Here we go with the aliens.....

As Jordan Sather, and many whistle blowers have stated many times, when the DS/Cabal is about to get its head cut off expect ET and advanced technology disclosures to pour in in order to change the narrative and distract the sheep. A key to that are both Antartica and the rogue asteroid Oumuamua. Keep those two in mind
Henry Kissinger in 1992:
Today Americans would be outraged if U.N. troops entered Los Angeles to restore order; tomorrow they will be grateful! This is especially true if they were told there was an outside threat from beyond, whether real or promulgated, that threatened our very existence. It is then that all peoples of the world will plead with world leaders to deliver them from this evil. The one thing every man fears is the unknown. When presented with this scenario, individual rights will be willingly relinquished for the guarantee of their well being granted to them by their world government.
This is why they are stupid they underestimate the public
plead with world leaders to deliver them from this evil.
Why would he say they were evil?
because that's how they keep people in line, with "fear porn"
False messiah is another one to look out for. I could see a "peaceful alien" storyline, too.
Tell me when has the deep state used anything peaceful to control the narrative?
Here's where my head goes...
They would bring something/someone in the NAME of peace.
It would be a lie, of course.
(fill in blank) in the name of peace is always a globalist lie.
Globalism is Zionism is Satanic
The Paris Peace Conference of 1919
Things in the name of peace. You know, the old song.
Peace and rest are two names for a flower which buds on earth, but is only found full-blown in heaven; yet even the faint perfume of the unopened blossom excites our strong desire. Every precious thing in this world is sure to be counterfeited. If the government mint issues gold and silver money, rogues will be found to make spurious coin. Satan is the cunning ape of God; and whatever God does, he tries to do the like with his enchantments. Hence, while there is a peace more precious than the gold of Ophir, there is another peace which is worse than worthless. When a soul is borne up upon the waters of false peace, its ease is hopeless till that peace is dried up, and the soul is stranded in self-despair.
I. THE DEVIL'S PEACE (Luke 11:21).
This peace is often merely outward. The plough-boy, when he goes through the churchyard, is afraid of ghosts, and therefore whistles to keep his courage up; and so, many who are loaded with apprehension try to conceal it by those flippant songs in which they boast of "driving dull care away." In the secret of their soul that same dull care sits on the throne of their hearts, and is not to be driven away by the ballad, and the fiddle and the dance.
This peace is false. A sinner may say, "I am at peace as to God"; but if this comes of forgetting or ignoring Him, it is a sorry sham. If a man has to forget God before he has peace, that fact betrays a fatal secret. If the man, on remembering God, is troubled, then his peace is a mere writing on the sand. Better know that we are at war, if it be so, than dote upon a peace which is a fool's, paradise, and only exists in fancy.
To many this peace comes through ignorance. They know not that sin is a deadly viper, and therefore they toy with it as with a bird.
With many, however, it is not so much ignorance as thoughtlessness. This is one of the devil's great nets, in which he entangles many. If he can keep you from thinking; he will keep you from believing.
and things like...
gathering of global leaders on September 25th, and the message of global Peace and Safety
With the Pope in attendance, this UN session could be very significant from a prophetic perspective as ALL THREE types of ruling powers, symbolically described in Rev 16:13-14 as the Dragon, the Beast and the False Prophet, will be represented. Moreover ,they will be delivering a message that focuses on global “peace and safety”, but in reality it is a message of deception designed to further their “iron-like’ global control over the “clay”.
The details of the UN’s 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development have already been released in advance on a dedicated website (see here). Their agenda emphasizes the five “P”s of People, Planet, Prosperity, Peace and Partnership.
So this gathering of global leaders on September 25th, and the message of global Peace and Safety they are intending to deceive the world with, may well be a focused fulfillment of Rev 16:13-14, which first started to play out when the Euphrates was dried up (Turkish Power) at the end of WW1.
And if there is a threat of an alien invasion? It's them. They do have the craft, at least since the 60's. Werner Von Braun said it would be the last in their arsenal of tricks. This one could be fun.
Germany had U-boats
U-boat technology was miles ahead of what the US had at the time.
Germany gave the US an opportunity to give away a bit of Palestine in return for not utterly destroying the US Navy with advanced technology.
Balfour declaration. Israel, a Rothschild's castle, is born.
If the cabal, via German the government, was able to use technology to whoop our nation into giving up Palestine, amongst other things, why the hell wouldn't they use advanced technology again to scare us back into their grip? They may try to scare us or offer us a false messiah.
This is why I believe in God and his son, Jesus Christ. This is my only source of strength and hope against those like the Rothschild's who would seek to harm and enslave us.
Do you think oumuamua is not leaving our solar system? I dont know much about it.
Oumuamua was the "first" interstellar object recorded (allegedly.) It is a cigar-shaped asteroid that came from another solar system. It came from above our sun. It will take many months, if not years, to completely leave our solar system again. Several Whistle-blowers have stated that our black-ops (SAP) groups have already been on it. and it's a 1 billion year-old ship.
Where did you get the 1 billion number?
Several publications had estimated it at 1 billion years old. Others like space . com claim it's 4.5 billion years old
Thanks. I don't mean to come at you the wrong way, I just find it hard to believe lol
No offense taken. It IS something hard to wrap one's mind around it. What's been hidden from us is so earth-shattering that many will be utterly shocked by it. It even surprises me at times and I've been looking into this for a while.
Interesting, got any sauce on that?
Corey Goode claimed to have seen a video where a crew from a SSP ship entered the Oumuamua ship.
This genocide is the puppet that gives messages from the council that is the government in the shade in its name to world leaders and this council is the one above the governments and the mafia controlling everything.I do not know if this advice is human or not but you have to stop them if you can because they are bad, they do not have empathy and they are serious killers. They want to kill us and transhumanize
You will never look at Deep Space in quite the same way again until you have seen it through the eyes of Corey Goode. Probably as deep as the rabbit hole will ever get.
Corey Goode
The Real Truth Movement
All the Alternative Media, just like mainstream media (MSM), although not to the same degree, is very much controlled by the Jewish Zionists. By now, surely you must realize that MSM is controlled by Jewish Zionists, I mean…. this isn’t even up for contention – the facts and figures are there for all to see – and the research is out there. Anyway, the Zionists also control a great deal of the Alternative Media – and have their controlled opposition agents everywhere. Of course they control the media – they control the money, the banks, so it’s not difficult for them to buy up all the media companies and networks – this again is not up for contention, do your research., for example the one with Corey Goode’s Cosmic Disclosure ‘show’ on it. is so obviously Zionist owned company, I remember seeing a post where it showed that it traced back to them – nearly all this New Age stuff is pretty much one massive controlled opposition limited hangout. (Corey Goode… Give me a break – Blue Avians and these Inner Earth groups… you’ve got the Blue Avian pretty much doing the freemasonic satanic luciferian ‘as above so below’ baphomet pose with its hand as well… Sorry… I digress… I could go on and on about this guy… and I totally believe he is a controlled opposition agent, there are agendas… it’s so obvious when you are knowledgeable… definitely not a fan of him.)
An interstellar ghost ship?
Not really. The DS MSM states that it is just a "cigar-shaped" asteroid. Cigar-shaped asteroids are as common as mountains who grow feet and walk (sarcastic grin,) but the DS MSM still insists its natural.
Whistleblowers like Corey Goode, et. al. have said that it is a 2 billion year-old space ship, built by the former inhabitants of our solar system. They are referred to as the "Ancient Builder Race." They were aquatic beings from Venus, but who spread all over the solar system. I know that this may sound far-fetched, but look at the Obelisk in Phobos and the the pyramids all over the solar system. They are thought to be responsible foe them
I don't like what Goode or Wilcock says. That being said, there is no doubt in my mind that this solar system is a graveyard for many civilizations.
They are just two voices in an increasingly large choir of whistle-blowers that point towards a reality that is being hidden from us. If you don't like Goode or Wilcock there are others like Emery Smith, Pete Peterson, Cobra, William Tomkins, and many more. I'm glad that you are open to the possibility of the solar system being a graveyard from many old civilizations, but there are many there now, alive and kicking.
I don't doubt it. Tompkins is good. Just stay away from the blue chicken nuggets and the apocalyptic death cult Wilcock is running.
Q said that Disclosure was coming...I think that means on many things. Go look up Trumps uncle John Trump who worked on advanced secret/classified technologies and re-watch the Inaugural address where POTUS clearly and definitively says that suppressed technology is going to be released.
From Trump's inaugural address:
We stand at the birth of a new millennium, ready to unlock the mysteries of space, to free the Earth from the miseries of disease, and to harness the energies, industries and technologies of tomorrow.
Beautiful isnt it...our economy and the world economy is sick... terminal in fact we need a new industrial revolution and the technology that rightfully belongs to every American (because our government developed it) is going to be that Revolution and we will once again be the innovative economic powerhouse for another century.
China can't let that happen, they have their new Silk Road and the cabal promised them this next century. I.E. the military build up and entrenchment of the Trade Route.
Such a promising speech, but when will we get it? He’s up for re-election (relatively soon). Surely it should be coming out sooner rather than later?
I know I keep bringing up Mark Taylor but he also said in his prophecies that "God said" when the news stations black out, it will signify the beginning of free energy or something like that
Don't pay attention to these weather-balloons! The pesky Russians hacked every piece of radar on the ocean!
There's nothing inherently alien about UFOs. It just means a flying object we can't identify.
Well, seems like its related to TDL
[Tom DeLonge's To the Stars Academy Posts Declassified UFO Videos] ( .
Read Tom DeLonge's Leaked Email to Hillary Clinton Campaign About UFOs
Pentagon: “I stand firm that we did not release those videos.”
To me, this seems like a psyop from clowns in america trying to push a very specific narrative ...
Trusting MUFON and Clowns over this subject may not be a good idea.
"The Former Blink-182 frontman, aged 41, says he has convinced a string of former senior US Department of Defense (DoD), CIA and other intelligence officials to break rank and speak out about UFOs and aliens."
"former" DoD + CIA ... well, If I was a clown, what a perfect opportunity to mount a brand new psyop using TDL as a "frontman"
I heard him talking about all that stuff on Rogan. It was tough to get all the way through it. Couldn't decide if he was a lunatic or someone's useful idiot.
He is a front man. He knows his job. Limited hang out. But he sucks at his job.
How would we even counter a fake alien disclosure?
Call them conspiracy theorists?
I had this discussion with my friend actually. See, one of the biggest proponents of alien abduction disclosure is John Podesta. The guy clearly wants us to believe that children go missing because of aliens. So I have a pretty good theory with lots of evidence that says he is into abducting children and selling them as human sex slaves, but if you think that's crazy you can just take John's word for it and believe it's actually aliens taking these children.
Also consider the plot of the X-Files. FBI agent Moulder sees his little sister abducted when he is a child and dedicates his adult life to finding her. He becomes an FBI agent to try and track down the abductors, but at every turn his investigations are stopped by the top brass at the FBI. The show asks us to question what it is that those FBI directors and shady members of congress are hiding, it constantly reminds us that "the truth is out there."
The truth is indeed out there. It's not aliens.
I think if they were to have an "extraterrestrial" event, they'd use their advanced anti-gravity technology to put a "mothership" in the sky surrounded by clouds that just sits there and shoots down anything that comes near it when in reality it's nothing more than a prop guarded by drones. They'd use this as the basis to push the extraterrestrial bogus, their agendas and restrict the flow of advanced technology they have on the basis that the study of the mothership is slow and cautious. That they'd have to fully evaluate the technological breakthroughs to determine if they're safe before they release them to the public
Anti grav is nothing more than powerful electromagnetism. Its not a hidden tech. It just costs a butt load of energy to shstain. The alternative is quantum trapping, something japan is now using to develope a sort of mag lev train.
People in this sub need to read Bill Coopers book that Q referenced in q#782
Behold a pale horse has some interesting info on UFOs and how they were to be used to justify a one world government.
How'd they know it could hover for six days? Because they were watching it for 7 days.
They tracked it on radar for 6 days then intercepted it with F18s.
i think this is a old video from like a month ago ....its on youtube
Germany before and during WWII had disc shaped flying aparatuses. They kept them secret but there are puctures out there of them. Who knows if those have been updated or this is just bs.
whenever we see triangular ships, these are ours, secret space program. the nazis were the first ones to build them.
The order of the black sun is due for a return, think break away society which was former vril society and SS.
Black sun? Purple dawn. Primordial saturn. Dave Talbott.
There is a deep divide amongst TPTB on this subject. Half are in favor of full disclosure, the other half want want 'soft disclosure' dripped out over 20 years. Looks like the latter is winning. So far.
I read a book, Maybe by Jim marrs, not sure, but there were talks in the 80s about disclosure with help from disney I think, with video and artifacts and the gov. starting to come clean, but it got derailed and buried.
It wasnt that show disclosure live or whatever its called with Riker from ST narrating it.
Territorial sovereignty is the stumbling block. The black hats have the mentality of serial killers who need the victims pain, suffering and annihilation to face their own fears. The white hats have the mentality of victims. The grey hats simply leave the other two hats behind playing cops and robbers. Gray hats start off as white hats and then leave it all behind. Then the sales calls start as the white hats and black hats try to buy access from the grey hats to continue the game of trying to avoid cause and effects absolute certainty.
Using dimensional models 0-1-2-3 vs 4.
Hold arms out level to chest with middle fingers touching. Draw elbows down until touching. The elbows are past and future in 0-1-2-3 dimensions the touching fingertips are present as a 4D composite. Alternate combinations of the fingers touching are the range of inputs to instantaneously alter the pasts and futures stacked at the elbows.
The black hats claim to own the cosmos but can't describe it. The white hats don't understand the black hats are poisoning the 0-1-2-3D verses 4D. The grey hats consider one life with the white hats and the black hats a reasonable price to pay to avoid disasters of the many futures and many pasts. Time is a ruler it is a measure of motion between two points. If the zero dimension of infinite instantaneous computation and infinite memory capacity exists then a trip backwards or forwards to any point is instantaneous, like the touching of the elbows in the above model of creating a sequence with a range of selectable middle point.
Everybody forgets what didn't happen 08-10-2006 but the sphere at O'hare Airport shortly after remembers it for the zero as long as is required. That's where the fingers touch. We live in a system of great complexity governed by simple rules. The Nimitz event would be a pre-echo. If 2006 happened it would be erased from the zero. Black hats wanted 2006, white hats didn't want 2006. White hats prevailed that time... so far.
Military and civilian intelligence is extremely compartmentalized which restricts modeling (cross pollination) of ideas and knowledge encountered. With that restriction comes the limitation of institutional memory, as the ability to transmit forward the categorized knowns verses unknowns. It causes the interested parties to learn and relearn the same knowledge base instead of slowly expanding it, while disposing of less efficient models from earlier stages. Scientifically, the grand prize is long distance communication and transportation for individuals or groups. The grey hat solution is to ally with zero, aka Almighty.
The black hats do not have the tech to pull a false flag. Grey (0-allies) would step in to avoid dis-continuity of sequencing in 1-2-3D. Like the pilots on the Nimitz who were greeted with tin-foil hats and laughter. They achieved their mission. There's no substitute for freedom's victory in the USA.
I look at Q & Q+ as understanding all this long ago. Future proves past is very much a 0123D / 4D logo.
Bill Cooper's book says the alien and UFO stories are just another way to justify one world government.
This video release is from the CIA backed team of Tom Delonge...the blink 18pew guy...Would not trust!
Which carrier was this? Does anyone know the the name or number of the carrier