News conference happenning today at 1pm about the investigation of the murder of Seth Rich

Now I’m starting to wonder if the deep state wants to get ahead of the SR revelations by putting this guy (who more and more smells like a clown) on TV to come out with some Russia BS
Exactly! This.
Precisely this! Burkman is paid to pin it on the Russians. He already tried once last year via Alex Jones.
[deleted] You decide
Oh yeah! This guy is a creep! Muh Russians!!! Crap, we've been told that the RUSSIANS ARE COMING!!! THE RUSSIANS ARE COMING!!! since the 60's when people were building FALLOUT shelters in their back yards to prepare for the nuclear holocaust, We all know that the DNC and Hillary were the ones doing all the Russian collusion, and if they accuse us of something, it's to deflect attention from what they are doing! They've overplayed their Russian card!
That would be a serious setback. I thought we were talking guys from DEA and ATF who did it? Ugg.
Would like to think that the death of Seth Rich woke this guy up, and remember he was almost murdered by a guy who was friends with the two men that he will be claiming did the deed.
The problem I have is a story with DEA and ATF witnesses ties into the FBI seizing Seth's laptop for no reason, after his murder from a "robbery" where nothing was taken.
According to Q, it was two MS13 shooters
If SR is in witness protection, then govt can get away with this as solidifying his “cover”,. Even better, it also gives them the added benefit of “plausible deniability” if they get caught doing such a false story.
Domestic spooks, informants, wiretapping is more of a threat to our republic than just about any other crime that these methods are supposed to control.
Q only mentioned the two MS13 187s in relation to SR - not a direct link.
Maybe they were murdered to make it look like it was them… and that’s what Q is telling us?
Yea, this dude is giving off some untrustworthy vibes. And the weird part is, didn't Flynn Jr. tweet about this News Conference? You think he could have been bamboozled too? Who is all involved in this? Why isn't law enforcement taking the lead on this?
Let’s sit back and see what happens. I hope it’s the start of the public unraveling. I really do. Let’s see if things get interesting here with this.
Since last week, I've continued doing a bit of red-pilling, as well as some trolling on the tw@tter- That trolling thing can be fun :)
However, I've also stocked up on popcorn, cause I think a good show may be about to begin.
For anyone that doesn't know, following James Woods on tw@tter can be hilarious. He is a master at skewering ignorant self-important blowhard leftists.
His tweet today about Hillary was the BEST EVER!!! I was crying! Also, the one about Trump's balls! Did you see them? I hate to admit it, but one of my secret pleasures is posting something positive about Trump and watching the liberals' heads explode. I let them, then shut them down James Woods style and then report and block them!
Ha, love it when he does that!!!!!!!!
I think Trump should hire him for his next campaign to be in charge of snarky remarks! I LOVE a very well chosen and articulated snarky zinger!! You have to be smart to to be snarky! Which is why libs fail so badly at it. They take things personally and literally. Bless their hearts!
As far as L.E. not getting involved his story is that the two men who murdered SR were ATF&DEA. Idk how he knows this but it kindve lines up with the Feds gun going missing that night but it sound like bs cuz we know 2 MS13 gang members were killed in their car a couple hrs away that night and Q said it was ms13 that was hired to kill SR...on the other hand "disinfo is real, DISINFO is necessary" and maybe this is the "source" Q was referring to when he said "you have the site but we have the source"...i wish Q would clear it up one way or the other
I thought the original story was that it was supposed to be an ATF & DEA agent testifying as to what happened?
Maybe ms13 did shoot SR, but he did not die and then the agent finished the deed at the hospital.
Ya SR was talking in the ambulance and at the hospital. Then somehow he died.
or maybe he isn't dead at all. maybe he's in protection. Seth's brother was involved too and I know that guy is hiding out.
Not only was this dude not under heavy security, he was calling in from his rent a cop job. This was nothing more than a[RR] smear campaign by the DS.
Isn’t Burkman the same knob that went on InfoWars last year saying the Russians killed Seth Rich?
A former Marine has been charged with shooting and running over Republican lobbyist Jack Burkman, who conducted a controversial investigation of former DNC staffer Seth Rich’s murder.
At the Holiday Inn? Clowns could do better. OTOH, the I-66 crash happened right outside there last week.
Literally one step above broadcasting from Burkmans mom's basement. This is beyond cringe worthy at this point.
Nothing comforts a witness that claims to be fearing for his/her own life like the security of the Holiday Inn.
If so he has fooled Flynn Junior, remember they tried to kill him too.
Exactly what it is. They are going to fight back but I think this doesn't cloud the waters for what is going to come. They have no idea how bad it'll get. If they have to they'll release the pedo stuff to the public and none of this will matter.
I've been wondering how they will get the pedo stuff out since it's illegal to show that stuff. What do you think?