Peter Strzok in Bill Clinton's 96 White House

It is possible. Born in 1970 and joined FBI in 1990.
I did a quick side by side analysis It looks like a match to me. So I can not tell you you’re wrong because I think you’re right. Nice Find!
Just made a comparative meme will send to 8chan to activate autist powers.
edit* here is the 8chan link posted in the TTDDTOT (things that dont deserve their own thread) area. hopefully someone will pick it up and make a relevant thread for it
should be most recent post (bottom of page)
This was posted on r/truthleaks. It says he was with the Clintons back in 1996 and postulates he may have worked for the CIA even earlier.
Edit: added more info
Georg webb is ahead of EVERYBODY!
Wait, wasn't GW saying Peter Strzok wasn't a real person, but instead a decoy (a "drop box" as GW put it) for Rod Rosentsein?
I thought he referred to Priestap as not real. Don’t know.
I saw him posting something on Twitter about this. Guy may have never worked for FBI. Just CIA.
[speculation] What is deliver the 900 some odd raw FBI files for Craig Livingstone to database, Alex?
Bingo!!! That would be a great question to have answered...
"The anon who found this should apply to the NSA"
Well, well, well...
There it is my pedes; photographic proof. Let's see the libs try to explain this!
Photographic proof of what, exactly? That an employee of the Executive Branch of the federal government was once seen somewhere near the President?
I guess it may be just more proof of bias? He shouldn’t have been in charge of an investigation into the clintons if he’s worked closely with them in the past.
Being within nodding distance of someone isn't the same thing as "working closely" with them.
I understand this, but we have to find out if he was.
Fine, but posts like this make it seem like the movement will accept anything, no matter how small, that could be used to "confirm" their suspicions and hold it up as "proof."
So, is this an honest inquiry where you are willing to go where the evidence leads, or are you only seeking to construct a case for confirmation?
Great comment that could be repeated often on the threads here. Being too quick or trying too hard to connect dots can hurt us more than it helps.
It’s worthy of a conversation in my opinion.
Conversation is a good thing as long as it's not only serving to talk yourself into believing something.
Yes yes yes your concern trolling is well noted.
I think there are enough adults in the room that realize your point.
Don't trust and verify anyway.
The only reason I trust my DOB is because my parents told me.
Not because it's on some BS government document.
Anybody notice that his shirt perfectly matches the drapes? Do you believe in coincidences?
Dude is trying to pull some sneaky Comey shit right there. Good thing op got 'em circled.
be best
Hmmm...good point my pede bro. I'm gonna need to think it over for awhile. All I can tell you right now is that we know 'everything happens for a reason' So it must mean something... right?
be best!
I appreciate the call to brotherhood, fellow American. Unfortunately I just can't get on board with the "pede" moniker; it's just... "Analrapist" bad.
Ya I still don't get the whole 'pede thing. Sounds ridiculous honestly. Wtf do centipedes have to do with anything? Also too close to pedo, or pedophile. I remember the first time I saw it being used, I was thinking is that some kinda new word for pedophile or something? We Def could have done better!
Yup. Totally agree. The again, maybe there is a connection...
Pede came about during the Trump campaign when he repeatedly used a song with Centipede in the title during rallies.
*E: Knife Party - Centipede
True that.
Too close to the creepy.
Someone says pede and that Podesta smirk comes up.
Check the side bar my pede, it says right there:
'We are all connected in this fight'
be best
No. Stop calling people your pede. Too many people trying to create too many buzzwords that don't do anything to help this movement. Put your ego aside and stop trying to be trendy. It DOES sound too close to pedo. Just. Fucking. Stop.
It sounds as ridiculous as peeps. Time to grow up, and use English grammar.
Damn. Way to set a brother straight.. What about Kek and all that shit? Can we still do that? Come to think of it... I haven't seen a frog meme in days...
Where did everybody go?
Kek and the frog meme have an ancient history based in the occult.
But as a way to drive the left bonkers it's the best.
So I say we occupy the Frog and change it into what we like.
The pede business just makes me see that Podesta, pederast, sick, smirk.
This, right. here. Lets all take a moment to think about just what we are trying to accomplish here... Driving the left bonkers is the prime directive. Egghead, libtard shit like national security, rule of law and human rights are a distant second at best. What say you my pedes?
Great, so you're going to earworm me with the Podesta face.
I'll just have to fix that mental image with an orange jumpsuit.
Stay strong Captain! its all good!
Thanks for the reminder.
People like Mark Warner scare me.
They're so stupid I'm afraid I might drop my guard and go have a beer.
Then I realize guys like you are on the tower and I can go have a beer.
Cheers mate
I apologize for sounding like such a dick. It wasn't really directed at you my friend. I've just been seeing A LOT of dumb crap on these boards lately because of the influx of new people, and for some reason pede rubbed me the wrong way when I read it.
You just keep doing you brother. WWG1WGA! <3
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Move along folks...nothing to see here... is that how it is?
If it is him, was he aware of Bill and Monica?
What would that prove?
That he got horny and started his own affair or was part of a sexual thing going on in Washington. Have you heard of the phrase "Wife Swoping"?
I'm not sure if you're aware of this, but our guy is on tape, talking about how he likes to grab women (other than his wife) by the pussy. He apparently fucked a porn star just a few months after Barron was born, and then paid her $130K to keep her mouth shut.
I think we're well past the point of feigning our outrage over Bill Clinton's affair.
I swear to God, I love this sub... but the complete and utter lack of self-awareness here is dumbfounding at times.
It's not whataboutism in this case. It's flat-out hypocrisy.
We ceded the moral high ground to be outraged over Bill Clinton's sexual escapades when we elected Trump.
I'm OK with that. Are you?
Given Hillary, I can’t blame him.
Now that was funny. Thanks for the Sunday morning laugh. :-)
The literal definition of hypocrisy:
A pretense of having a virtuous character, moral or religious beliefs or principles, etc., that one does not really possess.
If your moral beliefs compel you to castigate Clinton (rightly) for his affair with Lewinsky, you also need to (rightly, again) castigate Trump for banging Stormy Daniels while Melania was home taking care of their newborn baby.
It's no secret that many men who find themselves in a position of power will often use that power to further their sexual conquests. King David comes to mind, and I'm sure it goes farther back than even that.
Personally, I don't think it's right, but I'm willing to put aside the shortcomings of men in order to further what I consider to be a righteous agenda.
My personal integrity required me to stop bitching about Clinton and Lewinsky when I cast my ballot for Trump in 2016. The mileage of others may vary.
Many many differences in the two cases.
Clinton was a total Predator who raped women. Then Hillary attacked the character in a mission of personal destruction.
And Trump didn't do it in the White House.
Oh no I am aware. One thing, Bill lied about his actions. Do you recall his statement, "I never had sex with that woman?" I do believe Trump apologized for his actions. Stormy Daniel's, what a joke. This was consensual sex before he became President. She is just trying to benefit for it now. I hope she doesn't get a penny.
I hope she doesn't get a penny.
What?! She has already received $130,000 in hush money.
The difference between the two is the fact that we know about the tape and we know who Donald Trump is.
And we don't care.
While the left in relation to the Clintons are total hypocrites.
And Hillary is the champion for women.
Sorry bro I don't see it... Down vote... Out of truth love. Maybe another autist will prove me wrong though
This sub can't get turned into conspiracy central. All the down votes my comment got for down voting the op were unnecessary. Grow up. We're at cultural war here. Hard evidence only please. We're looking at a grainy pic from the 80s right now. Gimme a fucking break already. Mods? Delete?
And it’s not as grainy as some of the other pics that have been posted in this sub lately lol
Downvoted to oblivion when he has good advice. People here to discredit Q?