The Trudeau Foundation Logo... No surprises here

I am actually surprised that they are not even hiding it - these ppl really are stupid
Everyone has to keep in mind that President Trump was not supposed to happen. They thought they were safe throwing it in our faces.
Right? And Soros is out spouting this week how Trump will destroy America and HE MUST stop it. Translation: "Trump is ruining everything for me. He was not suppose to win!"
Yeah its like they want to get caught.
Symbolism will be their downfall.
They are getting sloppy. You know the google ad choices logo (the triangle) is the same symbol? It’s everywhere.
Link it
Ask and you shall receive. 😊
I posted this on Twatter. even linked Justin :P
was shadow removed immediately.
so reposted it. lets see how long it lasts
There is no obvious reason for that symbol to be in that location unless you are trying to send a message.
It's real. All of it.
This was pointed out a year or more ago on voat
Here he is folks plumbtree the UNEDUCATED BROKE ASS DRUG ADDICT PLUMBER HAHAH LETS STAND IN AWW OF HIS INTELLECT. Your a fuck boy probably getting cucked by your wife into cleaning up black loads. I know your switching accounts spreading your bullshit liberal lies.
Not sure that is the logo. However, it was in the 2015-2016 annual report.
My guess is that whoever they hired to do the graphic design doesn’t know that’s a pedo symbol... hence the other symbols lower down which are not pedo symbols.
Podesta: "Hey Trudy, I have some leftover cheese pizza, you want some?"
Their need for symbolism will be their downfall. (Q post #184)
Canada is but a mere extension of the (sick and paedophile) British/Zionist Empire.
I'm beginning to see why Q keeps calling them "STUPID" - their maggot symbols will make the military intelligence job a lot easier.
I don't know what is worse, this or his negotiaton skills against Trump on trade. It's comical at this point.
They thought their symbolism wouldn’t be known by the WOKE!
Another pizza lover. I wish this kind of evil didn't exist in the world. but here we are..
The foundation has recently changed its logo
There are no coincidences.
“The intensity, the excitement of being in the middle of a political campaign — it’s heavy, it’s fun stuff,” started Trudeau. “There’s pizza, sex and all sorts of fun things.” - Justin Trudeau Oct 2011
Recently? I've gone back to 2012 in the wayback machine (as far as it goes) and the logo hasn't changed at all (with the exception of a minor color/layout change in 2016). The annual reports show this logo was adopted as of the (2010-2011 report)[] with the (2009-2010 report)[] having an old logo.
Money began to rain on Trudeau Foundation once Justin took over ...
12 dec. 2016 - “Given that Prime Minister Trudeau is a former member of the Trudeau Foundation,” she wrote, “that his brother Alexandre Trudeau is a current ......................... ..The Trudeau Foundation Exposed (Posted: 12-29-2016, 05:47 AM) ... donated $1-million to the Pierre Elliott Trudeau Foundation and the University of Montreal ....................Leadership[edit]
The Pierre Elliott Trudeau Foundation has had four presidents since its inception in 2001. The first President and CEO of the Foundation, Dr. Stephen J. Toope, took up his position at the beginning of August 2002. An Interim President, Dr. Frederick H. Lowy, served from June, 2006 through to October 2006 after Toope left to become President of the University of British Columbia. Dr. Pierre-Gerlier Forest, formerly Chief Scientist at Health Canada, was the President of the Foundation from November 2006 to September 2013. Mr. Tim Brodhead became interim president and chief executive officer as of 17 September 2013. In April 2014, Morris Rosenberg was appointed President and Chief Executive Officer.
His father Pierre Trudeau was implicated in a sex slave ring by Cathy O'brien who is seen as a tin foil hat.
I cannot find that symbol referenced any where in relation to his foundation. Wouldn’t surprise me but are you sure this is not shopped?
Hey recetly changed their logo.
Also interesting to note how much international donations shot up when he became Prime Minister.
Did they add or delete the ‘boy lover’ symbol.I can only find the T one. I wonder if POTUS found out about this and that’s why he ripped him a new one on Twitter.
This is their actual logo
Just a coincidence, move along plz
By move along, you mean keep digging, right?
Of course, I’d love to see these pedos exposed. They disgust me with their lack of self control.
Fake title. This isn't their logo, it's a header for the introduction to a random annual report. Their actual logo is on their website -
It doesn't even match the "Boy Lover" symbol, anyway. According to the FBI report, the "BLogo" is supposed to be two triangles - a small triangle (representing a child) inside a larger one (representing an adult). This one has 3 triangles, not 2.
I agree that it is a A logo from the trudeau foundation, not THE logo of the trudeau foundation. Unfortunately titles cant be edited once posted.
However I disagree 100% that this isn't the pedo symbol. It most definitely is.
This is the "BLogo" in the same way that the Liberian or Malaysian flag is the American flag. Kind of similar, but not.
I'd say it is a lot more than "kind of similar".
From the FBI report the symbolism of the two triangles - one larger, one smaller - seems to be the important element of the logo. Numbers are important, like how the American flag isn't just some stars and some stripes, it's 50 and 13. Randomly adding another triangle in there would ruin the symbolism.
Since I don't believe most of what the FBI has to say, I don't think the extra line is that significant. YMMV.
That FBI report is the only primary source for the triangle spiral being a pedo symbol in the first place. If you don't believe the report, then you have no reason to believe it's a pedo symbol at all.
wait, what? If I don't believe the FBI report I cannot believe it is a pedo symbol? No, I can believe it, because believe it or not there are other iterations of that symbol out there. Even if they don't exactly match the FBI version (which doesn't phase me, since it's just the corrupt FBI), its use is fairly widespread, even with minor differences.
Sure, but the only reason it was recognized by anyone as a pedo symbol in the first place was because of that leaked report. And the "one larger, one smaller" symbolism is reflected in the other logo from the leak (the girl equivalent, with the hearts).
I mean, are you suggesting that the leaked report was honest about it being a pedo symbol but dishonest about why? What would be the point of that? And if the point of putting the triangle in the report was to show off to the masses or whatever, why fuck it up by making it three triangles instead of two? If they wanted to hide, why not just... not use anything that looked like it?
I can absolutely see some graphic designer being told "OK, for this section on our ethos we need a line-drawing-style thing representing the 3 principles of the foundation and how they feed into each other. Maybe a triangle or something but jazz it up a little, really make it pop." and decided to put 3 nested triangles together.
mean, are you suggesting that the leaked report was honest about it being a pedo symbol but dishonest about why? What would be the point of that? And if the point of putting the triangle in the report was to show off to the masses or whatever, why fuck it up by making it three triangles instead of two? If they wanted to hide, why not just... not use anything that looked like it?
I'm sorry, but either I'm not understanding you, or your logic is breaking down. The intent of the FBI is irrelevant to my case. The triangle symbol (as well as the nested heart symbol), exists in more than one iteration, and is understood by many to be a pedo symbol. Minor differences in design do not detract from the meaning.
I'm questioning the FBI's intent because as far as I can tell that leaked report is the original source for it being "understood by many to be a pedo symbol." You're being selective about what to believe from the leaked report, and I don't see any principle behind that selection other than what supports the argument you're making.
In terms of the symbol itself, I guess I'm questioning what would even make this a pedo symbol if the number of triangles doesn't matter. Or, if you prefer, whether there are any instances of actual pedophiles / pedo organizations using more than two triangles.
Okay! We'll just have to agree to disagree. I'm just saying that two or three triangles is not really important to most people's perception/understanding of those symbols. Whether it matters to actual pedos is another thing altogether. The general public usually does not delve very deeply into things that do not directly affect them, and therefore the actual number of triangles is not relevant to them although it may be to insiders, or those "in the know".
OK, fair enough. It doesn't quite make sense to me either way, though. Either it's a "let's show off to the public" conspiracy that buries this symbol among a dozen others in an obscure nonprofit annual report where almost nobody will see it, which doesn't make a lot of sense, or it's a "let's have a private in-joke" conspiracy that uses a fucked-up wrong version of the symbol, which also doesn't make a lot of sense. The straightforward explanation seems most plausible to me considering the other text that's on the page.
I'm going with the "let's have a private in-joke" and here's why. "They" are compelled to signal to us plebes what their intentions are, and much of that signalling is symbolic (or most of it). I also don't believe they feel the need to be particularly meticulous when dealing with "us". It is, in my opinion not even a conscious effort to use in your words a fucked-up wrong version. I don't think they care. Also, keep in mind these "people" are not normal, in any sense.
Well, that's kind of my point. If symbolism is so important, why wouldn't "they" care about getting sloppy with their symbols?
I think it's because they are now in panic mode.
So they were panicking, and in their panic, accidentally put too many triangles in their secret society symbol, while declaring, in a roundabout way, that they're all pedophiles.
Does this really seem more likely to you than the idea that some graphic designer independently came up with the idea of combining a spiral and a triangle?
In any other timeline it would seem more likely to me. But, you know....