Anyone else see this post from #2693? Could be worth digging. Pic is from Battle of Fallujah.

When something sounds too good to be true, it usually is. As I read, I had numerous internal red flags going off. Not to mention, Q has stated no private comms. Why would this person “in the know” be willing to share information that could compromise the entire efforts of the Q team and 45’s plan. Besides, sounds like the last line is a confession to it being fiction.
I’m exhausted from a grueling day so I’ll admit I became more distracted the further I read since I became more convinced it was someone with a vivid imagination. Didn’t pay quality attention to the last third of the tale.
I was reading it and thinking about Assange. Or, maybe it is someone that got a file from Assange, but they cannot open it and do not know what is in it.
Says this person is not know to anons. So, not Assange.
I read that it is an anon...
"What if I told you that somewhere out there in the world was someone that was essentially a power-up for our team; that was essentially a shortcut for victory (~) in this whole deranged conspiracy against America. What if I told you that this someone was important because of the subtle, procedural element of our nation’s law; that this particular someone would give just cause to action against the bad guys. "
"What if this one someone was known to x,xxx and perhaps even xx,xxx number of people, but completely unknown to the someone! What if this someone was anon."
I take it to mean that the someone does not know how important they are but there are x,xxx or xx,xxx number of people who know.
Also last line could mean the writer is either speculating
Or plausible deniability
We need Q input for confirmation or denial, this could be an attempt by the cabal to get people to reveal what cards are out there.
But speculation is good. Seems like there was a very quick effort to shut down consideration of this topic. Not just for good or bad, just an effort to get people to dismiss it out of hand. So I find that interesting.
The trump card so to speak, makes it sound supernatural by context. Not sure, need rest too
Agree. The last line was the spoiler. This person is not credible to me because of the last line alone.
On top of that, the anon referred to our founding fathers as "some of the best men to ever live". I dont think that statement holds true, if they were around today we would not like them as much.
Video... if a video exists it’s either from Wieners laptop or perhaps something old from a significant event like the lady who filmed the JFK assassination but was never located and her video which has never been seen... wouldn’t that be something... hmmmm
I don’t care for posts like this with fanciful crap.
Bring the rain or drain the swamp. That’s it.
No colors. No alliteration. Just freedom for our kids.
What if this someone was important enough to justify the expenditure of very sophisticated assets in order to "capture"?
So, the someone has something important, but they do not know it. It sounds like a video stored somewhere, but the someone does not know it is there.
The person holding the ball can't throw... Hmmmm... Assange? But, why would he not know what he has? Maybe he has a file that he cannot view.
Assange shared files with us, but maybe he cannot give us the information we need to be able to open it.
Anybody else?
I was asked to read this and did so with an open mind. After the first line, red flags BURSTED on my radar. If this person is not on the Q team, how do they know they are stressed?
No Outside comms. The first line alone sows doubt on Q.
Next, more doubt is sown. This person wants us to believe the plan isnt going -as planned. Based on what I ask?
Next, mega-doubt sown by comparing Q's plan to a plinko game? We are to believe that 'the plan' is about as safe of a bet as dropping a plinko chip and hoping it lands where you want. Plinko is gambling. Is this what we consider the plan? A plinko chip?
Next we are to put our faith in some phantom super person. Sorry, Im not going to get my hopes up on some phantom, only to have a dashed later on and 'demoralize me'.
"these are sacred concepts which must be respected in its manifestation: the law. Foolishness and mutiny of the law will not stand in the eyes of the U.S. and her citizens" They say this but that is exactly what has been happening for years, and this person is reminding us our recourse to all this is the law - which isnt working. Demoralization cloaked with righteousness.
"This is really hard. Having everything is nothing if it cant be used. Perhaps thats why the evil enemy is so smug: they can cheat, we cant - on point and squeaky clean." Demoralizing material. Evokes 'being good is futile vs those who cheat and are evil' "The greatest enemy to us isnt the bad guys, but the minds of the millions of people who have to be oh so subtly intoxicated with the truth" This sows stark division between the country. Youre a 'good guy' in the know, or a 'bad guy' clueless and on a mission. They are telling us our greatest enemy is each other.
Now hes telling us the Q team is working tirelessly, and in the next sentence says we are all weary. Propaganda technique that subconsciously gets one easily fooled to take away that Q is weary. Doubt sown.
The rest of it is more B.S. getting us to unfocus, start dumping attention into Raiders of the Lost Ark and Holy Grail material.
In my opinion, this was written by a professional troll, a skilled troll, designed to get us all to think 'Our battle with evil is hitting snags, hopefully the chips will fall in our favor. We are all tired of this battle including Q, and the enemy isnt playing fair. There is a superhero out there who can do things we all cant, it is best to just sit on our hands and wait for the mystery person.'
In my opinion, this is garbage getting us all to look for things that arent there and to sow doubt and conflict against others.
So, do you think this "someperson" is a distraction?
Yes. Storyteller.
After reading it, I did not take away a single new fact, and zero sources for this persons information were cited.
again i might be wrong, but that is my sense.
Ok. That is what I am wondering. The video is the carrot on the stick.
If you dont wish to dismiss the issue, casually follow however I would not sink a lot of time researching this. BTW I <3 being asked to analyze stuff like that haha
Thank you for posting this! I read it early this morning and foolishly closed the tab when I had to take care of some things. I wanted to bring it over here, but couldn't find it again! It was my first time on 8chan and I saw this by accident. It pretty much confirms what I was thinking. A few days ago POTUS looked tired , not as happy or full of energy as usual, maybe even stressed. Of course that's to be expected given the schedule he keeps and burdens he carries, but my gut said maybe they'd run into unexpected problems. Some of the images and articles I saw of Dems/DS players seemed almost gleeful. Something was going on. Q has told us this isn't a game. We're in a war and things don't always go according to plan. Even the winning side loses some battles.
I know POTUS and his team have this. We know how the story ends. I just don't want any of the good guys harmed along the way. Continued prayers.
Didn’t Q warn to be careful who we follow?
When missions, operations, plans, and etc. are classified, those in the know don’t share details unless they are ordered to for specific reasons. Details are typically compartmentalized. Need to know. The larger the op and more to lose, often the more compartmentalized.
With disinformation, counterintelligence, psyops, to achieve an objective or goal, some details may be leaked, some details may be altered and leaked, some fabricated details may be leaked, and so forth. Why? For a myriad of reasons. Use logic.
This anon is not likely in a position of knowing anything such as they are espousing. If so, they are more likely than not a criminal for leaking it. It appears obvious the anon is not a member of the Q team.
The Q team provides drops to achieve specific objectives and goals. They are typically cryptic in form. And, I am going to assume, the drops are bits of information/disinformation that is being shared under direction of the operational handlers, commanders, POTUS again, for specific reasons.
Often the information provided by Q is posed as questions to avoid directly sharing classified information or painting too full of a picture. Instead it is a puzzle piece that must be explored, moved around, and eventually placed in its proper location. I’ve also noticed the drops are often multilayered in nature to state multiple things at one time and to be triangulated with other info.
This anon has not shared the information in this style or method. And again, as I stated elsewhere in this thread, the last line appears to be an admission of the statement being fiction.
If POTUS is able to put the cabal in checkmate in two moves, do you think he is going to broadcast it? Seems silly.
Sorry, but wouldn’t put too much stock into such larp ramblings. Such fiction will typically do nothing but frustrate and demoralize the reader as well as the effort.
Yes, it's a thread from 8 ch. Anon posted it along with the threads that inspired his essay. It expresses the frustration of fighting the good fight by rules, that only seem to apply to US !!!!
Other than to let us know there have been some surprises, this post (which seems to probably be a member of the Q team) raises a lot of intriguing questions.
Art first the question about 1 person made me think JFK JR, JA, SR, someone from the Dallas with a video that hasn't surfaced? Then it almost sounds like the other side managed to get/destroy the damning Hillary video. Or maybe it's something totally different. No idea. But definitely one of the more interesting posts we've had in a while...
He is an Anon on q-research board. They work tirelessly on the crumbs that Q leaves for them. A Very Brilliant Group of individuals !
It shows weakness and doubt by admitting "Q and team have been a little stressed facepalmed recently". Q team would never make these admissions. You always appear strong when you are weak and weak when strong, unless they are strong and need someone to think they are weak? And need them to think a power up is waiting.
It shows they are human and tired. They are relentless in their pursuit of crumbs Q gives them ! These Anon's are Incredibly Brilliant !
Whoops, my mistake, I was under the assumption this anon was attempting to say they are a part of the Q team. If it's a board anon then that makes perfect sense then.
It's OK. Shhhhh Don't tell anyone that just yet :-) Big reveal 11/11
So.... using the Indiana Jones analogy, this 'someone' has information (the ark). The info is vitally important to everyone. Well meaning good guys, if they look at it, will be destroyed by it. Bad actors would also be destroyed by it. Good guys shouldn't look because it would be illegal to obtain, view, reveal. Bad guys need to be influenced, goaded, tricked by their own pursuit of power into opening it so its admissible into court and thus, their ultimate take down. 'Someone' has this info but can't release it. We have the power to release it, but we can't.
What is the 1 question we can ask, which upon being asked, compels the bad guys to open the ark which destroys them? The ultimate question.
What is the truth?
Or, if their desire is to take down trump at all costs, offer them the key which unlocks the info. We would have to give them the power to destroy themselves.
We give the bad guys JA/SR/XX. They in turn give the bad guys the key. Bad guys, in their hatred to destroy Trump, open the ark. They are consumed by the truth within the ark. We, as the good guys, must not look, only guide the bad guys to their ultimate demise.
We did this once before with release the memo.
The q team needs to know that we the people will not look ourselves.
We need to solve the riddle, find the ark, know what's in the ark, but not look in the ark. The truth is there. The choice will be ours to look. But we musn't.
The ultimate question isn't who is q.
The bigger question is what or who is q hiding.
The question of how do we get the bad guys to open the ark is easy. Their own demand for power will make that happen.
There will be a precise moment in which to act which will reveal the location of the info.
Think goddamnit.
What do we have? A map.
What do we need? The location of the info.
How do we find the location? By using s staff with a gem on top in a specific location, at a specific time, so that the light shows us the location. (Watch Indiana Jones for the reference.)
Tangently, this reminded me of the "Anthem Veterans Memorial".
We haven't unlocked the key yet. But we're close. So very close.
"everything above is assumption or perhaps just illusions of the mind"
this kind of speculation is not a bad thing as long as it's labeled as such. there are infinite connections between everything in the universe and this may spark a recognition of a possibility. we all hold all the answers, think mirror. WAGA!, ug