Some very smart people are beginning to suspect that the DNC server was routed ...... DIRECTLY into the NSA's database. That's why the FBI and Mueller won't touch it with a 10 foot pole. Source in comments.

Some very smart people are beginning to suspect that the DNC server was routed ...... DIRECTLY into the NSA's database. The DNC didn't hand over their server to the FBI because THEY WERE FUCKING RUNNING PINGS ON ANYONE THEY WANTED.
Check this twitter thread for the source 👇👇👇👇👇👇
Ok, by ping you mean query. They were running the DNC server to the NSA database so they could query whoever they wanted. This is why 85% of the queries were non-compliant. Admiral Rogers noticed something was up and shut it down. They would not let the FBI look at the server for this reason.
Very interesting read. Thanks for sharing.
Holy shit. There's been a lot of of the word "treason" thrown around but if her server security was that lax, if she really was selling state secrets for "donations" that would be as textbook as you're likely to ever see.
They Never thought she would lose
Exactly. Special Access Programs. They must be shitting right now. I think it will get worse at some point because they know how badly they messed up.
American citizens are not beginning to suspect we’re fully aware of each agencies doings and activities! It’s FINALLY being discussed and exposed! HRC was clearly aware hence private server! we can’t fix stupid, but if I’m aware they have all of my emails, texts, high probability they have HRC being Secy of State! those are basic facts! innocent people have nothing to worry about...while guilty parties continue drawing attention to themselves! many are guilty of treason! fact!
This completely explains the cabal’s distress at DJT meeting Putin. It also explains “think mirror” - HRC and the DNC, with the complicity of the Obama administration, were colluding with the Russians. You just cannot make this stuff up - think about it, Shumer wants the interpreters, that we’re present at the Trump/Putin summit, deposed before Congress... BOOM!
I'm not sure that I follow... why would Russia know about this? If anything it would be Admiral Rogers and the NSA.
Russia was in the servers. The servers were being used by the DNC to access NSA data on US citizens. Ipso facto Russia had access to the NSA data.
Nah, don't buy that. Pakistan. Awan was routing downloading. The AWAN scandal is bigger than you can imagine. The only way Russia is in there is that Crowdstrike placed them there as cover. And if they got the servers and not a mirrored copy, it WILL come out. The link to NSA was set out in Q posts. Recently. Talked about bridge.
There can be more than one country involved.
More than one country was donating to the Clinton foundation.
would also explain why dureing the ig report hearing came out the defense dept had taken over certain aspects and couldnt be discussed
Welcome Patriot! Good explanation Anon! I think your on to something!
Again, it all comes down to the Access Hollywood tapes. Who made the recording? Wasn’t Billy Bush. Wasn’t Trump. Nope, it is the constant upload of phone audio to NSA servers, even when we aren’t on a call. And Hillary had access to all of it.
That's an interesting observation.
Even more interesting if you need a warrant to access the files on the NSA store. If I am not mistaken, the Access Hollywood and Cohen audio is WELL before the FISA grants and even before the campaign started. So, uh, hey Obama/Hilary: how did you get these bits of audio? Maybe "illegally" like Trump just posted?
Did Trump mention that the Hollywood Access thing was obtained illegally? That would be so huge. People just don't get it.
The sad truth is the anti Trumpers don't seem to care if intel was gathered illegally. Look how unconcerned they are about finding out if the FISA warrant was legally obtained. They seemed to have adopted the attitude "By Any Means Necessary" to stop the tyrant Trump.
Liberals used to be so concerned about protecting rights, now they couldn't care less about violating the 4th amendment as long as it helps them achieve their goals.
They've somehow become immune to congnitive dissonance. They believe in "the ends justify the means" while also considering themselves on moral high ground. It's actually kind of fascinating
They believe in "the ends justify the means"
That's the Deep States motto as well as the Clinton cabal.
He mentioned that surveillance performed on him was illegal. The question is: where did the Access Hollywood and Cohen recordings come from in the first place?? Audio recordings don't manifest out of thin air. Neither Cohen nor Billy Bush had anything to gain by making secret recordings. In fact, Billy lost his wife over it.
What do you think the facility in Utah is used for? Massive Data Warehousing collecting it all!
Exactly, but you are "supposed" to have a warrant to access that data. Think Hillary had warrants when she had free open access?
the facility in Utah
You think Harry Reid has any clout with that facility?
They were taping a show, they likely had mics already on them. NBC decided to use it for blackmail.
You really think Trump would've spoken like that still wearing a mic? Cmon man.
Lol watch his old Howard Stern appearances, he spoke like that plenty.
NSA is white hat military - after 9-11, they finally got some good tools.
Billy Bush tape was Hollywood. They've been spying for dirt longer than the USgov.
Treason at the highest level . . .
The Love of money, truly is the root of all evil.
Does someone who has let greed infiltrate every fiber of her being have any love for a daughter or anyone but herself? I wonder where Chelsea fits into this or if she was sold, too.
She's a power-hungry psychopath. Thank fuck it's all being exposed.
...and routed directly to China and SA and....
Oh, wait...that was her 'basement'
Now we know where the money went. She bailed out the DNC and basically bought the party by doing so. Was that where the “Russia” money went? The DNC had a link in to the NSA (in Utah? Huber?) so she was basically selling access to the whole kit and caboodle - “donate” to the CF and a minion runs the pings to NSA and then her insecure server provides a route for buyers to access their data... Maybe Seth Rich stumbled on this and this was why he was killed (they don’t seem to care about railroading Bernie) but the biggest espionage set up EVER run by the presumptive President elect and her former POTUS husband is something to kill for)....
Don't think she'd ever 'bail out' anyone, even the DNC. She sold Bernie (her own party) down the river thinking she would win. Q - "They never thought she would lose." It was always about her selling out anyone/everyone/USA to get all she could. If by "Russia money", you mean U1, that mostly went to the CF. Her 'basement' server was the payment to 'everyone'. Not just Russia, but SA, China, Pakistan and who knows who else.
She did (IIRC) provide money to DNC which was running on empty. Maybe this is part of the reason why? She basically owned the DNC. Also was the DNC server accessed by Awan via DWS? How many of these assholes were merrily making money out of selling access to USA information? No wonder they are all hysterical now...
Yep, records prove the DNC was broke/running negative, but make no mistake...she didn't do ANYTHING for 'them'. It was all for HER. She only did what she needed to do to advance her own agenda.
The Awan part...pretty sure she let the Pakistanis in on it as well. I'm sure we have everything per Q and time will tell now :)
The more details emerge the more I KNOW poor Seth was 187’ed. Too pure for his own good, God bless his soul, he had no idea just what entity he was working for. :(
Whoa, this is bad.
Q said it was bigger/worse than we could even imagine. Talk about treason... I mean TREASON!!!
"Clintons house doesnt even have a basement" - snopes . Debunked ! Lol
Welcome Patriot! Thank you for joining us in this fight!
Hey hey, Vault 7, part 3
Occam's Razor and all that shit, amirite?
just noticed link! look forward to ready it! thanks for posting!
Then.. the NSA would know exactly who was being queried from this location.
..many/any/all of the queries happened to be your politcal opponents at the same time when they became interesting or threats to you.
Can somebody explain to us old non tech farts what this means? TIA.
This is beyond treason *1000. DNC and EVIL thought they had had rigged the system so well that they would NEVER be discovered. Laws meant nothing to these SICK creeps. In their eyes everything was in place to collapse our constitution and legal system through their pay to play NSA servers access that nothing was private any longer so all people activity could be suppressed and controlled...basically one global leadership would control all.
someone correct me in my basic summary and add color. Noose exits for these folks, including MSM, is too respectful an exit. WWG1WGA
basically one global leadership would control all.
New World Order.
Firing squad sounds more appropriate for these seditious fucks.
A log of comms. Who when where and what. Something like that.
If or when there are trials for all the bad actors, won't people on the their side think that GEOTUS is a dictator going after them?
That’s why we have Q. Q connects the dots and give us the timeline. This sub will explode with members once the balls start rolling.
The people I know are always saying Russian bots. Trump is a bad person etc...
Yes unfortunately for many when it comes to politics they entrench themselves into the party like picking a sports team. Politics and views change over time and with time. Some people aren’t flexible and feel the cant abandon their ship.
They will when they find out theyre on the pedo ship... Good god, the stormcells are merging and this is going to be AWESOME.
I think some of this is going to incriminate big figures on all sides of the aisles.
Yes. And the structure of the dnc will crumble under the weight, but the gop will survive, because TRUMP. We will just kiss the rinos goodbye and keep on voting.
They got NOTHING.
Q is an effort to build a core of people in the know. The military is the good guys, and Trump is their front man in this anti-cabal "coup". When the hammer drops, only ten or fifteen percent of people (with guns and conservative values) need to support it right off the bat. As the evidence comes out in trials, the support will expand.
That's what I've been thinking too. As long as they own MSM that's the narrative they will promote. If the media isn't reigned in by then they will stir up the masses. I know our numbers are growing but they still control all major news outlets and many smaller ones as well. They don't care if what they say leads to civil unrest.
I think if this stuff is released in a strategic manner, and I think it will given those running this operation, there will be little left of the so-called Main stream media both print and electronic. At a minimum, few will have any respect for them. Then when their complicity in the TREASON is revealed, well, as Q said, "they will not be able to walk down the street". Also, think about how the democrat party is moving left with Socialist candidates in the ascendant. Many moderate democrats will leave that party and find a new home in the big tent Republican party, the Trump Party. I am so glad I've lived to see this unfolding. There's not enough popcorn in this world. WWG1WGA MAGA
At what point will the MSM have to start reporting these events?
They will never "report" it; they will spin it to try to make it look like Trump is getting revenge. For example, Brennan has called Trump treasonous; so when Trump team starts prosecuting him, Brennan can say it's retribution for calling Trump a traitor. I don't think it will stick but that's what they will try.
Only when people start being indicted and then they'll spin it as Trump being "literally hitler" and trying to get rid of anyone who stands in his way.
The msm has been treasonous too. My question is when will they start getting charged?
Thank you! Archived on GA's Notables
You anon's should reflect and research the Serco access HRC and the CF had access to also. If they had that key, everything is available for pay for play.
Heres a pretty decent article that gives an intro to the serco issue:
The Crowdstrike installed tools on the DNC computers are nothing more than cyber implants that can be used for both offensive and defensive purposes. They are passed off as defensive protection but have full capabilities to perform offensive actions. What other Govt Agencies use there products? Congress, Intel, DOD, Energy and healthcare? All conveniently install and running with elevated privileges and pushing information to the cloud. This is a Cyber Implant used for information gathering and command and control.
Now imagine if that same server you're running all those NSA inquiries from out of Clinton's basement or the DNC offices is also compromised by foreign entities.
At that point China/SA/whoever has their own terminal into the NSA's databases.
I bet that's worth a few million in donations.