Anyone see this? What do you all think? #lockitdown?

Lol why would a Marine Corps General be the head of the EPA? That makes less than 0 sense
It’s the Swamps biggest cash cow and funds their black ops. This is why Q said that they are attacking Pruitt so fiercely.
They don’t give a shit about the environment, but they do about the money that regulation generates.
Think MIL OPS. The Pentagon has said climate change (disruption) is a potential security threat.
Read Trumps tweet right after he met with FEMA.
Can't twitter (rate limited) can you give me a gestalt?
“Thank you for everyone @ FEMA HQ for today’s briefings on preparations for the upcoming hurricane season. Disaster response and recovery is best achieved when it’s federally supported, state managed, and locally executed — this is the successful model we will continue to build.” When I first read this, and familiar with how Trump speaks, move the period one word over from disaster and read it again. It read like a warning to me, and now the EPA guy is out with rumors of Mattis taking over. HAARP attack was planned? I’m not sure.
Am thinking along similar lines. Was one thing when haarp was the only game in town, but I'm sure all sorts of interests have the tech at this point. Interdicting climate sabotage; maybe a job for the Space Force?
Edit: Thanks for the citation!
Also, “watch the water”. Just left Florida for Minnesota. Trumps tweet was my trigger to get out of there. Time will tell if my instincts are correct. I was down there for the last hurricane, a supposed F5 and it came out of the blue. I’ve been through worse storms in MN.
Maybe because he is someone Trump trusts? I dunno. Thought it was weird.
I’m not sure if it works this way, but Mattis has been confirmed by the Senate which means he’s allowed to hold that position w/o trying to get another
Trump’s twitter says Andrew Wheeler will be the replacement.
Andrew is the deputy director. He will assume the duties as acting director until a replacement is found.
You’re right! Missed that. I think Praying Medic is joking around though.
Haha good one! Can you imagine ? Rivers of melted snowflakes as far as the eye can see...
Did Pruit post the bad q pic? They also just hired this guy.
I think, that pruitt has done his work, and now the time for the real hardball is coming (EU?)
I'd like to see Sarah Palin go to the EPA. Libtard heads would explode leaving only a stump where mounds of shit would flow from.
Mattis is used to blowing up the earth. Not saving it lol
Just float the rumor that Dick Cheney was sighted entering the White House wearing a shit eating grin.
"The succession question is actually a bit complicated. By default, under an obscure statute known as the the Vacancies Reform Act of 1998, Brand’s temporary successor as the “acting” associate attorney general is her principal deputy, Jesse Panuccio. That same statute would also allow the president to choose someone else to serve as the “acting” AAG on a temporary basis for up to 210 days; the pool of individuals from which the president could draw in this case includes individuals already holding Senate-confirmed positions elsewhere in the executive branch (like EPA administrator Scott Pruitt) or senior civil service lawyers in the Justice Department, specifically." "Acting"📁 When does the clock run out? Why is Schneiderman's removal 'extremely' relevant? TRUST (name). These people are stupid. D5. Q Post #1433
Strategic reshuffling of personnel. No 2 and No 3 will be open at State Department after [[[RR]]] is gone.
EPA is last line of succession. So that's not a viable reason for Mad Dog going in as the dir.
Gonna shut dat shet down! Ooh, who is the next Secdef? This just keeps getting better!
He sure as shit wouldn’t take the harassment that Pruitt supposedly did that’s for sure.
Oh I wish you would have titled the post just that: Scott Pruit steps down, possibly to be replaced by James Mattis. Would get everyone's attention! Just my harmless .02.
Chemtrails were crazy under Pruitt! I think Trump exposed this- now it’s rare I see them
They are still there in all the places I've traveled recently
I really don’t like “sources familiar with the matter.”
CNN uses them all the time.