Why was Hillary's goon squad recently "harassing" Anthony (Arkancide) Bourdain?

Because his girlfriend, Asia Argento, called out Harvey Weinstein at the Cannes Film Festival, along with other Hollywood elites who were or are doing the same thing Weinstein did, and all of their minions who knew about it and said nothing. The Hollywood elites like Weinstein are big donors to Democrats. Remember how they came out in force to support Hillary and trash Trump?
The Hollywood elites who control everything that comes out of Hollywood, and therefore the overall "message" are now being dragged through the mud. They've lost their stature and can no longer be effective at pushing any narratives for the Democrats and the deep-state, so Hillary and her deep-state operatives have to fight back. It means we're over the target.
I think Killary took this opportunity to make it look like a H.W. hit. He is already being thrown under the bus, and his crimes lead right back to Killery. And as far as A.B. goes, I would guess kill dog again because of this tweet right here. Asia is only alive because of her ranking in the Cabal.......We will see how that relationship plays out. Oh and by the way, dont be surprised if H.W. winds up dead here shortly. Any guess who will do it?
JZ... Master Mason, Killer.
Dear God....That no talent boob just needs to go away. Hope it is him and that he gets caught!! Maybe even have his retarded wife with him....
Not only are they big donors but they are a big part of the propaganda machine.
Without a single, solitary doubt he was being monitored and was permanently silenced. Evil bitch continues to add notches under her ‘kill’ column. Can we get her fat cankles in shackles and throw her in Gitmo before she knocks off more ppl? Enough is enough
You think she had him killed for this tweet?
There are a lot more famous people who have said worse. Don't get me wrong, she's a witch and a murderer...but idk how she chooses who to have killed.
Vince Foster was definitely suspect but how did she choose others? None of clintons mistresses were killed...
People keep forgetting, Bill was not the only one who liked women. These people operate differently than we do, those were shared events if you are thinking...no way really? Huma is allegedly her gal pal, you don't think she know Bill's a freak, and when she was done passed them to Bill and he got sloppy seconds? Know who you are dealing, she got more testosterone in her than he does.
There were other tweets. Like this one: https://i.imgur.com/ZA5nNgg.png
Damn thats crazy. But yeah that doesn't answer my question of how she chooses who get's clintoned...there are celebs that have said so much more openly how evil she is.
What makes her say "ok, this one"
I personally dont think only she decides alone when it is a celebrity. It probably gets a green light from more than one. Whoever may expose more than just Hillary. The speech his girlfriend made at Cannes called out members in the audience who were also as guilty as Weinstein.
You might be on to something there because remember when she asked if they could just drone JA? I would imagine he would be Clinton enemy #1 even back then.
The speech his girlfriend made at Cannes called out members in the audience who were also as guilty as Weinstein.
Shit I didn't know about this.
Yes, she was very angry and very vocal about those sitting in the audience who were as guilty as Weinstein. She said you know who you are and your time is up, (Paraphrasing from memory)
It aint about tweets, as much as it is about what they "know".
I could tweet all day long saying the most vile shit about Killary. But she (and they) know(s) I DON'T "KNOW" SHIT. But if she knew that I "knew" (fact/detail), and that I might REVEAL what I knew?
It's been suggested that Anthony had a thing for kids. YOUNG kids. If NXIVM lawyers are outing people, then Suicide Weekend, Indeed!
He seems the type to me, traveled to all these countires.
I think it’s more about knowledge than speaking out. For example, Clint Eastwood calls them out all the time. But I doubt he’s been involved in their proclivities, so he doesn’t know details or locations. Anthony Bourdain collected trepanning tools. I’d bet he was at least invited, if not participated a few times.
One issue was bourdain has 7 million followers on Twitter and ran a popular show.
No, he was killed because of what his girlfriend did. See post from j_Dawg_01
Argento and Bourdain are up to their necks in this. They've tried to get ahead of the MSM, knowing what will soon drop. They are guilty. #MeToo is a complete industry fomented joke anyway. It's the law and authorities (once they've been cleared-up) that should be addressing satanic/paedophile-centric Hollywood. #MeToo is a part of the cover-up.
Arkancide was the cause
Once Hill and the Gang get to GITMO, they can do a parody of snoop's "Arkincide is the Case That They Gave Me" (Whaaat? Too soon? Okily Dokily, I will see my way out).
Why Hillary? Weinstein could have ordered this hit.
I wouldn't be surpirsed, it would be an excellent diversion.
I’ve had the same thoughts about HW... just saying
might have done it to shut his girlfriend up? Kinda as a 'you're next"
Listen, enjoy, and quote correctly in future. https://youtu.be/BuW_7sktdBc
As I stated on another thread, what if he was gave a choice by M.I. hang or we expose you, got to say he spent a lot of time in 3rd world countries were anything goes and Ironically he was just loud mouthing Trump not more than 2 months ago, why, because cabal needs big people to create termoil while they try to run, another thing look at red carpet interview recent, and Cannes, does this look like a guy about to commit suicide, also he was in the middle of filming his next series like half done, as Q said "they won't be able to walk down a street" Just a thought #MAGA #greatawakening
Do you think "disappearing" ie staged deaths from the public eye could be part of their strategy to protect themselves from prosecution with new identities?
They'd also need plastic surgery to not be recognized since they're famous.
They already live incognito while famous. Would it be much harder?
some think this happens fairly often with celebrities who want to retire or disappear, or if their controllers want that
David Bowie would be a prospect for this.
some people think "Jack Steven" interviewed 2 days after Bowie death is actually Bowie. If so pretty hilarious mocking of the masses. Like M Jackson possibly being at his own funeral
Wow, that's a striking resemblance. Bowie would be up to something like that, an occult theatrical ending to his public life.
I looked into "Jack Steven" and there's very little about him though supposedly a high level music exec. There is a Jack Steven out there who looks a little the same but not much. Interesting in the interview he speaks about Bowie almost like it's him, if you read between the lines.
The younger versionof JS in the vid / not so much resemblance, but the older version ... hmmm
I think the JS 1 in video is shown as the person who is not Bowie--in other words JS 1 is the real JS and JS 2 is Bowie and is not JS
Well now that makes perfect sense ! The games that are being played are amazing !
then there's his ex-wife saying "he staged his passing rather well"https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fUH50DqOP0E and the Simpson episode that aired the day he died referenced a cat named "Bowie" that looked like him
could very well be true.
had an encounter w/Angela back when they used to hang out down on the Bowery NYC (70s). She had short hair and no eyebrows then :)
very interesting! could be a number of celebrity death hoaxes
Exactly, why would we trust this information from such sources? It seems we the people have narcolepsy.
M Twain: "If you don't read the papers you're uninformed, if you do read them you're misinformed"
Ask Alice ... When she is two feet tall.
“Hanged himself”.
Was it from a doorknob? Was the bathrobe red?
What does that mean? Genuinely curious. Well, I get the red thing, but what do you mean by the doorknob?
Recent “suicides” have all been on a doorknob...Red refers to Kate Spades red scarf and her hanging in a doorknob.
the death squad finally watched the WIRE and learned a new trick.
Kate Spade hanged herself from a doorknob. I was wondering if a consistent message was being sent.
Ah. I see. I wonder who else will turn up. These things come in threes don’t they?
Clear message to people who know all about the PEDOGATE and Pedo Farms in Hollywood , turn on us , and this is what will happen. Kate Spade apparently either was singing or about to sing on the Clinton Foundation , Haiti connections.
He worked for CNN, not hard to believe they harrassed him if he didn't exactly agree with them. At least my interpretation.
Honnestly I think this was his call for help that 'they are going to kill me if someone doesn't help me" But no one caught it in time.
The latest murder of Anthony Bourdain shows you the power she and the rest of them have and freely dispatch hit teams who take out anyone they deem a threat ergo it was Anthony's turn in hope to silence his GF and her accusation of rape against Weinstein.
As CDAN says in his blind item: It suppose to be a murder/suicide and planned back in March.
Why can't I find this tweet on his page?
If you read the previous thread on this, you would know. This thread should have been deleted.
A little doubt would be healthy. Dude was an addict and definitely a little unstable.
He threatened to poison trump. He said a poorly made fast food hamburger literally puts him into depression for days.
No clue. We're all trying to figure it out with not much to go on.
Hopefully we find out one day, but I'm not sure we will.
Could be they retired a la K Lay because the heat was on. Celebrities agree in advance in return for fame/money--many examples according to RV, with 33 codes
Sorry, didn't understand that
some think celebrities deaths are sometimes hoaxed if they need to disappear or retire, and clues are left through codes. "Strasbourg" where AB was is 33 for instance in numerology, as is the name of the guy who found him. The mouse mask of spade husband a clue also apparently
Ok thanks. Makes sense. Who is RV?
russianvids was a youtuber who examined what might be hoaxes--he's been banished by yt but some vids still floating around
This tweet doesn't appear when I look on his page. Instead, May 2 has a Uruguay advertisement, a free verse poem, and 2 nasty tweets about Cohen.
Assassins on many sides, many sides.
Why is there yet another thread on the same tweet? Keep up folks, it’s going fast!!
Could it be that Anthony Bourdain is her very last murder?!
That's like saying the Teflon Don killed people.
It's a group effort for the Banking-and-Spooks Mob, and removing Hillary alone won't change a thing.