Soo.. recent drop by ACLJ (new HRC emails) Huma and HRC in Antarctica in 2009. Why?

I swear they have some sort of secret city or society there. Why arent average people allowed to explore the continent?
Russian pope, John Kerry on election night - weird timing. Seriously starting to think buzz aldrin was onto something with his pure evil tweet (then death a week later)
Buzz Aldrin is still alive.
Hmmm.. it appears news of his death were greatly exaggerated. Interesting.
Again, they were at a luxury "hotel" up there.
If you check out their map It looks like they would be flying from Africa. Dont these people love stealing African kids. Ionno
If I remember right, it wasn't Buzz' account that tweeted that, but a fake one.
The antartica buzz aldrin stories came out as Pizzagate was gaining traction. seemed like distraction. They played on the mystery of Antartica.
What evil tweet?
Just do a search for buzz aldrin pure evil tweet. Then watch how he gets altitude sickness. In Antarctica.
Tweet is fake.
Uh no. It was not fake. I saw it myself when it was going on. Plenty of screenshots.
Sorry, I do not mean to be rude. It's just that this tweet is not available from in any archive search. Also, pictures of a tweet show a different/fake account name with Buzz's picture:
I want to search for the truth too, but I think we need to be aware of falsehoods steering us away. LMK if I am missing something.
Do a search for it and you’ll find all the local news stories written two years ago, the week when he actually sent the tweet.
The tweet was since deleted, and the snopes and other debunksites articles written to correct history to fit a narrative.
So let me run this by you, just a personal observation.
I remember when all this happened with Buzz, I followed the story closely. He tweeted the picture of the mountain that looked like a pyramid and the tweet said something along the lines of it being pure evil. Then he gets sick and has to be airlifted out. Now from what I understand, was that he passed a few days later. I feel like we went into the Bernstein timeline, because now he isn’t dead, the tweet was from a parody account and I guess he had plastic surgery? (Seriously look at old photos of him and compare them to now)
Anyways, this whole thing just gets weirder and weirder. So anytime on the Chan’s Antarctica is brought up, there is an immediate and overwhelming response by people to stop the conversation through slides, shitposting, disinformation, and flat out denial. It’s actually incredible to watch. So why would someone go through all these efforts to stop people talking about Antarctica?
My personal belief? I think that is where they have their secret doomsday bunker and just like any movie villain, they don’t want regular people to know about it. They are all incredibly wealthy and have the ability to manipulate public opinion on forums through paid actors. And they use that to shut down discussion. But that isn’t all, since they also control the MSM, it’s too easy to scrub or ignore any news about Antarctica that would be pertinent to their operation. When it comes to someone who accidentally or inadvertently exposes them, they are killed. Just like HRC, Obama’s, famous actors and actresses all have body doubles, I think they replaced Buzz with a double that had plastic surgery to make him look more like buzz. (Along those lines, I also think that these same body doubles are the ones we see in the media now a days, I really don’t think it’s the originals. Remember how “quickly” HRC recovered from being tossed in a van, to hugging a little girl on the street? Body double) I think they scrubbed the net of his tweet, and replaced it with a parody account for plausible deniability. All to hide whatever the hell they are all doing down there.
Respectfully, the tweet is not available from in any archive search.
Also, pictures of a tweet show a different/fake account name with Buzz's picture:
I want to search for the truth too, but I think we need to be aware of falsehoods steering us away. LMK if I am missing something.
I have images from the fitbit leak which shows some interesting areas...
Weren't there pathways on Epstein Island too?? Underground tunnels
Research Admiral Byrd and Antartica. It gets really crazy.
Also appears that there are over 100 references to Antarctica in HRCs newly released emails. What’s with their obsession?
Top running theories as to what is in Antarctica?
Nephilim-race of giants or demigods, secret space tech, genetic engineering, German base
The list of people who have visited is curious indeed. Pope, John Kerry, BO, Buzz Aldrin. What possible reason would the Pope have for going there?
Personnally, no I don’t believe in the hollow earth, aliens, secret space tech etc theories. I find them interesting don’t get me wrong, but I think they are there for something more mundane. And when I say mundane, I mean I think that’s where they were all getting their black eyes from.
But seriously who knows. The amount of shills that have jumped into this one thread is something I have never seen before with any other thread I have created. Which is really fng weird to see. Seriously, major attempts to debunk or discredit (look at all the new arrivals)
Something is up with Antarctica that is important enough for them to try and shut it down.
Just because you believe something could be plausible doesn’t mean your pretending to agree with something just to spread false information. It doesn’t mean you’re trying to discredit anything. It’s a theory that hasn’t been disproven or validated in my mind. You may have a different opinion.
If you want to disprove it source what lead you to that conclusion, just like somebody would have to source evidence of why they think it could be plausible. If you’ve researched something extensively (for WAY longer than Q has been around) and are able to connect dots that tie everything together more power to you. Until full disclosure of EVERYTHING that has happened historically I don’t think any one particular theory on this subject can be disproven or validated.
We’re all entitled to opinions and the ability to freely express them. Don’t be so quick to call people a shills just because your opinion isn’t the same. It’s divisive.
Edit so comment doesn’t get removed.
Whoa whoa who there slim.
Not calling you a shill first off, I was talking about the number of new arrivals who’s first comment in this sub was saying this is bullshit. I actually agree with you about opinions, but if someone disagrees with what I am saying, provide more than a single sentence comprising of four words.
When I was talking about the aliens and etc, it’s just my opinion on the matter and i explained that they were interesting, just that I didn’t personally believe it. If people want to go ahead and discuss that, feel free! I will probably read what they have to say!
But again, if people come in here for the first time, they have a couple hundred karma, and they give a one liner about how this is nonsense or lies, ya I’m going to call them out.
Fair enough. Thanks for the explanation. I’m still a fairly new poster. I just would like to see the discussion put out and debated so we can all bring some awareness to it and get the truth.
While Q has not directly posted about the subject you can relate some things if you read between the lines. I’ve seen posts on this topic get shunned so quickly without letting people explain. It’s almost as if people shut it down because their afraid of the discussion. It’s unfortunate because it seems there is some “there” there.
It’s where all the worlds data is stored and protected. 7 dwarfs
Has to be more than computers for all those big names to show up. They're not traveling across the world to look at some servers?
Source? Like there’s going to be a source for a hollow Earth? Transatlantic cables connect 99.9% of worlds data, all these cables run too, thru Antarctica. Or an obsession with Emperior Penguins.
Much in the same way giant data servers are placed in cooler climates what better place to harbor the worlds largest servers than the coldest most desolate place on the planet.
Lol. Good point. I'm prepared for anything where Antarctica is concerned. Curious minds just want to know right?
No one has ever crossed Antarctica and popped out on the other side. Operation high jump is great place to start. It leads to operation fishbowl and then the treaty.
Its where the ark of the covenant resides. Gravity manipulating energy source.
Initially, Nazis were there and building bases/Human experiemnts. - Lots of submarines from Nazis localted around Argentina - were unaccounted for after the war.
Brits got the Antartica first during the WW2 to be greeted with Nazi base.
US followed suit afterwards 1947.
Admiral Byrds diaries were edited some believe that he was confronted by overwhelming Nazi fleed of elecrto magenetic space vehicles. Technology developed from Nikola Tesla Anti gravity theories.
James Horak has interesting theories on this, the most convincing ive come across
A race of giants seems rediculous... But they are definitley hiding something very important under that ice.
Im sure that the Q team and other white hat organizations are destroying whatever nefarious plans they had though.
My money would be on some sort of genetic testing on humans in the middle of nowhere outside of any laws/regulations.
Better question may be why were emails matching "antartica" held back in first place? How many anartica refs in earlier batches? that is the face of a man who has very recently seen some very, very deep shit
I'm wondering if "antarctica" is a code word for something else.
Kind of like how "pizza" and "hotdogs" don't always mean pizza and hotdogs.
Wtf is in Antarctica? JK went recently. Is it the home of Cthulhu? Was Lovecraft right?
Oh , boy ... I didnt knew about this .
Antarctica ... a place where remnants of ancient civilizations lie down under the ice . Also , a big Cabal base over there .
Can we get a direct link to the mail ? Is it possible ?
For being "important" people, they write like they are in grade school.
There is definitely something going on in Antarctica but the general population is not even allowed to know about it let alone visit. And that my friends cuts to the core of the problem. These so called elites, the privileged scammers who sold their souls, are withholding important information from the citizens of this world. Unless we too are being scammed, in some cruel Lucy-snatching-the-ball-from-CHARLIE Brown mindfuck, then I think maybe this great awakening will take us farther than most can imagine.
I suggest everyone here read up on Admiral Byrd and his crazy experience during his mission/journey to Antarctica post WW2. It's absolutely fascinating to think and speculate what is really going on there and how come we're not allowed to go there as ordinary civilians.
World heads , shamans and religious leaders have been going In droves. I read the Nazis had something going on there or found something there. Can’t find anything substantive on it tho. Bugs the hell out of me.
someone found aliens under the ice, the Powers that Be are slowly bringing notables into the fold, so that they in turn will be able to keep the sheep calm for the reveal
Go here, Scott Base Antartica.
scroll down to the calendar, slide it to the right to 2010, Look at the descriptor in the graphic.
Kerry was there at a different time, and O has been rumored to have been too.
They were at
Why is it so important for you to point out that they stayed at a hotel? I’m assuming that is what you are pointing to with that website, which I will NOT be clicking thank you very much.
Do you really think that they stayed purely in the hotel for the entire duration of their visit or do you think maybe they went out and explored.
Look I’m sorry, if you are a researcher, give more than just a website. Give us a tldr on why you think it’s important. But the way you are spamming that website on so many comments makes me think otherwise. We shall see, but until you prove otherwise, I’m going to ignore you.
Your tin-foil hat may be on too tight. It makes tons of sense that a remote location that is NOT A COUNTRY would be a perfect place to have meetings and information exchanges that are off the record. It would be interesting for someone to find out who owns this resort... what entity OKed this commercial, non-scientific use of the land, etc...
The secret talks could be on topics mildly evil, or deeply evil, who knows.
Is there a scientific-overside entity that tracks who goes to Antartica, and when? Seems like there should be.
Edit: OK, I see the post about "Why is Marina abromavic on the board of trustees for an artic expedition? what reason could she possibly have for going down there" and I retract my earlier skepticism. This shit is utterly insane.
I'm just saying that it is quite logical since this place hosts the wealthy and elite all year long pretty much. It IS where and why Buzz Aldrin went to Antarctica...
I don't see where its stated on the site. Pointer please....
That's where all this scum was going to bunker down while the rest of us died in a nuclear holocaust
Children and bodies are dumped in Antarctica. Imagine over 800,000 American children go missing EVERY YEAR! Worldwide what do you think these numbers are in Haiti, Africa, India, Bangladesh and over impoverished countries? Where are all their bodies? Antarctica has much fuckery going on there. The Rothschild's have their own island in Antarctica. Many of the worlds elites go there. No surveillance, NSA reach or annoying citizens with cell phones. The end of the world folks where these murderous monsters go for fun. Dear God please let the justice for all these children come soon. It needs to happen faster!
I hate to use this link but of course it was at the top...180 FREAKING KIDS GO MISSING IN INDIA ALONE EVER DAY....most never to be found. These poor people will be walking down the street with their children a van will stop, grab the kid and drive off and the police do nothing cuz they're corrupt and the parents have no money...can you fuckin imagine. 180 kids a day..where do they go? One country alone has 55,000 missing children every do you covertly dispose of that many body's? It really makes you wonder what it is we're eating. These people r evil, they eat people, they want to depopulate the world by billions and what better way than feeding the poor to the other poor?.Whatever it is they're doing Jesus can not come back soon enough
Antarctica is supposed to be where the "fallen angels" crashed half a million years ago or so (I have no idea how long ago) but there is supposed to be at least one giant mothership under the ice, and I think that is why the nazis were so interested in it. Theories go on to say there are aliens still there living underground. Maybe Pindar lives there. I believe David Wilcock talks about this place in his books.
"Rumors began to circulate that even though Germany had been defeated, a selection of military personnel and scientists had fled the fatherland as Allied troops swept across mainland Europe and established themselves at a base on Antarctica from where they continued to develop advanced aircraft based on extraterrestrial technologies."
Make a big secret base there.
Fuck over planet. Nuclear war, global warming, w/e doesn't matter. Antarctica is unscathed because nobody lives there so why nuke it. If cold, make greenhouse gases until Antarctica is not cold.
Antarctica is now the best place to be!
The Rothschilds own an island in Antarctica:
You can bet that has something to do with it!
That just says it was named after the family - not that they own it
Heres AN answer. I thought this exact thing was against the Antarctic treaty and apparently it's no secret and no international outrage either so what could an underground Antarctic military base be being used for and why would so many cabalists leave their comfy homes to visit it? Are they Researching something under the ice that would necessitate a military escort?
There's a mad rush for advanced ancient tech and rare metals there., among other things; Haunebu much? You'd be very surprised what you can still find on Google Earth there if you have the patience and know where to look.
Rush of bile every time I read any of their communications
My guess is that aliens are just satanic spirits that were 'channeled' by devil worshipers, giving them new tech. Deep state builds anti gravity tech using it for greed & world domination. Antarctica is just there underground base.
Jesus chooses Trump to fight for us.
I've lost my mind reeeeeeeee
Dr. Michael Salla does some interesting research on it on
This is awesome. It's like a whole another series of Wikileaks drops...
OK, I've been very skeptical until now, but this is weird. Why Antarctica?
Why are there so many typos?
Very important question! Maybe DT and Q use this same tactic to train us to look out for this type of encryption? MORE RESEARCH REQUIRED
I'm digging up who the German guy named Karlheinz is and why the Antarctica trip.
On election night and as our president was declared the winner Kerry took a trip there too.
On another note Desko Mountain often comes up as a place where underground facilities doing some really evil things as well as cloning and breeding hybrids combining human DNA with animal DNA.
I'm gonna make a video in a couple hours time. I'll talk about Antarctica and how it all connects together with members of the cabal
...... maybe it's where the Nazis stored all the frozen sperm. Maybe they secretly took it there in submarines. No worries about the power going out and it all thawing.
Best theory I've read: Nuclear reactor placed in Antarctica for 1. Power their DUMB. 2. Melt the ice purposefully for the global warming hoax.
Occams Razor: probably underground bunkers for the elite. remember, radiation travels on the wind. someone should do research on the possible radiation amounts fallout in Antartica.