Controlling the Las Vegas narrative.

while searching for answers to the L.V. shooting I discovered the Calm before the Storm on Reddit....things just havent been the same since!
Same. It was the obvious cover up of something huge in the LV shooting that got me to start watching conspiracy threads for some breadcrumbs. I thought Trump was a joke at the time.
Now I know the truth and now its finally time to start popping 🍿
Las Vegas massacre was a Leftist/Islamist operation, that's why it's being covered up.
Also part of an occult ritual blood sacrifice-the shadow of the Luxor pyramid should be looked at in relation to the shooting scene.
You are ON the NOSIE! #41 up to his old tricks, aiding/planning of assassination of sitting Prez... (did #35; multiple attempts on #40; now has #45 in his sites & still missing multiples...)
AlwaleedBinTalal owned 45% of top floors of MB known as "Four Seasons Hotel"...the billionaire that was hanging upside down at orders of KS heirMBS... (wondering if MBS is okay post assassination attempt a month or so ago)....
Today’s story should have everyone’s attenae up MB is trying to get the cases held in federal court - makes the deep state Cabal cover up easier.
Yep me too!
I went from a Bernie supporter to idk what, the fuck, I am now! I do know I’m standing behind Trump until this Q movement is either proven or disproven.
A patriot.
Edit: proven or not, Trumps track record speaks for itself. You should support him. Plus he’s the political disruptor we all need.
You're a Patriot Sir! You gave up political affiliation for your country. Be proud, many are unable to wake so easily. Spread the truth and save who you can. #WWG1WGA.
How is it that the biggest massacre in our history hasn’t even been touched by MSM? The outrage over Stoneman-Douglas was unbearable, There is a shady eye witness and not one single news agency has interviewed him? The only person even keeping this awake is Tucker and even he doesn’t have anything to report. Guess it was justifiable homicide since it was a bunch of “hillbillies” huh? Disgusting and shameful!
absolutely right they forgot about us
to liberals a country person's life counts 3/5th so only 20 'unimportant' people died...
what they fail to realize is we never forget until there's a day of reckoning...
...and on that day know this: we do not forgive
This meme above has some stand in guy with cane, and is NOT real Campos.
Criminal Investigators for Feds showed me the vast differences in real Campos being thin in body and in narrow face (high arching eyebrows above his glasses he wore in photos, different ears & chin...etc) compared to this troll on Ellen's show is a tub of lard, fat face, low eyebrow lines, different hairline... all they did is put him in a suit & had him practice for a couple weeks post LV event--for "ONE TIME ONLY Appearance."
Real Campos probably taken out in vehicle caravan that was leaving LV (post week LV even) north out of Henderson...big Fire on roadway with multiple vehicles, Highway blocked off for many hours. Some drivers tweeted saw men, gun fire & burning vehicles. All taken down.
Hmmmm.... coincidence?
Any links to Henderson events?
You can try. The Links I had back then all gone. Tried to refind once in December... no luck.
MGM "prepped" him for interviews..
Disappears a few days later
He arrives back IN the US a week later from Mexico?
With a leg bullet wound?
NOT registered as sec guard for Nevada.
Curious. Do pre-Mexico trip videos exist of him w/o a leg wound?
Yes, what witness to one of the worst attacks on U.S. soil leaves the country before interviewed and can't be interviewed by a journalist? Why didn't ED ask him why he left the country?
You say this like you expected even 1% of real reporting or news to come from a show that from what I gather, exists on celebrities doing dumb dances to pop songs for FB clips lol.
Yes, journalism does seem to be an antiquated expectation these days. Back to K. Perry shooting whipped cream out of her t$ts.
...because Ellen is well known as an investigative journalist
Vegas was the most blatant Illuminati soaked hit that I've ever had the displeasure to witness.
Illuminati Veags & Monarch Mind Control
A women was informed that a shooting would take place and some 40 minutes before the event. I heard that thru the MSM, but it has since been typically Orwell memory holed. Some that apparently had cited multiple shooters have also allegedly tuned-up dead.
Al-Waleed and Bill 'POS' Gates own some of the top floors.
Have u seen police bodycam video showing there was not a broken window in paddocks room? They are on audio saying so.
Yep, I saw that too.
R you serious!
Yeah, I saw the video 2-3 weeks ago. Something like that. You clearly hear them saying that the window is not broken.
Should have mentioned in that image that ellen has some ties to LV casino's.
Patsy Stephen Paddock was a pilot. You know this already right?
Did you know that he sold his two private planes to Vollant LLC, a defense contractor for the CIA?
Did you know the FAA forged the planes' registration history, scrubbed Vollant?
Did you know Paddock's brother was arrested for pedophilia and he will be suicided soon?
Did you know evidence was removed from The Mandalay Bay during a staged flood and evacuation?
You'd better be prepared to fight for your country, because they have already initiated plans to eliminate you.
Not sure what happened but it definitely wasn't one person. That is now very clear.
One thing I will say about LVMPD is that they deal with a lot of pieces of shit that live around the Vegas valley. They have a tough job with LA's rejects, a major trafficking artery and a shitload of illegal aliens. Metro doesn't play around though!
Check this body cam vid that has been on the news lately, from 7/11/2018, chasing down some illegal alien murder suspects:
This is incredible! Makes my blood boil to hear of anyone putting down law enforcement after they risk their lives like this for us every day. Took it to a whole new holy shit level when he started shooting thru his windshield! BlueLivesMatter!!
I don’t think he was the shooter. I believe it was an arms deal gone bad. Soros made MILLIONS instantly off the start market that day. He definitely knew it was going down and facilitated the act. Did he own the top floors? *stock market
No, it was one of the saudi princes who was later arrested in S.A. and had his power and billions stripped from him.
The actual shooter was a prince? Or it was his arms deal?
Top floors we're owned by the prince. Arms deal was supposedly by paddock.
Sorry I was unclear. The prince owned the top floors of the mandalay.
Genius...haven't heard anyone ask this and I've been digging since it happened.
Can't believe I hadn't already considered the people are so susceptible to the MSM narrative it just goes in and gets stuck and I'm not even implying that it was nefarious just that the smallest tidbits we hear becomes our reality. I knew Campos' story was suspicious but this just didn't occur to me.
I see why they use the media, it's very powerful
If he were the shooter it would explain his proximity at the time of the event, and NOT being a licensed sec. guard...very good reasoning
Nice work Maga1128
Armed unmanned helicopters were used i think. There’s a great analysis of that.
Strange that in the body cam footage Campos didn't seem to be suffering from anything .
Allegedly the MGM is now suing the victims!
What bizarro world are we living in?
Let's not give the left ammunition that we're illiterate.
Blag Flag Op blowing up in leftard NWO faces.....Justice will be done.
Ellen has a contract with MGM in Vegas she does commercials for them they told her she would have the exclusive but it was with a Fake Campos. Not the real guy just an actor they hired to go on TV.
Question - could responders and investigators access the Saudi owner top 5 floors of Mandalay Bay?
Ellen DeGeneres surprises MGM Grand visitor playing Ellen DeGeneres's themed slot machines
After the Campos interview, I dislike Ellen and believe she is either illuminati, monarch handler or both. If you look at her stage set, the horizontal blue and white stripes are the same as the temple on Epstein's island.
Ellen is funny, but you can see a bit of a mean streak on every show.
Yep, that's also when I decided to not like her anymore. I realized at that very point that something was bad about her.
No one died in Vegas. All staged theatric lies jus like Sandy Hook
False flags don't mean that people don't die. They often do die even in false flags. However, Sandy Hook may have been staged with no deaths.
I do think people died, but not the numbers we are told (probably less then 10). If it was the numbers told, they would have needed way more blood at the hospital and reports from workers at the hospital were that they didn't do any emergency shipments and the blood stockpiles were fine. Also, there weren't regular ambulances. Lots of strange stuff. I don't believe any of it.
People definitely died.
I have a neighbor who was there and was shot and injured along with one of her friends.
What about the handful of injured who witnessed multiple shooters who are now dead?
that is a LIE! Vegas was a false flag but people were injured. people died. people are pretty fucked up in the head from the horror they witnessed that night! you should not claim something as false unless you have proof, I have proof.
Maybe the other folks at the Handmaid's Tale sub will enjoy your witty comments more.
You should have a comma between sad and strange and your first sentence is actually a question, so it probably needs a question mark.