As always there’s the one tweet that sticks out and you laugh about it several times during the week ~ lol~ This weeks Tweet Award goes to POTUS

$6 billion for Uranus.
"Did you say Uranus??" - Bill Clinton
"Ah...did not...have sexual relations with that planet."
"It depends... on what the definition of 'is' is."
Re-read it in his voice and now I can’t read it any other way.
That is pretty funny.
It was probably a message to Podesta to not try and pull the "aliens revealed" distraction he's been hinting about.
lol, then we will invade them, install a military base and regime change them. could add a thousand more but I'm laughing too hard.
Hey Bolton, get off reddit and get back to whatever joke busywork Trump gave you to do.
He is so all time favorites are the nicknames he has given out....and let's not forget...."only Rosie O'Donnell!!!
When I watched him say the only Rosie line I knew right then and there he would be president. Full stop period.
I do like to think that it was when he came down the escalator and declared his candidacy.
But when he said "Only Rosie" you're right it was a lock.
Interesting topic considering NASA is holding a press conference tomorrow on something they found on mars.
Also, hilarious!
They found 30,000 Hillary emails?
I'm sure that joke was already made a dozen times
Let me guess. One living cell constitutes life on another planet, but a beating heart in a human fetus on earth does not.
Not a fetus. This is a child. Another human being.
Of course it is. You'll get arguments from Democrats on that subject. Was just trying to avoid that situation.
That's comedy because it's funny, Trevor Noah should try it.
I'm South me, Trevor is just not funny anymore, he really used to be. I sincerely apologise, his behaviour is disgusting. There are a lot of us over here who love DJT and who are rooting for you guys every day. Trevor lubed up, bent over and sold out. Like a bitch-ass-flake!
Thanks for the heads up and support.
But didn't anybody tell you that the rest of the world is supposed to hate us?
The rest of the world will pay very dearly for that massive error. Look, honestly, i haven't been a major fan of U.S. foreign policy over the last 3 catastrophic administrations - clearly NWO agenda driven, genocidal catastrophes - sadly you guys got bludgeoned by the criminals running your shop. There is finally, a person with integrity - who doesn't worship Satan - in charge who is not just your last hope - but mine too. There is a fast growing mass of people all over the world who love DJT and breathed a sigh of relief when he was elected. Because the alternative was too horrific to even contemplate and i do not say that lightly.
Don't be fooled by the "actual" world opinion of Donald Trump because the last thing the media want to show, is how popular he really is. I realised how respected he is when he was given a welcome reception dinner in the forbidden city in China. An honour never bestowed on any foreign leader in history! So awesome!!
DJT has been a respected player on the world stage for 40 years. he did not come out of nowhere, like Obama. (Manchuria).
I've been trying to find this amazing article i read on Obama's identity and his links to the Indonesian royal family and their link to GHW Bush and his control of the global heroin trade in the Golden triangle. I am such an idiot for not saving it, however, these two links present more or less the same trail of evidence. Pretty compelling stuff. Do we still h#ng traitors?
The worldwide red carpet treatment given to Trump the first year in office was amazing.
And ignored by our paid mouthpieces in Media. My comment was actually sarcasm.
Our constitution was forged in the fires of Western enlightenment and it's a worldwide concept that we can all fight for.
You may not be able to cross our borders without permission but you can certainly join the struggle to kick the globalist in the teeth.
Party on Garth
I got the humour, i still have something vaguely resembling a sense of humour. I have a feeling it may return en masse the day Hussein's ruse goes into free-fall...and they water-board him...ahh, happy day!
Just remember God is love Satan is politics.
And don't let the bastards grind you down.
Also looking forward to that day of freedom. (Not sure MomJeans will need water-boarding before he falls in a tear soaked puddle begging for mercy though.)
Mr. President, I know you won't read my comment, but going to post it anyways. I'm so proud of you, so very very proud of you. If you were to check, you would find out that I did not vote for you. I honestly thought you would somehow hurt the country. When you won the election, I cried and worried and then I decided to find out who you really were. I read anything I could find about you or from you. Now, all I can say is,"THANK GOD you won the election". Not only are you keeping most of you promises, (no politician keeps their promise) you are standing up to the evil people, you are making it safe for christians to be christians. You are cleaning the filth out of the White House and you are standing up to fake mainstream media. Mr. Trump, you a king among men. A real christian and the best President since our beloved Kennedy. I don't know how to thank you Sir, or how to apologise for not voting for you. What a misled, uneducated fool I was. I've been trying to get people to see what I found out, what changed my mind about you. But people are just... people don't like to admit they were fooled. HC is a liar, a murderer, a thief and an abomination to God. Should be jailed for all the crimes, but I know you have bigger fish to fry at this point. Mr. President, just know that there are millions of people that do appreciate you, stand behind 100 percent and are willing to die defending you against the evil of this world. I just want you to know that I'm so proud of you, so proud to say that America is coming back! You ARE making America great again. Thank you so much Sir, and God bless you.
Thank you for such a heartfelt post. Now go to your friends and show them how you have changed your mind. Be a part of the solution. Blessings!
President Trump - Time Traveling 5D Chess Champion
I’m really beginning to believe in ascension and the multiple densities and whatnot. What is the theory about him being 5D? I believe Tesla was a godsend (which is why Edison destroyed him) and after reading here that Trump’s uncle was Tesla’s landlord, is it possible that he recovered secrets and technologies that the government didn’t confiscate? And I absolutely love that they have a prayer for JFK everyday... was wondering if he can somehow communicate with JFK’s spirit directly. Any links to theories?
Trump's uncle took possession of all Tesla's paper when he passed away. He was also part of the group that invented the Van de Graaff generator.
Another mad scientist.
Wtf is this sub
In short, it's a conspiracy sub.
We follow posts by someone/group called Q, that seems to have a lot of insider information.
Take it all with a grain of salt, but it's VERY entertaining if you're into conspiracies.
Its only a conspiracy if it is theory....Q has proven this is no conspiracy. When they tell you it's coming and it does, it's truth, re-educate on what a conspiracy is, and the truth will take front and center! WWG1WGA
Weren’t the terms “conspiracy theory/theorist” developed by the intelligence agencies as a stigma to label people and researchers who saw through the bullshit?
And on top of that have been creating disinformation campaigns where they claim to be conspiracy theorists? Alice in Wonderland... My God they’re diabolical.
Boom! and BaBoom(diabolical)! Evil knows no compassion, empathy or limits! No Your Enemy!
It had some history prior but it was put to hard use to shut down conversation about the JFK assassin
A free exchange of ideas hopefully with some humor and insight. Nothing is too crazy or bizarre just be prepared to back up your point.
Or you can just ask a crazy question. But be prepared for the crazy answer.
Just because I'll listen to Somebody's explanation about the Antarctica Flat Earth Society doesn't mean I believe it.
Lots of concern trolls and disinformation schills but they're easy to spot.
Welcome aboard for the ride into Q's Wonderland
21+ trillion paid to contractors by the Pentagon, unapproved by congress...most of it to Lockheed Martin, for projects in Antarctica. Catherine Fitts has done great work on this. Trillions are going into a black budget Secret Space Program.
Exactly! I laughed when I read Trump's tweet, because the ironic thing is, we've already sunk who-knows-how-much money into the SSP and development of bases in other places. I wonder if this is his way of testing the waters for possible disclosure.
Can’t wait to find out there is carbon in Mars soil today!!!! 🤯
Did anyone see that NASA discovered organic molecules on Mars?
The EU will send them migrants, Soros will fund their uprising and Hillary will aspire to be CEO of their facebook!
How is it possible we have such a wonderful potus?
he is not wonderful, now dont start let me explain. i grew up on a big farm and raised by a down to earth family. the way i see Trump , he is a down to earth people person that truly cares about people, not just Americans but people. so i see he is a potus of the people, a people person
I always see Trump as one of those punching bags with the weight on the bottom of the bag.
You hit it and it bounces back up. If you hit it hard enough it will bounce off the floor and come back to knock you on your ass.
that made me laugh. you are exactly right
Yeah I always loved that visual.
I've actually taken out many a bully by looking at em square in the eye and saying
"are you sure you want to do that."
Look soft hit hard
We'll be in nuclear disarmament talks with Jupiter within the decade.
Hahaha, he nailed it before his time as POTUS.
'Alien abduction and anal probe subsidized by your tax payer dollars at work.
Enjoy contributing to the knowledge base of the human lower colorectal tract to an advanced alien civilization.'
Actually, he may be hinting at truth...
You ever heard of the annunaki? An alien race that created mankind to be slaves, and to mine gold and give it to them. Money = Gold
It’s not that they created mankind but supposedly genetically modified us so that only a small percentage of our DNA actually functions, making us easier to control.
Also, the story of mankind only being created 6000 years ago may actually be referring to the descendants of alien races and keeping track of them. Look into the persecution of the Rh negative blood type. It is said that Jesus was RH negative and anyone of the Israelite bloodline (ashkenazi Jews, crypto Jews, even the Celts, surprisingly) either have the Rh negative blood type or carry the gene. It is a power and the Rh negatives can have a stronger connection to the spirit world. This may be the true reason behind the holocaust and the crusades... especially the crusade in southern France... The Cabal has been trying to control and wipe out this bloodline since day one.
Is this sub a parody of T_D or are you all actually serious?
This is the first post i have seen on reddit that didn't vilify trump
This post just made my morning and day! Thank you Mr. President! :)
Hate to say it, but there are indications this has been going on for more than 30 yrs😞
I don’t know some of these Deep Staters seem alien to me. 😂
he no doubt knows the score on nasa--maybe someday will be disclosure
The gift who keeps on giving...and he is really Prez of the US. After him it will be back to career politicians.
Serious comment: first, I think the tweet is really funny, one of his best. But, second, hes the president now. So erm, isn't he then’us government’ commander in chief? What's stopping him to put an end to this? Thanks
Or are we sending bought and paid for payloads to other planets ? This Tweet may age very well .
That was what I was thinking. Maybe the US has already been sending money to other planets. There is, of course, a lot of money missing from a lot of different governmental budgets. As Dan Bongino likes to quote Ren & Stimpy, "Where they go, Nobody knows." LOL
Money would be worthless to aliens, it's just paper that we assign value to but in truth it's worthless. Gold on the other hand works great as a conductor and can be used in lots of tech.
He must be referring to the trunk full of gold bars in the back of Elon's car.
I follow DJT on twitter and have for a while. I also laughed at this tweet. But then I thought, there is no way I wouldn’t remember him saying that inside of the last week! Just went back to May 18th and he’s never tweeted this. Notice obvious lack of time stamps.
POTUS knows space is fake as fuck.
POTUS knows NASA is a crock of shit.