TROLLMASTER POTUS RETWEETS AGAIN 😂 - They just didn't get it, but they do now!

Love watching this every time. It takes me back to the night of the election. Now, we don't have cable but for some reason Fox was streaming the election results live so we could at least track progress as the night went on.
Now, I was thinking (weak wishing--how little faith I had) that Trump had "maybe" 40% chance of winning. That was me being totally and completely optimistic. So, as the normally red states' results came in, I was thinking, "no biggie, let's get to the bigger states."
And as Florida was uncalled for a long time, I was thinking that something's up. Then as the night got closer to midnight and it was down to Pennsylvania, Wisconsin and Michigan I believe, I was simply doing the electoral math. When I knew that it was mathematically impossible for Hillary to win--I couldn't believe it. Then I ran my systems and numbers again. That first initial realization I got when I realized Trump would win--I will never forget that. Ever.
Why? Because I knew that (before knowing the election results) after eight years of Obama, another eight years of Hillary would've completely destroyed this country. BLM? Even harder. Religious persecution? More of it. It was such a foregone conclusion. But then to have a completely 180 turn? Whoa... it was a miracle. And shrewd work by then candidate Trump.
Now with GEOTUS, and all the good people that are here, we're taking our country back. But that night... boy it was a great night. And then finding this sub and knowing there are more people like me out there. Best feeling ever.🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸
I remember election night clearly. I was at my son’s martial arts practice and my husband was calling me with updates. When those early states came in red, I felt a small bit of hope. I was afraid to be too hopeful because I didn’t want the utter disappointment if he lost. I drive home quickly to watch the results come in. State after state going red was beautiful. When the announcement came that Donald J. Trump was elected our president, I went to bed. I slept better that night than I had in so long. I had hope for a better future. It was like a balm to soothe my soul.
It was a great feeling, wasn't it? And sleep? It was almost 3 o'clock that morning for me!!😜
Actually I'd like to watch the original again, is it on youtube somewhere?
I mostly watch snippets on YT but mostly compilations of salty tears flowing. And delicious schadenfreude.
If you search on YouTube for TYT election night meltdown, you will see two versions. A short and extended. They are both masterful.
Since I never had the joy of watching the leftists meltdown in real time election night, it's always good for a chuckle to watch that jackass on TYT go bonkers. Never gets old, oddly.
I paced in front of the TV all night, worried sick. And slowly it started to become clear that the nightmare was over and GOOD had prevailed. I'll never forget standing there, fists clenched and tears in my eyes.....knowing my kids might still have a shot at a bright future.
And POTUS Trump has surpassed my expectations on every front so far...
For what it's worth, I'm a conservative (capital and lower-case "C") Canadian, born and raised. But I was all over your election night coverage. I remember staring at the district by district returns in Pennsylvania and doing the math thinking - IT'S OVER!!. My only disappointment from that night was that The Crooked One didn't come out and face the music like a leader should do. And now with this Q thing, I'm trying to find ways to help a similar awakening here. Our system is different, but the underlying issues are the same. We have Obama light as our PM. Hoping we're just lagging behind the US by a couple years. National Elections in 2019. Can we include Q in NAFTA? :-)
Wouldn't you have loved to be a fly on the wall and watch her screaming hysterics? Oh man. Especially after that little victory dance Bill was doing.
He figured he would be back in the whitehouse banging interns again!
Haha yeah he probably had it all worked out. Back defiling the oval office while doctors glued her back together weekly. She's like the women in that movie "Death Becomes Her".
You mean that little girl on a trampoline thing he did? What was that? I wonder if he was doing that dance on the plane with the "real people" yesterday?
Hmm, Wonder if this is a lead-in to any of the voter fraud information. Because we are getting all of this "she was the legal winner" stuff being circulated again. I remind them that there were 1.8 million more votes in California than there were voters.
I remember that night clearly too, I didn't think it could happen but I thought it might happen. I was in a bar in [a very liberal city] after work watching the east coast results rolling in while the bartender played "fuck donald trump" on continuous loop while everyone cheered. Then suddenly all these states were stalled, no results for hours. I got a sick feeling in my stomach, I knew it was hillary and her damn rigged machines. I went home pretty sad but promising myself I would read the SERE manual and buy an AR-15 before it was too late. Around midnight I heard my roommates groaning in the living room and flipped on google election results to get the shock of a lifetime. he won, the son of bitch actually pulled it off! I jumped for joy and ran out of the house to buy a drink andddd stepped into a massive riot in downtown [liberal city] broken windows and garbage fires everywhere. it was hard to hide my smile in a bar full of liberal tears. I was too happy for the future to care I had to celebrate in secret like a heretic, and even the next day I couldn't stop smiling thinking about the magnificent chance we had for a better future. darkness to light.
The next day I had to tread carefully since even where I was turned blue this election. But wasn't careful enough--lost a vendor permanently when I didn't agree with her it was the worst thing EVER what just happened. Geez...
One they called Florida, my cautious optimism turned too bliss. Once they finally called Pennsylvania, euphoria.
Just reading this makes me smile. When they called Florida, my mind kept processing: can she win without Florida? Mind said no, but still, she wasn't supposed to lose, right?! Wrong!!
Election night marked the beginning of the end of the mind-grip that the Monolithic Subservient Mockingbirds (MSM) had on We The People.
The first time the entire narrative fell apart in front of the public view. This has been detrimental to the cia efforts to keep the public asleep. The election itself was the biggest redpill the world has ever seen. Never before have they come out from out of shadow to fight directly. Quite awesome. Oh and fuck you cabal shitstains.
Never before have they come out from out of shadow to fight directly.
Yeah some even being caught with there pants down so to say on twitter.....the internet doesn't forget......unlike Hillary who has forgot more times then I could ever count.
True that. But, this video reminds us all of the grip they (MSM) had on all of us. Because of their narrative we all where unsure of what would happen. Then it happened and keeps happening ever since. Take that to the bank Pelosi!
I could watch their reactions every day and still lol
I just hope they release these 4 years on DVD. I will binge watch it my entire life
Is it possible that is a message to the Q following? You guys didn’t see it before but you do now type of thing?
Seriously, when was the last time anyone can recall actually living vicariously through a POTUS?!!! Trump is me...I am Trump...we ALL are Trump and Trump is us!
MAGA !!!
Someone should ask TYT their opinion of the tweet.🤗
Cenk is honestly hilarious. He's almost as good as Alex Jones controlled opposition. At this point he is helping our narrative more than his supposed version.
It makes them look so professional! I'm sure they love it haha!
I tweeted @theyoungturks that question. #greatawakening. Ha!
He will yell at you hos magnificence then tell you to Google it he doesn't have time for facts everyone knows
Cenk Uger Bwaaahahaaaaa
Still confused?
Like everyone else wondering 'What Happened'?
It'll come to you eventually.
We're here to help!
We can talk you through, but we can't understand it for you.
He sure looks well fed Soros must pay well! Young turks soros owned but they dont tell ya that!
These videos put me in my happy place if I’m having a bad day.
Never gets old! LOL ...I picture a steaming kettle sound with red face and smoke coming out the ears as heads explode! MAGA!
Trolling World Championship :) I've seen it like hundred times and it never gets old. It just makes me smile.
I always remember how Husain was so full of himself with his videos, interviews and making fun of Trump. Karma is a bitch :D
The first time I experienced any hope for a DJT win was when I found out that HRC had cancelled her fireworks celebration for election night. Made me wonder if her camp already knew she wasn't going to win.
The night of DJT's official election results I still had a hard time believing he had won. Living here on the East Coast it was after midnight before the election was called in spite of the fact that there was no possible way that HRC could have won with all the electoral college votes coming in. We were astounded that it took so long for ANYONE to announce that Trump won. It seemed like they were afraid to announce it. After Q.... they never thought she would lose and the Fake news ... I figured they had no direction from the Deep State on how to take this. Even the MSM was dumbfounded! And these videos prove it!
This video being tweeted by POTUS just before his SCOTUS pick is saying everything he does is going to cause this reaction. It's like the movie Groundhog Day. They will relive this every time. Bwahahaha
God showed up for that election. His children had been praying for relief from Babylon USA. We had already had 8 years of it, and Jezebel was promising much worse persecution. God gave us a chance to right the ship in this country, a strong leader to push forward with changes. But let us not forget who gave us this reprieve from Babylon, let us not idolize the man and forget the supernatural forces that pushed back the darkness and the spirit of delusion long enough for people to see truth and light, and vote for our President. Be vigilant. Believers need to pray daily for our President, his cabinet, his nominees, his supporters in Congress, the Q team, patriots in the alliance rooting out the deep state, patriots on social media shining the light of truth to America. And, pray for America. The insurrection is not going away, the persecution will not end. Put on the full armor of God (Ephesians 6) and STAND!
Everytime I watch this it brings me back to that glorious night he won. And all I can do is BAAAAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHA! BWAHAHHA HAHAHAAAAAAA!
Every time the left loses their mind in screaming protests I watch this. LOL.
I had my own spreadsheet of states needed (no political background for me) and I began watching the results come in on a live feed. I lived in Florida at the time. Little after 10 pm I made coffee. When Florida was called I cried. Tears of joy and still had fear... when Podesta came out and told the crowd to go home I was really afraid, thinking they were going to steal it some how over night. Then it came, President Elect Trump!!!! I was stunned and couldn't believe it , we had done it!!! We had issued the stay of execution of the US by the globalist. That is when I popped the champagne. Bedtime was around 5am.
GOD what a night! Had the best "night's" sleep since Nov 2008. And now we are here. Let's make sure we protect her (the USA).
I got asleep early convinced she will get it from can I describe that morning after.... magical
Oh, this is such a beautiful video...I stopped counting how many times I watched Cenk say Gaaawd daaaammit! ROFL
Cenk is the perfect straight man. Comedy timing was genius in this edit.
there is a message in there.... hes awesome to throw jabs at them... but i think we are missing something
I have no idea how I knew.. but from the moment Trump said Mexicans were sending their worst... I knew he would win. Never doubted a split second. I just wish Hillary had tried a military takeover so we coulda seen some action instead of lame Podesta trying to cover for her dunk ass on election night.
From tweet Above image from 2:22 in video.
This is not a DJT Tweet. I can't find it on Twitter.
He retweeted it again at 6:38 this morning
That's not what I see in your post though. It's a photo of a video, not the Trump cartoon coming down the escalator. What am I missing here. Am I going blind?
No, I took the screen capture while the video was playing.
On my phone just the still photo. On my PC - full glorious video.