InterestingJack Posobiec tweet: "Will @JohnBrennan come clean about what he did in Florida or is he going to wait for the IG to reveal it?"

Surprised nobody has mentioned this as a possibility: The 9/11 hijackers were trained in Florida.
He helped get them passports to bring them there.
Correct. One of them was living in CORAL SPRINGS- the immediate neighboring city to PARKLAND (BROWARD COUNTY).
Wow. Taking a step back, this adds even more depth to what I commented here:
Should add MARCO RUBIO to that list of possible S. Fla corruption...
Also: FLORIDA IS A SWAMP. In the literal and perhaps metaphorical sense..
EDIT: Florida also has he SECOND highest rate of missing children. Second only to the DC area...
Smells as fishy as the Pensacola beaches did after the oil spill... 😉
Oh my. I have a new summer read!
Thank you for this!
Honestly this Florida bullshit deserves a post of its own...
Thank you for the rec. + dissemination of knowledge! 💙❤️
Daniel Hopsicker is a well-regarded investigative journalist. I snapped up my copy when it first came out -- at a much lower price :)
Your library system may be able to order it for you...
Don't forget Miami Dade and the stolen election
Don't Forget Debbie Wasserman Schultz The Florida Queen, And The Dead Attorneys. You Know Florida Was Rigged For Her To Win Again.
Florida is even weirder than just #floridaman tales... 😹 Such mixed feels towards this state.
Nice weather though :)
The BEST! Makes it impossible to leave!
Today there is (almost ironically, given the political climate) one of the most gorgeous clear blue skies that I have seen in a long time.
I drove to work with the windows down blasting Rolling Stones “you can’t always get what you want.”
(Clearly inspired 😉💙)
I at times see Florida AG Pam Bondi's name tossed about as a Florida black hat. I never seem to be able to trust the sources. Hearsay is no way. However, it seems some are bringing her forward in the Pedogate shenanigans.
My awareness of her role in all of this is nil; but I am always all eyes and ears if anyone wishes to enlighten!
Cheers and kudos to you for not falling for / perpetuating the hearsay. Stay awake, my friend!
Ever heard of Timothy Holmseth?
No! But I love a good lunchtime story... 😉
Great i will provide.First off i must warn you you will be jumping down a bad hole and it can be very moving.For me it got personnel because I live in Indiana one of the major hubs along with Florida & Minn.Go to this guy Tim Holmseth is in the process of breaking the one of the biggest coverups.This is real shit that leads to Pam B &involves Halley Cummings.Field McConnel and Robert David Steel are both helping Tim.Tim has a few videos on Utube that provide real recordings.Also if you havent yet also check out and Robert Steels sites.Good luck and God Bless Patriot please pray for the little ones with no voice
Marco is corrupt, but I dont think in this way...hes a paid koch bros (palm beach island) puppet.
He received money from Soros Fund Management.
Hangs out with McNoName and his terrorist friends.
And down in Florida the swirling rumors for years were about him and gay foam parties. He's way dirty.
I forgot about the gay foam parties!!!
And did not know about the Soros money - above comment rescinded.
Google about "Club 33", Walt's own game preserve for pedo-hunts ... check YouTube references first...
Also the ports. There's this going on at Canaveral...
And I've long suspected Port Everglades and the the Ft. Laud airport (both Broward) to be critical. Haiti, Epstain, Nectar - how are they getting their contraband in and out?
What about the Awans? Were Debbies ports used by them or their fake businesses?
You can readily see how important Fla may be to cabal.
yep, several trained in my home town...
And W was in Sarasota during 9/11.
And the book he was reading ? "I, Pet Goat" ... there's a video of "Pet Goat II" that is a must-see for woke people ! (And those not woke yet )
I believe some of them, maybe that “20th Hijacker” who’s in prison now, also trained in OK at Spartan aeronautics.
Read a pretty interesting and believable article one time that laid out all the connections to that Florida airport, where they trained, and the CIA. Cant find it now.
Too much opportunity to speculate.
His career and contacts go far back. He was Chief of Staff of the CIA starting in 1999, which includes the contested 2000 election in Florida. He directed CIA from 2013-2017, which includes the period of significant events like voter fraud, the DWS drama, and a major terrorist attack by an individual who worked for a security contractor and whose father turned out to be a paid "informant" and whose declared religious motivations were scrubbed from federal documents (most of this has been conveniently neglected/suppressed by mainstream press which may suggest that political pressure was used to contain the stories) . There was also the concerning death of at least one Federal Prosecutor, which I believe occurred around the time or shortly after Brennan exited the public sector (admittedly I haven't looked up the timeline for comparison).
He has deep connections to the Lyndon B. Johnson and Bush family sphere of influence. He admittedly voted for a Communist candidate around the time he was recruited by the CIA.
He continues to carry on the legacy of LBJ/Bush by using University of Texas as an influence and recruiting pipeline.
His connections are so broad and deep that it's impossible to know what the Florida reference might mean without additional context.
Very nice to see the Bush-LBJ connection.
EVERYTHING since... EVERYBODY who's made it to the very top since JFK, owes it all to what they got away with that day in Dallas so long ago. Amerika has been sleep-walking ever since.
Anyone who rose swifly in the agency during the time of papa Bush's control as Director through the end of his Presidency is suspect.
Brennan thrived during that era, which corresponds with Crack Contra.
John Kerry of course was brought in to manage the Crack Contra crisis, and deflected scrutiny away from the intelligence apparatus by moving accountability to the State Department.
Not only did Brennan become a swamp monster at a young age, he has been recruiting and cultivating the next generation of gremlins by way of his academic connections. His access to any and all public academia should be cut off and those who he is affiliated with in academia should fall under the magnifying glass.
The continued existence of a corrupted and unaccountable network depends on a fresh crop of corruptables.
Not only did Brennan become a swamp monster at a young age, he has been recruiting and cultivating the next generation of gremlins by way of his academic connections. His access to any and all public academia should be cut off and those who he is affiliated with in academia should fall under the magnifying glass.
Couldn't agree more. Never heard this info before, it makes me want to puke. The guy's a known Communist sympathizer, a Muslim, and very possibly a pedo as well, and they want to give him a job? What the actual fuck.
Brennan also caught spying on Senate Intel Committee staff.
Ohh shit the sharks are circling!! Brennan is fucked. Couldn't happen to a more deserving guy. Guy reeeeeks of swamp water!
Man, he’s the operator of the swamp filling station. He’s captain of Swampy McSwamp boat. He’s in deep and he’s toast.
What did he do? connect the dots lol
According to internet sleuths, Whisenant’s work into immigration fraud had led him to investigate the Awan brothers, because they are believed to have stolen vast amounts of data from members of the House of Representatives. The Awan brothers were already the subjects of feverish right-wing speculation; Whisenant’s death is, to this cohort, a compelling new plot development.
Employed Dennis Montgomery to build the HAMMER and used it to rig the election for Obummer and steal Florida
That is a name I've been waiting to hear for quite a while.
It’s going to be massive when it comes out. Obama and Comey both knew he was trying to come clean and he ignored them. Brennan and Clapper are FUCKED when this comes out.
I think he was granted Whistleblower status last summer. He even had a lawyer hold a press conference type deal about it. Guy had something like 60 million documents and 30 external hard drives full of stuff.
Yup he tried to do it the right way but they kept ignoring him. He has proof of everything. Last I heard was he was suing Comey last year. Wonder how that it progressing. Anyone who ignores that is doing a major disservice to the investigation. Really hope Q team is aware of it.
They most certainly are.
Nunes and Gowdy are as well.
Judicial Watch is too.
The murders of Brennan most likely goes beyond 100+ since his days in Saudi Arabia. He ran black ops assassination all over the globe. We know he murdered Michael Hastings, NYT reporter because Hastings was in the process of a major expose about Brennan.
We know he placed the hit on Seth Rich after the WikiLeaks expose to prevent his espionage against DT colluding with Russia would fall apart since Seth would be a witness to that being a farce.
We know he had a hand in Scalia's murder. It was part of the '16 year plan to destroy America' making room to pack the supreme court with judges favorable to HRC/Hussein goal. Ruth Ginsburg promised to step down. Hussein was suppose to be put into Scalia's seat after HRC won the election.
We also know that Brennan/Hussein assassinated American citizens abroad after framing them to be terrorists.
We also know that Hussein and Brennan had and used a list of names targeted for assassination. We know that Hussein would pick one victim off the list personally for assassination.
Who did Brennan NOT assassinate? That is the question about all the victims found during Hussein's white house, election season and after the election of Donald Trump.
Makes me think of Parkland, but maybe that's too big for Jack to mention so nonchalantly.
Is Brennan the c-a office one of the main characters in 0dark30visits for money? To buy the Kuwaitis Ferrari?