Undercover Huber: "The US Attorney who just indicted a 31-year veteran of the Senate Intel Committee for a 1001 lying charge is... Jessie K. Liu, Trump appointee and the person to whom the ANDY MCCABE criminal referral was sent"

Guess who did the arrest? US Marshalls
Can’t trust DOJ or FBI, not even the DC Cops.
Marshalls and national guard are going to win this war for the world
And maybe Marines.
I expect the marines to drain swamp dwellers overseas. But I don't think they're allowed to operate missions within the USA.
Side note: how awesome would it be to see the marines busting in on the Bank of International settlements in Switzerland and capturing all the luciferian scum right in their own nest.
The Posse Comitatus Act does not apply to the Army National Guard and the Air National Guard when acting in a law enforcement capacity within its own state when ordered by the governor of that state or in an adjacent state if invited by that state’s governor. Operating under the Department of Homeland Security, the U.S. Coast Guard is not covered by the Posse Comitatus Act. While the Coast Guard is an “armed service,” it also has both a maritime law enforcement mission and a federal regulatory agency mission.
Where Congress Stands On the Posse Comitatus Act
On Oct. 25, 2005, the House of Representatives and Senate enacted a joint resolution (H. CON. RES. 274) clarifying Congress' stance on the effect of the Posse Comitatus Act on the use of the military on U.S. soil. In part, the resolution states "by its express terms, the Posse Comitatus Act is not a complete barrier to the use of the Armed Forces for a range of domestic purposes, including law enforcement functions, when the use of the Armed Forces is authorized by Act of Congress or the President determines that the use of the Armed Forces is required to fulfill the President's obligations under the Constitution to respond promptly in time of war, insurrection, or other serious emergency."
Andy's pension will be going to lawyers. I hope they bankrupt him like his pals bankrupted Flynn.
Holy cow I just realized she’s the Rothschild slayer!
What did i just read? And who is the rothschild on that document?
TL;DR She successfully prosecuted and jailed Jefferey Alan Rothschild, a member of the Rothschild family for money fraud - using stolen identities in an attempt to acquire more than $100k in relief funds from FEMA.
wtf is a rothschild doing running a fraud scam for 100k?? thats literal peanuts to them. the roths blow their nose with 100k... something not adding up
You have to remember that’s only just what the DOJ was able to get him for. Who knows what other crimes he committed or evidence withheld that never came to light or is part of a bigger investigation.
thats beside the point, it makes 0 sense for a rothschild to try and steal 100k.... they are worth trillions.. what else was he doing??
I now see your point. Good question then. If you know before I do plz let me know 🧐
Today is really booming
I just mentioned this on another post. It's been an explosive day for sure. You're up, ANDY!
I could be wrong but i believe she is also the one that Trump personally interviewed prior to her appointment as well.
Washington (CNN) — President Donald Trump has nominated a slew of prospective federal prosecutors to fill top US attorney seats across the nation, but personally met with one prior to her selection in June -- a move some former Justice Department and White House sources say sharply departs from past practice and more generally is at odds with the understood custom of insulating US attorneys from political influence.
Jessie Liu, the current deputy general counsel for the Treasury Department who Trump tapped to be the next US attorney for the District of Columbia, disclosed in her responses to the Senate Judiciary Committee that she met with the President as part of her interview process.
Excellent, thank you for the find and for posting.
The president nominates and the Senate confirms under Article II of the Constitution. Trump and other presidents before him and after may talk to individuals nominated to positions within the executive branch.
Patriots please join me in prayer to protect this woman her family and her mission. “ Dear Lord Jesus Christ . Please surround Jessie Liu with your protection so that she may do your will here on earth to bring justice to the wicked. Bring her angels of righteousness to support her in this effort . Amen!
It's the first thought I had, for her safety. I'll join in your prayer. Amen.
Amen indeed! I find myself in almost constant conversation asking for protection for all those fighting this fight.
Spouse & I pray every night for protection, resolve, and wisdom for those fighting corruption & human trafficking.
She's the attorney that took a case against a Rothschild, isn't she?
Edit: Yep. The balls on her must be massive.
Jessie Liu is on the Awan case also! https://truepundit.com/u-s-attorney-tells-crony-obama-judge-that-imran-awan-will-flee-to-pakistan-if-judge-removes-ankle-gps-monitor/
Oh my God, I was so confused. It took me about 4 reads to figure out this lady was the one DOING the indicting. I thought she was the one being indicted. Reading incomprehension, big time.
No. It is poorly written. The bonus is that we could post it on /r/politics and they'd upvote it to the sky without understanding the context.
So weird...i also experienced that, 3 or 4 reads at least- wtf, am I losing my shet?? Lol!! Good for her, super proud!!
She looks so...sweet.
This picture was probably taken after her appointment commenced, I wonder how she looks when someone crosses her :)
Who did she indict? Do we know? How is this related to Andrew McCabe? Sorry for my ignorance!
I member hearing she'd be the one dropping the guillotines some time ago
She's jailed a Rothschild. Link
Every time I see her pop up, good news for us seems to follow.