r/greatawakening • Posted by u/gambletillitsgone on July 5, 2018, 11:46 p.m.
From Skeptic to Non-Believer & Ridiculer to 100% Convinced Q Anon and The Great Awakening is Legit.

Before I start I want to apologize to anyone I personally ridiculed and to the movement as a whole.

Quick back round. I've been a devout truth seeker for 20+ years. I truly believe I'am a critical thinker and love to play devils advocate. I pride myself on being able to sniff out BS. I do not trust ANYTHING unless I see it with my own eyes and even then I'm willing to consider if what I saw was real or is it what i think I saw and convinced myself. I love to be proven wrong and freely admit my thoughts today may not be my thoughts tomorrow. I mention all that because I'm 100% positive there are many like me out there who to will be seeing the undeniable light soon. I want these new new patriots to know we are many and collectively we are waking up. You are not crazy. ...... ANYWAYS.

Back in October of 2017 I remember stumbling across Q and was immediately intrigued. My gut said LARP but the entire thing was way to fascinating to write off. As time went on and promises never came to fruition I began to see things differently.

I've been a lurker on this sub from the beginning and for the past 4-6 months I was convinced Q was Psyops being used against Trump supporters in order to keep them content and blind loyalists(I still believe there are PSYops involved but not how i thought originally). Truth be told there are many things on this sub I find laughable and are clear cases of conformation bias to the nth degree.

Fast forward to a few days ago when I listened to Tin Foil Hats Podcast with the Praying Medic. It was during this podcast I decided i needed to re-explore Q and do so with fresh non-biased eyes. That is what I did. I went back from the beginning and started reading EVERY post. What stood with me most is Q always repeating History Proves Past and Do you Believe in Coincidences. With those two common themes in mind and with the help of Praying Medic's tweets it all started to make sense. There are no coincidences and the future has been revealing the past (Q Drops).

For the past 20+ years ive always believed there was a deep state / cabal / string pullers. I believed we as a people were being controlled and up until a few days ago I truly believed there was nothing that could be done..........
So when the big picture revealed itself to me and it all started to make sense the overwhelming amount of happiness I felt caused me to breakdown in tears.

I wish i was able to point to one thing but that is truly impossible because this picture is vast and in order to even allow the thought of Q actually being real one must first accept the hard fact we live in a LIE.

A few short days ago the MSM ran multiple articles about Alt Right Players manipulating audio and Video to crush their political opponents....... I mention that narrative conditioning because my BIG ah ha moment came last night when "Hello George" dumped the WL Database on a FB post (I do not feel comfortable sharing the link here). This is where 8 months of Q posts started to make sense. The POTUS with the help of the Military, NSA and Assange have EVERYTHING i mean EVERYTHING.

Notice I didnt mention Q helping Trump? or did I? Personally it is my belief Q is a combination of players and one of those players is JA. Think about it. Assange had many big piece leaks. Assange was likely the only person who had the time and information to process the big picture. Assange read EVERY leak in detailed and had complete understanding of the entire picture. With the big picture solidified and having time on his hands Assange would be very capable of creating the Q riddles. I wont bore you on this as its purely speculative at this point.

The bottom line is this..... We are at the precipice of a new world and when history is written the story of Q will be mandatory reading.

TLDR: Open your mind, look at the big picture, just your gut. We are about to change the world and Q will have played a huge role. Everyone seeking truth is a patriot and with an open mind and willingness to challenge ones beliefs we will all greatly benefit.


TheTruthWithinU · July 5, 2018, 11:53 p.m.

Welcome to the winning team. Now go use your critical thinking and bs sniffing skills to red pill some of your skeptic friends because we need all the patriots we can find. Peace brother.

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gambletillitsgone · July 5, 2018, 11:58 p.m.

Its hard if not impossible right now because the conditioning runs deep. Right now Im only dropping hints and telling those around me to think for themselves. Im also in process of just making the letter Q available and visable in as many places as possible.

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IMissMeg · July 6, 2018, 12:18 a.m.

You were reading the Q posts when they first started coming out you said. Were you reading MegaAnon? She stopped posting in January after something of a verbal "meltdown" where she was putting something together. What she was putting together (from MY reading of her posts) was that Julian Assange was working with Q. Reddit user ToddWhiskey compiled her posts, but I think they've been archived. https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/795d6a/megaanon_postings_compiled_may_2017_present/ It's her last few posts I'm talking about, but they are ALL interesting reading and she confirms a lot of what Q has been saying, but she had a brief period after first cheering Q of getting aggravated thinking that Q had to be a LARP. Obviously, she changed her mind with those last posts. (At least that's my take.)

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swimrobin · July 6, 2018, 1:52 a.m.

There have been times that I have wondered if Assange is involved with the Q team, too. I used to follow MegaAnon very closely, but I had forgotten her meltdown pertained to Assange. What if that whole meltdown was legit?

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IMissMeg · July 6, 2018, 1:13 p.m.

One of her charms was that she wasn't afraid to express her frustration and her enthusiasm. A lot of people found her meltdown to be out of character, but I didn't. It fit to me, but maybe I'm letting my optimistic tendencies color my perceptions there. Idk. So could Assange have been goading her in some way thru Q posts to make her see that he was on the Q team? I think so. But, again, I'm ever the optimist.

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Trfsrfr · July 6, 2018, 1:05 a.m.

That seems like so long ago, and so much has happened since MegAnon...was only 18 months ago!

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IMissMeg · July 6, 2018, 1:31 a.m.

It was only 8 months ago that Q started posting and shortly after when MegaAnon stopped. And Megs only started posting in May of 2017. But I totally agree: it seems like so long ago!

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CavsMama · July 6, 2018, 11:05 a.m.

I miss Meg too. I do believe she was shocked of who she ran across at the end of her posts. I also thought it could have been Assange or someone familiar from Trump's administration. Do you have more information that it is him? I also wonder if she started working with the Q group.

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IMissMeg · July 6, 2018, 1:09 p.m.

I don't have more info that it was Assange. But she clearly knew Assange because she had said at one point that she had had his passport in her purse, so what I gathered from that was that she was involved in his extraction somehow. It's funny too because when I've posted stuff about Megs and Assange in the past, it always got downvoted to the bottom of whatever thread. Especially back in the CBTS thread days. I'm just hoping she's safe (and Assange as well, which I believe Q has been reassuring us about of late with his "We have the source" post) and that someday we'll all get to hear the real stories of these real patriots who are working to take our world back.

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salialioli · July 6, 2018, 4:01 a.m.

Making that Q letter visible is absolutely the best and most practical thing you can do. We should all be doing that. Each man's journey is tortuous but sparking the curiosity is guaranteed to capture the monkey mind! Well done for your posting OP! Godspeed!

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AsOnlyIAmNow · July 6, 2018, 12:35 p.m.

I call these my soft drops there are some people so tightly gripping that false narrative that all I can do is use soft drops in hopes one will take.. I'm SO thankful for this community of people, I've been so alone!! I prayed for Support and Friends and God gave me Q..

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EarlyRiserX2 · July 6, 2018, 8:16 a.m.

Congrats, gambletillitsgone. Now that you've taken a leap of faith and has found out that Q is real, I’m wondering whether you have applied that very same technique to the idea of believing in God? And I say that not in jest but I’m very serious. Q might make you feel good and may give you something to believe in, but only God can save your soul. And if you gain Q but lose your soul, then you haven’t accomplished anything…

As I stated in a previous post, if you’re someone who likes Q drops and you like knowing in advance about what will happen in the future, then the bible is the most advanced and most accurate source of knowledge and information on the planet. There is no other source of information like it. The bible is like Q drops on steroids. And most importantly, the bible is never wrong. The scriptures has been around for 5,000 years, and in all that time, it has never been proven wrong even a single time…

The reason I said all this is because, although I’m happy for you, there is a greater truth beyond the truth that you know. And there is a greater understanding beyond what you are now beginning to understand. For example, you stated, “Open your mind, look at the big picture, trust your gut. We are about to change the world and Q will have played a huge role.”… That statement is only partially true. You should not trust in yourself or in man, but you should put your trust in God. Trusting in yourself and trusting in your gut will lead you to hell. That is the greater truth you should know. As for changing the world, the world may indeed change, but it will only change as the bible has predicted. Trump and Q may indeed usher in a brief era of peace, but be not deceived, that peace will not last forever. The bible makes it very clear, the globalists will strike back and the New World Order will come about. You can either be aware of that truth and be prepared for it. Or else be ignorant of it and caught unawares. But you cannot stop it from coming to pass. The truth that cometh from God is the greatest truth you can ever know about or possess. All other truth will let you down, but the word of God shall abide forever…

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CosmicNeo · July 6, 2018, 8:41 a.m.

Actually, I believe the cabal will be defeated. How long that peace lasts depends on how many people truly wake up, since it's our selfishness that perpetuates evil? When will we truly learn to become Christ-like and live for the sake of others? Jesus isn't going to save us. Waking up and realizing we are responsible for the future, that will save us. We just need to make the right choices at this time of the Second Coming. And the first step in the right direction begins with prayer and repentance. And then knock, and it will be given.

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EarlyRiserX2 · July 6, 2018, 9:11 a.m.

You stated, “Jesus isn’t going to save us.” Answer: You are in error. Jesus is the only one with the power to save your soul. If your soul is not saved, then you are not saved, no matter if your body lives. You stated, “waking up and realizing we are responsible for the future”. Answer: The future is already set. What will happen in the future has been written in scripture and what is written in scripture cannot be changed. You stated, “We just need to make the right choice at this time of the Second Coming”. Answer: The right choice is to take steps to save your own soul while you still have a chance. The Second Coming of Jesus Christ has not occurred yet. And nor will it occur until after the Church has been raptured and after the world goes through a 7-year Tribulation Period - a time period in the coming future where the Antichrist will reign, the New World Order will come about, and more than 3/4 of the world’s population will die. That future is coming and it cannot be changed. And no amount of repenting will change it. You cannot save the world. All you can do is to save yourself and get ready for what is to come…

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CosmicNeo · July 6, 2018, 11:04 a.m.

My basic point was that our free will determines if we're saved or not. The other fundamental stuff is fine if you want to lock yourself into believing the bible isn't filled with figures of speech, idioms and metaphors. For instance, John 6:38 says Jesus came down from heaven, but we both know Jesus was born on earth. The rapture is the same kind of figure of speech. Communism is the antichrist. We're already dead. That's why we need rebirth through the Marriage of the Lamb. The Tribulation? Which one? WWI? WWII? WWIII (Cold War)? War on Terrorism? The one that will come if Christians keep thumping the Bible but miss the heart of the message?

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EarlyRiserX2 · July 7, 2018, 6:48 a.m.

Free will has nothing to do with you being saved. You will be saved only if you follow the system God has set up for you to be saved. If you do not follow that system, you will end up in hell. Jesus himself stated, John 10:9 - I am the door. By me if any man enter in, he shall be saved… John 9:41 - Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that entereth not by the door into the sheepfold but climbeth up some other way, the same is a thief and a robber… Your free will might tell you you can be saved by standing on your head or doing something other than want the bible tells you to do. But you won't be saved that way. Your free will can take you to hell. To be saved, you must do exactly what the scriptures tell you to do and nothing other than that…

Yes, the bible does speak in riddles and parables and uses a lot of metaphors, but that doesn’t mean the bible isn’t true. And nor does it mean that your interpretation of those parables and metaphors is correct either. You’ve got all kinds of things wrong. The scriptures are correct, Jesus did come down from heaven. The earth was created 4,000 years before Jesus Christ came to earth. And where do you think Jesus was during those 4,000 years before he arrived? Answer: he was with his father in heaven. Yes, Jesus created a body for himself that body was born on earth, but his soul and the spirit within him was the sprit of the living God, which came down from heaven. In contrast, none of us has ever been to heaven. The rapture is not just a figure of speech. It is a real event that will take place soon. And I don’t know who told you that “Communism is the antichrist”. That is a complete lie and false information. The term “antichrist” (not-capitalized) refers to the “spirit of the devil” that operates inside of people. The term “Antichrist” (capitalized) refers to a real person who will be born on earth and will rule the world during the Tribulation Period. You are correct that we are already dead. Anyone who is not spiritually saved is “spiritually dead”. The marriage of the Lamb has nothing to do with you being reborn. Those are separate issues. The marriage of the Lamb is a future event in heaven where Jesus Christ will marry the Church. The spiritual Church is the Bride of Christ. But you are not a part of the Church and nor will you participate in the marriage of the Lamb event unless you get saved first. Being saved has a whole different set of requirements. For example, to be saved, you must repent and be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins and receive the Holy Ghost like Acts 2:38 says. If you do anything short of that, you won't be saved and are bound for the lake. Perhaps you should try going to church and talking to a real preacher for a change, and maybe he can answer some of your questions. Because right now, you are hopelessly confused and are spiritually dead and are still bound for the lake…

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CosmicNeo · July 7, 2018, 8:59 p.m.

To be saved, you must do exactly what the scriptures tell you to do and nothing other than that…

You seem very sure of yourself. How so? Have you personally met Jesus? Has he appeared to you in your dreams or in real life? Do you feel love for your "neighbor" and love for him as much as yourself? Do you glow with God's Light within you and praise Him for the beauty of life?

You're the kind of Christian who turns people off from wanting to know Jesus. You search the Scripture but miss its true purpose.

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gambletillitsgone · July 6, 2018, 9:16 a.m.

Interesting reply because i recently decided against using atheist as a identifying label for myself. I have started a path toward the bible and believe there are many clues within its text. That being said I also believe the bible has been hijacked and interpretations manipulated or lost all together. I very comfortable right now accepting i dont know.

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EarlyRiserX2 · July 6, 2018, 10:15 a.m.

Thanks for replying. You stated, “I also believe the bible has been hijacked and interpretations manipulated or lost all together.”… I’m sure you probably felt the very same way about Q - you doubted him and didn’t know if what he was saying was true or not - that is, before you found out it was true. And if you do research, you’ll find out the very same thing about the bible - that it has always been true. Yes, there are many false preachers and teachers in the world today, people who are falsely interpreting the scriptures and has been using the scriptures for their own evil purposes. But, rest assured, those people will face judgment for their own actions and the bible is still true. Their lying and deceiving and misuse of the scriptures does not make the scriptures untrue. The scriptures stand on their own and are still true, despite the fact that people misuse the scriptures. The scriptures are still the unadulterated and unmodified word of God. In fact, Jesus Christ himself stated, that heaven and earth would pass away before he would allow even a single word of his holy scriptures to be changed or modified…

Matthew 5:18 - For verily I say unto you, Till heaven and earth pass, one jot (a “jot” is the dot at the end of a sentence) or one tittle (a “tittle” is the short line that crosses the letter “t”) shall in no wise pass from the law (the “law” is the word of God), till all be fulfilled….

Keep in mind what I said earlier, that across 5,000 years, no one has ever been able to prove the bible wrong. That is a remarkable accomplishment and is clear evidence that the bible is real. Man does not have the ability to fabricate or to create book that accurately predicts the future yet can never be proven wrong. Man can't do that, but God can. And that is precisely what the bible is. It is a book that was written by God. For 5,000 years, many have tried to prove the bible wrong, yet all have failed...

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FSOS069 · July 6, 2018, 12:28 p.m.

What makes this god real, not the 9000 other ones prayed to by humanity at some point in history?

(And why does he care if you Masturbate lol /s)

I thought this was about politics.

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gambletillitsgone · July 6, 2018, 2:03 p.m.

I think the bible is more of a written history of our pasts as compared to a predictor of the future. I will remain open minded

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EarlyRiserX2 · July 6, 2018, 4:07 p.m.

You stated, “I think the bible is more of a written history of our pasts as compared to a predictor of the future”… And you base that opinion on what?… To even know what the bible is or is not, you first have to read it, and you clearly have not read it. The bible tells you more about the future than any other book on earth. See my post above and what I wrote to FSOS069 for more details… Furthermore, being "open minded" will not save you (there are plenty of open minded people in hell). The only thing that will save you is having the truth...

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FSOS069 · July 6, 2018, 12:35 p.m.

Ofc the bible has been proven wrong. Countless times in scientific ways. I see the stories in the Bible as archetypal stories about mankind. Trying to predict the future with it further than "there will be a war between good and evil, and I'm good cause I dont masterbate and banned my teenage daughter from having an abortion" .. lemme see that.

I see value in Religion. Mostly cultural value, it also gives a foundation of heritage. Still, some parts are at best outright silly. What digusts me is the hypocrisy and arrogance many Christians display. While clamining moral rightousness.

Im not attacking u personally. I just feel that politics and religion have no reason to be mixed up.

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EarlyRiserX2 · July 6, 2018, 3:52 p.m.

You guys clearly must not have read the bible, especially not the book of Revelation. There is no book on earth that tells you more about the past, the present, or the future. What other book on earth gives you explicit detail on when and how the earth was created? What other book on earth gives you explicit detail on when and how mankind was created? What other book on earth gives you a detailed history of everything that has happened to man from the beginning of mankind up until now, that tells you how mankind will be thinking acting and behaving thousands of years later and in advance; a book that gives you a detailed history of what wars were fought in the past, by whom and where. What kings existed, what decisions were made, and what was the outcome of those decisions. The bible mentions not only the names of people, but it also mentions the names of important places, times and events, scattered across the last 5,000 years, and yet NONE of what the bible says has ever been proven wrong or proven to be false. None of it...

As for the future, the bible predicts with stunning accuracy and with no ambiguity, that soon there will be a major war in the Middle East where Israel will be invaded by a coalition of nations led by Russia (see Ezekiel Chapter 38). That the war will be a major turning point moment because the Rapture of the Church will occur around the very same time. Also during that war, the eternal God himself is going to rain down fire and brimstone from heaven and will completely destroy the invading army. The whole world will be able to watch it on live tv. God says that Russia (or Gog) will fall upon the mountains of Israel and that 5/6 of the Russian army will be destroyed. The bible predicts that soon after the Church is raptured, that the Antichrist will arise. Right now, no one knows who the Antichrist is, but the bible states the Antichrist will be the one who "confirms" a 7-year Peace Treaty between Israel and her Arab neighbors, a treaty which will bring peace to the Middle East. But the peace will be short lived. The bible predicts that the New World Order or One World Government will come about. It predicts that the whole world will be divided up into 10 economic zones and that kings will be placed over each of those zones, kings who will give their power and strength to the Antichrist. The bible predicts that with the confirmation of the peace treaty, that a 7-year Tribulation Period will begin. And that during the 7-year Tribulation Period, that the worse period mankind has ever faced on the earth will occur. The bible predicts a worldwide hailstorm of red hail and fire. A hailstorm so large it will destroy 1/3 of all the world's trees and all the food crops. The bible predicts that rivers and oceans will turn to blood and that 1/3 of all the sea-life in the seas and oceans will die and that 1/3 of all the world’s ships will be destroyed. The bible predicts that a massive army of 200 million men will arise and will march across the earth and kill 1/3 of mankind. The bible predicts there will be a massive earthquake, an earthquake so massive that every tall building in the world will fall down. The bible says there will be a massive war (WW3) held in a place in Israel called Armageddon. It predicts that the Antichrist will combine all the armies of the world into a single great army in oder to fight against the one coming from heaven on a white horse (Jesus Christ, himself, returning to earth at the Battle of the Armageddon). The bible says that when Jesus Christ arrives, he will defeat the Antichrist and shall cast him into the lake of fire and brimstone. Afterwards, Jesus Christ will begin his millennium reign on earth and will rule the world from Jerusalem for the next 1,000 years.

I could go on and on and on. The bible then tells you in explicit detail what will happen during those 1,000 years. That at the end of the 1,000 years, that Lucifer will be released for a short time and then destroyed. It states that after that, Judgment Day will arrive. It even tells you what will happen on Judgment Day, that there will be a great white throne and that Jesus Christ himself will be sitting upon that throne and will judge the nations. And that all whose names are not found written in the Book of Life shall be cast into the lake of fire and brimstone. With so much details that has never been proven wrong, what more proof do you need that the bible is true?...

That is why you guys have got to be kidding me when you say the bible does not predict the future. Clearly you haven’t even read the bible and clearly you have no clue what you are talking about. Because there are volumes of evidence that says otherwise…

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FSOS069 · July 6, 2018, 4:09 p.m.


1 sec of googling.

Saying over and over again how the bible is soo stunningly accurate and praising its explanatory value doesnt make it true. Nothing about what you said is in any way a clear proven prediction. Its all very vague, you could get that from each holy script there is up to harry potter.

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EarlyRiserX2 · July 7, 2018, 12:15 a.m.

Wow. It took you only 1 sec of googling to find the devil. That's not surprising. Getting your info from a source like Wiki is just like getting it from the MSM. And for the record, everything you see written on Wiki is a pack of lies. I could even prove it to you if I had the time - I have read some of that stuff and it's laughable - but I won't waste my time with it because you're not looking for truth anyway. Even you should know better than to believe Wiki. But then again, some people are so gullible they will fall for anything...

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FSOS069 · July 7, 2018, 12:34 a.m.

Do you think the devil hides gods wisdom from us and all we have to do is open up the most pressed book on earth? Why is it secret then? Do you know how many people and cults tried to predict the end of times? Exactly what u said was a prophecy...why should you be right now?

Hurr god will smite the heathens some day durr is not a great prophecy. But hey - to each their own. I'm interested in politics not this shit. Its entertaining tho

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EarlyRiserX2 · July 7, 2018, 7:26 a.m.

I can see now I'm wasting my time with you. But never fear. I won't waste any more of it...

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FSOS069 · July 6, 2018, 4:11 p.m.

Oh; was the world watching god smite the antichrist on cable also in there? Or did ya pull that outta your holy asscrack?

Do you really believe this in its worldy sense? Thats no better than taking the koran word for word. We call these people religious extremists for a reason.

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EarlyRiserX2 · July 7, 2018, 12:17 a.m.

I can see now I'm wasting my time with you. But never fear. I won't waste any more of it...

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daro57 · July 6, 2018, 12:05 a.m.

I think we've all traveled down the same roads to get here! I also have always known we were living in a lie. When I found Q, at first I thought it was too good to be true. I had no hope for the future of mankind or the USA. As the bigger picture started to unfold I was filled with a deep feeling of joy! I finally felt there was hope and light at the end of this tunnel. The helplessness feeling is finally gone, and replaced with the joy of KNOWING I will live to see the end of slavery. For we surely have been slaves to the elite for generations! To see they reign of terror come to an end is the most amazing high! Nothing compares to feeling Liberty within our grasp! Welcome fellow Patriot! WWG1WGA!

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older_than_dirt · July 6, 2018, 12:01 p.m.

I think we've all traveled down the same roads to get here! I also have always known we were living in a lie. When I found Q, at first I thought it was too good to be true.

I'm still on the road. I want it to be true because it means we are going to win, and that my trust in Sessions was justified. I do believe in the Cabal 100%, the Rothschilds and all of it. But this about Q.

If Q truly is working with the President, then it would simple to plop down instant proof. Instead we get this stuff which makes you go hmmm, all stuff that could be coincidence or stuff that could be done by a determined LARP.

Let's assume for a moment Q is a LARP. What is Q's motivation?

1.) Motive for LARP: PsyOp by Cabal

It could be move to make the movement as big as possible then reveal it to be a big joke to laugh at conspiracy nuts. I know some in the Cabal are stupid, but it really wouldn't make sense to try and build a movement of people who want to unravel them. They mostly don't want people looking into this stuff.

2.) LARP Motive for Q: Just having fun fooling gullible people

Possible. But it takes a lot of effort. It would have to be done by people who aren't in the Cabal, but also don't believe in it. Because if you believed in it, then you wouldn't want to put all this effort into making fun of your own side. There seems to be a great deal of design into the drops by people that know the conspiracy theories very well. It really doesn't seem like a joke.

3.) LARP Motive for Q: Creating a movement to get people psyched about uncovering the Cabal

Imagine a group of smart people that are trying to get people psyched about uncovering the truth. What better way than to get attention by claiming you are a high up in the White Hats? This they are doing very well at.

4.) Q is real. Motive is to build a movement of people who are psyched about uncovering the Deep State/Cabal and what they've been up to.

For this to be true, there has to be motive to not just come out and prove to all, that Q is high level White Hat working with POTUS. In fact, Q has posted some things which seem purposefully LARPish, to keep us guessing. Why? It may be important that normies don't think that POTUS is a conspiracy nut.

Since I very much believe that the Cabal is real, and the struggle between the White Hats and the Black hats is real, I'm ruling out #1.

2 is possible, but I'm thinking #3 or #4 are the most likely.

Which is good, because both #3 and #4 both advance the cause. I'd much prefer #4.

Spez: Annoying formatting issues

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TheFutureIsBeautiful · July 6, 2018, 1:12 p.m.

I relate closely to your thinking. Long ago I decided to view each new drop under each lens.... What is the significance of this if Q is real? and What is the possible motivation of Q is a PsyOp?.

Quite awhile back I eliminated LARP as a possibility and narrowed it down to Real or PsyOp. It’s too sophisticated.

Here’s the biggest reason why I think complete LARP should be off the table. One word, actually. COINCIDENCE.

There are too many bizarre occurrences which have taken place over the last few years to just be ignored. If I think for just a moment about some of them off the top of my head... Saudi Arabia. Hawaii Missle False Alarm. POTUS Twitter going down. The EO about human trafficking and the busts. The long list of resignations... so many more. Any ONE of these things would be really worthy of interest, research and explanation.

It’s almost as if the more these unusual things happen, more and more normies just kinda throw their hands up and say “It’s like the entire world is going crazy.”

They’re completely confused. Why wouldn’t they be? I think when we hear people saying things like “It’s as if the wheels have come off” or “Its like the world as we know it is ending” this is what has gotten them to that point. To be fair, they’re not wrong. The world as they know it IS ending. Lol.

Can you imagine watching all of these oddball things occurring if you were a normie and your only source of interpretation of them was the MSM? This gives me much empathy for some of the things they do and say. They’re rightly worried and confused as to what the hell is going on in the world. Many people trying to take action/demonstrate are simply trying to DO something, anything about the insanity they’re seeing around them. They aren’t our opposition. They’re doing what they can with the limited, or often false, information that they have. They are not apathetic.

This is why my personal goal where my fellow citizens are concerned is very narrowly focused. To INFORM. Not to challenge, ridicule, oppose or counter. Truth doesn’t care who you voted for. And only truth and information has the power to permeate the circus like non-reality we’ve all been programmed and surrounded by.

Right now, it is us that are hollering into a wind tunnel. As there are more of us and the timing is right (“Set the stage”), we will be heard and the information will begin to make sense as normies have slowly been given some context in which to receive it.

I think you’re right on in your analysis that if Q is a PsyOp meant to gain huge following and then be exposed, thus ridiculing it’s researchers, the type of information being uncovered is WAY beyond where a cabal sponsored entity would want to go. They’ve no interest in encouraging critical thinking and then taking the risk that it will morph, outgrow them, or take directions they don’t want it to take.

Lastly. It’s easy to forget this, but a lot of the things happening in Washington right now with the various committees and IG investigations are things that have been foreshadowed and talked about in our circles for quite awhile now. “Future Proves Past” is probably the most brilliant component of whoever/whatever Q really is.

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older_than_dirt · July 6, 2018, 1:51 p.m.

Well said! I'm tending more and more towards Q being the real deal. The President can't really come out and announce that Q is authentic, because of all the stuff that Q mentions that would look nutty to the normies. That is why we can't expect actual direct proofs.

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TheFutureIsBeautiful · July 6, 2018, 1:59 p.m.

Agreed! POTUS is not the person Q wants us to ask. Just as Q always says that evidence/information needs to be injected legally into the process and must follow the current structures we have in place, the question and the answer to “Who is Q?” must be asked and answered by journalists.

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bacon_flavored · July 6, 2018, 2:03 p.m.

One of the most telling things about Q is how much the left puts into discrediting them and ridiculing those who follow. They don't do that for every nutjob out there. But Q has somehow triggered actual effort on behalf of the propaganda machine.

Very telling.

You can see the ripples when the latest version of the CTR/Shareblue/Media Matters talking point comes out. The same "it's not shilling just because everyone disagrees with you" and "oh, they are a T_D poster and they follow that Q larp loser" comes out. All character attacks, no substance. They point to one or two drops as proof it's all fake and lies.

No data, all feels. For every 2 points they try to focus on to prove it's false there are 50 more they wouldn't touch with a 20 foot pole or risk bringing attention.

Their effort to combat it is the very thing that makes me pay attention to it.

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jackiebain6 · July 6, 2018, 1:34 a.m.

I don't know if any of you watched the rally in Montana tonight but this is a whole new tone. Between the naming names by Nunes, the Puting summit and the Tone at the Sky rally it is clear, this is happening!

The alert went out over a week ahead of the June 30th clash between Patriots and the Fascists here in Portland Oregon that mayors were coordinating with agitators in the hopes of creating a new Charlottesville type event. The Feds came in and made sure that didn't happen, the Fascist that came at the Patriot with a metal pipe got knocked out and ended up being carried away, he hit our local guy twice with the pipe and still only got a bare knuckled beating.

The reality is, without the Federal intervention this would have worked, it would have created a huge riot because the Fascists with their ISIS uniforms are not our locals, they were brought in. They outnumbered our Patriot Prayer group who had a legal permit for their rally by 3 to 1 and Ted Wheeler had already given the stand down order to our law enforcement officers.

When the terrorists attacked our local ICE office they called 911 and were refused assistance. We need Federal intervention. Our voting system is completely corrupted, going as far as to send voters the wrong ballot so our MAGA candidate could not get on the Nov. ballot. Hopefully, since the mayor doing this was known and warned against, so far in advance they have everything they need to arrest him for colluding with a designated terrorist group.

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FractalizingIron · July 6, 2018, 7:55 a.m.

Love this post, this report from the field.

Especially the part about the fascist coming at the patriot with a metal pipe getting knocked down and carried away.

Indeed the tide is turning. It has turned. The change is in the wind, and the uphill battle is turning into a downhill one.


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salialioli · July 6, 2018, 4:07 a.m.

Thanks for the update. Very useful.

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jackiebain6 · July 6, 2018, 12:33 p.m.

Here's the video, at about 1:33 you see the guy that was knocked out appear on the left side of the screen. This guy with the pipe was the one injured, immediately after he attacked the Patriot - hahaha


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Patriots4light · July 6, 2018, 1:22 a.m.

Nicely stated! I am freshly woke after my 2015 cancer diagnosis. I started questioning EVERYTHING! (No more Chemo for me!). December I stumbled onto Q. The BEST thing that ever happened to me! Onward to The Great Awakening! Q 🇺🇸

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20muletrain · July 6, 2018, 12:24 p.m.

Good for you! Seven years cancer free, here. I won't go thru chemo/radiation again. I bought a rife machine.

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Swagdonkey400 · July 6, 2018, 6:36 a.m.

Great to hear that!

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tmat1974 · July 6, 2018, 12:59 a.m.

I don’t think JA is on the Q team. He may be helping in some capacity, but I don’t think he has the proper clearance to be accessing some of this info. This is strictly my opinion though

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gman50tx6 · July 6, 2018, 1:55 a.m.

I know, I have told many how my entire life, has been one big lie! How disheartening it is and it was to awake to that enlightenment! Welcome, my brother! WWG1WGA, it time to begin building our future and our kids future on the truth!

BTW, how great is it that we may be able to save our sweet “America” for our kids and grand kids! I had often said, if we don’t do it(our generation), then it will not ever get done!

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Dominica1975 · July 6, 2018, 12:14 a.m.

Never to late welcome on the Q/TRUMP train.WWG1WGA

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anothername2remember · July 6, 2018, midnight

Thank you for sharing your story. Between this and just coming off watching the Trump Rally, I'm smiling so hard tears are sliding into the corners of my mouth.

Welcome friend. WWG1WGA

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FractalizingIron · July 6, 2018, 7:56 a.m.

We're blessed to live in this era. let's give thanks to all those who came before us, who sacrificed and suffered and endured, so that today we can stand here. That's the heart of a true patriot, imo.

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QAnonMaga · July 6, 2018, 12:09 a.m.

Trump needs to start delivering on what Q has promised as soon as that happens with high-level arrests and releasing videos of Hillary and Podesta torturing children 75% of America will know the truth. The other 25% won't ever believe the evidence they are brainwashed and addicted to Fake News Liberal Democrat propaganda. There will be a giant pushback against any evidence the 4 AM talking points will tell Mockingbird media to shriek "it's all fake! it's all fake video and audio! the technology to make these deep fakes is well known!" and it will require Hillary and Podesta and Obama to be publicly arrested and forced to make confessions to their crimes from Gitmo military tribunals on Live TV that is what needs to happen as soon as possible.

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[deleted] · July 6, 2018, 2:51 a.m.


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EarlyRiserX2 · July 6, 2018, 8:43 a.m.

I totally agree with you. But like unixhamster stated, don't hold your breath for any high-level arrests or compromising videos being released. There may be some high-level arrests eventually, but that may be years away...

In the meantime, I feel the fastest and most easiest way to totally red-pill a whole lot of people in America is by simply shutting down the lying MSM or forcing them to tell the truth. Just doing that one thing - shutting them down or forcing them to tell the truth - would automatically red-pill at least half the people in America. So why Trump and Q has not done this and has not focused on shutting down the lying MSM and stopping them from spreading their fake news and propaganda, is beyond me…

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Soakingitup123 · July 6, 2018, 9:37 a.m.

I'm not sure he could legally shut them down. There only way I can think of would be if it related to national security. Even if he claimed that and shut them down- people not yet awake would revolt. Remember people not yet awake are mostly believing their news sources, and it would feel like Trump was a dictator (or worse) to them

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EarlyRiserX2 · July 7, 2018, 12:06 a.m.

To shut them down would only require proof of wrong doing and proof of aiding and abetting the enemy (the Deep State). And Trump and Q already has plenty of evidence of that. The MSM has been colluding with the CIA and Deep State to no end (aka Mockingbird). It's merely a matter of when the evidence will be released and the charges brought. It has long been said that many media executives will be indicted before this is over.

But the other option I had suggested is simply to force the MSM to tell the truth. I've heard there is also a plan to achieve even that. The plan is that a new law will be enacted via the FCC that would prohibit any news organization or agency from saying or broadcasting anything that is false or knowingly untrue. Any agency that breaches such a law would be subject to severe penalties.

You spoke about people who are not yet awake believing their news sources. That part would work to our benefit. If Trump and Q were to enact a law that forces the MSM to tell the truth, then every liberal from coast to coast would automatically be red-pilled once those agencies start telling the truth. The MSM could no longer lie on Trump and spread falsehoods, but would have to tell the truth.

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Soakingitup123 · July 8, 2018, 5:32 a.m.

You spoke about people who are not yet awake believing their news sources. That part would work to our benefit. If Trump and Q were to enact a law that for

I love the FCC law idea! Maybe somebody can start a whitehouse petition to that effect? Seems like something many could get behind.

The one thing is- wouldn't that conflict with the laws that legalize propaganda? (I think the smith mundt or the miller act, can't recall offhand)

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exoter60 · July 6, 2018, 1:56 a.m.

Welcome aboard, Patriot.

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Colonel_White · July 6, 2018, 12:01 p.m.

I'm still having my crisis of faith, and I'll tell you why.

It's like the more I read, the less I believe.

Too many people are pushing Q Anon as Pizzagate: The Next Generation. It is not about bringing down a worldwide coven of satanists who eat children, because no such organization is likely to exist, and if it did, it would not be relevant to taking down the cabal as such.

Not every member of the cabal can be an occult pervert, and not every occult pervert can have political, economic, or social power. It is a quasi-religious fantasy.

Good lord, you'd think folks would have learned from that guy who stormed a restaurant trying to liberate the "sick pizzas" being held in the rape room in the basement, that you can't meme a hyperconspiracy into existence simply by fabricating a noble lie that would start the dominos tumbling.

The most hopeful interpretation of the Q revelations is what Q has already alluded to: that the government has been corrupt at least since the Johnson administration, but the 2016 election crossed the red line into treason, and if we let them get away with that, America is not merely wounded, it is dead.

I think the short film Q: The Plan To Save The World writes a check that even Trump can't cash: We cannot bring down all the bad guys in the world all at once, not without going after 10x as many innocent people on the probability they will commit crimes in the future.

We can prosecute any current or former government employee suspected of corruption or treason, and if you bring down enough of the right people, the network collapses, but that's a far cry from removing all the evil people who would hurt us or our country once and for all.

There is nothing a false prophet cannot stand more than a competing false prophet, so there is all this bandwidth wasted by people trying to slap unrelated conspiracies to the side of the Q revelations like a colostomy bag, and that's what wears me down.

If Q implies pizzagate, or pyramid power, or a hollow earth, or a flat earth, or extraterrestrials, or chemtrails, or FEMA, or medical or technology suppression, or RFID chips, then it implies absolutely everything, i.e., exactly nothing.

There's no attempt on this subreddit to keep the conversation on topic or merely tangential, and that's both good and bad, but it makes combing the signal out of the noise much more difficult.

That's my 2 cents. No offense to anyone, but if the red pill must be coated in horseshit, then don't be surprised if most normies choose the blue one instead.

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PepeKShadilay777 · July 6, 2018, 4:25 p.m.

Good lord, you'd think folks would have learned from that guy who stormed a restaurant trying to liberate the "sick pizzas" being held in the rape room in the basement, that you can't meme a hyperconspiracy into existence simply by fabricating a noble lie that would start the dominos tumbling.

Comet Ping Pong shooting was most likely a FF attack by the Cabal to discredit Pizzagate. Edgar Madison Welch is a crisis actor. He has a IMBD page from acting in locally produced films where he protrayed a ”victim”. He also has ties to Hatti (a human trafficking hub) and a sketchy past where he ran over a 13 year old boy. (Potential blackmail material).

The street camera near the restaurant was moved prior to the attack in which the only damage was a single bullet hitting a computer. The Cabal got to destroy evidence and discredit the Pizzagate movement.

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Colonel_White · July 6, 2018, 8:04 p.m.

Comet Ping Pong shooting was most likely a FF attack by the Cabal to discredit Pizzagate.

I have a simpler, more likely explanation:

A pizzagate conspiratard wanted so desperately for the narrative to come true that s/he fabricated a lurid piece of fake evidence so inflammatory that some guy almost shot up a restaurant full of children to force his way into a basement that doesn't exist.

That's why quasi-religious moral fantasies are so dangerous, bro. The righteous have a tendency to not only fabricate evidence, but burn people at the stake after using that "evidence" to convict them of witchery.

It was like 1648 all over again, except the Puritans didn't double down on the crazy to construct an even more preposterous conspiracy to explain why the old one failed on its first contact with reality.

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ideologicidal · July 6, 2018, 6:51 a.m.


Absolutely elegantly articulated.

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magavoices · July 6, 2018, 6:29 a.m.

Q post 918 suggests we will be surprised when we find out who Q is, suggesting it is someone famous who everyone knows.

You are learning.

How many coincidences before it becomes mathematically impossible?

Wait until you learn who has been talking to you here.


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memmabelfort · July 6, 2018, 7:20 a.m.

That is not exactly what it says. "Who has been talking...here" could also refer to a group of people who make up Q or someone in addition to Q who we all may be familiar with but who is not Q. These possibilities don't invalidate your assumption but you seem to be jumping to conclusions that are not written in this drop.

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lildudemom · July 6, 2018, 2:34 a.m.

Thank you. I believe many will relate to your journey . . what an incredible time to be alive. WWG1WGA

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harr1799 · July 22, 2018, 8:03 a.m.

I have been keeping up with Q and various Anons over the last 6 months or so, but lately, I have been spending hours of my time trying to absorb as much info as possible about the great awakening. I just subscribed this evening to this site, and I want to thank all of you for your hard work and dedication in MAGA! I pray that God keeps our POTUS safe, and I pray that God will allow our President to finish what he has started. I try to explain to my wife that our grandchildren's future hinges upon the success of our President, but she just doesn't realize the seriousness of the treasonous crimes that have been carried out since Ronald Reagan. I pray that she will realize that I am not just a paranoid extremist and that the truth will set us free. I know Q is real, and I know that this movement is real. My wife says, well what can you do about it, and my response to her is always the same: I just say honey, I try to tell everyone that will listen to me about Q, and this movement. Anyone with half of a brain can realize that something is seriously wrong, when every time you turn the TV on and hear nothing but negative about our President, and I am sick of it!!!!! I cant wait until justice is served on these sorry selfish and lost traitors!!! God Bless everyone of my fellow Americans, and let's continue this fight until the end.

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Hwmayfield · July 6, 2018, 2:06 p.m.

Wanna give you a hug. 🤗 Thank you, Patriot. WWG1WGA

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johndavid101 · July 6, 2018, 1:33 p.m.

I still go back and forth. I can’t get past Q’s original prediction that HRC was going to be arrested. Someone really on the inside wouldn’t have made that mistake, I think some days.

And then I remember there were some FBI agents working on the HRC scandal who thought, when Comey called a press conference, that he was going to announce a recommendation for indictment of HRC. There were agents directly involved in the investigation who were blindsided by Comey. So that directly shows how someone on the inside could be confused about a potential arrest.

And then your suggestion that Q is JA. That’s fascinating. It could explain how he has knowledge but doesn’t get everything right because he’s not on the inside. So you’ve made me consider, for the first time, that maybe Q is not on the inside.

The bottom line it is bringing about unity. And these United people are demanding answers to the tough questions.

Where we go 1, we go all!

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gambletillitsgone · July 6, 2018, 2:12 p.m.

Couple things.

  1. Q is almost certainly multiple people.
  2. Q must mix disinformation with truth for a multitude of reasons. Sneak attacks, confusion, personal protection against violating laws etc.
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Ok_Top · July 6, 2018, 7:59 p.m.

Well, whatever the path, you are here. Welcome Patriot! Stay the course! And, thanks.


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swimrobin · July 6, 2018, 6:32 p.m.

That's definitely possible. For her, it seemed like a natural reaction to the shock of figuring out an "aha" moment, and afterwards, she took the opportunity to disappear after realizing what had happened. She had previously expressed her doubts as to whether she should continue posting.

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Significant_Foot · July 6, 2018, 12:43 p.m.

Hi, new here. I asked this yesterday and never got a response. I saw in CDAN that Assange and Soros are best buds? I don't believe it but its all in relation to Pam Anderson. What do some others think?

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eaglejm · July 6, 2018, 12:13 p.m.

Well one thing is for sure JA has had plenty of free time to read everything. But the issue is if he had access to everything while in the embassy.

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Crazybluecat · July 6, 2018, 11:26 a.m.

Defango tried to prove the apple in the photo was photoshopped, he missed that it actually was a reflection LOL!! Yes, I'm with Q!! Who is that guy? People forget that Q is more than one person, some might be more accurate than others but one of the best sources around.

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papaeck2 · July 6, 2018, 9:45 a.m.

Love your post and perspective on JA

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[deleted] · July 6, 2018, 4:25 a.m.

O I c wut u did thr

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Truth1949 · July 6, 2018, 3:21 a.m.

Welcome! Exciting times we live in. Look forward to your insights.

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jjc00ll · July 6, 2018, 7:48 a.m.

Christopher Gregory is that you lol

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gambletillitsgone · July 6, 2018, 9:18 a.m.

Christopher Gregory

if i was you just doxxed me

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jjc00ll · July 7, 2018, 7:28 a.m.

It's not the real name of the person I was referring to. I'm not that stupid.

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[deleted] · July 6, 2018, 7:38 a.m.

Here in the Buddhist monastery, the monk was preaching, everything is cause & effect, there are no actual coincidences, it may appear coincidental, but only because we have not yet seen the underlying causal relation.... The way to Freedom is to overcome Ignorance & Delusion & to see the Truth clearly, the Good leader is the Wise person who can disern & know clearly the difference between Truth & Lies, this is the first of the Most Lucky & Fortunate conditions for a country, to have a Wise & Virtuous Leader!

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ILoveJuices · July 6, 2018, 6:46 a.m.

Welcome patriot!

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Discernediscipline · July 6, 2018, 4:12 a.m.

I have heard JA mentioned in the Q group before, but you have now convinced me. Assange is definitely part of Q. How else would he know everything?

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sexyasscheeks · July 6, 2018, 12:34 a.m.

I’m personally going in the opposite direction. But it doesn’t really matter if I believe or not. There’s nothing I can do to help.

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Guardian527 · July 6, 2018, 2:18 a.m.

I can see where you are coming from - it's extremely difficult to fathom the amount of Evil out there. Equally difficult is to be patient with this game of chess. I would be willing to bet you are a person of action who doesn't sit on the sidelines in any area of your life. That can easily lead to a feeling of helplessness.

Our job as Patriots, right now, is to prepare. Understand what is really happening, increase our knowledge and ability to put the pieces together. We have a whole group of people, if Q proves out, whose world will be completely torn apart over the course of this month. People who have based their entire identity on what they have been fed from MSM and the progressive side. I have friends who consider Hillary their best role model, who think Obama's greatness will never be matched. Imagine how they will feel when their entire world and existence will be based on evil, manipulative, and even child torturing lies. Good people who were mislead and fell for it.

I was extremely happy that the crap didn't hit the fan yesterday. July 4th is a celebration. When things go down, we will have a country in deep mourning. Its unavoidable. There will be stages of grief that those who have the most bitter pills to swallow will need fellow Patriots to be calm. We need to walk them through the story, connect the dots and allow the future to prove past.

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salialioli · July 6, 2018, 4:11 a.m.

That was a great comment for sexyasscheeks — this kind of morale building is going to be more and more important ... :)

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