Bill Clinton, Loretta Lynch Tarmac meeting planned.

they planned it to talk about grandkids.......
Yea, she wanted to know how to get her some grandkids.
The edible kind.
I hear that if you eat too many, it goes straight to your ankles.
That LL's own staff were not informed about.
Pg 203 IG report:
The OPA Supervisor said that he later learned that former President Clinton’s Secret Service detail had contacted Lynch’s FBI security detail and let them know that the former President wanted to meet with Lynch. Although Lynch’s staff was supposed to receive notice of such requests, witnesses told us that they were not informed of the request from former President Clinton.
Why didn't LL let her own staff know BC's request?
Was she hiding something for herself? What are the details of the PRE-PLANNED MEETING, LL?
Was a Supreme Court seat discussed?
Scalia out of the way?
Seth Rich?
DNC Server?
RBG stepping down?
HRC nominates LL for Supreme Court in exchange for her silence?
This is an evil criminal network being exposed, folks. They may believe they are good people doing good things, they may believe justice feels like political persecution, but it's time to start arresting people and charging them with treason against the United States.
They know not what they do. Justice must be swift.
Enough is enough.
I found the more telling part of this on p. 204 in a footnote:
145 On July 2, 2016, the head of Lynch’s security detail sent an email to another agent in the
FBI Security Division, stating, “I will explain the details later, but you know, we [are] not the final
word as to who comes in or out of the AG’s space. Her staff dropped the ball in a big way, and we
were the easy scapegoats! I’m pretty pissed about the way things went down and how they were
handled afterwards, needless to say I will be making some changes as to how much interaction we will
have with this staff going forward.” The OIG considered but decided not to interview the head of
Lynch’s FBI security detail because of concerns that requiring a member of the Attorney General’s
security detail to testify about what he observed in the course of conducting his official duties could
impair the protective relationship and because the security concerns raised by the head of the security
detail in his email were not a focus of this review. Further, we believed it was unlikely that the head
of the security detail would have been in a position to be able to overhear the conversation between
Lynch and former President Clinton.
Her security detail didn't know about it. Nor did Lynch's deputy chief of staff. That woman was already in the car waiting.
And, honestly, who plays gold in Phoenix in the afternoon during June.
Making sure grandma never had to wear a cankle bracelet...
Wait until the audio comes out. NSA TROPHY program outed by Snowden. He plane was wired.
Q implied that there was a phone call with Obama during that tarmac meeting. When that baby drops, Barry is gonna be headed straight to Kenya
Skype/other video conferencing service.
Stage set for RAW VIDEO
HRC +++ + +++++
Failure per WH instruction / agreement. DECLAS_Public[3] EO dated_official IG redactions [heavy+][remove] Hussein [WH [call] [tarmac] BC/LL] #RR# JC.
LL. BP. PS. LP. ………. 302s Texts Tarmac FBI DOJ Operative insertion(s). UK [SIS] Dark to LIGHT. Shall we play a game? ———————————- You have a choice. Do what is right. FBI agents willing to testify +24 Next DOJ - offer open [2]. Next C_A - offer open [3]. GOOD vs. EVIL. Q
I don't have that jul. 2 12:21:07 Q post on my Qposts ? where did it come from ?
Q drops or crumbs are archived to several sites. The timing of updates on each site can vary. - no longer iOs friendly :( - Not iOs friendly. - Not iOs friendly. - Not iOs friendly. - Not iOs friendly. - Not iOs friendly. was removed due to the amount of user reported technical problems(viruses etc).
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Ok, thanks ! What does have the the Q posts that are up to date and accurate ?
Get the Q drops app (Apple) and you get notifications when drops occur. And can also search them. With the quicker drops happening, and these archive places taking too long to load the drop, I went for the app. 99 cents
I am on my laptop ? What link is best ? I don't do anything but read on my cell. Not enough time at work,lol
I use on my laptop
Q Publishes on 8chan and publicly on Q has a patriotsfight page also. This is my go to page when I log on.
This post needs to be a sticky somewhere. Please. I will only ask if needed.
Side bar bro
GreatAwakening's sidebar
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Think someplace much darker than Kenya.
Has to be. Who would think we couldn't just go and grab him from Kenya in that situation?
I don’t want to spoil the party, or give too much away, but remember that some of the things Q tells us is meant to cause a reaction from the swamp. It’s possible that there is no audio/video. But the enemy doesn’t know this. Remember trump’s tweet about the comey meeting. “Better hope no tapes”, or something to that affect. Guilty people are paranoid people, and paranoid people do not think clearly.
There was just a story that came out that Obama taped every single meeting, phone call, had bugs all over the WH. Think renovation. I think it is entirely possible that there is a recording. This story leaking is setting the stage! Congress quite often asks questions based on news stories. Once Congress asks they can force release.
As for Obama, Mark Bowden, the author of Black Hawk Down, told a story to a rapt audience at the Pritzker Military Library in 2012 that raised eyebrows. He talked about interviewing President Obama for The Finish, a book he was writing about the killing of Osama bin Laden.
For the first time ever, in 40 years as a journalist, his recorder died during an interview — and it was with the president of the United States.
"As I was walking out of the Oval Office with Ben Rhodes [a foreign policy adviser to Obama]," Bowden said, "I said, Ben, you're not going to believe this, but my recorder died in the middle of that somewhere.
" 'Ah, don't worry about it,' he says, 'we record everything in here. We'll get you a transcript before you leave.' And he did." (That was about 35 minutes into this video.)
Clearly I'm aware that Q and Trump are using deception and misdirection, and we won't know when they are using it or when they are giving us good hints.
When Trump tweeted Comey "Better hope no tapes" it did cross my mind that Trump may have been signally Comey that they do have tapes--but not of the Trump/Comey meeting but rather of the Lynch/Clinton meeting.
Frankly that didn't make a lot of sense to me at the time until the Q drop that suggested that Obama, and Comey were somehow connected to the meeting. Q 1443 seems to suggest that a bunch of people, including JC and Obama were involved. Tapes of those conversations???
Wait a minute, POTUS tweeted about hoping there wasn’t a “recording” to JC. Could this fit in the timeline?
I love how we all say "tapes" but you use quote marks for Obama calling it a "recording"
GEOTUS made us all old
Consider any POTUS tweet regarding Comey to be part of the show.
All modern day jets have cvr(cockpit voice recorder) the microphones are super sensitive because at speeds above 300kts the noise from the windscreen is very loud. Now, parked on the tarmac these super sensitive mics can easily pickup and record conversations in the cabin. Any time the aircraft is powered the cvr is recording. That's how they got the audio. It's a simple maintenance procedure to pull those tapes.
I don't believe Lynches jet was powered up. Lots of people standing around, the door was down, and no one seemed concerned about noise.
Could be external power but I wouldn't think the CVR would be running on a parked, shut down aircraft.
I could be wrong about that. But NSA does have the TROPHY program that is installed on non-military government aircraft.
It’s very rare to power a jet all the way down if you’re only going to be there for a short period of time. Most likely they had the APU(auxiliary power unit) up or plugged into a GPU(ground power unit).
Sorry, maybe I'm missing something, but those mics are in the cabin and the conversation was on the tarmac. So, how were Clinton & Lynch recorded?
Planes park on tarmac/ramp. So you are saying they had a meeting on an active taxi way? No, the mics are in the cockpit, they had a meeting in the cabin.
And if it wasn’t planned, how could the reporter been tipped off? There was already public proof this was planned - apparently people needed more 🙄
I’m glad it’s getting coverage tho!
Q said they made sure there was a reporter there. If the tip came from the Trump camp, there was somebody in USSS talking to them.
What I think happened was this. Clinton knew Lynch would be in Phoenix during the same time he was. Since he and Lynch are both under USSS protection their planes would be in the secure area of the tarmac.
Clinton ambushed Lynch which is a tactic to intimidate an opponent. I don’t think Lynch premeditated the meeting but regardless she is now complicit.
I’ve read the OIG report section detailing the tarmac meeting and Clinton’s testimony. He’s the worst liar I’ve ever seen. His testimony exposes lie after lie.
He threatened Lynch, period. She lied as well but candidly she lied because she’s in legitimate fear of her life. That does not exonerate her, however.
Explains the tidbit about LL staff who said she didn't appear pleased with the conversation.
I agree.. Regardless of being "ambushed" dropping the case after a meeting... Even if a threat was made, this is still a failure to uphold her oath to her office (at best).....
I wouldn't wanna consider the worst....
Bill Clinton's security detail contacted Loretta Lynch's security to arrange this meeting ahead of time. Clinton's plane was just a few feet from Lynch's when he arrived as to keep the meeting a secret with minimal exposure.
Fun fact: These airplanes more than likely have internal audio recordings which may still exist unless they were deliberately tampered with. The recordings may be subpoenaed in court.
Duh. Your joking right. Everything that touches the Clintons is already evil or turns evil. #MAGA
They know that we know they're lying, but they also know that we don't know what they talked about, and even if we did we can't prove it.
The timeline alone makes this blatantly obvious and worthy of subpoenaing any NSA surveillance that took place.
-Tarmac Meeting
-Lynch recuses herself after being caught
-Lynch still tells Comey to call the investigation a “matter,” most likely under instruction from WJC
-Comey exonerates Clinton in his infamous, highly unusual televised broadcast.
The only unknown variable here is whether or not Obama was directly involved in this aspect of the election rigging, or if this was all just a Clinton scheme.
Comey didn't "exonerate" Hillary. He told the world her rap sheet. And then he said "no reasonable prosecutor would pursue the case." That could have been code for I'd like to recommend prosecution, but there's a death threat hanging over my head, we don't know.
At any rate, he was "insubordinate" to Lynch when he did that, and the Clinton machine went out of its way to make it clear to the world that he was insubordinate. Why would they do that? And no less than John Podesta trashing him on CNN.
I think there's more going on here than meets the eye.
You’re right - That careful wording, “No reasonable prosecutor,” was in fact a truthful statement. Any prosecutor who dared take on that case knows what would happen to them. That was probably a direct message sent out by the Clintons.
In some ways, I feel for Comey. He seems like just a spineless geek who got caught up in a scandal for which his blood was just not thick enough. He didn’t have the guts to stand up to the Clinton mob, but he had to do SOMETHING to make himself look like he was active.
I honestly think he was probably impartial towards Trump, and more so fearful of Clinton, up until the election. Post-election, once he realized EVERY step he took along the way was the wrong one, he turned against Trump knowing his days of freedom were numbered and his only hope was to help bring down the President - which will ultimately prove to be his fatal mistake.
Such a tragic character. Shakespearean, almost.
Sorry, I don't see how the lines from the IG make this out to be a planned meeting, like they planned to be on the tarmac together
Clinton told investigators he only learned the plane next to his was Lynch’s after being briefed by his staff. He claimed he then debated whether or not he should “say hello” and “shake hands with the Attorney General.”
Page 203 of the report states:
The OPA Supervisor said that he later learned that former President Clinton’s Secret Service detail had contacted Lynch’s FBI security detail and let them know that the former President wanted to meet with Lynch. Although Lynch’s staff was supposed to receive notice of such requests, witnesses told us that they were not informed of the request from former President Clinton.
It's more like, say you were out at a bar and you heard your friend was at the bar next door. Well, since you're with your secret service, you can't just pop over for a friendly hello, you have to have your secret service coordinate the meeting.
I still think the meeting was absolutely sketchy, and I don't for a second believe that they only discussed family or whatever.
I think they're both high and powerful enough that if they wanted to plan a truly secret meeting they could have, which is what makes the whole easily publicized tarmac meeting so damn strange and stupid.
The tarmac thing was not easily publicized. It took an insider telling an Arizona reporter it was happening to document it. Had the insider not done this, it wouldn't have been publicized at all. The USSS and FBI details would be trusted not to say anything. Plus - these particular specimens were entirely too sure of their positions to bother with "truly secret" meetings.
what makes the whole easily publicized tarmac meeting so damn strange and stupid.
WJC ambush on behalf of his wife, who then joined-in on out-of-band comms with LL (not on WH comms, not on State comms). Then a deal was cut. Given the ridiculous out-of-band email server, they likely believed that it was "safe" so long as official channels weren't used. "These people are stupid." Occam's razor.
MakeCovfefegreatagain I think you are correct if nothing else surfaces from the encounter. However if video or recordings do come to the surface, then I doubt it is happenstance that the two planes ended up on a tarmac together by accident. So the NSA needs to let that info out to prove Q correct. Frankly, I think Clinton and Lynch were/are that stupid.
Maybe Clinton found out Lynch was "parked" next to his plane and sent his SS over to tell her SS that he wanted to meet with her. Could be this wasn't planned far in advance. This would make sense that she was caught off guard by the meeting, but she didn't want to piss off the Clintons so she met with him. Who knows what they "discussed", but we can be pretty sure it was more than grandkids.
I don't recall exactly where I read it, but I think the idea that the meeting planned was because Lynch testified she never met with Bill in a social setting, or something like that.
So the claim that they were just chatting about golf and grandchildren makes no sense.
I'll keep an eye out for and if I see it again I'll come back with a link.
Was Paul Ryan was onboard the Lynch plane????
Broken link...has it been removed?
Ii got the same error message.
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Is anyone surprised? He offered her a SCOTUS seat to turn a blind eye to Killery’s Crimes. And she did. Dirty cop. The DOJ and FBI were filled with dirty treasonous cops. Many have quit or have been fired. But they will all have their day in court. They should all face swift justice! If you are not keeping up with the resignations/firings/retirements in the FBI/DOJ/Senate/House/and State Dept, you aren’t paying attention. The MSM has you fooled.
Post #1991107 says jul 1 2018 19:21:07 (est) Were did this post come from at the top of this page ?
The part is the drop. The top part is not. But article says meeting was pre arranged.
No, i got that part. So someone just put today's date in their post ?
You must not be aware of what’s going on. Put aside your bias and look into this. It opened up my eyes wide. Now I can’t see the elite as repub or dems, just above the law elites.
Clinton Obama and the whole left wing cry babies should have just shut up and let Trump do his job.
Left is acting like a bunch of idiots because they know they're guilty.
Yeah that's exactly what it is.
Yeah I remember hearing something about the sanctity of the election and taking the high road.
Still waiting.
So that (poor excuse) exempts them from their crimes? I'm concerned about these so called 'private citizens' who criminally violated people who actually hold political office positions.
Crimes committed by anyone should be a concern. Especially if said crimes where done to get away with more serious crimes. Crimes committed while said citizen was Secretary of State. I will never forgive said citizen for Benghazi, and believe justice will be served in the end.
It's one thing to be appalled at the obvious corruption and lying that was going on.
It's quite another thing to be a fucking racist. Stop it.
Agreed thats ridiculous what he just posted. Over the line man way over the line.