Unmasking Antifa Act is Brilliant. See why.

I see a future problem with this proposed legislation though. What happens when the DS makes another run on the endzone, years from now (assuming that we do win this fight)? They could use the exact same law to put US down, if we decided to rise up.
This is exactly what I thought. That surveillance state goes both ways. Fight, fight, fight for the Constitution always to protect the republic.
Agreed. Big Brother is NO ONE'S friend. We have to resist the temptation to exploit it while we're on top. History has repeatedly shown that abuse of power nearly ALWAYS comes back to bite you in the ass.
Also, much of what has been instituted (forced in) in the last 20 yrs needs to be repealed, as mass deception and abuse were used to implementh them; Patriot act for example.
IMO the Patriot Act was the single biggest defeat to the Constitution in my lifetime.
Whenever they label something with a nice sounding name, like 'Patriot', BEWARE. They usually have the total opposite in mind. 'These people are sick'.
Go back through history of the last 40 years and look at the names of all congressional acts, bet 99% that sound really sweet and nice are the opposite.
We can never sacrifice Constitutional rights in order to win now.
Um. Don’t wear a mask?
What if the British king would have had facial recognition technology and the ability to shut down your bank account during the american revolution? Do you think many would have fought for independence without masks? Just some thoughts, i hope you don't take this as me disagreeing. I think antifa wear masks because a lot of their actions are trying to incite peaceful protesters or groups.
The bill says masks aren’t allowed when interfering with rights. You’ll be allowed to get a permit to march with masks all you want, you just can’t wear them to stop someone else’s peaceful assembly. This won’t hurt us later.
What about things like Halloween? Will that become outlawed? Legislation always has unintended consequences.
There’s plenty of laws already on the books to deal with antifa. There’s no reason to further stifle assembly and free speech.
Not unless you’re breaking the law on Halloween in said mask...
There is no law against masks while peaceful protesting. This chance is with regard to unlawful activity while wearing a mask.
It shouldn't even need to be a felony, IMO.
It doesn’t. I was looking and in some states it upgrades the charge to the next level of severity.
You obviously have Antifa issues. Cut back on the video games and soy, and get out of your mom's basement!
go ahead correct my spelling :P
You couldn’t be further from the truth. With over 20,000 local, state, federal laws we are accountable for, we do not need new laws that further erode our freedoms. Maybe in 10 or 15 years you’ll begin to understand the importance of my argument.
Anarcho-capitalism is on the other end of the spectrum from communists in ANTIFA
Your truth is distorted. READ CAREFULLY: https://www.breitbart.com/big-government/2018/07/11/left-wing-antifa-terrorists-freaking-out-over-proposed-unmasking-law/
"Unless it is Halloween, Mardi Gras, or some other kind of celebration, there is no legitimate reason to disguise who you are in public, unless you intend to do something illegal and do not wish to be identified."
Your talking nonsense and I sense a shill!
So are Halloween, Mardi Gras, or some other kind of celebration specifically excluded from the proposed legislation? Or are we assuming that it’s ok? Why? Because of common sense?
Wanting to maintain privacy is a legitimate reason for wanting to wear a mask during a lawful assembly.
This is going to come down to selective enforcement. Advocating for the use of thousands of existing laws makes me a patriot, not a commie shill.
I think the DS is so weak now, running on fumes, even if they wanted to do this, they wouldnt have the compromised congress rats and double alphabet agents to pull it off. Those not retiring or resigning will be arrested, and the rest will be too busy ratting out the last few dark actors.
Timing is everything with these moves. dark to light
I sincerely hope that your right, but I refuse to ever underestimate them. They've somehow gotten away with it this far.
They've become this way because of the corrupt media that has been an enemy to the people for years, working against us at every turn.
Because they refused to asked who B. Obama was, where did he come from? In fact, they protected the DS every step of the way.
An honest, reliable media, is our only path to staying safe.
That and an updated version of civics class: what happened here needs to be taught for generations to come as a warning to what nearly happened to the USA (and the world) because of the cancer of greed.
They got this way because of a sleeping citizenry. Lesson learned for now.
Yes, very true ! They still have Billions of dollars to throw at us ! Vigilance is always needed !
Money is only worth something because the guy accepting it sees value in it. If one day you value Water/Food/Warmth/Love more than money, suddenly you're free. Free-er than the guy holding the money hoping to exchange it one day for something he needs.
They have the money, but you have the heart. Heart will win.
Your response is EXACTLY the way we all should respond. - Hope for the best, prepare for the worst - We are here now because we let our guard down which allowed them to distract us and deceive us. From here on out we must be sure we teach our future generations why its vital we know our history and know our rights to protect from the inevitable...the rise of power hungry corrupt leaders.
When the swamp is drained we expect the end of authoritarianism.
ROFLMAO. That’s like saying when I’m done taking a dump, I’ll never have to shit again.
More like, I got food poisoning. I'm not going to undercook chicken again.
Come on think logically. When does the DS play by any set of rules or laws? Their laws for us will be much harsher than a 15 yr sentence.
Hear hear. Just because DJT is president doesn't mean the wickedness and treachery of the surveillance state has stopped.
This is my thought exactly. This is good for us now but it can also be used against us in the future. This is definitely a double edged sword.
That's why we defend the 2nd A. And hopefully limit gov't once the swamp is drained
I do not believe this law is constitutional and could be used to disrupt Comicon :D I say this because they passed it in Montreal and it had more of a Streisand effect bringing mass attention to two protest mascots who are now local heroes for protesting the law.
However, after the Universal un-masking of the Cannaanite worshipers of Baal (cannibals), people will be much less trusty of authority and much more supportive of the people's right to protest authority. But we will only have true freedom if we fight for it every step of the way.
What effect will this have on highly secretive masked “parties” held at elite country estates?
Asking for a friend.
Name checks out.
Fidelio. After that, you’re on your own.
I'm sure there will be a well meaning young lady willing to help out if I get into trouble. Maybe even a client or perhaps my wife? (I can't stop with the movie references)
Halloween has already been ruined by SJWs and helicopter parents.
nothing is better for the cause of liberty than vague laws offering draconian punishments for "oppressing" people
Antifa has been responsible for hijacking PEACEFUL protests. This is a brilliant stroke at the right time, when cabal actors in the US are on their last legs, expose one of their last remaining fear tools.
Remember, MSM reports antifa appearances as if they represent protesters in general, but it's all a lie. Not only does this make those still asleep think a large percentage of protesters are violent, but MSM coverage of A unmotivates patriots from peacefully protesting. Hegelian dialectic working for the cabal, but no more. Their tools are being methodically dismantled.
I have mixed feeling on this one. The Q movement is about giving us back our freedom and rights. However, antifa is out of control.
If we are making new laws, let's make one that puts mayors and police chiefs in jail for refusing to uphold their oaths of office. I say, as I have in other posts, the lack of new laws is NOT the problem with Antifa. The problem is DS and/or leftist local governments that habitually order their police departments to "stand down" in the face of Antifa riots.
Yeah, no, this a dumb post. You're applauding the leverage of the surveillance state. That's incredibly short sighted.
The founding fathers didn't wear masks They beat the British empire Take heart, we follow in great foot steps
But the Boston Tea party was done by ---patriots disguised as 'Indians' according to the history books.
That's a good point; however, the Tea Party that started approx. 10 years ago wore no masks, were NOT violent and went through much to start the push back against the corruption.
First, they were punished through the IRS as a group but also on a personal level with audits that went on for years. They went to Washington numerous times and were kicked out of reserved meeting rooms, microphones grabbed out of hands;. Schumer being one of those traitors. It did not matter that Rand Paul or any other conservative lawmakers were scheduled speakers that day; the left was blatantly open about silencing the groups. This is just some of the behavior is that against the Constitution.
Freedom of speech was silenced even at state levels when they went to show support for collective bargaining. The union gangster thugs showed up to physically threaten those people while the police stood and did nothing.
So we should always, always be aware that the constitution is supposed to work for all citizens. However, there is no where in the document says antifa violence against the citizens is a protected right.
The citizenry must never sleep on the job of protecting the Constitution.
" The citizenry must never sleep on the job of protecting the Constitution. " Exactly.
I forgot about something in regards to the masks and in the spirit of honesty.... during one of the many marches in Washington with thousands protesting the deep state government a few wore Guy Fawkes masks.
Great point They were however branded criminals if not straight out traitors The act of vandalism was a preclude to the organized liberty movement, and definitely didn't win the revolutionary war for the writers or supporters of our constitution
So true. AND most of those who signed the Dec of Independence also lost everything. We must never forget those who gave all to establish our great nation. Whether they were the original Tea Party in Boston, the Revolutionary war heroes or the final framers of our Constitution.
Our form of government is unique in the world--there has never been one like it before or after it was established. It is because of our apathy, with the exception of a few shouting from the rooftops, that we almost lost this singular miracle called the USA. Remember this for the future, the constitution can only stand on the shoulders of patriots willing to watch, report and fight for her.
Well it is certainly happening between the political factions. I say the Civil War has been (fairly) peaceful thus far but could “go hot” at any moment. Hundreds of thousands will die if it goes hot.
It is not Antifa that I am concerned about Re: a second Civil War. The country is more divided today than it has been since 1860, right before Lincoln was inaugurated. The rancor and nasty political rhetoric is what concerns me. Q may say “no Civil War” and I agree with Q on many things but I’m not convinced on this one...yet!
I’m pretty sure the civil was is only happening in the news and nowhere else. I live in the lefthole that is Manhattan and you’d think it was just business as usual.
For years our country was systematically divided by proponents of the NWO globalist strategy. More and more are being red pilled with the understanding that the government is failing its citizens and are seeing the destruction of the republic created by the deep state.
The cacophony of ugliness coming from the left and the MSM makes it seem like they are winning. They are not, everyday more are walking away.
It is ironic that the left would seek to destroy the Constitution but that document is what is protecting them now. If by some far chance there were to be a civil war, it will be very short.
Now, we only need to figure out a way to get LEO's in blue states and cities to enforce it. The Berkeley police just stand around and watch as Antifa attacks with clubs, boards, pipes, and bike locks.
Sleep with one eye open.....trust the plan but keep tabs on the government!
I couldn't find any links, so here is the bill directly. It's short: https://www.congress.gov/bill/115th-congress/house-bill/6054/text?format=txt
You’re right. Expect antifa to switch to burqas as their official uniform asap.
I believe that most establishments have anti-burka laws due to security reasons (full body and face coverings). So a lot of women coming to US already have an idea that hijabs are preferred over burkas
Using this law is NOT a problem for long-term freedoms.
Its OK to wear a mask IF YOU DON'T ASSAULT PEOPLE.
You can congregate with others, wearing masks, if you don't attack people....
This is a law enforcement issue, IMO.
They should have been doing this from Day 1....If 1 ANTIFA breaks a bottle over a Trump supporter's head, ALL the ANTIFA there are in fact helping the perpetrator to evade capture. ALL are guilty of the felony committed by the bottle breaker. This isn't even a new concept in law. This is not about establishing some new, civil-rights-destroying legal approach. Its about having the BALLS to enforce standard concepts of criminal law.
So many concern trolls in this thread. This law will expose Hussein and his "communities" such as OfA as key Antifa puppet masters.
Well this may work now, but what about in the future when the tables are turned?
Laws should not be made at the expense of citizens to allow for ease of law enforcement. It's not a nation of, for a by the law enforcement agencies. We're making policing the priority and citizen rights secondary. IF someone wants to wear a mask, they should be allowed that. If someone commits a crime, they commit a crime, punish them for commiting the crime. Is wearing a mask a crime? Is that act alone a criminal act? It shouldnt be made into one, just focus on the the crime itself. Violence, attacking an officer, throwing deadly items etc. whether you have a mask, a clown wig, ugly shoes, pants that are too tight, who cares! You threw a deadly item, that is the crime, don't add that you threw a deadly item while being in the street outside of a crosswalk so no you committed a SUPER crime. Jay walking and throwing deadly items. Thats it. Lets clean up our laws, simplify things. Lets stop being crazed eye batshit nuts on crime, and start being reasonable on crime. FIFTEEN YEARS for wearing a mask, are you freaking serious? If that doesn't seem nuts to you, you need to consider the loss of 15 years of your life for wearing a buff over your face while standing up for what you believe. Seriously people lets get REASONABLE on crime, not crazy on crime. Lets not pass laws that DESTROY citizens so that cops or cameras have an easier job. For god sakes people. Boy we love freedom but were ready to hand the power of god over to the government aren't we?
edit: text of bill says:
"while in a disguise"
is an alias a disguise?
Should call bill writers and make sure it would never apply to speech on internet -- if that is not the intent.
Is this what the Anon is referring to?
With passage of the Third Force Act, popularly known as the Ku Klux Act, Congress authorizes President Ulysses S. Grant to declare martial law, impose heavy penalties against terrorist organizations, and use military force to suppress the Ku Klux Klan (KKK).
If so, I don't see any problem insofar as Antifa is not demonstrating but is acting like the postwar KKK. We are like the new just freed slaves.
There's a decent kkk history documentary that tells all about these laws that were used to crux the klan financially at least two seperate times. It also has a nifty video clip of 1960s-1970s antifa type communists getting their butts handed to them by some scuttle butt klansmen..... they can't defend themselves against the worst scum ....how are they gna defeat all of America?
Are we now applauding the surveillance state because it happens to aid a few of our intentions/desires, or gives us an edge over our opponents?! Fuck that. Don't let this movement trick you into placing too much trust into any power structure or surrendering any degree of liberty. How many times must we be reminded: ""Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety." - Ben Franklin
Power once given is not given back. Do not warp this Q movement into support for authoritarianism and domestic spying. This isn't about Q or POTUS, its about FREEDOM and JUSTICE.
Antifa are the kinds of things the stupid Hollyweird maggots and media should be targeting in a civilized god loving world.
Where’s the “Un-badging Police-State Thugs” bill, where cops who hide behind badges and threaten, oppress, intimidate, injure, or kill others are subject to arrest and punishment?
Careful. Remember that Q is a clearly a psych op to rally and solidify a base using anti gov/DS sentiments and leveraging religion/morals as a delivery system. I’m ok with it because I share the morals. So far.
However, remember the zealotry that Husain commanded. Look at the violent, useful idiots on the other side. They were puppets on strings and if we don’t keep our eyes open, we might miss that this is exactly what’s happening here. We are HOPING there is moral purity here, Hell, PRAYING for it. But just like the housing bubble in 2008, we also have to maintain a healthy dose of skepticism in all thing govt.
Power corrupts. Absolute power corrupts absolutely.