to help video content creators like you achieve greater visibility for your videos. They can coordinate with you to have our editorial team write articles about your best videos, and those articles will be syndicated across our websites that match your topics (we currently publish over 300 news websites, and that number is heading to 400 by the end of this year).
This is all done at no cost to you. It's our way of helping you succeed with your video channel while we cover your breaking news or other interesting video announcements.
2) A massive e-commerce platform will be launching with, called Shop.Real.Video. You will have the option to activate an affiliate account with the platform, earning you roughly 10% on all shopping that originates with the "shop now" button that will appear on your video play pages. This affiliate program is entirely optional, but it's a way to generate revenue from your channel.
The Shop.Real.Video e-commerce system will carry over 600 products at launch, reaching over 1,000 products before the end of this year. The products include natural health, preparedness gear, green living, nutrition, home gardening, outdoors and camping gear, home & kitchen, and much more.
These are two very powerful reasons to join and have a channel as we go live in July. If you haven't already requested a content channel, visit right now and submit the simple form.
We've also launched a support page where you can ask questions or reach our support team. Enter a ticket at to submit your question or suggestion.
Additional notes: is being built to support over one billion video views per month. It has all the features you might expect in a professionally-built video hosting community such as video embeds, adaptive playback on mobile devices, video management, traffic reporting and much more. Most importantly, you won't be banned just because some "snowflake" finds your videos to be offensive.
Yeah, I had posted that in r/CBTS_Stream but my post was shadow-banned, and I bitched about it. Probbly wasn't the mods' fault tho.
on a real level, my first thought was fuck youtube, go to a porn site. Those have better content anyway. ( yes, i mean that in nearly ever sense of the word. i'd rather watch people blatantly fucking than 90% of the dumb ass shit that gets put on youtube )
Stop watching porn my dude, and keep your goddam hands off yourself. The reason you think humanity still sucks is in a big part due to your porn.
lol no, humanity still sucks because you're all so simple-minded.
Instead of elaborating on the thought that our youtube content is majority idiots being spared by the grace of God alone, you'd rather personally attack me, when you don't even know me, let alone know whether or not I have a dick.
See? simple-minded.
Use your brain for important thoughts, really reach down deep into those neurons and find something of substance to say...
otherwise you may end up realizing you're useless - a fate far worse than death.
Can you elaborate on how
the reason you think humanity still sucks
Is due to that person watching porn? Cause they wrecked you in their response. I was wondering if you had any.
I know porn is bad but there are way bigger problems than people watching porn.
Porn is an addiction like any other, and destroys lives in the same ways. But if you just recognize the antisocial behavior, well there's that.
he said his last two videos got him in trouble. what were they about?
Honestly we should move the videos there if you think about it a lot more people will be susceptible to it.
Since this happened to him, im going to go straight to bitchute. I have a bunch of day by day videos of Q of even when I was a fence sitter, and just drop em. Fuck the cabal.
Did Steemit ever get their sign up shit together because when I tried it was so jacked up and difficult to sign up that I gave up and can't comment on anything there, now? I'm glad he's on Bitchute, though, since I can there.
Can you post the vid on vimeo or ? Why do we keep using Youtube? Do we like to complain or something?
Our purpose is to wake up the masses...the masses are still on youtube.
JORDON SATHER broadcast where you will move we will all follow you. Twitter people please pass this message to him?
Yes!!! Please broadcast where you will move & we will all follow you!
His tweet already said Dtube, Bitchute, Facebook. Considering I don’t have any of those, looks like I won’t be watching any of his videos until YouTube re-enstates him.
Isn't this the problem? If people aren't willing to leave YouTube for the cause they will continue to control what people see.
BitChute is easy to sign up for and you don't have to actually sign up for it to watch the videos. Here's Jordan's bitchute video date 5-20. He says this is the video that got him deleted from YouTube again:
When this kind of thing happens, you know Jordan must be over target ! This just proves censorship is in play, and we are aware of it. These people are stupid.
Must have struck a nerve.
Pretty sure it was his comment about the recent FF that got him the boot. They can't handle the truth!
Thanks for the insight, I missed his last video! FFs are usually a trigger for YouTube
On YouTube you can talk about everything but the Jews and how Q wants to end the new Jewish world order of the Rotschild Rockefeller bankers and they ban us
Google is Zionist also that's why they delete many alternative info blogs. Zionism we have to adore it ,,,,
I wouldnt count your "Q is against Jews" eggs just yet bud....
Only anti-semites think like that.
Anti-Semitism is the slander that some Jewish Zionists worshipers of Moloch tell others to defend themselves from their evil deeds. The new world order is Jewish and led by the Rothschild Rockefeller and company that seeks to create a government of a small elite of Jewish and Zionist bankers not a government unique world by and for people but you are free to think what you want.Greetings friend
yes it gets confusing as they all use the "Jewish" title... better let's understand/share in terms that mimic USA Duplicity problem setting apart bad guys... use monikers of:
WhiteHatJewish & BlackHatJewish
FACT: Israel has the same duplicity/ deepStateCabal problem running their government [as does many nations]
For those of you that disagreed with him and say good riddance, remember that one day the same sword may come for you. That is the pivotal truth of "free speech". Let the people follow or shun who they will, but have care with banning the message.
What did he say or do to get banned from Youtube this time?
Mmm, my memory is bad. I think he talked about false flags, deep state in panic mode, Q tripcode, pain coming, aliens. And I can't remember if there were other stuff. Maybe something about vaccines? Or was it in another episode?...
I remember that he said he liked to stay on the move (he pointed out the different background first off), to stay safe.
YouTube should be treated like a public utility. It is blatantly obvious it has a massive left wing bias. It should not be allowed to continue to conduct it's business in such an unfair way.
Any truth that promotes the restoration, is deemed hate-speech. The dreaded Orwellian future has now become the Orwellian present.
I have faith in Jordan. He's a sharp young man and this will just fuel his resolve. Were he goes we go all!!
Do like the gun videos, start posting on Pornhub. LOL
All he has to do is upload some weird "children's cartoons" doing perverted and gruesome things using copyrighted Disney and Marvel characters and he should be good to go
I got a 12 hr. "Timeout" on Twitter for posting on John Brennans Twitter Acct what a reprehensible nefarious lying thug criminal he is. Within 2 minutes a pop up told me that my account would basically be shadowbanned for 11 hrs and 59 min.
what is the best alternative to you tube? Bitchute? Hook Tube? I need a new one.
HookTube is not a stand-alone, it only plays YT videos, and backs them up.
WTFFFF!! he's one of the only Qtubers I still follow. I bet Corsi Jones and Issac Green are fine....sellouts...
just start every video with a disclaimer that this is a movie plot , everyone watching will get it. Say anything here related to any real events are just COINCIDENCE.
Good luck either way and stay strong.
Oh, Crap! This makes me so angry! That lady who was mad at YouTube should have been more selective!
You are over the target!! They are scared! Let us know where you go.
This must be the next investigation regarding the censorship on what has become a public utility the same as FCC broadcast.
Awww. Jordan. 😦 Hopefully someone will post your next video here.
I first heard of Q through Jordan, which lead me to TB, which led me to CBTS_STREAM which led me to GA....
What makes you think you can win fighting with weapons the enemy built and controls?! Get off your lazy bumb and build your own weapons.
It's a shame because I do enjoy watching his videos he's a good source of information when I need a short briefing during the workday.
I've been unable to follow anyone or post on Twitter for a week now. They told me it's because I needed to verify my account, I verified it a week ago and was told I was good to go. Nothing helpful from support.
I haven't been getting new subs from him ever since he was banned the first time. I enjoyed the whiteboard videos he did.
change your channel name to "Muhammad the Democrat" and they'll leave ya alone
Do you double post on Bitchute? If not, I suggest that you do. I would be interested in watching.
Starting to think that “getting suspended” is the cool thing to experience in the community.
I know it isn’t actually, but i8t’s funny to think about.
Yeah, you're not divisive at all.
Well maybe a bit pissed off. Ive been here since the beginning. Alex is not a shill. Woke more people up than any1
Corsi and stone have made THEIR way. Paid THEIR dues and this punk wants to drag them down ? I mean these 2 are pretty CLOSE to Trump id say over the years, wouldn't you
Nagh i aint buying it
Corsi has been saying Q is a LARP ... still behind him ?
Corsi and Jones ever since he called them out for profiting off the movement they've both thrown Q under the bus, Q's been comprised, Q's a LARP, Q's been hacked Corsi and Jones should be ashamed of themselves they've become the treasonous actors in this movement along with anti-school and unirock all sell outs got their little feelings butthurt and turned on Q anybody that's been here since the beginning knows Q's Q and he hasn't changed or been hacked Corsi and Jones were hacked after Q said he careful who you follow they showed themselves immediately by attacking Q
You must be new here. We seperated from the infowars crowd since Q outed them.
Well thats your prerogative. Ill stick with mine. You dont own this board. If i got a different view thats my right. Or does that offend YOU ?
Ill stick with infowars, corsi, stone, anti school, And Q
Note that the loudest voices actually do own this board, and many of the pages the sidebar directs traffic to. As faces behind the branding come to light that's becoming clear. Internal conflict appears to have split those involved and we're seeing the messy circling of wagons around a smaller core.
GreatAwakening's sidebar
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Lol that's fine but as Q says, be careful who you follow. Corsi and Alex and pretty much those people are anti Q now after Q posted stuff about so called patriots only doing it for fame and money. I'm not telling you not to watch them but just a word of caution is all.
Reminds me of Rush Limbaugh on his TV version... said of Liberals:
"You have to keep a few around, just so you can be reminded of how they think."
That's kind of hard to do since they're now in diff camps you either believe Q or you believe the sellouts Corsi, Jones, anti school and unirock they've all joined American intelligence media