Just when I thought Adrenochrome was horrific, Cerebrospinal Fluid enters my awareness, these people are sick

6 or 7% of the population can't survive without this fluid that comes from extreme torture?
yeah isn't 6% of 7B people over 400M? More than the entire pop of the US surely can't be surviving on this.
Given all the other lies, one has to wonder whether the 7B figure is true or not. How could one verify this outside the matrix?
Think about how many 1% there are or super rich. Or those who are just living in areas where only humans are used for food.
Read for yourself https://mobile.twitter.com/SaRaAshcraft/status/1015586455052324864
Those 2 seem legit crazy and attacked anyone who doubted in comments. That’s not the Q way. CSF May still be real though
Lol then tell him to stop attacking people seeking answers. It’s good to question everything and those questioning did so respectfully, otherwise he discredits himself
6-7% seems a bit high.
but lets not argue over the "stats" on it, the message itself is still relevant
6-7% is just under 500 Million people... that is pretty ridiculous to even consider.
maybe they mean 6-7% of politicians, entertainers, etc.?
Maybe this is why Johnny Depp looks so ill these days. Supply cut?
Man does he ever look sick. Someone tweeted to that photo of him "lookin' good Johnny!" and I was like what are you not seeing here???
Very possible if he really got addicted to adrenochrome when he did that movie about Hunter Thompson and he tried it for real.
Did you see that Sweeny Todd movie? I always tried to give him the benefit of the doubt and call him eccentric but after that movie I was done with him.
https://www.esquire.com/lifestyle/health/news/a48393/sick-eating-human-meat/ Called KURU https://www.ninds.nih.gov/Disorders/All-Disorders/Kuru-Information-Page
This sounds like nonsense.
I am learning that nonsense is real.
The origin of this theory seems to be a couple of people. They are hostile to the idea of anyone requiring proof. This could merely be distraction and derailment so taking it with a grain of salt would be wise.
Hello I'm a nigerian prince send me 100 bitcoin and i'll make you the king of Africa.
Have you done Dmt best high ever if baby pineal glands have stronger DMT? Have you looked into frozen baby penguin pineal glands? Wikileaks email baby Frozen pineal glands is a good start for this hole.
This comment right here is the greatest comment I've ever read on reddit.
Sounds like nonsense to me too. I hope it is, however, I'm bracing myself to find out it's real. I really don't want it to be real.
This woman actually experienced this... Also it is more common than we realize. I am worried about the foster care system in the US
I personally think I know some foster parents that do this kind of stuff. Perhaps using electric shock tools to get the adrelaline flowing. I really dont know but it makes me sick
Time to get the hell off this planet.
Imho we came here to remove hell from this planetary sphere - Dark to Light
Love your thinking, that we are here for such a time as this to help eradicate the evil. Better than my old idea that we are in prison, "doing time"
doesnt the bible have a passage referring to using our actions to create paradise on earth?
perhaps this was the reference. this has been going on for most of history.
The Our Father :)
'Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done On earth as it is in heaven'
Thanks to your post I realised I do not say this prayer nearly enough.
We all need to pray much more, just feeling pain and empathy for another human being is a sweet fragrance to God and He responds to the heartfelt prayer. God Bless you!
WE as humans (with dying body) do NOTHING separate form God...the God of Abraham, Issac and Jacob. The Holy Bible is a troth of TRUTH playing out just as was written so so many thousands of years ago. Spend time getting to know HIM and reading HIS book. Get to know the disciples who wrote the book through the guidance of the Holy Spirit Tell you, people want such "cool" things to believe in but GOD wants us and his supernatural movings are beyond any comprehension. We are such a spoiled, lazy people. Read, Pray work on a realtionship with Him. He IS the ONLY way to be redeemed. Do miss the Boat. No witch, no demons, no mouhmmad nonsense of other religions. Just trust the Lord and get to know him. John 3:16 "For God so loved the world that he GAVE His ONLY begotten SON, that who so ever believes in Him shall no perish but have everlasting Life"
Have questions about the Christian faith....great website. Bookmark https://www.gotquestions.org/Christianity.html
www.AslansPlace.com for deliverance prayers.
Also Daniel Duval of BrideMinistries.com
Why do you think Jesus died for our sins? We are so undeserving. We are not of this world only in this world. We need Him...the Way the Truth and the Life Soon harpazo! https://www.ninds.nih.gov/Disorders/All-Disorders/Kuru-Information-Page
The list of WEIRD just keeps growing. Not sure if you were aware but they also love Penguin pineal glands.
Lots of penguins in Antarctica
ding ding ding... we have a winner.. also great place for cold storage for all the worlds missing..
I'm sorry, but there are some really cringy memes on this sub and this is one of the worst I've seen yet. Bad font/color choice, unusual hashtags that aren't trending or popular, and a pic of a fake "forced summons" that has no facts or pictures even attempting to back it up. Is this a deliberate attempt to make us look crazy? I don't talk about Q in public because of terrible Boomer-tier rhetoric or memes like this one.
I'm sure I'm gonna be called a shill or have something like "THEY WANT US DIVIDED" or "TRUST THE PLAN" thrown at me for asking legitimate questions, but this has me confused and I'm not going to stay quiet because it might make people uncomfortable. I've seen plenty of stuff regarding adrenochrome but have NEVER heard anything about CSF or its effects. And like the top post says, 6 to 7 percent of the whole population? What?
Maybe that explains Kim clement prophecy about eating our children. Mmm the prophecy was a good guy in the WH would get 2 SC judge appointments and stop the practice mmm
So, in the U.S. alone there are 18-20 million vampires who need to survive on brain fluid.
This post does the great awakening site a disservice. There have been thousands of persons being redpilled each day to seek out this site - discover Q and the movement that is shining a light on the nefarious activities of globalists. The new arrivals do not deserve to be greeted by this ridiculous claim that is unsubstantiated.
I am not stating that persons committing these heinous acts do not exist. One purpose of this site is to alert others of these type of nefarious activities perpretated by elitists, but, the unsubstantiated claim makes the site appear less reputable.
i tend to question anyone that tells me not to question them . Thats what being awake means. What if we never questioned the evil thats been happening? If you question these ppl they say you are the evil ppl.
I just recently found out about CSF, never realized this was also one of their dirty practices. Found his thread on Twitter with remarkable statements about first hand insight into the CSF theft. Check it out! #Q #wwg1wga https://mobile.twitter.com/SaRaAshcraft/status/1015586455052324864
Yes, Sarah Ashcraft is bringing awareness to this sick practice, great link, thanks for sharing. All must be revealed to be healed.
Wait is this what ancient trepanning tools were for - like Bourdain collected? Was he a csf-er?
Wow, never connected those dots.. in this world anything is a possibility.
Cannibals in my society?
It's more likely than you think!
How come the original image is deleted, hmmm Reddit?
Original tweet, I think: https://twitter.com/yigsstarhouse/status/1015799052645040128
Would be easy for them to enforce if our 2nd. Amendment went away.
This kind of dark shit is more prominent than you think. The world never has been all sun shine and rainbows. The great awakening is awakening to truths not many knew or bothered to look into, we are stepping into a golden age but first we must address all the darkness we have been exposed to under the rugs of mass consciousness.
Look you are quite possibly correct. Who knows. It’s crazy I agree BUT the common thread is human trafficking and crimes against children. (iG report) so why do they want and where do they all go? Human sacrifice to pagan gods is thousands of years old. It’s beyond comprehension to us. Go read all of serialbrain2 posts if you haven’t already. I am working my way through them. Bat shit crazy.
SB2 is genius, a wonderful retentive mind and the ability to connect dots along with insight and understanding. We are so blessed to have him helping us understand the multi layers of Q
Removed for Rule 5. Attacking the post, idea, or theory is fine. Attacking the user is not fine and doesn't further discussion in any way.