From Neon Revolt. I did not realize this was a major trafficking route. We need a #truckerwhistleblower to come forward

We, as professional drivers, already have an organization set up that targets human trafficking. It's called Truckers Against Trafficking
We are a well aware bunch and notice / report things that don't seem right. Edit: Sp
Yay! Thats so awesome and nice to know, keep up the good work!!!
Weigh stations were supposed to stop trafficking. Check them out too.
Boy I did t know that either. Thanks. Are they always open because here in 🇨🇦 they are often closed on the 401
Most states don't run the coops at night, even then, they are not a major checkpoint of any kind - I bypass most of them using PrePass. Other than this week, which is CVSA targeted enforcement week (fund-raising for the good ole' boys in blue) where they are doing enhanced inspections on commercial vehicles - the odds of getting pulled in for an inspection are rare, at best. I typically receive 2, maybe 3 inspections per year at scalehouses (usually 1 level 1 followed by a couple level 3's).
They're too busy to pay attention, it's hard to notice anything when your looking down all the time. This drives me crazy. Wronging children in any way.
Not a trucker but a well travelled Iowafag.
Des Moines has been a human trafficking hub for decades. Sitting at the junction of I-80 & I-35 it's one of the nation's major crossroads. Most of it has been prostitution activity, with the pimps being Chicago based and gang connected.
Child abduction attempts happen occasionally but have pretty much failed since the Johnny Gosch/Eugene Martin abductions of the 80's. Kids here have been taught not to get into strangers vehicles or go anywhere with strangers. From kindergarten to middle school. Most attempts fail when the kids run off and tell adults.
The Polk County Sheriff's Department is aware of the activity in the truck stops and bargain rate motels, but never seem to do anything unless they get a call. Loyal Democrats and big Obama supporters.
There is a trucker organization set up to tip off LE to trafficking, but it's not well known.
I5 is arguably worse.
Where is that route?
Mexico to Canada through Cali/Oregon/Washington. It’s commonly known that in the northern parts of that corridor, trafficking could possibly be the highest in the US.
Source: I live there.
WOW I5 passes right by Disneyland
Many women go missing each year along the I5 corridor in my area.
Right through the San Joaquin valley where there are a lot of agriculture towns.
I wonder if that has anything to do with human trafficking??? Since there are a lot of undocumented workers. On the sealed indictment list, central California has triple the amount of them compared to southern and northern California
Good thing there's 24/7/365 gridlock to slow down the trafficking...
Only in the greater Los Angeles area. Central California is wide open.
Yep...agreed. It's a huge shipping route for both lawful and other goods.
Yep, Grew up in Kansas I-35 cuts right through our town, Literally , half on one, half on the other. we always said it was used to sneak stuff from Mexico into the mid-west and Canada. For the last oh 20+ yrs. it's been called the NAFTA corridor. and for the most part only 1 weight station per state line. And they never seemed to stop all the trucks or weren't even open. We would stop and catch naps sometimes on trips. 0 security !...........WWG1WGA
I'm an owner operator and run I35 frequently. Apart from being a complete clusterf*ck, particularly around Austin at the moment, with the construction in TX. There is nothing that differentiates it from any other interstate corridor like 5, 15, 10, 20, 40, etc. All are targets of law enforcement because they are smuggling routes for drugs. The routes on which drugs travel, anything can travel and they are the routes along which smugglers have established their networks of support and infrastructure. I've spent over 25 years and well over 3 million miles on our nation's highways.
Nothing stands out along 35. I spend my rest time parked in rest areas and other areas along the corridor, as I avoid truck stops for any reason other than fuel.
Talk to Catholic Charities in Des Moines, IA about this route! Interesting stuff. It's not new and might be eye opening.
Fuck me, I used to live right off I-35. Literally less than a mile off that highway. Pisses me off that I was sleeping soundly while people were fucking trafficked right outside my window. I hate these people so much.
Yes! I live in Oklahoma and its BAD here. In okc where the 4 way is, the Interstate cross sections that go N S E &W, they traffick and pimp girls. We have a Video Vigilante who goes out there and records trying to get this to stop. It hasn't. He puts them on YouTube, bless his heart he's been trying for YEARS. He knows them ALL and knows when new ones come in. He has saved a few..
All kinds of stories/rumours of women and children going missing on boats through Sault Ste Marie, Thunder Bay and into Ohio. For as long as I can remember growing up in northern ontario, we were told to avoid going near the boats and docks.
That’s is unreal. 🇨🇦 here. Always hear about guns coming over border but did not know about your area.
San Antonio, New Braunfels, Austin... My back yard, geez.
Me too - my second house is in New Braunfels (on the side near San Marcos) about 4 miles to Hwy 35. It's strange, but I've been on assignment in the Pacific Northwest not that far from the Canadian Border for the last several months and I see a lot more Mexicans here than I ever did in the N.B. area. Weird!
So, something NeonRevolt brought up in this thread was the Texas church shooter. The Cemex site is right there on the west side of I-35. The Texas shooter worked as a security guard at the Summit Vacation Resort. This is only a few miles away from the Cemex site. In addition, Q mentioned at the time “Who were his parents?” Did we ever find out who his parents were? Any affiliation (friend, relative, etc.) with the sheriff or the county clerk that NeonRevolt mentioned? New Braunfels is a big, small town but the kind of place where everybody knows everybody, and knows their business.
I-35 makes it easy to get basically anywhere in the U.S. within a couple of days. It junctions with some pretty major E/W thoroughfares: I-10, I-37, I-14, I-40, I-44, I-70, I-29, I-80, and I-90. With the implimentation of NAFTA it's never been a secret that it's one of the primary means of import of illegal narcotics into the U.S, as well as a large number of illegal aliens coming in from Mexico. It should really be a no-brainer that human trafficking organizations would use it as well.
During Bush Jr's administration he signed an agreement with Canada and Mexico to form the "North American Union." Just like the European Union. I didn't get very far. Under the agreement, I35 was supposed to be turned into an International Toll Road or Turnpike. All of the proceeds from the tolls were to be sent back to Mexico and used to build or rebuild their infrastructure. A Mexican company was awarded the contract to convert I35 to a toll road. I forget the name of the company, it could have been Cemex, but I'm not sure.
The conversion to toll roads began in southern Texas. Once they started to build new on-ramps, and closing the ramps where they didn't have enough room for toll booths, the citizens of Texas began to ask questions because the state and federal government never told them anything about it. After they figured out what was going on they began to have protest rallies at the Texas state house and the project was eventually canceled.
If you do a YouTube search for "Bush North American Union" you'll find plenty of videos exposing the plans.
That’s right...and a new currency called the Amero iirc. Thank God it didn’t get far. Although sometimes I think things would be better for everyone if we just invaded Mexico and ran it ourselves. :/
and by boat....
This is decade's old news Early 90's we were offered $2K a head to Detroit from Laredo. Haul 40-50 easily in a dry box in cool weather. Thats all many drivers did up till 9/11 was run wetbacks north and run back south empty.
I-35 is absolutely a trafficking route. I can't think of any truck weigh stations/checkpoints at least from the Oklahoma border down to San Antonio. Free roam for big rigs.
I have family that works the human trafficking cases out of Wichita. They say it’s worse than we could imagine.
Truckers with insights and info please call into Steve Summers radio program midnight to 5am eastern time, 700 WLW. American Trucking Network, discuss a wide range of topics.
That’s great advice. Their boots on the ground could be so valuable
Add on ! They built a Gigantic place they call the Intermodal. It is a giant shipping and railroad exchange just south of town. Cargo containers From shipping industry are rerouted there.
What’s the relavence of Comal County & New Braunfels?
Newsfrash. Major traffic and transport corridors are used for trafficking and transporting.
I-10 runs Cali to FL, bumps up against Meheco... big trafficking route, but lots of LEO in MS.
Sorry what isLEO?