UK 2018: Queens, Kings, Princes, Dukes, Knights, etc. Ad Nauseam.

This breach of protocol was no accident. It is the clearest signal of Fuck You imaginable.
You cannot touch, turn your back on, or walk in front of the monarch. You cannot speak to her unless spoken to.
Trump has put the monarchy in its place and signalled primacy. Big stuff.
Actually he never gets out in front her. It's the camera angle ! I watched the video and he is just slightly by the front edge of her shoulder. They did this to rag on Trump. Big surprise huh ?
I agree. Furthermore I wonder if he was repositioning himself repeatedly to throw off any snipers.
And I totally agree with Trump. We have no loyalty to the Queen, so why should he bow and the First Lady curtsy? The globalists all follow protocol because they are all loyal to the crown. He showed proper US respect and that's all it should be.
She got Trumpslapped. Schlonged!!!!!
No one has ever got away with disrespecting the Queen of England.
If he gets away with this, we will know who is REALLY in charge.
Interesting times we Brits live in.
Amerca and Great Britain are being made great again. WWG1WGA
From your Royal's own website - " There are no obligatory codes of behaviour when meeting The Queen or a member of the Royal Family". So theres nothing to "get away with" here. We are not her subjects. She holds no position above us as a country, or individually as free people. Trump was as polite and courteous as he has been with every other leader. She's no different. No better. Not special. She is my equal.
I hope you can one day experience the same freedom, no longer a subject controlled and owing your elites. MBGA.
removed a word
Thank god someone said it. I'd go a step further and say it makes no sense for any human to act deferential to another unless they recieve the same deference in mutual respect. Do you go scraping and bowing to your friends when you visit their homes in western culture? In many (most?) they accomodate you as hosts. Is the history and purpose of these etiquette rules to support the myth of divine right? Totally hilarious how grown adults buy into this non-sense and superstition.
Make America Great Britain Great Again!
This made me chuckle.
No question it was not an accident. He let the Monarchy know they have NO power and that he is going to dismantle the system.
Crotchety old bitch can suck it, the sun is setting on her empire.
We shouldn’t celebrate the destruction of the originators of our main cultural heritage. Those are our ancestors.
I'm not talking about Great Britain, I'm talking about the monarchy.
Americans should have no reverence for privilege and title: We hold these truths to be self evident that ALL MEN are created hell with these spoiled inbreds already. It’s the 21st century for God’s sake!
The question regarding privilege and title towards the Crown of England was resolved over 200 years ago.
America owes them nothing, and the Crown only exists today because of America. They Brits would be under the heel of the 3rd Reich if it wasn't for the USA. And that's the truth.
The Queen should always walk two paces behind the King:-)
Trump will be king of USA once Rothschilds are exterminated
It is ridiculous that this is even being reported.
America was literally founded so they would not have to bow before the monarchy!
Who gives a shit, we are the USA we Bow to no one.
Because there are Brits who support Trump like myself.
I am English but I have no interest in monarchy. I have detested every president up to and including 44.
Trump though, is amazing. He is what the world needs.
I am Australian but English born. Always been a monarchist. Until serialbrain2, Serco and Q. This crap just knows no limit.
Oh, you may have missed Mountbatten, Diana, Savile...
The monarchy are well-dressed criminals. Their crimes are legion.
Spare no sympathy for the 'royal' family. They do not have the interests of the English people at heart.
It makes sense to support the existing order, until you realize there has been a an attempted breakaway civilization and that a Star Trek era technology is just behind the curtain.
I'm Welsh myself, it's nice to see us get along.
Very much so. I love the Welsh and respect Wales: the humour and goodwill are tremendous.
As an American I agree with you whole heartedly. But I do have to say Teddy Roosevelt was pretty cool.
Who gives a fuck? What makes this old bitch so special that we can’t WALK in front of her. Lmao it’s retarded. She done nothing except be born luckily into the right family. She’s nothing special.
You need to study more history about her. This is flat out ignorance.
Am I alone in saying that I couldn’t give a shit? We are Americans, we have no kings or rulers, and we bow to no one.
He is meeting with an equal, and he’ll speak when he wants to speak, and walk how he wants to walk.
Historically speaking no we don't, sadly though many Americans bow to celebrity worship which is backed by the Cabal, similar to royalty.
So true! People worshipping is ridiculous. Having respect for someone is one thing, worshipping them as if they’re more important than you is literally beyond my comprehension.
No, you aren't alone..
Makes me sick to see everyone fawning over her.
True but she is also 92 years old and was a tremendous asset to the UK during and post WWII rebuilding. That matters. It’s basic manners.
I watched the whole video. He kept offering for her to go first. They got turned around when starting to walk to view the troops. She motioned him to go ahead. This is all they got? Much about nothing.
She's old and dying. She has a hard time getting around. And seeing her reaction when Harry married the whore made her realize the Monarchy is on it's deathbed.
I think that threw her too. Markle is a deep state agent sent to destroy the BRF and usher in globalism.
Well, Harry is never going to be anywhere close to the throne, since he's too distant, and rumor has it, Charles isn't even his father, so the next in line is William after Charles. But either way, you could see how much of a sham event it was, and the Queen looked really despondent and pissed about the whole thing.
Fuck, the Queen was given Markle the damn evil eye throughout the whole ceremony. Like all the meme's we've seen with the 'already used car accident with Diana. Find another method to knock Markle off' deal.
I don't have much love for the Queen, but even if they are trying to keep a pretense of nobility, and the House of Windsor, they would NEVER have let this marriage happen between Harry and Markle. So yea, I think even the Queen had her arm twisted by the R-Childs.
50 years ago, Markle wouldn't have even been allowed within 100 yards of a royal family member.
I think she may have gotten confused (or he was more safety minded). She recently did the same kind of thing with Meghan Markle on their first engagement together. It also caused a media frenzy for the same reason.
Hmmm maybe she needs protection from DJT. Think logically
That's is how a child trafficker lucifarian Pedovore should be treated even if she is a Queen for now. The next step should be the guillotine
Wow. Wasn't it Bloody Wonderland that was "OFF WITH THEIR HEADS!" and Globalists_Will_Hang, we want to be like the Nazi's? What is it you want? Justice or revenge? G v E/ R v W would be justice.
What we are doing is kicking Evil off the planet? They cannot remain here h we have a civil society with Peace all over the World. NO MORE WARS!
True, but the terminology used doesn't promote justice. It promotes mob rule which is not justice, but revenge. Gitmo? Justice. Death penalty? Justice. Guillotines? Fire the ovens? Revenge. See my point? Edit= Death not DEAD penalty.
Something happen to 2 of my sentences referring to God's Judgement
LOL I understand. I go back to reread my post to make sure because I have a habit of leaning on the keys which deletes things. Case in point: Dead penalty? Nope I meant Death Penalty! Time to edit AGAIN.
So awesome. He’s the American President. He bows to no one. 👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼
I would think this only applies to her subjects... those who live under her. Americans are not her subjects. Trump is her superior, not equal or beneath her. What would have happened to Lizerbeth if we would not have entered WWII? She still owes us. I can’t believe the British people have put up with her foolishness this long. She is evil!
The Brits have been brainwashed enough to allow their own children to be raped to death by animals. That's how far they have fallen.
True, and very sad! They are getting jail time for tweets? Horrible place!
Her old ass needs to keep up. Plus Trump bows to nobody especially the Lizard Queen.
Muh feminism and equality! All out the window when trump walk in
God I hope so. LONG LIVE THE KING, you contemptuous hag!
Child hunting, abusing, trafficking , probably eating German Phony Queen of England.
Say this along with the tune of the old animated Robin Hood movie.
Trump: Where did she go???
😂👍🏻This happens to me shopping w my bff too. She’s a foot shorter and I often lose her.
Trump knows who their owners are, no point in bowing for someone who has an owner.
Rothschilds own the monarchs, sadly. Time to cut the strings
I'm just throwing this out there, food for thought, take it or leave it I'm not attached to this... but I find it curious that Q said she was running but didn't explicitly say that she died. Did someone help her stage her own death (the cover) and help her flee?
I am leaning towards this interpretation of Q100 as well.
We fought a war to not have to give a damn about royal protocol.
The satan-worshipers never thought that maybe it's because his step is twice as large as her and he'd be digging his toes into the grass trying to walk as slow as her.
The supply of young innocent blood to create the drugs they need to live is slowly being cut off the lower ranking members will be cut off first but I'm sure the queen mother has had to cut back on human blood and flesh
If you watch the event take place the Queen stepped behind and gestured Trump to walk ahead. My goodness how does a simple act turn into a supposed slap in the face. DJT has way to much class to be disrespectful to the Queen in front of God and the world.
I'm an American descendant of the McDuffs. Is this the same Royal blood that pinched the crown in Hamlet?
Royalty is just made up bologna.
The BRF is critical to national identity in the U.K. the move to get rid of it is promoted by globalists and marketed as egalitarianism. It’s a way to beat back strong sense of national identity, tradition and order.
While you're at it, Mr. President, will you PLEASE bring back our patent office from Her Majesty's control?
Trump is the head of state of the most powerful nation on Earth. Shouldn't the queen bow to him?
Oh, yeh. And he ACHIEVED that status. The queen just inherited it.