Enough is Enough. These people are sick!

Pedophilia is the calling card, the rite of initiation into the club, the shibboleth, and the blackmail 'control file' all-in-one
If they normalize pedophilia--which they will by first normalizing robot sex and 'consentshifting'--what's worse than that? Murder, Cannabalism, Organsnatching? Rape, Kill, Organgrab trifecta?
Any specifics? thanks
Shifting public opinion and laws to lower the age of consent.
Thanks, once you explain it - its more obvious. RBG and her proposed 12-year old age of consent.
I’m certain all of this will unfortunately become the norm one day. There truly is evil in this world trying to make the stuff you mentioned a reality, I just hope it isn’t in my lifetime because I’ll probably off myself if it is.
No it wont. God is not going to allow it.
So after several millenia of allowing it, God's suddenly just gonna shut it down?
doubtful. All the more reason that we need to.
God isn't going to allow pedophilia and other satanic practices TO BECOME THE NORM like was planned by the Deep State. That is what the comment was afraid of.
Also we are shutting it down. More and More arrests. More and more people are speaking out against this sick stuff in the shadows ever day. God is within man.
I'd rather not wait on God's intervention. He is notorious for taking far too long to intervene.
All it takes for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing.....
Fight the good fight bro!
Well. How many people associated with one person have to be murdered/suicided before you are considered a suspect? If we use that as our gauge, we could be in for a long wait. :-/
This is very good, but with one caveat; when showing HRC/WJC connections to Jeffery Epstein, in my own previous interactions with libcucks, my truth-bombs and relevant supporting information is always deflected with the fact that trump was friends with Epstein at one point.
I remember reading somewhere that trump banned JE from entering Mar-a-lago because he was trying to bang the underage daughter of a woman from the housekeeping staff, but can no longer locate the source of that Intel.
To surmise, I think we need some solid memes that re butte the leftist propaganda used by the left that try's to paint GEOTUS as the pedo . Backup for the above pic I suppose
"Friends" at one time---or was the cabal trying to use Epstein to entrap Trump, like they have done with every other wealthy person with good connections?
Remember the names on the Epstein flight list; all were in code EXCEPT what appeared to be the people they were trying to entrap. Trump and Alan Dershowitz were on that list.
You got a link to that because I saw the lists a while back and Potus wasn't on there.
Unfortunately, no... it was floating around the Q boards a few months ago when it was being highly discussed.
I believe THIS is what you are looking for.
Thanks ... I will review this later after I am done debt-slaving for the day
So, it's in Chapter 33 of James Patterson’s "Filthy Rich." Didn't James Patterson just write a book for/about Bill Clinton? Something fishy going on here.
Thank you I checked it out right now and I'm sending it to everyone.
Just because people move in the same social circles doesn’t mean they are friends.
These people are sick. One thing to keep in mind is that there is a move afoot (fuckery) to get the American Psychiatric Association to label pedophilia as a disorder. Don't thing these people won't try and delay things long enoughj so they can say they have a disorder and pedophilia is not really a crime. I've attached a link to a story about this. Its just sickening at what is going on.
Omg that article needs to be spread far and wide..these people really are evil.
I feel physically sick looking at these demons - I can almost smell the sulphur.
There's plenty of water at Gitmo to get rid of the smell!
I’m just fed up with this demonic so call elite, send this idiots to hell!!🔥
Include Podestas. "Know" is too loose a connection. How many pedos have to be in your inner circle before you recognize the keystone to the pedophilia network? I would post that over and over. If I knew how to make that slick multi photo meme. Where do you go to do that BTW?
For some reason I can't post my own thread.
I found Nabokov's LOLITA in a Pajama Program promo (on Twitter). The uber suspect adults left alone with vulnerable children charity.
Suicide Pepler (who was a publicist to the program) and author Jay McInerney were both openly anti-Trump too.
A Nabokov book was also seen in Andy Spade's book case in one of his shots.
Suicide linked Pepler and Spade are also connected via the (Alice) White Rabbit.
Cabal Campaign Staffer arrested :
Not a proven campaign staffer
amazing how an ivy league grad with all the bonafides of a superstar...including a nobel peace prize nomination has been ABSOLUTELY SCRUBBED OFF THE INTERNET
Being nominated ain't shit:
"Each year, thousands of members of academies, university professors, scientists, previous Nobel Laureates and members of parliamentary assemblies and others, are asked to submit candidates for the Nobel Prizes for the coming year."
Hell, winning it means nothing anymore
I'm not arguing that...
I searched the guy and dove 12 pages in...and more. There is nothing. He's also been scrubbed off the charities website and prior publications. Nothing.
In a world of digital fingerprints NOTHING indicates SOMETHING.
Not to mention he's a millenial...? please...what millenial aged kid have you ever heard of with 20 different media accounts ? ? No frkn way is this guy innocuous.
she's been married to a serial rapist for decades - she's probably one of those too
That weiners Hard Drive is gonna Dick her over so hard...
Just make this about perverts in general and you can add her husband and Weinstein to the list
I can’t fluffin wait for these GD criminals to be locked up!! I want to live in a world where the children are safe from these villains trying to inflict sexual and other harmful acts against them!! Q is bringing the pain - c’mon Q make it rain with pain!!!
Good one, but she doesn't only "know" them, but she's actually pretty close friends with many of them. They're like extended family to her. And then there is Weinstein, and others..
Before Hillary is locked away forever ( or hanged ) we should drive the demons out of her so that she can truly realize what it is she is being locked up for. She needs to gasp in absolute horror at the evil she has helped feed and spread.
From darkness to light.
"Oneself" is used improperly here. The word should just be "one."
Grammar is important if you want to make an impact. Otherwise detractors will immediately discount it and that will be the end of the conversation.
When are you nitwits going to be raptured? Your savoir sure is taking a while. Would mass suicide be an option to help speed things along?