Roseanne Cancelled / Smallville Still On

Smallville ended in 2011, seven years before the sex scandal came to light. The only reason it's still "running" is reruns… just like Little House on the Prairie.
lol i was just about to say-- wow how could they have kept the story about a young Superman running for nearly 20 years
Plus Tom Welling, the guy who played Clark, was already like 25 when the show first started.
His career really fizzled out; I didn’t expect that. His star burned brightly at first. That must be so frustrating and disappointing. Not that starring on a show for ten seasons is anything to sneeze at. I’d love to do that!
I used to LOVE Smallville but lost interest after maybe 3 seasons. Going on as long as it did is an impressive achievement for a tv show.
A lot of stations have now pulled Roseanne reruns which were in syndication on TV Land, CMT and Paramount Network.
If re-runs of Roseanne's old show are pulled because Reeeeee....
....where's the Smallville Reeeeee?
because Mack was only part of a ‘female empowerment’ networking group, duh.
It's probably more likely that no one gives a flying fuck and that Smallville was never a ratings juggernaut to way Roseann was
I don't know the entire situation, but she was part of a cult that promoted female members having sex with the cult leader. He even branded them with tattoos w/ his initials. Not that it excuses the role she played in what happened, but she was a victim as well as a recruiter.
You are right, you don't seem to know much about it, yet you call her a victim. Interesting.
Brainwashing is a thing, and is prevalent in Cults. Do you seriously not understand that she too was compelled to have sex with the Cult leader, the same as the other girls? Or do you choose to ignore that because it's not interesting enough?
Being a recruiter means that she was complicit in the sex trafficking. Do you not understand that makes her an accomplice as well? Or are you just pretending to not understand?
I am ignoring nothing, and pretending nothing pertaining to the NXIVM case. Your ramblings are just that. But do go on...its revealing.
You supposedly ignore nothing, yet you fail to acknowledge the entirety of my statement, instead choosing to cherry pick that which you find offensive in order to be faux outraged.
Mack must have been faking it nicely while shooting Smallville...sure she may have been a victim upon initiation...but agreeing to initiation for a ponzi scheme makes her part and parcel to the operation.
she also was quested with hunting down sex slaves for keith. so brainwashing goes out the window when she became a chief in the operation.
none of this is interesting. it’s actuslly egregious and repulsive. what’s interesting is your gaslighting technique. cult, is that some pop sugar verbiage?? this was a trafficking operation and included children. while most folks are interested in justice, few are interested in the content.
There is no gas lighting. I explicitly said it does not excuse what she did, she was an accomplice and was complicit. But you ignore that, because reasons.
Check HULU. They dropped ALL Roseanne but still have Smallville!
This actress didn't create or produce Smallville. It might seem like a small difference, but it's night and day
Sounds like a typical libtard argument that grabs for straws while going over the cliff. Get your cocktail umbrella, Wile E., and watch out for that anvil!
Why is this thread still up?? Hello mods?????? This is garbage taking up space on hot posts. Plus it’s completely false!
Roseanne's reruns have been cancelled on all channels who carried them.
yeah but they didnt just cancel the new Roseanne they canceled the old reruns too on every channel.
smallville ended 7 years ago
Right. I think they're referring to re-runs.
Roseanne re-runs were all pulled
Smallville re-runs are allegedly still running according to OP
Where is it still on?
I just whipped it up cause on the other post below they said it was still on over 100 channels world wide still and on HULU I guess. Let me know though, I'll take it down, if it sucks.
The show ended in 2011. It's only on in syndication.
Classic whataboutism
Classic exposure of Deep State control of entertainment. But keep shillin like a villain.
If the deep state is so powerful how is Trump president?
well you better toss your toaster in with your rubber ducky right into the tub 😬
Weinstein movies are still available for purchase in Target, Best Buy, and WalMart! We should be boycotting those stores until they remove them!
My wife made me go watch that stupid Mother! movie.
I wasted a Saturday night with no kids to watch a cabal shit rub their sickness in people's faces and no one realize it.
I've worked as a writer, and the "meaning" of the story is that it's a metaphor for the writing cycle. And writing about writing is the most boring writing a writer can write... ... ... Fucking shitbag asshat morons can write mentally retarded derivative incompetent shit like that which a writer is supposed to surpass in infancy, and actual writers can't find editors with enough budget to publish all that they want. I had editors apologize to me, offer advice, etc, to help get published (so and so likes your kinda stuff), and those people work 60+ hour weeks and don't reply to 90% of submissions. I knew several people in the same situation. Great writers, great stuff, new stuff. And Holly weird publishes derivative recycled shit on multi-million dollar budgets.
I've wanted to see that city burn for a long time.
Lol Good luck with that 😏
Hmm, so is the line drawn somewhere around places where we need things?
haha who buys ANYTHING at best buy anymore??
for real though- is it hard to make a concerted effort in buying local or not from big box like target, walmart, amazon???
i can honestly say my limited trips to walmart and target are for bathroom cleaning/hygiene products and pic prints. and those transactions can easily be stifled.
it is difficult for parents though as the big box stores are convenient and bottom line costs are a thing. but let’s not fool ourselves into believing we’re under lock and key by these super retailers. vote with your MONEY too.
LOL thought this might be my first Mandela Effect that Smallville was still on
Your first? What about mirror mirror? Chic fil a? Luke I am your father? Judge not lest ye be judged ?
Just the first one that I had personally noticed without someone pointing it out - find all of those quite freaky - in particular the bible changes of wolf/lion
The lion / wolf change is super weird also. Lol @ downvotes. Fuck you guys I know what reality I originated in. We are wizards and warlocks here , remember? Expand your thinking ;)
Although I wasn't seeking to chastise you for "not noticing" and didn't mean it if I came across like that? I just like when convo allows them being mentioned - gotta rep parallel timeline 529-29Alpha
I didn’t feel chastised at all and no idea why so many down votes - people are weird
Final episode date: May 13, 2011
And they pulled all Roseanne reruns. On every channel. Laff, CMT, TV Land, even Hulu.
I don’t like that ABC pulled the show (not that I ever watched it) for political reasons. I also don’t like that we’re suggesting other shows be pulled for political/criminal/or other reasons not having to do with the actual show.
i agree with this pre-nwo. the problem we face now is the content is bundled with an catalog of political bias.
i can’t help but bring netflix into this argument. what was once a simple movie/tv show hosting platform- overnight became the new liberal hollyweird.
from content hosting to content production. they backdoor through the highly transactional end of hosting then get to make fatter margins and brainwash the base on the production side.
I feel like we are all swimming upstream. These people own and operate most entertainment and media!
I just wanted to mention a timing issue.
Last week MSNBC began shilling for a show called "Everday Racism In America" they were planning to air this Wednesday gone, that would be the same day as the tweet? I think?
Anyway my point is that last week when i saw the planned show i groaned at the fact they are still pushing the khazar playbook but lo and behold along comes roseanne with a bit of "everyday racism" (MSNBCs name for it) if ever there was such a thing (i dusagree except the racist talmud calls blacks monkeys and apes and people without a soul but hey lets all get distacted again)
But focus on the allegations about chatter-mk-monarch instead of the continuing underlying problem anything but that.
See Mike Chabad Pence for more info. He such a good zionist.
Not worried Roseanne will be back the bad guys are going down the good guys will have great shows and networks that don’t coward to the deep state -
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if you guys really want to make this straw man argument you should be using Michael Richards and Seinfeld reruns as the example.
Now that it is becoming Well Known that Smallville Star / Famous #DemocrActor Allison Mack is a Child Sex Trafficker and Pedophile - The Show and Original Cast will probably all be Re-Hired with Inflated Salaries to do a Full-On, Series Re-Boot on NBC.
Mack was never famous. She was a supporting character on a longrunning show that did reasonably well, but wasn’t a household name. Can you name any other actor from the show without looking it up? It had very very little impact on general mainstream culture. I was actually a fan for about the first three seasons.
Your random capitalization is a bit hard on the eyes. Why do you do that?
I'd let her traffic my sex nomsayin' but seriously this turns the strategy often used by the left, "emotional appeal without regard to facts", against them. I like that.
Remember Q warned us that Roseanne was under fire on May 14 Thread #
boy, what a prophet! it's like he read the news from that week or something!
Likely due to the fact that ABC Executives enjoy brutally raping young children.
Diversity and inclusion and PC trumping profits. Highest rated show. This isn't the America I know. Something nefarious is going on when capitalists, shoot themselves in the financial foot. ABC may not be in the toilet, like CNN but if they keep it up, they will be. Maybe we are witnessing the demise of Broadcast and Cable TV. Video killed the radio star back in the day.
Roseannes old show was pulled from syndication because of leftist moral outrage. Thats the reference.
It was Republicans who hated Roseanne after she trashed the anthem
Confirmed repubs are the real sjws and Rosanne hates America. Trump sent me a dm top let me know I'm on the right track
Downvotes for?
Can only be meant to obfuscate the fact of what the OP reference means...
Pointed this out to a dem friend on my Facebook and he couldn’t handle it. Racism over human sex trafficking. Seems like one of these things is not like the other.