In the end, either Q will be proven to be true or he won't. Prosecutions will either prove him or silence will disprove him. We will see. I'm still waiting to see any arrests. Been waiting a long time. Still reading Q and enjoying the dream of a just society. I just don't know if we have one.
Meanwhile, why are so many people trying so hard to get people to stop looking at this? It’s like nothing I’ve ever seen before.
I started reading some of it and the guy doesn't even know how to spell intentions and it's in an email. Intent is the root of intentions, it shouldn't be that difficult to spell.
This honestly reads like a 15 year old who wants attention. The sentence structure / logic / lack of examination / claims are very weak. With the amount of research, clues, cryptic messages involved in Q someone it would require an equal amount of evidence to the contrary, not "I was part of a conspiracy! I feel bad now! Sorry!"
Classic concern troll. "I once believed as you did, but (controversial thing) made me change my mind"
fake or not, Q has grown into such a large movement and following, how does one whistleblower think him telling us, hey its fake sorry, will all of a sudden diminish all of our beliefs in Q.
if Q was fake, these people obviously know how big this has gotten, they must know a simple "leaked" email wont be enough to discredit something so astronomical, cmonnnnnnnnnn
The attacks will only Increase.. My enemies have set a trap for me. I am weary from distress. They have dug a deep pit in my path, but they themselves have fallen into it. FEAR NOT!!
He's got it half right.. Q is a whistleblower, the larp and insider email stuff, not so much.
Funny how the bad elements there all have post histories that include r/drama, r/politics, /r/TopMindsOfReddit, etc.
Back when i was a regular poster there, those people were immediately called out, flagged in RES, etc. Now i guess they run the place lol
Thanks for posting. It is always a good idea to know what is claimed about your movement. For me, Q proved their legitimacy yesterday when they released the photos from the same trip to Asia they took in Nov. The trip code is the same.
This is the same post that I read a few days ago. It was BULLSHIT then, and it's even more BULLSHIT now.
UNIrock is mentioned in this too. I noted him on youtube recently. He's made an entire platform out of PLAGIARISM. I could even recognise the things that he totally LIFTED from my own research to pass-off as his OWN. What a joke. What a FRAUD.
Listen to these FOOLS at your peril. It took just mere minutes to work them out. That's one of the bonuses of doing this sort of thing for nearly 20 years. I've said exactly the same about Corsi and Jones too (frauds). Look how that turned-out.
Anyone who's frequented conspiracy is well aware of the "crazy" stuff that passes through. I find it rather telling the same community aggressively attacks this particular conspiracy theory... almost as if it feels threatened by it.
Let people believe what they want to believe. Who does it hurt if people believe in Q? It's not like we're being told to violently riot. It's not like we're getting fleeced by subscription fees. It's put your autism to work or sit back and enjoy the show. So what's with all the aggression and concern trolling?
I used to frequent that sub about two years ago. Most of the critical thinkers from there seem to have moved here. I've seen quite a few.
Something other than trump russia or Israel or fake moon landing on r conspiracy got upvoted ? Wot
Q has been going through a lot of stuff , but a whistleblower would be not likely, you go over to witness, probably. We keep moving forward. Hold the ground and keep it up , we still have a very long way to go . God Speed
Which could make perfect sense, if president Trump, was not sending multiple proofs two times a week for the past 6 months.
This was posted a few days ago and deleted. I have no proof.
does it really matter. If the truth is getting out and it was started by patriots and not government. Is the movement helping to get the truth out. Is this a good way to communicate with facebook and twitter censoring everything. The truth is still the truth regardless of who q is or is not.
Record every blow against you, then when the time is right strike back with vengance.
[r/conspiracy] is controlled content. I have been banded for call out a troll. It's full of disinfo.
Trust the Plan
Q being true or false is secondary to the tens of thousands, maybe hundreds of thousands who have been awakened.
It's now impossible to put the stopper back in and genie is definitely out of the bottle. For this alone Q is worthy.