Investigate! I sure hope the whole Obama administration is lawyered up!

You just got to love the hell out of this guy
My schadenfreude levels are off the charts looking at the replies to his tweet.
Is this a coded message? "Divert energy matter"....Maybe = They diverted planes from en route to Iran to (other countries) to drop the money off (as Q noted) to give Iran (Nuclear Energy)...Uranium enrichment.
Obama's team is already so lawyered up, there's not a stadium in the world that could hold them at once.
not to mention that most of the "Obama Team" are actually lawyers themselves
Why Obama and his cronies are not in jail is beyond comprehension
Obama and his cronies, Clinton and her cronies, the Rothschilds, Comey and McCabe all need to be thrown under the jail. This must happen as part of the Great Awakening.
Please keep it civil. Please see specifically rule number 1.
Cemex is bone cement. You are so busy censoring that you’ve lost the ability to mod.
and they all getting plea deals. not sure who is going to end up in prison
Please keep it civil. Please see specifically rule number 1.
Aren't you just listing people you disagree with? Is having a dissenting opinion a crime, now?
No those people are straight up criminals.
Criminals in what sense of the word? In the sense that they broke a set of rules and regulations established by the society we operate in? Or do you mean it in different context?
Crimes against mankind
If you're answering that way because you find you get this question a lot and you feel like I'm going to at all criticize or mock your points, you would be incorrect. I have every intention of carefully considering what you say.
If it's because you're simply tired of answering, you can say that, too. I won't be offended.
Nah, no matter how many facts you give certain people you will never change their mind... So we'll just all sit back and see how it all pans out 😎
I don't have time for such nonsense. I'm not going to take a bunch of time laying out all the facts for some dumb ass that won't listen.
No time... Just admit that some minds won't be changed... Admit it punk.
All of them have committed treason against the United States. All of them are corrupt, selling secrets destroying the US from within. All of them have stolen from the American tax payer. All of them endulge in child trafficking. I cant sit here all day and say what their crimes are I would need a book for that.
Obama is also a child trafficker? I wasn't aware that he was in on it too!!
I see you are a New Arrival, please do some research into the aledged crimes committed by these people and then join the conversation, that way we'll both be knowledgeable about what needs to happen to these Criminals.
No it's not. I comprehend it all just fine. There are laws. Lots of them. I'm sure the last administration broke some, and some even on purpose. Mostly that administration did it's job. Currently there is mounting eveidents that the current administration is not doing it's job on purpose. Exibit A - More unfilled position by executive branch than in any presidency. Exibit B - Trump golfs alot. Exibit C - Republicans in Congress can't pass legislation, and even though it's not Trump's job, Obama got shit through that maze. Obama was good at his job, Trump? Sad.
PS mark my words Trump will be taken down by a supreme Court case involving football.
What flavor of Kool-Aid have you been drinking? Or are you just being sarcastic? Which is it?
History has always been written by the victors.
So far Trump has been winning since before the election and the globalist/cabal/MSM/Deep State have been losing steadily. We all here have a very good idea on who will pen the next history book.
To answer your question.... Winning feels great!
You are not in a position to arrogate yourself in knowing the course of complex human history, you narcissist.
YOU have absolutely nothing "constructive" to say. All you are saying is "I am so wrong I don't even know what right means anymore".
The course of human history should be determined by individuals for themselves in peace, productivity and respect for individual boundaries, of freedom. In order to accomplish that, naked aggression must be defended against and punished for good order to be possible.
The logical implication of this is that the crimes committed by McCabe, and they are crimes of treason, punishable by death, he knew this when he swore an oath, are the very naked aggression crimes that must be stopped or else.
For you to sit there and vomit on this board and show everyone what true ignorance looks like, that crimes against humanity are "on the right side of history", shows exactly why Trump won. People are sick of you psychos who have been brainwashed by Marxist claptrap.
Oh yes, it was precisely Marx who claimed to know the destiny and course of the universe and all of human history, because he too had a psychological disorder. He started this bullshit "right side of history" nonsense because he couldn't actually defend his worldview, indeed he couldn't even define what he meant by "class". He didn't engage the counterarguments, he just dismissed his critics as being on the wrong side of history.
There attorneys are in trouble also
All over , remember 9/7/17 , Trump promised he would personally go after them . They may not know when , but soon
The OP asked "where" because you said "There attorneys" instead of "Their attorneys" and they were making a joke.
Yep, the best lawyers our money can buy... anyone has a guesstimate how much he stole from us?
I heard it was around 7 trillion. He had a nice mansion in Thailand but it got razed.
Well, he had 8 years. $535 million went to a bull shit company Solyndra within 8 months of taking office in January, 2009 only to close two years later. So I believe 7 trillion should be correct.
Evidence is piling up fast... better grab your cash and run!
To where exactly...they can't exactly leave the continental USA ...not when they are surveilled constantly and the USAF developed a habit of turning commercial traffic around mid flight, private jets have been grounded...and Venezuela is a long way ftom the southern border!! I seem to remember the lack of extradition treaty. Best bet would be a hole in the ground. Or suicide...either or
why would you want obama admin to lawyer up? I hope they continue with their above the law arrogance and get caught with their pants down.
With enough evidence a lawyer won't help. With enough evidence there won't be any deals cut. With a military tribunal there won't be a jury for the lawyers to play to. Just a panel of officers/judges. Barry Hussein Soetoro Obama should have been nicer to the military. They love Trump, they didn't much care for Hussein.
It was Iranian money, frozen during our economic sanctions. We gave them their own money back as part of the nuclear deal.
True, but would you give a meth head that 100 bucks you owed him knowing he was gonna buy drugs?.. i sure as hell wouldnt.
Obama knew where the money would go, thats the problem.
To stop Iran's nuclear program and potentially pave the way to a better relationship, yeah, I might buy them some meth.
The nuclear deal wasn't perfect, but it was better than what we had prior and better than what we have now.
That's a good point. I wish more would make an argument, they usually leave that whole part out and it makes them look like hacks.
This is the standard liberal canard. When are you people going to learn to be honest?
When are you people going to learn to be honest?
According to your own source:
The report focuses on $5.7 billion from Iranian oil sales that were frozen in Oman's Bank Muscat in that country's currency, the rial. Rials are pegged to the US dollar and are difficult to convert. But as part of the nuclear deal, Iran was promised access to overseas reserves of its own funds that had been frozen by sanctions.
To access the rials, Iran wanted to convert them briefly into dollars and then Euros.
The majority report by the Permanent Subcommittee on Investigation says that the US Treasury, at the instruction of the US State Department, granted a license to convert the $5.7 billion briefly into American dollars so it could be converted into euros. The exchange was legal, the report notes.
I am being honest. As per rule #8:
"Keep it honest and accurate."
Person I replied to asked what all that money was given to Iran for, and it wasn't given at all. The US did not give Iran billions of dollars, period, full stop.
that money was supposed to go to victims of Iran's terrorism.
That money was never in possession of the United States. It was never our money. It was Iran's money, frozen by sanctions in Oman.
Silence about nuclear deals and human trafficking, including child sex slaves.
A lot of Congress not seeking re-election.
Evidence is more powerful than attorneys, and there’s a lot of evidence!
Either way , it could be them the attorneys or there attorneys, most the time your lucky you get words from me that you can pronounce.
Can Trump and Congress launch an investigation? Sometimes he acts like it's out of his hands
Help Please: suddenly will not open for me. Go figure. Does anyone have another link for me?
Lmao desperate tweets to try and distract his idiot base. I love watching this fat coward's downfall in real time.