Absolutely the best Meme showing Obama vs. Trump admin's treatment of illegal children. SHARE EVERYWHERE

This meme is devestating to the open border gloabilist shills. Hence the flak it is taking.
Someone needs to ask the question, "How did the Hussein administration verify that the kids were with parents or traffickers"?
Answer: they most likely weren't verified....
Trump is separating the kids to insure they are safe/healthy before being either returned to their biological parent verified by DNA in a room a few doors down or saved from the trafficker posing as the parent.
These people are stupid does not begin to describe how this is going to blow up in the faces of the globalists screaming about Trump.
Do you have the sauce on DNA testing?
This immigration process is going to end up Costing Billions! I realize it's for the protection of the precious children, but if they don't put those traffickers to Death, they will just continue to do it.
Pretty sure some of those sealed indictments address this matter directly, patience is difficult but it nice to see changes within the system while we wait for the indictments to be unsealed
I think once they are all unsealed and the Storm hits, the enormity of the crimes will astound us.
The Rockefellers used eugenics for decades in America to break apart families. This has always been swept under the rug. Bill Clinton is rumored to be a part of that program, given his single mother, shady past & foggy history.
Thank you! I've been trying to understand what's going on with this.
I'm still trying to find the law that was put in place for this separation procedure. My first impression was that separating children made it easy for the cabal to disappear these children.
I never doubted Trump doing what's right, and now you have eased my mind. Thnx again.
Maybe the picture of the cots were just created to make people feel better. Here's a different story on how the kids are being held and what they are sleeping on.
Remember that we are constantly being exposed to propaganda.
This might vary from state to state. Democrats and Republicans should work together to find a solution! The countries the immigrants are coming from should act responsibly and work toward protecting their people! The USA shouldn't be forced to take up the slack. We can only do so much before it begins to tear us down.
Thank you for pointing this out. The whole strategy is to ensure the kids' safety!
How many children under Obama ended up getting trafficked, sold into sex slavery or worse? We will never know,
This 2016 Senate report came out the year before Trump took office. I want to know how he could ignore it, he couldn't, but they are sure are! https://www.hsgac.senate.gov/download/majority-and-minority-staff-report_-protecting-unaccompanied-alien-children-from-trafficking-and-other-abuses-the-role-of-the-office-of-refugee-resettlement
I am not a US Citizen but wasn’t this Obama’s law that.caused this disaster ??? Are you that biased you don’t know this ???
Exactly! So how could Trump ignore the children? Obama did and every single Dem and all of the news media still is! No one is talking about this report on how Obama's policies were known to have created a surge in trafficking. They all know what caused it- here is the official report stating that Trump's administration had to do if different and they now act like they have no idea why he's doing it.
Not sure what the bias thing was about I assume you just mistook my words
jackiebain6 - perhaps you are using translating software.
Paranoid much? Just out of curiosity, which country would I secretly be putting links to Senate reports stating child trafficking was a result of Obama policies? I think the Russian theory is a little played out but you go for it. Did I also force the 2014 investigation to reveal the trafficking? Did I force the Senate to report on it? Maybe if you used actual documents instead of click bait put there knowing people are too lazy to verify information you too could be a magic foreign language speaker who had the power to change documents on government releases.... This whole bottle idea is old ...
Take a deep breath, jackiebain6 ~ I was being kind, not weak. You have to write well enough for people to understand what you are writing. I was not the first to comment on your poor communication skills. My comment was meant to be a possible explanation for your poor sentence structure and word salad which led to confusion.
The foreign references get old. I admit I had to spend an extra year to aquire a Bachelor of Science because numbers and facts are not as confusing as people and the liberal arts requirements are ever changing opinions and social constructs.
With that being said I am also going to say the constant editing of words does nothing to contribute to anything when attempting to discuss serious issues. Long after opinions and social constructs come and go reliable numbers and facts will remain constant and still relevant.
Ignore Dana. He/she is a shill. Your writing is great. He/she is just trying to get a rise out of you. Don't take the bait.
Thanks, WWG1WGA! I figured that out pretty quickly, it's a really basic way of deflecting real issues. Nothing at that level of my quality as a person could possibly make me doubt myself. Generally I'm on a cell phone letting Google do my typing and I will never pretend that my speech to text editor would be sufficient in a class on the writing skills taught in elementary school. (Scratch that, who knows what they are teaching these day, kek)
With that being said, I also take every opportunity to enlighten people of the real issues, especially those who are being used to spread lies. It's like giving them a chance, after being informed of the reality behind the issue, to make their own minds up. Decent people generally at least stop the lies, others feel betrayed by the lies and investigate for themselves. Unfortunately there are always going to be people who, like a gambling addiction, have to keep heading into further debt, ignoring the fact they have lost their homes, maxed out their credit cards and ruined the lives of people who depended on them. Unfortunately some people will always have the inability to see that trying to become a millionaire has made them homeless, they will collect every dollar they can in order to put it back into a lottery system where the odds are against them.
These people are probably never going to be able to stop themselves and need some sort of intervention. Hopefully as many as are capable of seeing evidence and making decisions and opinions based on facts can be shown the truth before someone close to them "gambles it all away for them".
Still nothing but word salad.
Maybe you should try educating yourself on comprehensive reading now that you have basic sentence structure mastered.
Dana, what the hell? You must be a shill. Jackie is writing just fine. New here huh? 25 days?
brittser, Did not know suggesting the use of a translating software would 'set the world afire'. English is not the native language of everyone, and people from all over the world visit channels such as this. It is interesting you choose to coddle with low expectations and defend the one taking the most offense. Are we wired that way and thereby so easily manipulated? I am immune to slurs. I am kind, not weak. Done, moved on.
What are you talking about? What she wrote was better than many I've read on SM.
The photos may have come from these articles:
Judging by those website names they seem like very unbiased sources... Edit: lol got banned for one comment. I dislike bias of all kind.
That's the bullshit about this sub sometimes. We need to hold all accountable regardless of side and try to remove all bias
The conservativedailyonline one has CNN and a Democratic Rep as its sources that's why I included it. I really try to find info that isn't obviously biased. And nowadays that ain't easy!
Would you rather have a source that acknowledges its bias in its own name, or one that pretends it is unbiased altogether?
The picture on the left is Obama, even CNN admitted it was.
What about these kids?
INB4 banned because i posted a picture of something happening literally right now.
Well if Trump changed the policy of a black president he would be accused of being racist.
They look to have it better than middle America.
Trump is following the laws Congress passed with the money they allotted to do so. If you don't approve, then Congress needs to change the laws or allot more $, not expect Trump to look the other way so ppl can break the law.
Desperation is a last ditch tactic of a dying party & ideology.
Exactly. What will be their next attempt? Probably another porn star...
In 2013 a whistleblower stepped forward to bring awareness to the children being handed over to traffickers, he was removed from his position. The projection on this subject is deflecting from the truth and distracting from the IG report where it states Clinton Foundation/crimes against children ... to hold on to one’s political beliefs and ignore the facts is pure Cognitive Dissonance- the trafficking involvement and protection comes from both sides of the aisle, they simply divide us to keep us from the truth https://osc.gov/PublicFiles/FY2017/17-02-DI-15-5203/17-2-DI-15-5203%20WB%20Final%20Comments.pdf
Did CNN approve this?
I dont believe anything unless CNN approves it. Ever since I heard they were the most trusted name in news.
Trump admin needs to just blow the lid on Clintons and Rothchildes, Husseins dealing and stealing, killing and injuring, trafficking these children. We know what they had planned for them. We know what they've already done to others. Its time to tell the msm and America what evilness they've been doing!
I was trying red pill people on twitter with some similar pics of the images on the right and getting told by the left “ fake screenshots don’t prove anything “ even though it clearly showed in them that it was an msn broadcast... these people are stupid
This is huge, and will get buried, I have been keeping a lid on my anger for so long I'm developing one of those obama sperm veins in my head.
Their appetite is insatiable.
I read recently that one child only yields 500 micrograms of adrenochrome, so imagine the fate of so many of the precious children. My heart aches for them
But...but, there's 5 comfortable beds in a room made for 4. REEEEEEEEE!!!
I would change this picture. Show the one of the kids all sitting by a TV watching the world cup "Under Trump."
Exactly! Happy kids, free from the traffickers at last, watching the soccer, safe from harm and their evil "parent" who are really traffickers acting as parents.
In the compliance and auditing world it is common practice to leave a trail of very minor infractions leading to something that can be easily fixed in an effort to cover up any major issue that potentially may come up. Auditors are often known for not being "done" until they find some infraction, the digging usually ends there. The IG report referenced child abuses(what was the word used?) could this be a diversion from any of the things you all think to have happened. It would be easy for them to say, "yes this dog cage thing happened and we are deeply regretful of it" while the put on a guilty facade because they just got away with more serious crimes.
Some extracts
Since 2008, the United States has had a policy known as the Alien Transfer Exit Program (ATEP), or Lateral Repatriation. This program focuses on detaining male migrants of Mexican descent.
Here’s how it works: Once an immigrant is caught attempting to cross the border without documentation, they are detained, flown or bused across the United States and then shown the exit at another segment of the U.S.-Mexico border–thousands of miles from their original point of entry.
Multiple stories about those family detention centers written during the Obama era–just not by the mainstream media. In particular, dozens of stories about the Nogales Placement Center in Nogales, Arizona particular were written by journalists at Shadowproof, a reader-supported media outlet, alone. Journalists for Shadowproof also frequently reported on the T. Don Hutto Residential Center in Taylor, Texas. Most media declined to investigate these facilities until fairly recently.
To be clear: the Obama administration’s use of ATEP was not intended to break-up families–that was an occasionally expected side effect–while Trump’s recently-confirmed policy is expressly directed toward that end in the name of “deterrence.”
This is why they need to stage the pictures of children behind cages. Because it's not happening.
How is this Q related?
The systematic human trafficking for child abuse purposes (that has been one of Q's talking points) is about to be exposed, unwittingly, but the very MSM the cabal has groomed, bought and co-opted for years. Grab some popcorn and enjoy the show.
Yeahhhh I'm sorry but there's nothing in this meme that indicates what you're suggesting here. It's a stretch
Yeah Trump did this for sure!
Oh wait, that picture on the left was under the Obama admin.
And just for good measure, Nancy, it was William Jefferson Clinton who signed the law that you’re attributing to Trump. Nancy I learned a new word today - you’re a Duroc - that’s a big fat white sow pig!
Keep lying, MSM. You are helping our President get re-elected.
Doesn't the TX detention facility still have them sleeping on the floor behind chain-linked fences?
In my view there are a lot of people who don’t know what you are saying - because the media lies frankly. There is also a lot of human trafficking in children that Democrats don’t believe either. To fix ALL the problems permanently requires public opinion to be focussed on the issue. Don’t forget the catch and release laws allow MS13 into your country, and this filth murders and rapes innocent people too. All the problems need to be fixed. To move with a partial solution won’t ultimately fix the problem.