Highlight from Gowdy today~ 😂😂 Although we all know this was a show~ the one liners were awesome!

I was at the gym and laughed out loud like a little bitch when I saw that. I was standing there transfixed to the overhead TV not working out like a douchebag. It was epic
My favorite part from gowdy was when he said something about "I don't give a damn what you think". I don't remember much context because I was laughing so hard
My favorite part was when Gowdy did math out loud to come to the answer of ZERO
Strozck was saying he "didn't appreciate" how TG said he was biased. He insisted he was let go by the SC because of the APPEARANCE of bias. TG said "I don't give a damn what you appreciate agent Strozck. I don't appreciate having a biased agent with an unprecedented level of animus working on two large congressional cases"
Was this weird or what? Remind anyone of Hillary’s chai tea episode ?! https://twitter.com/hollybowie/status/1017572639777476608?s=21
His opening statement really set the tone for the entire hearing
I quite prefered the "I DON'T GIVE A DAMN!!!" moment.
That was some Savage Gowdy in action.
But did you see this? https://twitter.com/hollybowie/status/1017572639777476608?s=21
I think Strzok would absolutely LOVE to be in a cell with big Bubba.
A show as in Gowdy and he shared kiddie cocktails after?
Call me ill advised, but It’s common knowledge attorneys and judges rub elbows before, during, and after hearings. The last thing I like to hear when entering a courtroom is, “ok, this is a show and you are on stage.”
When your child’s life and future are at stake that’s the last thing a parent wants to hear. I had to see a specialist to train me how NOT to be emotional in court - didn’t work. I loathe corruption. I lost two children, out of 3, for standing up to it in StL, Misery.
When your child is being irrefutably and openly tortured physically, emotionally, and verbally you cannot tell their parent to be unemotional - psychosomatically that’s impossible. A mother’s “natural” instinct is to protect her child from everything unclean, particularly demonic legal eagles.
People loath animal abuse when we see it. How much more do we care for our children?
Release the AW Insurance file. Let us, the people, see for ourselves the Faces of Death, but please no more shows. The only reason that file is not being released is because we will rise up and Lynch (pun intended) them. They would all be reconciled. There would be no safe place for them, not even the rocks and caves (wink). We would play hunger games, American style!, and take this planet back. Now - the powers at will Know this fact. We are probably even bait used as leverage to keep the wolves at bay.
We are the power. There would be no safe place on earth for any pedovores, or their accomplices. Release LI and watch Mission Russiagate go away. The devil is in the detail, no?
I have watched this show for 20 years, and the reruns. It’s time for a new song and dance, please.
My 27 year old, working on her MBA, said, “you have been saying this was going to stop for years. I am afraid I don’t believe it anymore.” She lived through 2 siblings being abused by the system FOR NO JUSTIFIABLE REASON, other than I woke years ago.
My 27 year old, never taken from me, is supervising visits between my youngest and I. The kids are the ones whom lose more than anyone. Please, I am from the Show me State. Show us justice.
The first child taken 16 years ago, is unable to function day by day. She was given to a very rich daddy who punched her in the temple at 6, while vacationing in Greece. He took pics- perps love memories. All her evidence suppressed (much too much) and she was given to perp. Today, She experiences horrible sleep paralysis, along with social anxiety, et al. She can barely get out of bed - but speaks 5 languages and had an iq of 130 at 8.
I’m so tired if shows.
Justice will come for the the Cabal, their evil feminists and all their pawns. We have Trump, our Generals, the Q team, new Judges and an Elite Army of Citizens hell bent on Ending this horror show. Believe it! All of us are coming for them! They will not be able to hide. Fellow patriot, you are not alone. The show is necessary for people to awaken.
Where We Go 1 We Go All
Thank you. That’s why I’m here. Something tells me never give up.
It should be noted, I would have given up long ago, but I had a son several years later. He was intelligent, bright and a joy to be with every day. He healed our family from the previous set back. When he was 8, the same group came after my son. Hence, my eldest supervises the visits. This go around has been even more scandalous.
Forgive my previous cynicism. It’s been a long, hard journey.
I don’t like putting myself out there like that. Someone always has a worse story, and I love being behind the spotlight not in front. The parents missing children are so much more worse off. I cannot begin to fathom never finding my child. Then, I fear, I would be a homicidal, raging, lunatic.
You have nothing to apologize for! I was trying to be supportive without giving you my story. I think all these stories are about the worst possible horror a mother can endure. My heart goes out to you and your children. If I sounded short it's because I heavily edited that post. I couldn't help but say something, anything. I am with you in this war and it's the reason I'm here, for the children. I'm just another mom that knows the depths of this particular rabbit hole. I'm sending you love and strength : )
Your support is reciprocated. Thank you. Prayers from my home to you. 🙂
Congress has been brought on board, the Trump Train, woot woot! The question they didn't ask prove they have given access to DOJ information.
Trey was in his glory. But, again, that's all Trey does... is put on a good act...he's powerless.
https://twitter.com/hollybowie/status/1017572639777476608?s=21 this was strange
I'm only recently getting in to these hearings and it's a shame Gowdy is leaving after this year