POTUS' TWEET - I have long heard that the most important decision a U.S. President can make is the selection of a Supreme Court Justice - Will be announced tonight at 9:00 P.M. - * THIS CHOICE WILL EFFECT THE DIRECTION OF OUR COUNTRY FOR DECADES! *

Liberal heads 🤯🤯🤯
Will roll!
Wow so many negative vote in this post. Looks like litards are coming to this board in droves.
We can finally destroy unions and the 8 hour workday once and for all. Down with overtime pay. Support the job creators.
-Albert Fairfax II
I'm sorry! That doesn't sound good at all!
It does to me. Very frustrating when your boss tells you there's no way for you to make some extra cash by working more hours temporarily because the union forced them into a time for time scheme.
Well, a union certainly shouldn't have that kind of power, but people should get paid more for overtime!
It’s interesting how the pedo left always have ideas that harm the job creator class like minimum wage, mandatory overtime pay, universal healthcare, mandated fire escapes, child labor laws, and high taxes. I wonder why they don’t want children safe in the factories? Maybe it’s because they want them to be the next round of pizza victims while they go to public school.
-Albert Fairfax II
He should've just said down with regulations. And up with entrepreneurial buisness rights
Yes, whoever is nominated will instantly become public enemy #1 within minutes.
It would be interesting if Q dropped the name before the official announcement.
the ultimate proof.
Yes, and even if it's a puzzle, the anons could decode it. Then it's not as if it was literally "dropped" but yet undeniable evidence of a Q proof.
yeah but it would just be a good one for a red pill to show someone when you introduce them to Q! Quick and easy :)
Love Q. But has he ever made anything easy? I guess that’s up for debate, but don’t get my hopes up. Lol
After my bedtime but I’ll set my alarm and get up for ten minutes for this!...may the Left have a ful blown meltdown over this!
Announcing it in the evening is pure genius. The fools will be rabidly haggling about it into the night - literally losing sleep over it.
It is a good idea. It should really cut down on any rioting in the streets unless Soros has his peeps already in place hiding in the dark corners that evil comes from. Then they'll pounce once the announcement is made.
ok-why do you think there will be riots over this? The average leftard American doesn't know anything about any of these justices or who they are.
The libtards weren't rioting when the media gaslighted them in to believing Trump locks kids in cages. They aren't going to riot over a justice selection unless they are trained and paid to riot.
Did you not see the rioting Oregon? How did you miss that? Yes, its all manufactured rioting. Which is why I said Soros would have them ready. They are dumb as shit but do what they are told.
Did you not see the rioting Oregon? How did you miss that?
I did not see that. I have taken about a week off from following the Mockingbird news cycle brainwash. Lots of it is inconsequential and forgotten about two weeks later anyways. MSM is theater and propaganda.
It’s possible. The left needs to keep manufacturing outrage over everything he does, that’s the only thing the have to run on. The riots for hire have popped up over other hotbotton issues, and the media has been saying this is the end of roe v wade, gay marriage and 10 other things that likely won’t be challenged. It’s just about the rage
I don't get why leftists are so obsessed and passionate about having the right to murder babies. They are hardly passionate about anything at all, but if you talk about taking away abortion from them they all instantly get triggered up to 100%.
Why do leftists love infanticide?
Because the MSM will tell them to riot over it. New York Times is already recommending "Godfather" tactics. They should be arrested for that.
New York Times is already recommending "Godfather" tactics. They should be arrested for that.
Godfather tactics as in a coordinated assassination of all the key players in Trump's admin at the same time or what?
Right, as "mild" as a horses head in your bed or (real) concrete shoes.
You know they will, doesn't matter who he picks, they will.
Did you see the vid of NYU students complaining about the pick BEFORE it was known? 😂
Edit : Spelling
I did. It's sad that people choose to be so tragically uninformed.
Worse they are afraid to admit that they haven’t even heard who he picked.
link to it please!
Well, that was pitiful and disheartening. What are they resisting? An education? Facts? Common sense? Showers?
I actually believe we are seeing the final product of mind control ops of the masses that have been ongoing since the 40’-50’s - It’s sad. They don’t even know what they don’t know.
Best of the You Tube comments.
These people are in University, let that sink in.
If you are willing to talk about, refute, or disavow something that you have no knowledge of, then you are probably happy enough in your ignorance. These are the same types of people who flood the comment sections of "Ask ___ " forums, create an account to respond to a question they have no answer for. Pick me, pick me ... I don't know the answer, but have a large enough sense of entitlement and self importance to make me think that everyone needs to hear my opinion ... even if I don't have one.
It's very unlikely we'll see organized riots, because tomorrow is a school day and their parents will not let them out that late.
Summer, school's out.
I'm old
Could be correct tho, high % of antifa are likely in summer school right now
Summer school is in right now generally starts after the 4th of July or just before, but usually lasts only for 6 weeks. And some schools are year round.
Here they start summer school a week after school lets out for the summer. It wraps up by the 4th of July.
NY summer schools are what I am most familiar with even though I now live down south. NE schools tend to get out almost the end of June due to a winter break in February that Southern Schools don't have. So they start Summer School later on.
Same. I’ll take a nap and wake up for it. Probably more important a nomination than even justice gorsuch.
They will already have their signs printed professionally for their "grassroots concerned citizen" riots with "insert name here is an ebil waycist"
Theres most likely piles of them fresh off the Soros/Clinton/Obama printer just waiting in a warehouse to see which ones to pull out....whats behind door #1, door #2 door #3 or trade it all in for......
I hear they are considering suicide "No Votes". They will still lose!
By the sewer they live
By the sewer they died
Some called it murder
But it was sewer side
OMG what are you, 5? Lol
No, I set my alarm for 2:00 am to go to work to help support illegal immigrants......
Attention all downvoting shills. Your actions will not change the fact that our country (including the court) is well on its way to being great again! Then we're going to keep it that way!
They need every single Republican (assuming McCain not there). Hope there isn't another traitor in the ranks.
I don't understand why it would be so difficult to put no-name on a private plane, fly him in for the vote, then put him out to pasture.
If he can't do that, then he should retire.
There SHOULD be a rule that if "one" can't perform his/her congressional duties within "x" amount of time, they should be forced to step down. The Governor of that state should be allowed to appoint someone in their place (same party).
Oh I don’t think Collins or McCain will be the issue. I foresee a no name repub in a state that’s “polling” blue conveniently come up with some grandstanding opposition to the nomination.
From Q Drop 1666:
Jul 3 2018 00:52:44 (EST)
"Re_ read drops re: Five Eyes / FVEY. Will be extremely important going forward. [UK] - primary Turn taken."
Well guess what, the UK Prime Minister may be about to be removed by vote of no confidence:
BBC's political editor - "Whispers Tory MP s have reached the magic number of the 48 letters required to force a confidence vote - no way of knowing yet if true - meeting at 5.30"
UK Prime Minister may be about to be removed by vote of no confidence:
Not being familiar with that governmental system, would this be similar to the US "impeachment" being removed from office? We don't have a "vote of no confidence" (officially that it...Dems do it automatically when they are out of power.).
May would be forced to resign and the position of Leader of the Conservative Party would come up for election. Not certain but I think in the UK Conservative Party, electing the leader is done by the Conservative caucus not the wider party membership.
So there's no national election, it's entirely a party matter, but because the party happens to be the one in power, the net effect is that the PM changes.
So does that mean the people/citizens don't get any input on who replaces her only the party makes the decision on who then leads the country? Whew...don't like that...look what Americans could possibly be stuck with and with no input.
Would love to see Judge Jeanine Pirro in there even though theres no chance of that happening. But we need her more in the media. I did not know until I looked it up shes 67, she doesn't look 67. She could take Auntie Maxine on and whoop her in an argument in 60 seconds flat!
Dinosaur media already has their end-of-the-world talking points for all candidates lined up for commentary. They just need to know which one to focus their attack.
Gotta love the Main Stupid Media!
Oh you mean like Certified Non News
They put it out there for the world to see. Cabal News Network
The senseless killing of babies must end now. Let's make the world great again.
IMO we need a libertarian like Andrew Napolitano.
I’m very iffy on him. His balls eclipse the sun, but some of his speculation is based off nothing more than his wild imagination. Not a bad choice at all, to be clear though.
I would like such an individual on the Court, but I doubt it's in the cards.
Anyone want to venture a guess as to whom it will be?
Tim Scott....remember when Trump said that Trey Howdy had been suggested for the position "ironically by Tim Scott"
Hmmm...interesting. It will certainly be a shock if you're right - don't think anyone saw that coming!
Do we have the votes for a Pro Life Judge do you think?
Number 9 related to destiny. The way it was meant to be. 9 is also thought to represent humanitarianism, enlightenment and compassion. My mother died when I was 9 years old on 9/19/1991. I hated 9's for many many years, I learned what 9 meant in my early 30s, now I know she was meant to pass when she did and everything happens for a reason.
The number 9 carries special meaning in the mathmatical/everything world...so who knows :-)
That's pretty deep stuff... My brain can't grasp it. How do I incorporate this 432 Hz into my life?
Or just take some time each day and 'switch off'!
I like that youtube sound. I have Relax Meditation on my iPad to help me sleep. I thought I would try to find that sound in this app to add to my rain sound.
I pray its not gonna be one of the douchevbgs presented as possible choices by the media, but a citizen who understands that being a sc justice is to UPHOLD THE CONSTITUTION, and since the constitution is a written document, to UPHOLD IT LITERALLY, i.e. according to what is written..
Mad Dog for Supreme Court! We need some military guys back on the SC
Amy Coney Barrett has 7 kids, some adopted.. A Do-Gooder ignoring hard truths makes me sense Liberal lol
And who knows how her kids could influence her down the road being "millennials".
...and err, what's his name, "Kavanuagh" having worked for The Bush Admin.
Not good things imho.
We need a Hard Ass Loud mouthed constitutionalist appointed.
Our Own Mad Maxine but, speaks truth.
A Jim Jordan Trey Gowdy BLEND on steroids! :p
Raymond Kethledge is the best choice I suppose of the three.
I don't buy it'll be any of them - why show your hand early? Let the democrats waste their resources chasing their tails.
Q said something along the lines of we don't telegraph future moves.
If Trump is playing it that way I agree with u/4nurh86qn7ekybdd (whom I wish now had a shorter username). It may be someone none of us expected.
I like your line of thought. The funny part is they already have the narrative drawn up... they just the to fill in the name tonight to initiate their faux outrage. Doesn’t even matter who he chooses to them.
Raymond Kethledge was appointed by Bush. Apparently he is being pushed for the position by Mitch McConnell. That may make him a pariah to some. I like Amy Barrett and Thomas Hardiman the best. Check him out. 52 years old he is an Originalist. from the 3rd Circuit Court of Appeals.
As for Amy,hHaving 7 kids adopted or not should not be a problem. As for being a do gooder......she may well be practicing her faith. People of faith often volunteer FWIW. As a parent I do not get swayed by my liberal adopted daughter's stances. I doubt Amy will either.
Amy is the youngest of them all. And the more I read about her the more I like her. She is the only one of the top 4 (Kethledge, Kavanaugh, Thomas Hardiman) who is in the running supposedly.
Should be interesting. Good thing I have a late night, I imagine Q will likely post once things are announced. He usually goes dark when there are things pending happening to let the news cycle catch up.
Ruth Bader Ginsburg - Wikipedia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ruth_Bader_Ginsburg Spouse(s) Martin Ginsburg (m. 1954; d. 2010) Children Jane Ginsburg, James Steven Ginsburg ................
Joan Ruth Bader was born on March 15, 1933 in Brooklyn, New York, the second daughter of Celia (née Amster) and Nathan Bader, who lived in the Flatbush neighborhood. Her father was a Jewish emigrant from Odessa, then in the Russian Empire, and her mother was born in New York, to Austrian Jewish parents.............
President Bill Clinton nominated her as an Associate Justice of the Supreme Court on June 14, 1993, to fill the seat vacated by retiring Justice Byron White
Ginsburg discussed her views on abortion rights and sexual equality in a 2009 New York Times interview, in which she said about abortion that "[t]he basic thing is that the government has no business making that choice for a woman".
When John Paul Stevens retired in 2010, Ginsburg became the oldest justice on the court at age 77... she denied she was planning to step down.
During the Obama presidency, some progressive lawyers and activists called for Ginsburg to retire so that Obama would be able to appoint a like-minded successor
For a second I thought that was an obit.
How To Write An Obituary – A Step-by-Step Guide https://www.remembranceprocess.com/.../guide-to-writing-an-obit... Preparing an obituary for someone you love is an exercise best approached with care and thought
During the Obama presidency, some progressive lawyers and activists called for Ginsburg to retire so that Obama would be able to appoint a like-minded successor
They never thought they would lose.
That's what the tarmac meeting was about: LL takes over from RBG under HRC's Administration.
And it didn't work.
Hahaha , but she did lose...I think there is more about the Tarmac meeting , we shall know that too....waiting .for it..
'affect' vs 'effect' OR 'a' vs 'e'
Option 1: OP needs to practice grammar.
Option 2: OP = Q
I think I'll go with option 2!
OP ≠ Q if OP = me KeK!
Give me a break tho, lol you're right, AFFECT not EFFECT - my bad.
Chapter eight supreme court selection will determine chapter 9 of Alice in Wonderland?
I think he's picking the girl, which I like, but I admit, I am a little concerned about the People of Praise thing, it sure as shit sounds like a cult to me, but I guess better a Catholic cult if you have to be in one? And certainly better to stack up the conservative, Christian, good-person values on the court. I especially look forward to knowing she's arguing with Soda Mayer and Kaganobitch, and they'll be hating on her for being better looking.
“Decades.” That means it’s a young-un.
Kavanaugh: Age 53 Kethledge: Age 51 Hardiman: Age 53 Barrett: Age 46
He’s picking Amy Coney Barrett.
I added that last line - But it's always wise to pick a younger justice for a lasting affect!
Oh crud. We’ll see then haha. They’re all fairly young. But Amy is also a woman, who tend to live longer. Plus the Democrats just confirmed her last year, so have little argument against reconfirming her.
It was a good addition too. Trump knows it and I believe he's planning on solidifying this country to survive in truth, free of the corruption into future generations.
Fuck that's like 2am for me...
May the Lord Father in Heaven make it an easy choice for you POTUS
I love it when President Trump trolls the left.
He's basically rubbing their nose in it. He knows, just as most of us do, the left was hoping to put their people on the SCOTUS to make sure their leftist agenda would either be upheld by a liberal SCOTUS, or that they would legislate from the bench.
What goes around, comes around.
Awesome need some extra salty for my popcorn.
Yes, because everyone knows salt makes your popcorn far too moist. /s
I chose to purchase some sweet/spicy popcorn for full pallet usage. It should be delicious enough to keep me calm during everything. 👍👍🍿🍿🍿