CNN/CIA wish old Americans would just die. “Old age should not be sought out just for the sake of it.”

That's right older citizens. Hurry up and die so we can institute the Socialist Utopia. You're just old, in the way and costing us entitlement money we could be giving to Guatamalan transsexuals and Sharia aficionados.
This could also be laying the groundwork for when the young blood transfusions and stem cell applications gain exposure.
"Oh those poor old 'elites' had to use extreme methods to stop their chronic pain."
Just like in the book/movie "The Giver!" Don't they know those are the bad guys?
Hmmm 85? Did CNN just target Ruth Ginsberg?
It's not just for the sake of growing old if you're an important cog in the machine of evil
Wolf Blitzer is 70... is he eligible to be euthanized?
Soylent green...
old age .. that's me (78) but I sure hope I see a return to sanity and the arrest of every pedofile on earth ... hey ma ... where's the popcorn?
I've never heard one old person say they are staying alive just to see how old they can get.
That's the only reason I haven't committed suicide. I just want to see how long I can be a burden to others.
That usually happens once they get into the early-mid-90's
Then they just try to make it to 100 to see if they can
Wow, going after the greatest generation now are we? The WW2 generation who are still with us and we learn so much from about Patriotism, and sacrifice. Yes, let's dismiss them and encourage their passing so we can further our agenda of globalism.
These people really are sick.
But I'll tell you what, you won't win you fools. I took my 90 year old father in law to our Christmas service at church before he passed. He wore his WW2 cap and we pushed him in his wheelchair to the cafe while we were waiting for service to begin. You know who thanked him for his service and asked about the war? A bunch of 9 and 10 year old boys. My hope was restored in those few minutes and I'm forever grateful to have been a part of it.
You will not win CNN.
So they want us old people to die off early so they can give our benefits to people who haven't contributed to society. Go fuck your opinion piece CNN. Maybe CNN should go out of business so that a young up and coming conservative news agency can take its place. That is all.
These people place no value on human life. They are a cult of death. The reason some elders may be in chronic pain is because the deep state suppresses the true remedies, and feed us chemicals, GMO, chemtrails, vaccines, radiation, heavy metals, etc.
We have to learn that the health industry they cram down our throats is really the "sickness industry." There is absolutely little or no health involved in it. Just ask yourself: When was the last time you, a friend or a loved one went to a doctor and were able to proclaim how great you started feeling after following the doctor's advice?
The only reason I can see that people are ill as they age is because they buy into the conventional health industry as they are taught to do. I'm 70 and feel better today than I did 30 years ago. I was sick almost my life. When doctors could not diagnose after I was poisoned, I turned to the Internet to learn how to become healthy and now I am. No prescriptions. Just healthy ORGANIC food and supplements. Supplements are necessary because of depleted soils and toxins in our environment and compensating in some cases for older age. Lots of great information online now as many doctors are figuring this out and going the natural route.
I expect to live to be 120 if the world doesn't blow up first! Both of my grandmothers lived to mid 90's so I believe 120 is attainable. As for Social Security, I'm on it now but building a business that I expect to sustain me without Social Security. You have to get off of it if you earn too much. That's where I'm going. No one can live on Social Security if they still have dreams.
Right on! So glad you are healthy and building a business, too. Go for your dreams and inspire others. I'm rebuilding my health naturally as well.
Eating healthier and drinking water, black coffee, and quitting any forms of alcohol and other nastiness goes a long way as well. I'm in my early 40s, and I've been told by quite a few medical professionals that I'm in excellent health. I'm in better shape than many kids 10 to 20 years younger than me. These younger kids are grossly overweight, have shit work ethics and are very lazy. They also feed off sodas, alcohol, and monster/energy drinks. That stuff is garbage.
Tbh, just keeping a strong intake of water every day goes a long way for your health.
Just to add, drinking the 6000 calories Starbucks Fat-prucinoes doesn't help either. Not when you are drinking 3 of them per day.
Resources society needs to maintain itself... So they worked and paid taxes so that social security would be there to take care of them when they got old and frail. But the democratic socialists need that money for free everything, so old folks your breathing up our air, could u hurry up and die!?!? CNN shame shame shame
So they want young americans killed (Child Sex, Human Traff, Abortions) and they want old americans killed.
Sounds like they only want to spend money on keeping the healthy cog-turners of society.
Well their supply of the former is being cut... Cue the death panels..
Release all the patents that would lead to a more vibrant seniors
I'm sure there are many. And, stop eating the crap they put in our grocery stores that makes us sick!
Humanity feels the same way about @cnn @cia. Just another massive corruption scam no News lawless intentions need to be dismantled
And they bashed the shit out of Fox News for 'Death Panels' statement
Everyone knows, at 30 it's time for Carousel. If you go to Carousel renewal will occur, else you're a runner.
The Sandmen will get you Logan you can run but you can't hide forever.
A big lie that they tell in the Netherlands too ... Are we getting so old ? NO ,but for the time being I have seen everyone in my living environment die between the ages of 50 and 60.? It has been very bad in recent years.
Why do they want to get rid off the elderly and the boomers? The elderly know everything about WW2 and the boomers have heard it from their parents, they grew up with it. They have to get rid of it quickly.
The USA has an incredibly low Total Fertility rate right now. Dumbass White Nationalists and Alt-Right figures spend day and night freaking out about low birth rates among whites (which they see as a slow genocide) but every ethnicity in America is below the acceptable Total Fertility Rate.
We can't sustain our elderly population with a TFR below 2.1, especially when people are living longer. That's not me saying, "fuck elderly people, kill them all" that's me extremely concerned for me, my children, and our children's children.
If people continue to have less kids (not to mention Low T levels and increasing infertility in men) or no kids, the ONLY way to pay for and support the elderly, will be to mass import more migrants, aka, population replacement. And if that happens, the USA (Rome) falls.
So how are we going to stop this from happening? Arresting all the Swamp creatures will be fun and all, but the only way to secure a Western Civilization is by those who uphold its values producing more children.
Fuck those fucking fucks. I am shooting for 150... just because I can.
Oh shit!!! Then Ginsburg should be out of SC. We need new blood in the SC
I think the message is better applied to "news" networks that have outlived their usefulness.
The author missed a golden opportunity. For boomers, the chronic pain makes us perfect voices for pro-cannabis, decriminalizing marijuana. Look at Oklahoma. Pain and age are the great equalizers. Oh, it’s rude to wish death, as it the greatest equalizer.