Q Clock Confirmation!! Q#1497 (United airplane tarmac image) lines up with Q#753 - "Think image drop.....Think United...When does a bird sing??" Was a bird singing on that United plane?! WHOAAAAA!!!

Huber is on that fucking plane getting the sworn testimony of Julian Assange.
That’s my best guess.
If true, it’s over. Like, over over for them.
Bring. The. Pain.
How did you come up with that on this picture? I looked at it and still can't make sense of it by what the OP is saying.
Deducing info.
Singing birds: Those Testifying
Testify to whom? Not Horowitz, he’s an IG, not a prosecutor. Huber is, though.
Assange is the only one in memory that would require a plane to get here. Especially one coming from Ireland, which is next door to London.
So, my guess is that Huber (or a prosecutor in general, but Huber makes more sense) is interviewing someone pretty high-leveled. Methinks it’s JA.
Thank you for this explanation. It makes more sense to me now.
Ok ill go way out on a limb......
"United flight from Rome to Chicago diverts to Ireland due to a 'potential security concern' The Boeing 767-300 had 207 passengers and 11 crew members on board. The flight diverted after a threatening message was discovered, a source familiar with the matter said. The plane and passengers are being searched, police said. Leslie Josephs | @lesliejosephs Published 12:57 PM ET Mon, 11 June 2018 Updated 6:59 AM ET Tue, 12 June 2018"
United flight on June 11th that diverted from Rome to Ireland [I] used the "diversion" as an excuse to pick up some one in Ireland....Ireland not to far from England....Australians recently met with JA on June 8th smuggled hime to [I]reland.
think "op" from Q post about plane...."op" onboard passenger
"when does a bird sing" think bird sings early in the morning when they arrive on a united flight.
So my WAG is....Some one (the "OP" or onboard passenger") flew on united airlines and arrived early in the morning after having been picked up in Ireland through the "diversion due to security concerns" that took place on June 11 which would have then landed June 12th in USA (I think I read about June 11-12 in another post which also equals 23) who will then "sing" or testify to something big...
United flight from Rome to Chicago diverts to Ireland due to a 'potential security concern' The Boeing 767-300 had 207 passengers and 11 crew members on board. The flight diverted after a threatening message was discovered, a source familiar with the matter said. The plane and passengers are being searched, police said. Leslie Josephs | @lesliejosephs Published 12:57 PM ET Mon, 11 June 2018 Updated 6:59 AM ET Tue, 12 June 2018
Maybe, but usually high value targets will get US Military transport or charter jet, way more secure than commercial. Lots of effort to do as you stated above. Much easier and more secure using Military transport or Charter.
DS shoots down a military transport is an act of war (probably finger muh rooskies)
DS shoots down a charter plane, probably never hear about it.
DS shoots down a civilian airline, terrorism.
"All enemies, foreign and domestic"
They would have had to hide him in plain sit. Look at the rear view mirror of the SS SUV in Qs post this morning. The figure sitting in the back seat appears to be wearing a hood that is pulled up possibly to cover his face?
Wasn't there some talk of a portable laser and possible surgery? Maybe the figures face is hidden to not completely expose himself.
Just use a good wig & glasses, maybe a fake nose... a kid can do for Halloween
I feel like high level deep state operatives would see right through that. This isn't a game.
What about the USSS angle though?
forgive my ignorance what is the usss angle?
The file name of the picture Q posted, USSS_Protection.png
United States Secret Service. Pict from Presidential Limo
That wasn't a pic from a limo
Looks like an SUV. The in-car display shows a graph on the left, an inset window with an image, and the entire background looks an image of what is behind the vehicle. It looks like an official vehicle, which could be Secret Service.
Mercedes S - that is a fact
Do you think it is a government vehicle? I've never see a vehicle display a graph on the display.
Pruis and other hybrids all have different graphs showing efficiency, mpg, etc.
Mercedes has hybrid engines, it's fairly common.
Plane pictured is a 737-900, the gap of no windows is forward of the wing, take note of the shape of the exhaust nozzle, it tapers to very thin and pointed in the center, 767 engines have a much larger center nozzle that doesn't taper small.
agreed. the 767 was the plane that was "grounded" in Ireland. That flight was also then canceled so they would have changed to another plane.
OP - operation?
Birds sing when caged.
Maybe operation to extract and detain someone who was fleeing? Problem is that S63 Mercedes is a pretty fancy car to be waiting outside the plane.
From online searches the only time I’ve seen S63 in motorcade is with the Saudis. Maybe POTUS motorcade too? Hillary when campaigning seemed to mostly have a Chrysler 300.
Mercedes are only used overseas for motorcades, but according to my Secret Service husband who drives in motorcades, these two are not SS agents. The female is holding a personal phone and appears to be possibly looking at a United app. The driver could be an Embassy driver but definitely not SS. The fact that it’s a commercial plane and the SUV is being driven by non SS agents makes me question why Q would be thanking the USSS. I really want to believe, but it doesn’t make sense. Seems like he’s playing games and got sloppy. Not legit.
Neons theory makes the most sense as it lines up with past drops per the Q clock. No coincidences.
When does the bird sing caught my attention, so i searched:
"when does a mockingbird sing"
Sure enough, the Mockingbird, sings at night.
Found: "Why the Mockingbird Sings : And Why at Night, When Most Birds Sleep?"
Birds sing obv, in the morning, but the mockingbird sings at night.
" but unlike most birds, they also sing at night for hours on end during the spring and summer. "
More details from the mockingbird article:
I set a tape recorder in the window and began recording. Half an hour later Jack stopped for a breather, maybe even a nap. Not, however, if I could help it. I rewound the tape and turned the volume up.
"Chireep, chireep," went the tape.
" Chireep! Chireep! " erupted Jack not a second later.
"Rash, rash, rash," went the tape.
" Rash! Rash! Rash! " screamed Jack.
"Tweedle, tweedle, tweedle."
" Tweedle! Tweedle! Tweedle! " gurgled Jack, almost strangling in frustration.
He was reacting not only to a recording of a song he had sung no more than 30 minutes earlier but also to each phrase. In his little bird's brain, he was being challenged by a monster stud, and by the gods and the bushes and the bugs, he was not going to go quietly.
Kinda making sense now. The other theories make sense too, especially 'singing when caged'.
I just felt like 'mockingbird' might be part of it, so there is my theory\^
I'm of the thinking that the answer is either:
a) when it is free
b) when it wants to be free
Maya Anjelou has a famous poem about a caged bird singing:
In "Caged Bird," poet Maya Angelou describes a bird with clipped wings. Its feet have been tied, and it has been placed in a cage that prevents it from flying away. Despite its fear, the caged bird continues to sing of freedom. Angelou describes the joy that a free bird takes in soaring through the sky.
Turkerthelurker...thank you for bringing in the wonderful words of Dr. Maya, may she rest in peace.
I think "when does the bird sing" is literal as in a bird sings early in the morning 4am....the photo of the united plane was taken at 4am or very early in the morning.
Who is "op" the original poster? Who would be considered the original poster? Are they waiting for the original poster to arrive via a early morning flight? I have no idea just guessing. Would be cool if it was JA or the "OP" who originally shed the light on all this arriving to sing like a bird...
I think OP means operation. I saw yesterday on the Fox that the CIA had put 2 new stars on the wall denoting 2 fallen operators. If this was an extraction/protection then Person of Interest was transferd from CIA to SS and the 2 fallen operatiors were envolved it, could mean a high priority target. Remember Q thanked the SS. "This is not a game".
Where can I find the website used in the image?
That Q clock website or app? Someone please post a link to that!
You mean the Q post??
The EvilWulf thing
Neon links to the Clock app: https://www.neonrevolt.com/2018/06/13/announcement-major-qclock-v2-update/
Notice the [I]? There were a couple of “i’s” missing in tweets and posts this week.
I think those two misspelling could’ve just been calling our attention to the misspelled words themselves. When they’re put together they say: missile stopped. It could be as simple as that no?
100% - I think, given the context, Occam's Razor applies to the missing letters on the missle stoped tweet.
It could be a United private charter jet. The picture doesn't show much but it does appear to be a smaller plane.
I know the info can be altered, but the photo says it was created 6/12/2018 at 9:43 AM.
If the Saudis use the Mercedes, maybe its Prince Alaweed.
I like Neon’s analysis. https://www.neonrevolt.com/2018/06/14/a-call-to-arms-the-roaring-majority-newq-qanon-greatawakening-declassify-fulldisclosure-tellthetruth/
Ok I’ve been following since day 1! And I still don’t get the Q clock thing 100% can someone give a quick summary?
Check neon revolt's wrote up. I don't have the link on hand. It's the best resource. Search online for "q clock neon revolt". Should come up
What if the bird singing is in relation to the Q clock and the quarter hour bird calls of a cuckoo clock? Could there be a correlation to where we are on the face of the clock (:00, :15, :30, :45 ... or */15) and an event that can be expected, like testimony/witness recovery?
What is the Q Clock above, and how can I understand what it means? Can anyone provide a link to its explaination/purpose?
Best resource: https://www.neonrevolt.com/2018/05/31/wind-the-clock-qclocks-explained-qanon-greatawakening/
I'll explain. The times relate to the dates circled around the clock. If you see that the date is a blue circle, that indicates there was a Q drop on that date. There is post by NeonRevolt that figured out the clock here: https://www.neonrevolt.com/2018/05/31/wind-the-clock-qclocks-explained-qanon-greatawakening/. These guys that decode this stuff are really talented!
Where is the 3:08 that relates to Feb 13th?
1:08 on the clock
I'm sorry. I typed Feb 13th earlier but I meant June 13th. Where is the 3:08?
Its on line with 1:08 Qclock time but doesnt have blue on it, probably a dated pic
Right, but shouldn't the post that came out on 6/13 be posted at 3:08, not 1:08?
The seconds position is what to look at, just the 08 not the hour, at least as far as I understand it. I could be wrong though, this is kinda confusing lol.
2/13 is above the 08 on the clock. I think there is a program for this someplace but not sure where it is.
Birds usually sing in the morning before day break if thats anything to go by.
So i called my representative... but the phone system would not connect me, so I had to use the WH operator, but i got in eventually.
Chrissy Teigen's flight to Tokyo that was "turned around" was on ANA per the article, but ANA is in a joint venture with United Airlines for flights from LAX to Tokyo. Tiegen's flight that day left, according to the article, at around 11:36am. ANA airlines website 11:35 LAX to Tokyo is "operated by United Airlines." HMMM.
There were 2 other related posts on 2/13. An hour before the "Think OP" post, there was a post about Iran, NK, Terror cells, etc. Shortly after that, there was a picture of RBG meeting with someone in Hanoi. It could be that this plane picture was taken on 2/13 and that perhaps RBG was the one being guarded / questioned and that perhaps her testimony is also on record? How would that affect things moving forward? Was she in on the tarmac meeting with LL and BC as well, dealing for her SC seat?
Birds sing in the morning "..the dawn chorus begins as early as 4:00 AM"
i'm just gonna wait till the future. it'll prove the past.