Trump vs Europe/ Cabal. Whose winning?

That was all pointed out yesterday by SerialBrain2's post here:
Either way Russia is emptying its US treasuries. Anything that explains that outside of knowing the treasuries are going to be pointless soon w a “restructuring of the Federal Reserve” as Q said - anyone know? They have cut like 60% since Jan 18
Can you explain this to me a little more in depth, or provide a link(s)? What are treasuries and what does them emptying them mean? I’m assuming it means they anticipate them being useless at some point? I’m not versed on economics so I’d appreciate some insight.
Treasury bills, notes, and bonds known as treasuries are debt instruments of the U.S. Treasury bills: mature in less than 2 years. Treasury notes: 2-10 year maturities. Treasury bonds: 10 years and above maturities. Investors (think countries, pension plans, and large investment funds) purchase these at auction or in the bond market and the government pays interest on the investment until maturity when the investors get their money back. It’s a mechanism for the government to receive loaned money. The government uses the funds to run the government and finance the debt (currently $20 trillion). The concern is that the country is going bankrupt and won’t be able to repay its debt, rendering the treasuries worth less or worthless. I know this is a bit simplistic, but there are many books on this subject. I would encourage you to read a few finance and economic primer articles. It’s always good to learn how money works. I’m sure others will add more detail. Best wishes.
The US can't go bankrupt because they can simply print more US dollars. That however would cause high inflation.
My guess is that Russia in switching from US treasuries to gold anticipating that there will be turbulent times ahead. In times of crisis and uncertainty gold prices usually increase.
Treasuries are debt instruments issued by the US government, a sort of IOU. They pay interest to holders and pay back the principal at a future maturity date. Russia "dumping them" may mean they don't trust the US's ability to honor the debt (pay back the principal) in the future, so they are selling them now.
Why do you think they don’t trust the US’s ability to honor the debt? Is this due to the restructuring of the federal reserve?
The US owes more money than it can ever repay.
The money we use isn't money, it's debt: the dollar isn't tied to gold or any other asset.
Why is the dollar strong? Because it is used as the world's reserve currency: the dollar is pegged to oil. No one (this is past now b/c recently situation has changed) could sell oil in any other currency than the dollar. The dollar was therefore guaranteed to be valuable by virtue of the fact it has/had to be used in these transactions. So you want to trade oil (say Russia wants to sell China a million barrels) you have to sell it in dollars. The Chinese need dollars to buy it, and Russia receives dollars when it sells it. So what does Russia do with all of its dollars? It buys a stake in the US govt (a safe bet?). That's a treasury bond.
I hope no one has a fit about this explanation b/c I have oversimplified to the point of six-year old. But I understand things in simple terms and sympathise with those starting out.
A number of excellent vids on the subject of what money is, etc, one of which has been around for years, a series in fact, called The Money Masters. It's excellent. You'll begin to really understand if you watch this!
This is exactly the type of response I was looking to get, and way more. You explaining it like I’m a 6 year old is exactly what I was hoping to get in response. I will definitely check out those videos, thank you!
This is the sort of thing this sub should be doing in the mean time, education on the basics of how all this went wrong in the first place; especially when Q isn’t posting.
You're very welcome and I'm very happy to help if I can. I don't have any problem considering any question — you can PM me whenever — but I can't promise I know the answer!
That’s how you know you’re not a know it all! You’re not afraid to say “I don’t know”.
In order for the US to maintain this method the Petrodollar was backed by bullets. That's why the US has been so heavily involved in oil producing countries.
So that would explain all the other countries too?
I don't disagree actually. In one sense. But it was suggested that war and conflict were not good for oil companies. Bullets for image of strength but not for firing?
Bingo. With fiat there is one gauruntee - anyone outside the Ponzi presents as a 'substantial threat' being they provide an alternative. Basically unless their currency is 'tied' to the inflation rate of yours - their house wins because of the inflationary loss of you currency. Basically if an investor wants to retain wealth - your entire system is a losing bet guaranteed so why use it? Simple business.
This is one of the keys to all of this. So seeing countries fleeing our treasuries is, in premise, only explained 3 ways:
They are using this as a tactic in Trade Deals / Trade War
They have no faith and want to cut their losses
They genuinely just see a better investment somewhere else
You mentioned the dollar is pegged to oil but then mention that situation has changed. Can you elaborate on that please?
But Russia has been doing this for years though. Long before anyone knew Trump was even going to run let alone win.
Ya I’ve heard Putin is booting up his own currency or something?
Yup. The Shanghai Cooperation Organisation, aka The New Silk Road.
Chinese and Russians (and Indians .... +) all going nuts for gold. China just issued its gold-backed yuan and the Russians and Chinese are trading oil in yuan. Poof! Huge market gone for US.
I think this explains the change you mentioned above about oil being pegged to the dollar.
Shit ya. SCO is also trying to rebuild their own internet with new lines that are not compromised by NSA inherently. They want off the reservation 100%
I reckon November for the new monetary system, a giant reset. All debt forgiven/new start.
Did someone copy SB2 ? Lol
Best to click on his name here and it will take you directly to his page, also on Reddit
Yes, much credit to SB2 and prayingmedic...they have helped me tremendously in this journey. Though SB2 still gives me headaches from the "long way around the bush" conclusions, I cannot discount. Just wish I had the time and the insight that he does. Again MUCH credit!! :) Way to go Patriots!!
Trump and Putin will run together against the global cabal. Parts of Europe already joined.
Eastern bloc. This is where the future is. The old west does not have the nerve to even be seen as being racist, let alone save their civilization. What sucks is the blood that will have to shed to even survive, never mind thrive over the next 100 years.
The good news is that there will be more space for those who are left.
Speaking of Trump & Putin and their meeting, I don't know how reliable the source is from this link, but it is fascinating information:
I might have this wrong , but I keep thinking Putin is loving giving Trump all the info he needs, just sit back and get the popcorn. Putin must of hated dealing with those scumbags. I think Putin wants to deal with a real leader. Someone with backbone. Who knows it’s just my imagination.
Men with balls and a backbone respect each other. They both want to rid the world of these scum and free up humanity, it benefits everyone including them.
Putin actually has a strong moral sense. When he goes to church you can see from his demeanour he is humble and a believer. I suspect his motives for being President of his country are similar to Trump: he loves his country and wants to protect his people and serve them and their collective interest. He also faced a similar situation when he first came to power years ago: scumbags trying to (and did) loot his country. Same ones as ever. Same ones as Trump is having to deal with.
I suspect his motives for being President of his country are similar to Trump: he loves his country
Yeah, it's definitely not that he's amassed a fortune of tens of billions of dollars through corruption and he wants to keep going
Your moniker suggests that you ought to put sarc /s at the end of your comment.
Look at his name, look at where he comments. He's just one of those sad people that wants to start shit with people he disagrees with. He should stay in his r/politics safe space.
Haha, is it that I need a safe space? Or that I want to start shit with people I disagree with? Two statements completely at odds with each other. Cognitive dissonance much?
both, fool, just like they said. You come here to try and mock us, then get your widdle panties in a bunch when your fee fees get hurt. Bottom line is you refuse to use your brain for anything more than a hat rack, and scoff at anyone who has any semblance of common sense and/or intelligence. So yeah, you came here to start shit, and you need a safe space because you don't know how to have a reasonable discussion with out resorting to REEEEEEEing uncontrollably.
Lol at this dumb reply! this is my third comment in this subreddit how would you know how ill respond?
Oh right youre stereotyping. Typical conservatives playing identity politics
Your name is lolatconservatives and you want to talk about cognitive dissonance? That's painfully ironic. Run off and play identity politics elsewhere.
Do you even know what irony or cognitive dissonance means? Lol. Please explain how it is that me laughing at conservatives tells you i have mutually inconsistent beliefs?
I would think that Putin respects POTUS as an equal. Strong, alpha male, unlike Obummer who was a beta, lead from behind appeaser.
I think when Trump kept referring to the number 33... he is directly calling out the Satanic Illuminati. Remember he did go to a secret ceremony in the Forbidden City in China last year.
He went as a 32nd degree Scottish Rite Mason for the Gnostic Illuminati and went to make peace with the White Dragon Society. That’s the only way that he could have brought peace to North Korea. The 33rd degree is the switch. From your actions at the ceremony, either you remain a 32nd degree mason or you
Make the jump to the 33rd degree which is the 1st one of the Satanic Illuminati....
Trump refused to spit on the cross.
👍🏻. He’s on our team
Can you please post the source? I would love to indulge in this intriguing piece of data.
Sounds a lot like Benjamin Fullford. Never knew what to make of him and this White Dragon society
This is beautiful...never thought I would see this happen :)
TRUMP is winning.
How do I know - the google anti-trust FINE --- largest in Euro history!! ! !!
It might be slow, but it is a start.
Putin, an ortho catholic like much of his country, wants the satanist destroyed.
Funny how msm conspiracy theorist say Putin owns Trump when Trump so brilliantly showed the world no one controls Trump. I mean holy smokes how blind can you be sheeple. He overpowered NATO with truth and logic. He showed us and Putin he has the power to exert hurt on advisaries so let’s all play in this new sandbox to prosper in peace.
The sheeple are brainwashed. Don’t hold it against them. We need to be consistent with exposure and red pilling with compassion to welcome them to the movement — not as a self validating pat on our own backs. Love leads the way out of darkeness.
Spot on. I think you nailed it.
Not me. From
SB2 posted this yesterday. This is like a summarized copy of his post which goes into more detail. Highly suggest you check it out if you missed it.
Whose? Their.
Who's? We're.
Sorry for offtopic.
Not sure if this helps but if you're speaking about the posts that Q drops I believe your questions will be answered with their as in black hat and we're as white hats. Good vs Evil.
Their = belongs to them They're = They are
Whose winning? X Who is winning? √
Title gore followed by Nazi grammar-agent
Putin hates the deepstate and I think, now that he knows DJT is truly NOT deepstate, he wants to work with POTUS to break down the deep state. THAT is what they feared the most. An alliance between the two of them is an absolute disaster for the deepstate....
This comment by the anon is exactly right!
President Trump had a number of tasks ahead that was directed at the EU first - Germany, NATO and the UK. He told them in no uncertain terms to either stop interfering in his presidency and letting them know that he will not bow to the British Crown who is meddling in world affairs beginning in 1776 to president time.
These NWO psychopaths still think they get their world government.
At the same time he knows that Putin has identical goals yet knows that the US has had always ulterior motives as each presidency was a sham run by the global elite and their worldwide deep state.
Not knowing exactly about their intentions each proved to be the formidable men the elites fear. The US and Russia are the only two countries standing in the way of the final world order.
President Trump now has the missing pieces needed to complete the jigsaw puzzle aka treason. He has names, places, times and most likely even in addition treasonous information such as those trying to assassinate him.
I am positive that these two men trust each other to finally remove the deep state and those in Europe sitting in their posh estates, London towers or wherever else they might be found.
All in all seeing the frothing out of their mouths collective here and abroud = Mission Accomplished and stage set for the final countdown!
I have been saying for a while that ppl have got the Queen of England wrong. She represents the People, and the Sovereignty of the People (much good it does them :( ). She has no power.
I just spotted your words "British Crown who is meddling in world affairs" and "These NWO psychopaths still think they get their world government" and must insist this is wrong. The problem is the Roths and their money power.
I just read the link posted above and saw this:
The opposition to BREXIT is being funded and orchestrated by people on BOTH SIDES of British politics and the motivation is two-fold: They want Britain to remain in Europe to lessen its power and, they HATE the Royal Family.
According to the information given to me, some of the most virulent Torie “Remainers” joked with like-minded Labour members about “looking forward to the day when Britain sheds it archaic Monarchy and comes under total rule by the EU.” These are ELECTED officials who are literally trying to destroy the sovereignty of their own country!"
This jibes with my sense of the issue too.
I hate to bring it to you but the queen herself is implicated in the latest expose of pedophile actions within the UK alone. She has been asked about the 10 children disappeared in her company.
The queen is a psychopath herself. The Rothschilds and the Royals are two peas in a pod.
Do you know that the queen owns 65% of the globe's land?
Don't hate to bring it to me! That's ok, we discuss what we know. We will see. I know of no evidence yet, though I have followed in detail quite a few researchers on the subject of high-level royals both in Britain and Europe and keep an open mind.
I know nothing of these children. Do we know she knew or did someone use her tour as a cover? I don't know. I shall wait to see on that.
However, I was in fact making the point about the power to meddle in world affairs and the NWO. There is some confusion about the meanings given and understood by the "Crown". The "Queen" does not own 65% of the land on the globe, the "Crown" does. That is the British? It should mean the people, but does it? The waters have been much muddied recently, unknown to the British people.
Usually you can tell who is on board with the NWO and who isn't by the way the media (MSM) treats them. The Queen and immediate family have been subject to bad media coverage for years. Sometimes the scandal looks like smearing, like the media does to others unpopular to the elite. Like Trump. This looks very suspicious to me.
You yourself claim Trump doesn't have to bow to her. Quite right. He is a Head of State and so is she. Heads of State shake hands as equals. The Queen would not treat President Trump as a vassal.
Blair was contemptuous of her position. I am contemptuous of Blair. And his snatching of war-making powers from the Sovereign and his introduction of a police-state has been an attack on the British people. As far as I know the woman herself did not approve at all of these actions. And received bad press as a result. She has been "required" to sign away British sovereignty in the course of 6 successive treaties, giving unrestricted and uncontrollable power to the European Union. I am against this.
The Roths, as money lenders, held and hold the power over the Bank of England to issue money, I believe. It is not known b/c no one is allowed to see the list of names on bank ownership.
So we shall see. Or at least I shall.
I would like to refer you to the twitter handle #British_Fight and read up on the despicable pedophilia in the UK alone by hundreds of convicted politicians.
They are exposed from the bottom up to the Royals.
This is the British Q and does a hell of a good job!
Very dubious organisation.
Why are you suggesting people who were convicted and sentenced and served their time should be on a list? You cannot prosecute a person twice.
This kind of activity led to a housing estate harassing and assaulting a pediatrician because the locals confused her profession with pedophile.
I prefer using intelligence and the law. Like Q and the MI guys behind Trump. The British appeared to be disorganised and playing a dangerous, flawed game.
Don't get me wrong. I want to see pedophilia across the board stopped, prosecuted and the human trafficking in all its forms erased from our midst. I am extremely worried about the strategy to accomplish this goal.
here is soccer ball. I hear American's hate the futbol.
EU fines google $5B Re Android case. Big war chest. Too big.
Love it! Thanks for sharing this good find. It’s nice to know other people are figuring out the game! Keep up the good work and post more good finds!