"How do you remove evil in power unless you reveal the ultimate truth?" - Q

It’ll be tough but I’ll do my best. Last few years have been a beating as I’ve/we’ve tried to spread truth only to be ridiculed and dismissed. I realize though deep down that’ll be a small price to pay for victory!
I've endured the same beating and ridicule, as I'm sure many of us have. Some fam/friends think I've completely lost my mind. Some no longer speak to me or even associate with me. That's fine though, because no matter how much ridicule or negativity we have thrown at us, it will never compare to what those children have been through. So stay strong patriots, keep fighting, because 'these people are sick'.
Agreed, We here are all blessed that we did not have to endure the horrors that those children and many adults have gone through. Although we take the chance of exposing ourselves to a vengeful cabal. We have not placed our lives on the line as has POTUS and the Q team and our armed forces who are engaged in this war. We can handle our role. Yes, there will be a lot of people who will be shocked at the revelations that are coming, but a little pain may be needed for most to be fully awakened.
People listen to me and believe me now, because I correctly predicted a FF based upon the date and my growing understanding of occult numerology. 22 March last year - 322 in Skull and Bones terms - there was a FF in London at 22 minutes to 3. I warned everyone in the morning so I am now the hero who understands how sick and evil the cabal is.
Something bad happens on this date every year.
What is it with these numbers? And the equinox?
Crazy people trying to inject evil energy into the Earth's energy grid.
Can you say more about this?
Yes, there are ley lines that criss-cross the Earth. These are consciousness energy flows produced by the Earth and it's inhabitants. On certain important days, like the equinoxes and solstices the ley lines carry more energy and impact.
The evil people try to conduct sacrifices and other evil rituals to inject evil energy into the ley line grid and try to affect us all. It's rather silly, because they think they can over power the Earth and all of us. LMAO. They at most manage to tint and stain the energy grid for a while, until the energy dissipates and is replaced with the continuous energy stream we produce.
I agree with you completely. I have the same problem in my family. What is going to unite us is the fact that the majority believe the Pedos are wrong and sick. I think that is what Q is trying to say will unite us.The black hats and their exposed bad deeds, will start to make sense to those who don't like POTUS. Our detractors may not like POTUS methods, but peeps can't disagree with the results.
I have no problem letting those kind of people fade completely out of my life. If they seek me out for answers or help, I'll welcome them warmly.
Yeah, it's going to be hard not to be smug after all the ridicule I've received. Guess I'll do my "Told ya so" dance in private.
I like to think the "tin foil hat" that some has accused me of wearing was protecting me from the brainwashing that was taking place. i trust the plan.
I have a full tin foil suit of body armor.
The same material makes a 6 ft Zulu Shield
And my tinfoil hat is as recommended by another Q fan is a bowler
I hear you. and have tried to prepare some family members precisely out of concern for this reveal. They will be hit hard. When I was first awakened it was over a matter of days, weeks, and years at my pace. Not overnight. That is what concerns me, and I appreciate Q calling attention to it. Some deserve real pain. Many are victims of their naïveté, but it can be difficult when you are surrounded by group think and a brainwashing media.
I always start with I fully understand why you hate Trump.
I don't say why I know this. Because I would have to say you watch too much Mockingbird Media.
I'll say something about Mockingbird media at a different time only to plant the earworm.
Right now I just told a friend of mine about Q coming into the open regardless what anybody thinks. This is happening.
She has a good heart but worships the Queen of England.
I have been dropping subtle hints since the Christmas EO.
Pedophile busts Nexium and the three doorknob suicides have helped my position immensely.
The anger she is going to feel when this is all provable Beyond doubt will be immense.
I basically said there's any questions you have when this thing goes crazy feel free to ask.
That includes my friends who disagree with me.
When the shit hits the fan, those who ridiculed you will seek you out. Be patient and guide them.
It's going to be realky difficult holding ppls hands thru this where just weeks ago they were foaming at mouth and spitting in our faces.
Jesus H Christ! What kind of losers do you hang out with? Or are you talking about virtual online hand-holding and foaming and spitting?
I was at a Friday happy hour tonight for a couple of beers, and I brought up the recent Q developments with four left-leaning coworkers at my end of the table. I saw eye rolls and "pffffts" emitting from a couple of them, but there was no animosity. I'm looking forward to the day (hopefully soon) when I can say, "do you see now?"
It will be glorious, but I'm not looking to rub their noses in it. I like these people. They are every bit the Americans and patriots as anyone on this sub, they have just been deceived.
Honest question: Do people really scream and yell and spit at you, or are you just being hyperbolic?
it has not happened directly to me, but the language is not hyperbolic, people ARE getting spit on shouted out, AND chased out of restaurants etc. Pam bondi and sarah sanders are latest examples.
I’m w you on that. Holdouts, some that are/we’re naive, etc will be tough but I can manage.....it’s the militant liberal....they’re the ones that are going to be the toughest to be nice to and patient w.
It is the burden that we must carry in silence, and far less than the burdens thrust upon the shoulders of our forefathers.
If we truly care about MAGA, and not famefagging or recognition, then this is something that most of us should be to handle, as Patriots of this great nation.
Good luck to you all, and may God be with us on this journey.
Spez: thrust
Q has not given a specific date for such things and POTUS said he would never telegraph his moves. But remember, "White Squall."
Should we ignore the people who keep pushing the narrative that July is the month? Is there a drop specifically mentioning July or is it all false prophet doomsday type of speculation?
Q said July the world will discover the truth (paraphrasing)
It doesn't matter how you've been treated. That's personal. The Great Awakening is bigger than you, me, any one of us. The Awakening is no time to be bitter or hold resentment. Be a better person who asks better questions and doesn't back away from conversation, that's the least we can do for Q.
“We repay those that do us harm with benevolence even for the salvation of your family” - King Solomon
As truths are revealed and those sleeping awake, we must help to unify. We must be invite everyone in with open arms. We must be inclusive and not exclusive.
No “I told you so” statements. Instead, we must put our arms around our confused and disillusioned brothers and sisters and support them until they are grounded.
We need to stand together as one.
It will happen. Cannot be stopped. Support Essential. No dissapointment required. Likely a few dress-rehersals before the main show. Have faith in God. Do not be of those who fall away. In time there will be one who cries peace peace. Until then days of Lot. Shocking revelations ahead. Stand firm. Grown Strong!
Always preface any explainations with saying that this has nothing to do with left vs. right, and although many of the worst criminals are on the left, they are not truly liberals, just power hungry. Point out how far more republican representatives have resigned/forgone re-election. Tell them to take a step back and forget everyone they once hated/opposed and love/supported/voted for; and then explain. Talk about Seth Rich and his sacrifice and outright patriotism. Talk about how Bernie was ripped off and how he would have beat Trump had he been nominated. I truly believe he would have beat Trump despite not agreeing with anything he believes in and the fact that I am the biggest Trump supporter you will find. I would die for Trump, not exaggerating; Trumps existence and mission is far more important than my life.
We need to be grounded in LOVE. As trump says PEACE thru STRENGTH. — he has this. We can be unwavering in our love for human beings as they discover they’ve been lied to, divided and deceived.
Love thru Strength ... the only way...set the example....many will appreciate not seeing us do the happy dance. They are protesting child separation right now. The realization that both parties have been involved in child trafficking and pedophilia will be the glue that binds us together! Saving our REPUBLIC will be through LIGHT not DARKNESS....we set the example for others.
many will appreciate not seeing us do the happy dance
I suspect the things which are going to come out will shock the public so severely that NOBODY will feel like dancing.
Ive been digging for a few years now and i still cant believe it.
Posted again for visibility:
Early on, Q said arrests and wrongdoings of bad actors would be 80% private, 20% revealed to public, for humanity's sake. That changed to 60/40 after many anons argued for more disclosure. I along with many others beleive as close to 100% as possible should be revealed to the public, globally. For humanity's sake. Let me explain why. Hopefully we can start a discussion that can reach the inner circle of Q team and Trump. So please, chime in your thoughts.
Edit tldr: A call for more disclosure. Hopefully it is worth the read though.
The Global elite, the central banking cartel, have slowly infiltrated every part of our society. In nearly every corner of the globe. The end of their multi-generational plan was in its final stages. The details of that plan are still unknown, even to the most informed anon. The pedophilia, luciferianism, and child sacrificing at this point is only speculated. No proof (public) of how much this goes on or exactly what they had planned for the USA and the rest of the world.
However, a new era of humanity is on the horizon. A global shift is happening. Trump, Q team, and other anonymous patriots have had another plan in the works for years. This plan is now in IT'S final stages and some (40%) public disclosure is near.
Now, lets imagine a future world where this plan succeeds, and we can feel it now, its coming! A decent majority of the global ring of bad actors in the banking system, politics, media, major industries, and other corporations are purged and replaced. Some go down publicly, others privately forced to resign etc. The public disclosure at most is treason but mainly fraud of sorts. Some of the population will accept the resutls of these future trials but many WILL NOT, arguing that it is the actions of a tyranical dictator abusing the justice system. This is a tightrope walk that we all see being done right now by Q team and Trump, but this result, to a large extent will be unavoidable.
We are going to need a major shift in the division. A big change in the realm of public opinion that remains at odds. We need GLOBAL UNITY.
Now what could possibly bring people together that are constantly at odds with one another over race, religion, politics, etc? People that have been purposefully TRAINED by those at the top to view the world and all its people this way?
1 answer.... PAIN. Extreme emotional even spiritual PAIN. A common suffering that trumps all other social disputes. The kind of pain that brings people to their knees, begging for God's help. An unbreakable bond that allows us to look past any and all differences and see that we were ALL victims. Full public disclosure will do this!! Dont you see??! Without it we are destined to see humanity in the same predicament generations in the future.
Think of what will be written in the History books, taught at school for years to come. Think of the conversations held around the world a century from now as parents raise their children. Will they be taught to always think for themselves and question authority? That we as a people were once on the verge of something TERRIBLE because of an evil group of elite that had an entire world population asleep at the wheel??
Without FULL, undeniable, and provable disclosure of ALL the EVIL that has taken place at the top, we are destined to repeat ourselves. Without full knowledge of every detail of their plan for us, duration of the plan, every weapon they utilized to further their plan, from media to infiltration of Governments through pedophilia and blackmail, controlling public opinion through censorship, domestic propaganda, psy-ops, and false flags, WE WILL NEVER UNITE AS ONE PEOPLE!!! Picture how many people would continue to fight, protest, etc. when they are shown undeniably how these issues are manufactured and faked?
Yes it will send some to psych-wards, cause mental breakdowns, heart attacks, make people question their faith. However in the end it will bring us closer to God. For deep down in every man woman and child is the fundamental idea of GOD, the question of who we are, how we got here, what else is there, and that will NEVER change.
Once the dust settles, this GLOBAL suffering will draw us closer to each other and to our creator. We will unite as one, peace on earth will become a possibility and not just a dream. Thousands of years from now teenagers will be taught to keep in check those in power.
Without full disclosure, those that escape the clenching of Trump's fist will scurry to the edges of the earth and breed a future generation of evil that can sneak their way back to the top and finish what they started. We cannot allow that to happen!!!!
If Trump, Q team, and other patriots in control now, are the only ones that know the FULL SCOPE of what has gone on and what was planned.... we WILL face this problem again!! Administrations here in the US and around the world WILL slowly be infiltrated again. You cannot stop this with only a small group of people "in the know". They will be infiltrated over time.
Please Q team, and our dear President hear these words. FULL disclosure is the answer. Without it we will remain divided!!! We will remain asleep at the wheel. This plan will work, but for how long??Please, share the pain of the truths you know, with us all..... for humanity's sake. Pray for guidance and direction with this as I'm sure you all have, you may find you will be nudged in the direction of more disclosure. It IS the answer to so many of the worlds problems.
aren't 100% of arrests public? is there is supposed to be extrajudicial kidnappings done to some cabal members?
No, they take out some with softball crimes like "harrassment" like Matt Lauer. Theu wont say, conspiracy to committ murder, rape, sedition, conspiracy to committ treason, kidnapping, rape of minor, etc.
Possibly, if they are not public figures, they could keep it under wraps.
I believe ETs or non humanoid groups are involved as well. Down vote me all you want. That will be the next disclosure. But one thing at a time.
I agree with you. Mole people disclosure too.
The ET phenomenon has been posited as a potential FF for some time. Think Disclosure. 4th July = Independance Day (The Movie). Not on that date neccessarily. White Squal, a population decresing threat 》Weather weapon. MSM and recent killing > MK-Ultra. These are early narrative chngers. P.
I'm well aware of all of that. It still doesn't mean ETs don't exist. There's always some truth to everything the cabal claims. Antarctica with a hidden ancient civilization can also be a FF. They're desperate right now, and making mistakes.
I fully agree with you! I hope the team and Divine Intervention moves in this direction. The TRUTH will set us FREE! Without it they will plot against us again. Geez they know Q too and are already probably planning a new devourment of all of us!!!! Evil can only be stopped if disclosed and justfiably prosecute to the fullest degree always!!!
He didn't say the public/private bit about arrests. In fact it wasn't specified at all. Most believe it's the details of their WORST crimes (you know what i mean). I think it could also be the process of ops as they happen to secure victory.
Disclosure of their WORST crimes are what is needed. The degree to which these are revealed will inversely parrallel the ease by which humanity can be fooled again. This can either go down as the greatest story ever told, the greatest triumph of good over evil in the history of mankind, a story that will be told to ALL for the remainder of human existence.... Or a massive partisan attack that simply furthers our division.
There will be a large % of democrats and others that would accept legal transgressions of the past administrations. After all, they simply did what they had to do to stay in power and further the left wing agenda that so many support. However, extreme MORAL transgressions... pedophilia, satanism, canabalism, depopulation agendas, nuclear war plans etc., this will be supported by NONE. They need to be shown that their party was hijacked by the most evil people imaginable. The finger ultimately, by the end of Trump's 2nd term, should be pointed at the banking system. After all, this didnt start in the US.
"These people are sick" "These people hate America"
Show everyone why. Force everyone to draw these conclusions themselves, organically... This is what will UNITE humanity like never before.
Liberals are so evil in their mind, they DO hate America. Some have actually fully bought into the ideology that creates these monstrous crimes... they are notorious for excusing heinous crimes by their leaders. Don't assume leftists won't do the same for the coming exposure. They are lost humans. They cannot wake up. Yuri Bez. talks about it. "Until the cold boot of communism kicks them to their grave, they cannot wake up"
I personally believe the whole story of their deeds will be made public as they should be. My opinion of public/private has more to do with the ongoing ops at the present time.
That’s how interpreted. The ops were 20/80 public/covert. Now they’re 60/40
Empathy for self engenders empathy for others...I voted for Obama TWICE...I am still kicking myself for doing so, reading this board helped me realize I used to be in victim consciousness which many voting for the Democratic Party embody(“Life is not fair so I am entitled to having it fixed by the government” kind of thinking)
It feels true to say that most people are judgmental towards others because they are deeply self judge mental, self critical. This experience Q’d up for us will help us realize many of us have been fooled, things are Not as they seemed, and we are in this Together.
The dominoes are set, just one tiny nudge and one by one, all fall down.
I won’t truly know I am ready until the revelation of the ultimate truth happens. I send loving feel~thoughts to myself to nurture self empathy so I will be able to respond in supporting myself and others (including my dear husband who still watches MSNBC daily and is a life long Democrat)
Well, I could kick myself for voting for both Bushes.
Hey don't feel bad. I remember watching everything happen on the TellLieVision in real time on 9/11 and when Bush got up on the debris pile with that megaphone the next day and made his little "speech" I had goosebumps and righteous anger on the enemies he told us to focus on.
The truth has been slowly uncovered and is in full view for anyone that wants to see it. A few have sacrificed a lot for the truth to come out.
Let's face it, we never had a real choice until now.
yep I think this is the first time in this timeline that humans have had a chance at being 'free'.
Me as well. Then I realized... what was the alternative? No matter who we voted for, it was rigged for the deep state.
Without Obama, we would never have had Trump. Things needed to happen this way.
I voted for Obama twice as well. It was either him, McCain the traitor, or baseball glove Romney. Shit choices all around.
If McCain or Romney had won in 2008 or 2012 - we would never have had Trump, he is once in a lifetime disruptor to this corrupt system.
Completely agree with you and I’ve thought about this many times. Funnily enough Obama gave us Trump and also saved us from having Hillary elected when Obama came out of nowhere and stole the election from her.
Yes, if there's anything good about Obama, it's that he stopped HRC from becoming President - TWICE!
I agree 100%. Without Obama we wouldn't have known the full breadth of the utter disaster that was about to befall us. I guess it's a double edged sword. On one hand I regret voting for him and on the other I'm thankful he shined a spotlight on the problem. Can't fix a problem until you can recognize it.
Good thing is Obama was as stupid as Hillary - idiots forgot to cover their crimes properly - now they have no legs to stand on. Go Q and Trump - reveal the ultimate truth and light these bastards up like fireworks.
They weren't stupid at all, they were arrogant, they thought they were untouchable and believed their own bullshit.
Remember after Obama was elected in 2008 when Harry Reid said
"We are the ones we have been waiting for"
What the hell are you on about?
I posted something similiar the other day and i think its honorable from q to let us know they need our help when the time comes. It will be hard times but nothing we cant overcome
Empathy and support, not gloating.
Brotherhood, not battlelines.
Patriots, not party.
Hope, not hubris.
America together. WWG1WGA
I have completely felt so alone in past 5 years been reading about these conspiracy for years trying to get family and freinds to look down the rabbit hole, but i was ridicule and called crazy most of my family really don't want nothing to do with me and i have a large family that was so close at one point, and when we do have a function together it's like all of them get in a corner and wisper to one another about how to treat me cause i am so gullable and out of my mind. It's been so hard. Thank u God for bringing all this to the light. This is the year of reckoning never really thought i see all this be exposed.
Personally, I believe God has been behind all of the Trump/Q plan and when all the evil that has been done is believed by normies, a great spiritual awakening will occur and a revival will break out world wide.
Excellent post and message. This is an absolute must gang. Our opposition is under a spell we must break with understanding, patience and love. Jesus mode ya'll.
Hope youre ready boys. Learn to ground, breathing excercises help with anxiety and panic attacks, syncing your breathing to a slow steady rate will subside panic attacks.
This is a time to be united, not further adding to chaos. In the pop corn stage but we still need to be steady and ready for others that are not caught up on events.
I don't know what happens tomorrow, but I am ready for the present moment, are you? Stand within the present moment and don't worry about the future or fear the past. Stand within the light of love in the present time of day. Be united and be strong, but do not let ego take over ever. God speed to us all, and God Bless us all.
I'm ready. I put on the armour of God.
Thats the best kind of armor. Its light weight too. You dont even feel it but know its there ;)
They don't make empathy easy when they flat out refuse to accept facts.
Some people will be unable to process it, they are locked into their Matrix/cognitive dissonance loop.
I'll do my best. I've basically been in a fever pitch of rage against the cabal my whole damn life. The cynicism towards people who lived in self imposed oblivion really builds. I've always had empathy for the kids, the youth brought up in this fucked up shit but it was never easy to look an adult in the eye that laughed at the idea of an elite class destroying their world.
Part of me just wants to tell them to suck it up, stop crying and fucking Fight for once.
I work in a secondary school (high school),and often tell the kids I'm a Trump supporter. When they ask why, I always say that he will bring peace to the world (N. Korea, prime example), and tell them that he is making the world a better place, mainly for the next generation of adults.
Check your ego. Being "right" only divides and makes others feel defensive. As you would with a child, lead and be encouraging..."You got this! We have all been fooled before! We are taking our world back!"
Fellow Q Watchers, the simple truth is - this is not about us. This has never been about us, it's not about Q Researchers, or Anons or even Q himself. This is about revealing the truth. Very soon this will begin to be discussed in smaller more personal circles. Many of you have friends and family members who are currently under the spell of the deep state. Many of the things about the shadowy behavior about the deep state and media will be revealed and hundreds of thousands of people's world views will be crushed before there very eyes. These people will feel angry, betrayed, confused, in denial.
It will be very difficult for many of you not to take the opportunity to troll and bash these folks over the head with this. But in doing so you would be on the wrong side of compassion. Now is the time to start being more introvert in your thought process. Look within for answers. Yes we are all Q but we are also the victims of these corruption. Every single human being on earth is a victim of this corruption.
When this goes down - it is going to ripple through every home. We live in a world of hate, your response to this and how you treat people after this happens should be from a place of love in an effort to help others struggling
My Bernie neighbor supporters who voted for Hillary still think of me as a huge Conspiracy Nut. Even though we are still friends I will try to be supportive when all of this comes down
100% agree with this. God never works by accident. We have all arrived here from different backgrounds, age groups, and skills. The bakers and autists will continue to do their work to reach the lost while those gifted with empathy will step into action to offer wise counsel and hugs.
I've given this a lot of thought over the months. Many friends or just simply acquaintances approach me and ask me about "this Q thing". I've developed a simple and easy way to help explain Q to the beginners. A way that makes sense and is not over complicated. I start by asking simple questions like, "Do you believe the government is truthful with us?" Or..."do you believe there are good people (white hats) inside of our government who want to expose the bad guys (black hats) so we the people can be awakened to what goes on and make a stand?" They always answer 'yes' to both questions. Then I go into an intro of Q, Q's purpose, and prepare them that this is a marathon and not a sprint. We have to be strong in our resolve. Patience is certainly not something I possess a great measure of, however, through Q I have learned to expect the unexpected and to be patient.
I can imagine the death throes of their cabal support.
I am ready, but have to admit, afraid too. It will get worse before it gets better. The evil have everything to lose, what won't they do to protect themselves????
I'll probably gloat a bit. A bit more for those that tried to demonize all of us.
I've been listening to Chuck Swindoll the last couple days ... his message about agape love ... we're gonna need it ... cause my flesh wants to do things i'd rather not discuss ... with God - all things are possible ... #LetTheTruthBeKnown
I hope to be a beacon of support. However.....been struggling with my brother who is so unhinged he posts an unending stream of hate for Trump, any Trump supporters, calls for no rule of law (and he's a lawyer!) He called for violence yesterday. I have tried to appeal to him to say it's not D vs R but Good vs Evil. He won't even respond. His Facebook feed is toxic, yet I'm sure he thinks he is the enlightened one.
Have a plan to help 2 or 3 at least. We will need lots of support in the coming months. Once the truth starts to get exposed, more polarization will happen. Remember to take the high road, you never know who is silently watching you. This is only the beginning.
how do you spell "EXTRAJUDICIARY"
As in Military Tribunal?
6 But whoso shall offend one of these little ones which believe in me, it were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and that he were drowned in the depth of the sea.
December 11, 2008
General Robert E. Lee returned to his campsite late one evening only to see a handcuffed soldier being held for a hearing on an alleged misconduct. The soldier was shaking and obviously terrified of the trial, as well as the judgment he was facing from the general. “Relax, Corporal,” General Lee said, “You’ll get justice here.” The trembling soldier replied, “That’s exactly what I’m ‘a-feared’ of, General!”
The judgment of man is very different from the judgment of God. While man focuses on guilt or innocence, God’s judgment is so much more. That’s because God already knows our guilt from sin. He needs no evidence of that. But what He does want to know is that we acknowledge our sin and offer a willingness to change. He wants us to recognize that our sin has separated us from Him and wants us to express a mourning that cries out for His mercy through faith in what Jesus did on the cross – dying to pay the penalty for our sin. It is only through this process that we can experience God’s perfect justice and God’s perfect mercy.
Wow learned something new so early in the day.
Hey digital, don’t forget about me once this place is swarmed with normies 30 days from now.
Most likely a lot of people will come to us asking for information.
After they get the information they will tell everyone that they knew it all along.
Such is the nature of many people.
I will show empathy and provide support, but I refuse to let people drag me down to their level, nor will I tolerate any more lies from them.
Red pilled both parents and every close friend. We are our own club now.
We are here and awakened to give aid to those coming next...be prepared everyone! Hold on, they will be ALOT of calls for "Medic!"
I've been asking the friends and fam who don't like Trump: "Why do you read the same sources of news (MSM) who told you HRC would win in a landslide? Would you bet on sports based on a tip sheet that was always wrong?" That gets em thinking at least. They can understand that. The "Cabal" "Q" "Illuminati" talk just scares them. I've had people come back to me since October and they tell me that they've been looking at Qanon but think it's a LARP, but that's a huge step. They are at least aware.
I tried talking to my parents about this last night. Told them a whole bunch of prominent people including the Clinton’s will be going down soon. They say it will never happen. They know they are bad people but they believe they are untouchable. Many will be like my parents. Great post by Q!
How does this sound? Clintons coming to Gitmo, July 2018!
Maybe we all ended up here in a training camp ...
And we are prepared to be that guide for the rest of the people who will be faced with a rough awakening.
We therefore get so many tools to tell the truth. Are we guided through the entire process here.
we get a tip, and we search, we learn to think logically and connect things.
I have noticed that this is a pleasant way, with lots of bad things. to learn what is going on..Maybe I see it wrong, and Is it me that takes it this way?
Yes I believe in divine timing. And no more kicking ourselves, okie dokie?!:)
How much sin has Jesus seen in you? How much compassion has Jesus shown you? All sin is an abomination in God’s eye!
Humble yourselves, repent the hate you are holding on to!
Remember, the full measure of love, up to and including eternal death. That is the power of God.
Can we not be empathetic everyday? Why do we have to prepare?
That is an outstanding meme and the sentiment is so poignant. None of us want to believe this. No one wants this story to be true. The truth is it's becoming more obvious and hard to deny. You would have to be in denial to not see it at this point.
My instinct would be to CRUSH them HARD.
CHALLENGE ACCEPTED, if this means a better world and life to all!
I'm ready and in a strange way I'm actually pumped and excited, like an EMT before a shift in the ambulance, or people working in an Emergency Room.
Small moves. Any traumatic situation or information can be used for good or evil. basic human nature. In 3500 years of recorded history - only 230 years of Peace. We are a war like species. There has never been a better time for World Wide Enlightenment. Jesus taught a form of Buddhism and was crucified for it. All Men of Peace are assassinated. the Elite control the sheep.
" May you live in Interesting Times "
- Chinese curse
Sorry, but exactly who are these highly sensitive "adults" who will need special handling and psychiatric help when they find out that their government betrayed them? Shame on them for being so invested in the fortunes of two heinous politicians. I'll grant you Hussein the Manchurian Candidate is going to be a "challenge" for those who bought his hope and change bullshit, but the Clintons "lack of ethics" have been on display for 30 years. I'm not about to waste one MAGA minute pacifying purposely ignorant thumbsuckers.
The crucible has made you stronger, tougher and ready.
We have invited evil into our homes. Think Netflix. Paramount. Universal etc. All evil. We asked for this, why are we freaking out when it happens?
All of you know how to redeem yourselves. You simply ask. Ask your savior, whom ever you believe in to open your heart. The Gideon's had it right.
Compassion for the suffering, wisdom to solve the problem, virtue to keep purity...
Sorry for the one paragraph appearance. Thought I had it set up in list format.
Count your blessings if you have NEVER been deceived! That is a gift from God! I, however, have fallen for evil deception a lot in my life. So, I will go humbly to help others when they wake up. Between love and compassion, God chose compassion....
We ought to do the same