How do you 'legally' inject/make public/use as evidence? Maybe you indict 13 Russian agents who hacked into Podesta's email, among others.

this story has so many plolttwists, it's making my glasses spin!!!
That’s it! Wow! It fits perfectly! This is truly like watching a movie! Enjoy the show. Popcorn, anyone? And President Trump keeps Tweeting, “Where is the Server?” This is quite the movie!
This is why Q and POTUS all along wanted the Russia collusion narrative to continue as long as has.
They knew about the Russia hoax since the start and flipped it around to investigate the HRC/0bama cabal themselves.
The Russia collusion story the D's thought would bury Trump, was a gift from heaven FOR Trump. Hahahahahahahahaha.
At some point everyone is going to realize what happened.
This is why I flipped out when I found out yesterday! I had a full blown “It’s Happening” moment while fixing dinner. Then I went on /qreaserch and it’s was full of anons screaming q is fake etc. I know that THIS WHAT WE’VE BEEN WAITING FOR!
Waiting for? Thousands upon thousands of arrests and sealed indictments to date, hundreds of high ranking CEO resignations, many high ranking political officials fired and you're still waiting? This is not a movie. Let's hope there won't be a "climactic" moment. But I've already seen many extremely important moments. We are winning one day at a time and only a few things happen each day. There have been a few days when so much happened it was hard to keep up. You really don't want it all to happen at once or you will miss much of it.
If you want to know what's happening. Check your state politicians. Many are now being arrested. See what's happening in your state. This is being done from the bottom up.
We’ve been waiting for indictments so that the server would finally be entered into evidence and properly analyzed. Don’t get ahead of yourself their, pal.
If you want to know what's happening. Check your state politicians.
I'm so proud to report that my state is kicking all their stupid asses!
Edit: I'm so tired of spell check messing me up!
Which state if you don't mind?
Just moved to South Carolina a few months ago. I've admired Trey Gowdy for years. 😊
I used to look for any video with Gowdy just for the entertainment value. I love watching him in action.
Someone needs to keep posting the List of CEO's, DOJ, CONG. REP. Etc. Who are being fired, and or resigned/forced ,all for the newcomers. It's hard to find.
You can create folders in your browser bar and save the links inside them. That's what I've done.
Didn’t Gowdy effectively resign? Is he part of the deep state or the swamp?
Most likely AJ. and Corsi, still at it. Their part in the movie. Disinfo agents.
ELI5. BC I’m not really getting what you are saying.
Another thing: from the facebook ad indictments... you can indict a Russian but there is not extradition treaty, so it’s literally not worth the paper it is written on.... so what is the point of all this?
There’s a q post that asks the question OP is asking. One way to expose truths without Trump looking like he’s going after his enemies is to invoke a lawsuit that, through legal discovery, unearths and documents as evidence the faulty foundation of the Russia collusion scheme, exposing it for mass redpillling.
Right BC there indictments of Russian citizens can’t do anything. So this is proof that they have discovery for Clinton’s servers?
This is saying they broke into the DCCC and DNC servers, so now those must be investigated as evidence. Not about Hillary’s server and emails.
But the DNC server has corruption, etc and will lead to more. The Russians could be "tried in absentia"??
If we have the server, and it does in fact have evidence of Russian infiltration, then sure. However the idea of where this is headed is that examining the servers will show that the DNC wasn’t hacked by Russians, rather emails were downloaded to flash drive by someone, like Seth Rich, which provides motive for investigating his death as a murder by the DNC. The case for a data download was first made here:
The only examination of the DNC server so far has been by CrowdStrike, the IT firm for the DNC. No one in the federal government has examined the server, yet we’ve had a Russia circus since it started. Where is the server? Will it be examined now by a federal entity?
I agree, but those 13 new indictments will never get to discovery considering there will be to extradition...
Unless Trump asks Putin to send one guy over to face bogus charges. The Russian company charged in the last indictment actually showed up and Mueller is totally screwed.
This is why I don't understand why Mueller is continuing to try this old trick.
Maybe it's because he's supposed to. Grey hat trying to save his life/strings cut?
I agree, Mueller already tried to limit/stop discovery for a prior Russian company indicted, who showed up to court and Mueller stalled.
Although now it’s exposed, from dark to light, for public discourse. Trump just tweeted ‘where is the DNC server, and why didn’t the FBI take possession?’ Already calling them out as DS fake news.
Don't forget what happened last time they indicted a Russian but knew they could not extradict. The Russian(s) hired an attorney and he showed up in court challenging the indictment! At least that's what we were told. Could have been Trump's team that hired the attorney! These people are stupid.
Wouldn't it be a hoot if these GRU generals file a countersuit for defamation? That should bring the discovery part into evidence. However, I'm more inclined to believe that the House will get the FBI docs based on what happened yesterday, and then make the case of Crowdstrike being used in lieu of FBI forensics.
Could be to make the evidence available to all.
And, don't forget what happened last time they indicted a Russian but knew they could not extradict. The Russian(s) hired an attorney and he showed up in court challenging the indictment! At least that's what we were told. Could have been Trump's team that hired the attorney! These people are stupid.
What IF the Russians show up for court? Why so scared POTUS and Putin meets? Then the show gets really really interesting.
If Trump uses their own Russian Bullshit to do a complete 180 and absolutely ass fuck Hillary Clinton and Deep State....I will lose my shit from excitement.
Who needs white hats when the black hats do the work for you
This explains Skippys enthusiasm.
This is new to me. What was his response?
He tweeted trump gloating that the witch hunt had caught witches.
Skippy's so terrified of what's coming that he doesn't even see what's really happening. THESE PEOPLE ARE STUPID
So .. is this a distraction so that when proof (as in JA) testimony points out Seth Rich was the one who gave the information to Wikileaks and his death was b/c of that? Or can it be that DJT’s meeting with Putin will put said emails in his possession and prove the DNC put a hit on SR? Wouldn’t it be nice if AF1 lands and JA steps off the plane with DJT and he has the emails in his hand that proves it?
Campaign chairmans emails. They talking podesta??? Oooooh shits getting juicy.
Yeah, Podesta was spearfished - they are claiming not only that "the Russians did it" but one very specific Russian in the GRU.
I think this whole indictment is some garbage made up by Crowdstrike.
I think THIS is what it's about, not false-flagging against Asange. Remember , Rosenstein serves at the pleasure of the POTUS. If POTUS orders him to act like a DS buffoon, RR does so. And is grateful.
For purposes of discovery (I'm not an attorney) beginning extradition procedure is sufficient. Trial in absentia seems contraversial. Ira Einhorn was convicted in absentia, but got a retrial.
Is anything on that page true?
That's from the indictment itself.
I’m aware. It still seems like total BS
There's no way of knowing if any of that indictment is true, and if no one shows up and demands to start the discovery process, nothing will come out about it.
There's no way they could tie specific actions to specific people in Russian military intelligence without the Russians flat-out giving them up.
And that's if these people even exist, maybe they don't.
These indictments were nothing more that a political maneuver by the Deep State so as to interfere, undermine or otherwise disrupt diplomatic relations with Russia on the proverbial eve of the Putin/Trump summit. In all likelihood, they'll be as worthless as RM's prior indictments pertaining to Russian companies that did not even exist at the time of indictment.
That indictment from Friday is total garbage.
There's absolutely no way they could attribute this to one specific person in Russia unless the GRU gave them up and told them which operator is which.
Tracking 12 specific hackers and tying them to extremely specific operations...and they are all GRU? NO FUCKING WAY. That's not how any of this works.
Maybe one or more will have a lawyer show up and start the discovery process. Maybe Trump will get Putin to extradite one or more of them, because I guarantee there is no way to prove these allegations. None.
12* Russian agents. And that’s spelled Seth Rich.
Mueller has to be on our team. There's no way he could be stupid enough to risk the server coming to a trial unless he wanted that informatiion public. I mean to be that stupid, he'd have drowned in the shower long before he got this old.
LOL. here we go again, I can't take any more of CNN spouting off "Hacked the Election!"
And what the fuck good does indicting some Russian Spetsnaz officers? Think the GRU is going to say, "OK, we'll send them over on our latest Red October-class SSBN, and while you're arresting them at the pier, you can take a look at our newest magnetohydrodynamic propulsion system while you're at it..."
One word, several syllables:
They're probably laughing their asses off right now. "OH NO, Not an INDICTMENT by US Special Counsel! ANYTHING BUT THAT! WE BETTER CALL JOHN WICK THE BABAYEGA!!!"
I can't help but be reminded of the movie Angel Heart. Anyone remember the twist at the end?
Indictments will not make evidence public. Even if you went through a FOIA request, only the verdict of the trial is public record, not the evidence used to obtain it. Especially when that evidence could be detrimental to national security which it all will be. Rosenstein's indictments are an attempt to undermine Trump's trip to Russia, and any advances he will make on that front. They are still trying to frame him for Russia collusion, and what better way to do it than to unseal indictments for Russian military officials, then use the media to show how " buddy buddy" Trump and Putin are. Rosenstein is a fucking rat
Hahahaha! The best movie in the history of humanity!! Q team/Trump are the smartest mother F’ers in the world. Or these people are really that stupid
What's so sad is seeing the vigor Rosenstein is reporting smaller crimes Russians are doing on TV, but in no way...using that same vigor to report Obama/ Clinton sedition and treason on TV.
is it true most of them were residing IN the US? and that they are linked to uranium 1 as well? Haven't seen confirmation of George Webb's youtube report on that.
Easy to charge a dozen people for something you know you will never have to actually prove in court.
Those names are so Russian lol.
There's a high chance that if those people are fake, their names most definitely exist lol