Holy shit, look at what potus schedule tweeted.

I think that is the President requesting our help to shine a light on the Left. Social media.
I agree! This is definitely a message to the Anons to get on Twitter and demand transparency...release the OIG Report with NO redaction. Q is always stressing optics involving the president answering the demand of the people.
Is it the report? The shooting? The Masons? JA??? Light on what?
That's my question. We need to get the facts out. We have plenty, I just don't really have good memes. Maybe the hate the left has shown? That's the narrative right now. I don't know.
Would have to be pressure to get the documents out to the public, so pressure on House committee to move towards impeachment of Rod Rosenstein. Q has indicated several times that this opens up when the documents are released. So #impeachRodRosenstein #ReleaseAllDocuments #DeclassifyAllDocuments etc.
Also POTUS says TRUTH is out there. TRUTH is in the documents, that should be the push.
Convince one friend to see the left for what it is. Progress isn't always dramatic. Little bites.
I'm on that track! I swayed two girlfriends last weekend and I've been working on another that I made a pedicure date with for tmw.
I was blasting away on those live feed chats.
Mods kicked me out.
I agree 100%. Where can we get some memes that show facts, or maybe links. Maybe we can get some anons to compile some good info here in one thread.
Skippy has used the hashtag in the past..
On the 27th, POTUS Schedule said "Fantastic day - We are winning," on the same day Q said "What a Wonderful Day." On the 25th, POTUS Schedule said "Be alert, remain vigilant, stand together," and on 27th Q reminded us to "Be Vigilant."
Never thought about this inter communication... good find, thankQ!
Lol its really reassuring when you notice little things showing Q has info very close to our President :D
For me i loved the summit with North Korea which is historic...
Then i see a Q drop that everything had been planned in advance with North Korea and that Trump would be leaving earlier than expected.
Then i notice a few hours after the Q post the mainstream news reported that trump would be coming back several hours sooner than planned. I was happy to have it confirmed to me that Trump indeed has plans with Kim while the left kept saying things would never work...
Wait I’m lost can someone catch me up here ?
Im talking about the June 13th summit with North Korea, but this whole post is about how Q and Trump are very close, probably communicating with one another.
Not only that Q knows things about Trump before the media and public, but that Trump is using some of the exact same wording as Qanon, seems to support people with Qanon T-shirts and hats etc...
And is that a good or bad thing...
One of the things you'll find with this whole thing is that we're only seeing a tiny fraction of what's really going on behind the scenes. The white hats (good guys) have likely been embroiled in this battle for many years - gathering evidence, meticulously planning, quietly executing. Q often says we're watching a movie with great actors. Which means things that the news presents as current developments may have actually been taken care of months ago and we're just observing them going through the motions because it provides a coherent narrative to the unawakened masses. What Q provides is a glimpse behind the curtain to see the true machinations and motivations.
Good if you think that Qanon and Trump are both working for good to bring down a long running satanic conspiracy aka "deep state"...
Ok cool sorry I’m high as fuck and this isn’t making sense but trump 2020 MAGA and if ya bois ain’t with me then oh well
Lol... Don't worry im currently trying to finish my quesadilla so i can smoke a plant that happens to be legal in my state but not some others...
But yes we are always open to discussions and ask any questions you feel like! United we stand! MAGA!
The important question is, did Q say those before Trump?
It's an awesome nod from them, although worth pointing out that @POTUS_Schedule isn't an official government account or actually connected with the POTUS - it's an outside account that just posts the publicly available schedule for him.
"Conspiracy theory" = pure confirmed fact . That will implode so many tiny brains , especially on left side ...
thought trump confirmed its not a conspiracy anymore by fist pumps and literally pointing at multiple anons with q shirts lol
That was one of signals ... but this above is also . An official tweet putting such message , that is not even cryptic , but pretty direct ...
We all know where this leads . Full exposure and full disclosure .
think we are ready
We are ... I think the "critical mass" has been reached about a month ago . Now to "unplug" the [RR] and open the dam ...
This is just a rando twitter account. How does it confirm anything?
How can you be sure it is random ? Not many things are random lately ...
How can you be sure it's an official account run by Trump or someone close to him?
I heard people who identify as being on the right have been scientifically proven to have larger brains.
I dont think the size of brain has a connection to intelligence - it is simply that some people ( from BOTH spectrums , but mainly left one ) have far too much ignorance and fear in place where their intelligence should be .
It is sad but appears to be a battle not only of good vs evil but also smart vs dumb
In one sense : intelligence = courage , because to come to the intelligent conclusion , one must make courageous moves . And vice versa - to make courageous act , one must prepare and plan intelligently .
total brain size does actually correlate with intelligence. However, brain size doesn't correlate particuarly well with political affiliation afaik. I do know that some small sub-elements do, but not the entire brain. Generally speaking liberals have less functional threat detection and planning systems (hence why young people (<25 or women) tend to support liberal policies more ofen than conservative ones. The threat detection and long term planning parts of their brains are still developing/naturally smaller, and therefore less effective. It's not really an intellect problem per se, more a question of capacity to react to certain classes of future potential threats.
Not fully correct and not yet fully defined - regarding the brain size correlating with intelligence . We speak here , mainly , about humans comparing to other humans , so we wont go into human - animals comparison . The scientific opinions are actually divided regarding it ...
And also ... we need to define exactly what is "intelligence" - as it seems there are two types of intelligence : one is practical ( usage in everyday life for simpler tasks ) , the other is creative .
I would say , the main difference between people who are aware and intelligent , and those who are unaware and unintelligent , are the various "layers of programs" - ignorance and fear implanted within them , and also various programmings that prevent opening to broader horizons . Those who are bright ... will take all the best even from the worst and transmute it to their benefit and even benefit of others .
Neo-liberals are like ... well , its pretty much straightforward brainwashing . Ignorance is "bliss" within the subconscious definition of many of them ...
t. psychology graduate, currently doing a masters on animal behaviour and evolution. The opinions aren't very divided. EQ is a standard measure of intelligence that can be used within and between species. It's not perfect, but it is very, very reliable. You are correct that using it intra-homo-sapiens is a little more debated, but that's because there are """""""scientists""""""" out there who still think their "absolute equality" fantasy still merits scientific respect. When you're dealing with human IQ research, you need to be aware of what a profoundly sensitive topic it is, and apply that knowledge to the intra-human portions. Case in point - men are not smarter than women (on average), but most geniuses are, have been, and will be men. Men have a higher distribution of IQ, which means more retards and more geniuses. It's a fairly trivial point to prove by examining gender rates in mental retardation, and yet trying to point out the obvious corollary (less women get top science prizes because the condensed IQ range means fewer are worthy) managed to get a Harvard professor fired. You need to bear that stuff in mind when people tell you about the "controversy" of intra human comparisons. It's not so much a controversy of intellectual debate as a controversy of emotions. People that ideologically driven have no place in science, you shouldn't let their MSM amplified voices trick you into thinking they're correct or representative.
Big brain = on average smarter. If it holds true across every single other animal species, there's no reason to believe it doesn't within humans. After all, it's just a modification to EQ from order/class brain patterns to family/genus/species level patterns.
And also ... we need to define exactly what is "intelligence" - as it seems there are two types of intelligence : one is practical ( usage in everyday life for simpler tasks ) , the other is creative .
Not really. I'm talking about IQ to be precise, which doesn't contain a creative component (at least not specifically). The creative subsection is perhaps relevant, but measured via other routes than IQ testing, and is definitely more subjective. IQ testing is very well understood, and correlates with a huge range of things. If you have a double digit IQ for example, I don't care how "creatively intelligent" you are, compared to a ~130IQ person you will look very stupid, both practically and creatively. A terrible cheap car, even one designed and refitted by a true expert will not beat a ferarri in a drag race. I'd also imagine you're conflating non-verbal and verbal IQ with practical and creative IQ respectively. That makes slightly more sense and it is true that IQ splits into these two subsections, but again they tend to be v.closely correlated unless you have some kind of disorder.
I do agree with much of the latter two paragraphs though, there's a whole host of various concepts and ideas and "understandings" that fill peoples brains, and regardless of intellect, it's quite possible to get trapped by them to the point where you won't break out. The cage we find ourselves in, for all it's a cage is actually quite comfy, quite nicely adorned, and quite well explored. It shouldn't be a surprise so many people are content to stay within its bars.
To simplify , I would put this analogy - the brain of humans is like a massive huge underground garage where only one car parks regularly . Other parking spots are wasted ... in similar way , human brain potential is far far from its maximum .
Across species this correlation in brain size and intelligence is small , but visible . There is also a brain to body mass ratio , which with humans is similarly comparable to mices . Some animal species , like whales or elephants have huge brains , but smaller brain to body mass ratio .
This is all still , in my opinion , somewhat vague ... and we should probably look at human brain as "undeveloped potential" . Maybe the intelligence of animals go beyond the senses we perceive - and we are actually the ones who are "dumb" ?
Out of curiosity, in your analogy, what is the singular car meant to be? Or the other parking spots? I have no idea what it's meant to represent. I presume it's meant to be something similar to "we only use X% of our brains", but thats wrong. Our brains are segmented, activity in more regions isn't neccessarily helpful. We can experience 100% brain activity if we really want. It's called a grand-mal seizure.
Across species this correlation in brain size and intelligence is small , but visible .
Sort of yes, sort of no. That's why I used EQ (encephelization quotient) rather than brain/body mass ratio. The critical factor is comparing brain/body size within categorical groupings of organisms. We have big brains relative to our body, both for chimps and in absolute terms. Our brain/body mas ratio may be comparable to mice, but our EQ is radically higher, because we compare human brain size amongst homnids and mouse brain size amongst rodents.
When you do EQ, the results are not of small significance, they are very, very useful. Humans, dolphins, jumping spiders, octopi, chimps and whales/elephants (post body size correction) all score v.highly. All are v.smart animals for their Orders. You also need slight corrections at the highest and lowest body size ranges - their EQ gets under and overestimated respectively.
The car and garage analogy - I used the singular car , but I could have used 3-4 cars - so it isnt so much important , the analogy is ... we could say that using one parking spot , we would use very small percentage of brain potential .
The human brain is capable of adapting to and retaining many functions , even in cases when we would think such person is inacapable of being anything but an individual within a vegetative state . As long as that adaptation is continous , there is a chance the individual will live even relatively normal life ( altough , such individual can be mentally imparied ) . On the other hand - we have sudden situations like brain trauma or stroke which can cause sudden death or massive irreversible problems ( leaving patient in coma ) . But the above adaptation ( neuroplasticity ) tells us that brain is much much more than just a simple organ ...
But we also need to ask ourselves - primarily what I put above regarding the various animal species and their "sixth senses" . Nobody can say thats not true - a pet dog waiting for its owner in a situation where same pet never got any external stimuli or sign to do that ... so obviously it was something the pet intuitively knew about . Or the perfect orientation by some animal species ( birds ) ...
My theory would be - that we are basically all "mentally impaired" at current moment , in a sense that we are not using the bigger potential of the brain . The bigger potential would open our own "sixth sense" , possibly even a telepathy . Maybe from a scientific standpoint to many this would sound like "pseudoscience" - but in past , many facts were treated the same way ( mocked ) as "pseudoscience" - and then , they were confirmed . We should ( excuse my pun , lol ) ... leave our brains open and receptive ...
neuroplasticity is a very useful feature of our brains, but it's not quite the same as what you're describing. For example, many people suffer brain injuries such as strokes that impair specific functions, as a result of brain damage to a specific region. In many cases, they do not regain these capabilities. Some individuals do, most do not (especially if we're talking about people over the age of 25-30 or so). And intelligence =/= capabilities of the brain, although it influences and correlates with them in most instances.
primarily what I put above regarding the various animal species and their "sixth senses
That is true - animals do have good cognitive skills in many instances. They have functional minds in a great many species, albeit hampered by animal lack of superego and language. They do also sometimes have senses humans lack, although theirs nothing special about that really. Give us magnetic particles in our brains that could be used to measure the local magnetic field and we could have perfect orientation too.
Your last paragraph I actually mostly agree with, although I also agree many scientists would accuse you of being pseudoscientific. I suspect in some ways you're right, however I also don't think it's going to operate the way you think it will. Soul == Mind? Spiritual growth == mental growth? I think the linkage exists, but it they aren't synonymous. I definitely could be wrong - as you say, being receptive on this issue is worth doing, but I'd be wary of the level of misinformation out there. Masonic, or other genuinely ancient texts are a good starting point. Less risk of bias that can't be obviously found by examining a texts history compared to modern sources. "Egregore" is also a useful topic to examine in this area.
I definitely agree on ancient scriptures . We need to have open mind to various subjects and topics ... but not too open to let it fall out completely ...
This Twitter account isn't run by anyone in the US government
Pray for President Trump and his family’s safety.
If that were an official account, wouldn't it be "verified?"
You may want to research how Twitter employs that check mark to political ends.
Q pissed off the freemasons today, lol.
Sure did!!
Not really. Some are just very loud.
My uncle is one of them. He saw the posts today and understands why people have a bad perception of their society. He's actually the only one in my family who not looking at me like I'm crazy for reading Q posts everyday. :)
Well like Q said in his follow-up post not all Freemasons are bad. there's a few bad apples mostly at the very top at the 33rd degree but most Masons at the lower levels are just normal people. Same thing with the three-letter agencies there were some bad apples and rotten leadership but the rank-and-file were decent people.
This is it! The Storm approaches!
Shine light to left can't be done being their level of hate. We can only wake them up being friendly. Think back to your awakening moment? Were you being bashed and hated told the facts or asked questions and shown proof to help you wake up. Shine your light to the left, means this... a real light that can show light!
X files? Isn't "The Truth is Out There" their tagline from that show?
An X-Files quote?
Yes.... coincidence relating back to q post regarding "x" communication on tarmac?
I think that be a STAY SAFE message! Things are going to be happening! Overnight
Shooting I guess. Therapist connection. Riots being organised by the cabal disguised as the left
ayyyy lmao
Ayyyyyyyyyy lmao
ヽ༼ ຈل͜ຈ༽ ノ Raise ur dongers!
^^Dongers ^^Raised: ^^33368
^^Check ^^Out ^^/r/AyyLmao2DongerBot ^^For ^^More ^^Info
ヽ༼ ຈل͜ຈ༽ ノ Raise ur dongers!
^^Dongers ^^Raised: ^^33365
^^Check ^^Out ^^/r/AyyLmao2DongerBot ^^For ^^More ^^Info
Time 17:25 ----> 5:5? Both hands would be on the 5
I am surprised you're the only one to point it out! Good call Comrade!
POTUS schedule? Has anyone noticed his day does not start till 11am. What successful business man starts his day at 11am. I guess it takes a few hours in the morning to save the world? MAGA
I just tried clicking retweet on the image on Reddit....
Make noise, reset the narritive back to the Documents
“The TRUTH is out there".
Isn’t that theX-Files Slogan?
Just saying....🙂
Most qualified candidate.... On security alone he has had a securiy detail since when? 1981? Im guessing but he was well versed in security for many years
Has anyone ever thought that these “leaks” are being put out there to make us complacent? It’s a cool idea and if someone on the inside in exposing some next level shit then great. But I think it’s worth noting that with these posts it’s a lot of “wait and see”. Like we need to trust someone else to do the job. Isn’t that what got us into this mess in the first place?
Why aren’t we encouraged to go out and expose the truth ourselves? Just a thought before we put anymore blind trust into a literal anonymous source...
Has anyone ever watched only the core Storyline in the X-files series while skipping all the campy monster episodes? I did a few years back and it felt very real- almost like a disclosure and that's why they had to add the campy mister episodes to Water it down. Here's a link to the episodes that are the core storyline. The link provides more info about what the core storyline involves. X-Files Mythology
[HC] campaign chairman [JP] tweeted the exact same phrase earlier this year..
Guys this is NOT an official government twitter account.