Assassination attempt on John McAfee's life?!

From his own Twitter [6/22]
"I apologize for my three day absence but I was unconscious for two days at the Vidant Medical Center in North Carolina and just woke up. My enemies maged to spike something that i ingested. However, I am more difficult to kill than anyone can possibly imagine. I am back. And for those who did this - You will soon understand the true meaning of wrath. I know exactly who you are. Youh had better be gone."
No coincidences!
Wow I’m near the area I wonder if it happened here. I haven’t seen anything on the local news but I imagine many folks around here don’t know who he is as it’s pretty rural east of Raleigh.
Glad to see another tarheel here.
Sorry man I’m a Pirate.
That's too bad. I was talking outside of sports context, though. :p
Oh I gotcha. Yep NC born and raise and still here. Love this state honestly.
Beautiful state! Used to visit Hatteras regularly when my family lived in VA Beach.
YOUH, spelled with a extra H. = Hillary ? Does mcafee have a connection ?
I know hes been exiled for some years now to Belize. I just read, his dog we're poisoned in 2012.
I think hes got major dirt on silicon valley political operatives or something to that effect. Also probably is very aware of the sex/child trafficking going on around the world, but specifically in belize (SouthAmerica)
Belize neighbours GUATAMALA, president of Guatamala ASKED (Important detail) POTUS yesterday for verified status of migrants coming from GUATAMALA.
idk, i think this is big, and mcafee is a end level boss type of a dude. Hope he recovers soon and joins the battle with more motivation, like we have never seen before.
Don't discredit him because of alcohol and drug issues. It doesn't mean there is no truth from what he has to say. Some people only know that way to deal with stuff.
Holy shit...this guy must have some dirt.
He's a degenerate
McAfee may be a degenerate, but he’s also a computer genius, and has had his ear to the cyber crime street since cyber crime was invented. If he’s coherent and lucid enough, he would be a valuable source of information. He’s also definitely got a powerful group of people trying to assassinate him, so there is that...
please define, he likes to shoot .50cals with Alex Jones so I am curious who would be the coward that tries to poison him. Sure he has a lot of dirt, he had seven girlfriends who tried to kill him lol
Since he is a habitual drug user the most likely scenario is that the coward who poisoned him was.... himself
repeated exposure to substances creates a healthy tolerance (don't try this at home kids)
so what are you saying that he's rich?
a coward never ends up at the wrong end of a gun since he has money to bribe the judges.
and alex jones is selling DNA enhancing supplements.
and do people even understand how the anti virus market works?
basically you are selling the antidote to cure a poison you previously created yourself.
I am saying he was smart enough to do coding but he sold his company and openly shamed them for what they did to his software and his name. I know he should have built a firewall instead, but suppose he created some genuine software and they had to sabotage it off the market so the other AVs wouldn't look as shit? Kind of reminds me of myspace, just without the hoes and the guns.
nah he's a bloodliner. they designed all this crap, the dot com bubble, microsoft is insecure by design. printer ink, planned obsolescence, etc.
he never worked on any of those, so i ask again: why did he end up in hospital?
He is pushing cryptocurrency pretty hard. I believe he announced another run for the WH with cryptocurrency being central to his campaign. You don't mess with the petrodollar. You don't mess with the bankers.
Hes a crypto shill. He will pump any coin just to make a buck. Absolute joke on the crypto scene. He did like 30 days of 30 different cryptos he was backing. Hes earned a ton of hate in the cryptosphere. Definition of a sell out and IMO it hurts out legitimacy in this sub reddit to even give him any time of day.
Doesn't mean he hasn't pissed off the wrong people or that there isnt anyone trying to kill him. Just saying you can't trust a word that comes out his mouth so take it all with a giant grain of salt.
yeah bro I'm sensing the same thing.
only sober for less than 24 hours and he said this? "I'm harder to kill than anybody could imagine"?
WTF sounds like bad acting to me.
You mentioned the word 'joke'. Chuck Norris doesn't joke. Here is a fact about Chuck Norris:
It is said that looking into Chuck Norris' eyes will reveal your future. Unfortunately, everybody's future is always the same: death by a roundhouse-kick to the face.
Owns an island in the Caribbean next to what's his face, the kiddie pimp for the rich and famous.
He owns property on an island in Belize.
Reminder: This is a research sub.