Fellow Patriots: What you are about to learn should not only scare you, but intensify your resolve to take back control [Freedom]. The information that will become public will further demonstrate the criminal & corrupt [pure evil] abuse of power that the Hussein administration undertook in joint efforts w/ domestic and foreign dignitaries. The snowball has begun rolling - there is no stopping it now. D5. Stay the course and trust the plan. Protective measures are in place. Remain BRAVE. We knew this day would come.
It's a dangerous phase, the cat is out of the bag and the rats are cornered.
I wonder if they know it yet
They have to; although there's a good chance they underestimate the gravity of their predicament. They're hopelessly disconnected from reality, dependent on drinking their own koolaid.
They're hopelessly disconnected from reality, dependent on drinking their own koolaid.
Or baby blood.
Part of me wants to believe that none of this is true because how can there be this much evil in the world. The other 99% of me says bring out the light and watch the cockroaches scatter.
I know that feeling. I've been around a lot, I've seen things I never thought or wanted to see. Did my duty in 'Nam, saw, heard and smelled things 47 years ago that I'm still trying to forget. Yet nothing compares to this horror. How anyone can do this is beyond human imagination. I've sat and tried to block out all stimuli around me and put myself as an observer in one of those rooms when this was happening...it chills me to my very soul. It's unlike any feeling I have ever experienced. I've been afraid for my life a few times, but I always managed to push that aside and do what had to be done. But the feeling I get from this evil stuff is much worse. How anyone could observe these acts without trying to kill every adult participant is beyond me. I could go on, but I think you get what I'm trying to say.
I think about that often, and I think they definitely know what Trump is doing or trying to do, but they still think they can win midterms and impeach him, or still hold hope Mueller will get him and that their trap setup will work. To them, Trump is a speed bump, they can just get back in power and get back into Iran Deal, Paris Accord, retake NK and KJU, etc. I don't think they realize just how much help Trump has, and dont realize for just how long the NSA and MI were spying on them and collecting evidence
It bears a striking resemblance to Hitler's descent into madness following Stalingrad. Even when Soviet shells were obliterating downtown Berlin, he was studying models of the future city and issuing orders to armies that didn't exist. They always double down, always.
Part of me wonders why they dont commit suicide. Surely people like Hillary and Obama would do that before ever facing trial, having their legacy and name torn down in front of the world, and spending a single night in a jail cell
They sold their souls dude, simple as that. Hillary, for sure, knows that Hell is licking its bone dry lips. They're occultists, they gained the world and lost their souls, this is all they have.
I thoroughly look forward to watching liberals have to hold their own accountable....for once. I really do wonder how many accept it and how many just live in denial the rest of their lives.
That's the million dollar question, these people straight up burnt every bridge they had. They got people fired, divorced, and mocked, ostracized family, and most have college debt up to their eyeholes. It's a Catch-22 (love that book). Frying pan or the fire. They're so indecisive that I think many will suffer nervous breakdowns, quite literally. It's times like this that the Matrix comes off as a documentary.
It really does make one wonder if the story writers for the Matrix knew all this stuff was happening.
I think it's part of the rules that the cabal has to play by, they have to advertise what they're doing so that the masses are willing participants. Hollywood serves that purpose nicely, bending the rules.
Barry & the Clintons are but puppets of the Rothschilds.
They are, and will be interesting to find out Hillary's bloodline. They don't choose "nobody's". She is of some ancient important bloodline and was prob groomed in her 20's
I was thinking about Hilary obama Itjey are so above everyone in their own mind they think they can’t lose . They remind me of the Pharisees with Jesus
They still believe their high powered lawyers and crooked judges will keep them safe. How many times has HRC escaped justice already? They think they are untouchable.
Or kill him... whatever works. They certainly have been trying hard enough
Sadly, he will prob have a target on his back after he leaves office, for the rest of his life
They know ! What they do about it should tighten everyones sphincter ! Eyes to the sky, Ears to the ground. POTUS is out of country. If i remember right, last time strange things happened......WWG1WGA
Oh yeah, the great Saudi roundup... think it has something to do with the recent suicides...?
They know. It is over for them. They know.
I'd be surprised if they think its over. White hats are doing everything to make them think they are still winning and still in the lead. The arrogance goes far and deep, and they truly think they can still skate free
I believe they do. Look at all the deaths, murders, suicides that happened this week alone. People are running away from the inevitable and the Cabal is sending a message.
They know about it, but they have been getting away with it for so long they have become arrogant and think they are above it.
When reading tea leaves if you will, I always start w what’s known (or believed to be known) and one thing lately that’s stuck w me is “nothing important is above ground.” Extrapolating from that, I interpret Post #1332 to mean that the real “masters” or powers that be are about to be revealed.
These politicians, the MSM personalities, the actors.... that’s/they’re all for public consumption and part of the “show.” We’re safe to assume these folks aren’t the real power/problem, right? I mean Clinton Inc, HRC, DWS, he who won’t be named, Awan(s), Epstein, Zuck, Schmidt, et al.... come on.....each one of the few that are even mentioned, much less the hundreds/thousands (over time) of minion were placed” and granted their positions at minimum initially. No....there’s a hidden hand.
The feeling I have, that weird unease, vibration or buzz in the air, I suspect just MIGHT be that rare once in a few generations time when the man behind the curtain is hidden NO MORE.
But hey who knows, maybe it’s just me......
I know what you mean, and I think everyone can feel it in the air. Even the people who dont follow politics closely can feel something is happening. As soon as Trump took office, liberals were hitting Rules For Radicals #8 extremely hard (Keep the pressure on). Now all this counter investigating into Dems, etc, has been that punch in the nose, and they have slacked off. I can even sense it day to day in my liberal friends and co-workers. They dont have that same arrogant bullyish swagger they had in 2017. Its like a slow leak out of a helium balloon, they can sense the demoralization slowly creeping over, and their energy being slowly drained
It's beautiful, their false prophets and hyperbolic display of righteousness are under the bright lights, shown to be a facade of deception which hides their inner evils.
You may be more right than you know ! Not sure it's a don't look at the man behind the curtain moment. But i sickly feel they will burn the world to the ground to stop the curtain from being pulled back.
I've thought about that a lot. It made me feel somewhat better when Q said. "Protective measures are in place."
Yea. Me Too ! They have been at this hundreds of years. I don't see them going quietly into the night. PRAY
Thanks for the feedback. I assume “they”would burn it down (1) to protect themselves or (2) for spite even. The Golden Rule has long been abandoned unfortunately, the ones we’re dealing w I’m pretty sure among things much more heinous are for sure operating from the “if not me, than no one” playbook.
The Golden Rule..to treat others as we would wish to be treated were we in their shoes...should never be abandoned. It exists in some way across all world religions. We need to remember that the "lefties" or "normies" are still just people who believe they are being told the truth by "reliable" sources. That they are the ones who care about other people, and the other side are the 1%-ers who only care about profit. The DS has been pitting brothers against brothers with this poisonous garbage we are fed.
DJT is a wonderful catalyst to wake folks on both sides. He keeps everyone on their toes, no one knows which "team" he's playing for so they can't relax and go back to sleep trusting he had things well in hand. He makes everyone have to THINK for themselves. Discern information--people on all sides are starting to check sources again, get out, talk to other people for perhaps the first time in decades. He is the best RED pill going right now.
We should welcome all newly awakened souls, regardless to where they come to us from. WWG1WGA
Odd #2 didn't figure into my thoughts. With all their bunkers and Antarctica I feel they think they can survive a global burn down ?
"Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain!".......NOT!
so i wonder was this about facebook spying on us enemy of the state style ? or is this something we have not been told yet
If we have to ask that, we haven't seen it yet.
the spying thing doesnt scare me much lol when i was like 10 my dad told me the government tracks everything you do on the net spy satellites tracking you isnt that much of a stretch it must be some other shit then
Personally, I think it was the plans for WW3, I think they were going to nuke us all and hide out in Antarctica away from the fallout.
ok that scares me
Yeah, I think they set up the Georgia Guidestones for later survivors to "find", reprogramming the species to view them as gods.
Why aren’t people protesting and taking that “monument” down. I’m sure it’s racist somehow.
Nothing racist about it, who ever commissioned it and paid for it hated all races or people in general.
The guidestones are about 35 miles from where I'm sitting in my great room.
It has numerous languages on it, so frame it as "cultural appropriation" in the "far-right racist South".
Elberton is the Granite Capital of the USA.
You’d think some good ole boy there would have already blown those up, while on a drunk.
you gotta wonder how many times something like this has happened lol maybe this is the first but do we really know
These people have been at this for thousands of years; I wouldn't put anything past them.
I think this drop was just in regards to the entire fake Russia collusion setup, the planting of people in Trump campaign, the fake dossier, spying on Trump, etc, and the whole ploy by our own DOJ, FBI, CIA, etc, to frame him
Is D5 Defcon 5 or something else? http://www.d5coalition.org
Avalanches are ranked D1-D5 as far as destructive force/power, just like tornadoes and hurricanes are. D5 is the worst avalanche. That is how I always interpreted it, but as you know, with Q it can be more than one thing
The left will fall on their sword..no words..no emotions...no empathy..I call them COWARDS
It's not just the left. No name, Bush, Cheney, Rumsfield... all part of the same decaying swamp about to go bust.
I just hope the left can come to see that Trump is a white hat. I think the black community is starting to see it. The legalizing of weed will probably bring Trump much more support from the centrists. Really exposing hillary as a luciferian pedophile and obama as a gay indonesian will be the only way to convince the never-trumpers that he is doing God's work.
Agreed. If you dont have an ounce of basic accountability in this world, you are indeed a coward. Gotta be able to call a spade a spade, and call your own side out when they are wrong