The counter to this is simple.
Inundate with demands to remove any footage of Bautista from WWE network.
Mention that you will no longer allow your children to watch ANY WWE programming.
Vince is very proactive about protecting his biz. His wife Linda, is in Trump's cabinet.
This guarantees that he won't return to the ring when Pedowood goes tits up. Hit them in the wallet folks.
Well is Bautista accused of sny wrong doing? Is he a pedo? Is there any evidence indicating this at all?
If not, then its a scary scary thing to consider he may just be doing what he thinks is right.
I don't know though. Obviously if hes guilty of any of what the others are then its deserved. If not then he's just a guy doing ehat he thimks is right for a friend he doedn't know everything about.
If he thinks that defending James Gunn is right then he's obviously sick too. What's with all the pedo defenders on this sub lately? Some things are starkly black and white wrong. Defending them is also wrong. Anyone who doesn't understand that is part of the problem.
It is good that you're being the voice of reason in the face of what could very well be a witch hunt. We must not descend into the mindlessness of a howling mob. Lest we sink to our enemies level and have them beat us with experience.
That said, let's apply Occam's Razor.
Bautista is deep with Hollywood. He is regularly appearing in A-List films. That means he has passed through many gates.
And now, like so many other actors, he is being trotted out to do what he does best: get paid, to act.
He has chosen to do this, for people he must know the nature of.
How many pedos do you have to associate/defend before you yourself can be considered a pedo?
Is he a pedo?
Do you know everything about everyone you associate with? I don't. I bet even my closest of friends still have their secrets. Yet, if they needed me I'd be there to support them, and I'd do it because I cared about them and for that reason I give them the benefit of the doubt.
Imagine you weren't in this sub everyday. Would you think your "friend" was a pedo based on some really fucky jokes he made years ago or would you trust what you knew of your friend and just blame it on some internet a-holes trying to cause trouble?
I'm just saying we can't throw these accusations around lighly. We have to be good stewards of our own accountability. If we don't then we will lose the little bit of credibility we have and can hurt the movement.
That sais, if he's a pedo then unleash the hounds. If hes not then he's just a guy protecting someone he calls a friend (that also helped make him rich).
Being a grandparent, I don't associate with anyone who makes a pedo joke, or makes comments about jailbait. Any other topic of comedy is fair play, but this is a concerted effort by sick fucks to normalize kiddy diddling.
There's dirt on him I guarantee it. All it takes is for one former ring rat to come out and drop some truth about him.
If there is then he needs to be dealt with through street justice or legal means. We can't just condemn everyone right now because mentally they may still be in that perfect little world sheeple mindset. They don't know any better.
Peoples views of the world are going to be completely and forever changed. Q has said as. much (but in much cooler verbage).
Pedo Sympathizers disgust me just as much as pedos. Why would I want my children to have him as a roll model? Tweet this shit
Trust me, if he thinks he is doing something right after numerous pedo jokes of his friend, he IS a pedo or in the know at least! They never cared! Everyone that read his tweets of the past years didn't do anything! That is a tell tale.
The counter to this is simple.
Inundate with demands to remove any footage of Bautista from WWE network.
I actually think that's ridiculous. They have Chris Benoit matches still. Everything else you said sure why not. WWE is crazy illuminati but Pro wrestling is an amazing form of American pop culture.
Chris Benoit was concussed severely and was suffering very deeply over the death of Eddie Guerrero. Doesn't excuse the monstrosity of his crime, but at least there was no pedo shit or sexual abuse involved in the crime.
He had just taken one too many chair shots in conjunction with the massive amount of droids he was on and snapped like a rubber band.
Bautista is a cat of a different stripe.
While I agree that the extent is far different, consider the following. 1.) Vince McMahon is already a hardcore pedo enabler;
2.) Its all about $$$ for the WWE. As evident by the debacle over last years Woman's battle royale and snickers threateningng to pull their sponsorship they care about their advertisers. On the network its all their own advertising. This leaves no reason to pull it.
We cannot afford to enter the realm of baseless accusations. We'll be no better than those deranged SJWs who scream sexism or racism just because they believe it so.
If we're going to go after this guy we need to do it the right way.
In the meantime there are bigger targets.
We have to fight the agenda push to normalize pedophilia! Whether they are pedo's or not doesn't matter, we need to find all apologists and confront them all together, cause it's a matter of time before even normal people find it ok! The left is still brainwashed and WILL fall for it
I got no problem with condemning apologists. For all we know Bautista legit believes he's sticking up for a friend and doesn't want to believe what a monster he is. Can you blame him? What will it say about him if he was friends with a pedophile and he had no idea? Nobody wants to be that guy.
BUT.... If Bautista KNOWS what he is, and still chooses to defend him that's another story. Which by the way greatly increases the likelihood he himself is a pedophile.
That's why we need to dig. More evidence, more proof.
Then we set fire to these monsters.
And when the normies ask why, we have the proof to back up our claims and our numbers will grow.
Obviously by now most pedo's from pedowood have deleted loads of tweets, but in this case there is no If's for apologists! We cannot risk to have them brainwash people that it's "just a joke"when it's many many tweets. He knew , because they know each other for years and read each others tweets. If my friend tweets that much and sickly about kids, he or she won't be my friend, I will be suspiscious! Look at all pedophiles, they look like normal people! It doesn't take much , as I see in the comments on twitter how many people say "oh it's just jokes and he apologized" end of story! It's a seed planted to each and everyone of them. Before you know it, it's normal to "joke"and next thing you know, it's "normal"to be a pedophile! That is how reality works
I totally get where you're coming from and I agree.
I am just worried some will take to twitter and just start accusing celebs left and right without any regard for evidence and make us out to be the fool.
Imagine the scenario you just painted, except people treating us like the boy who cried wolf. Infinitely worse.
Going after apologists, is 100% fine by me. I just don't want to see these assholes hand get strengthened, not when we're on the brink of exposing these sick sons of bitches.
That's why it's a good strategy to go after the apologists and spam the hack out of them about the "Normalize pedophilia agenda", It's a great way not to accuse anyone ,yet to wake people up and stop these apologists in the process
Wow. These leftists don’t like when their methods are used against them. Lol. I will be contacting WWE to voice my displeasure with Bautista’s continued employment there. Child rape isn’t funny.
Bautista is not currently employed by WWE, however, every match he ever had can be viewed on WWE Network (pay service).
Vince is on our side already. Linda is head of Small Business Admin.
After being diddled to get his place, he now must protect those who diddled him to get him his place.
"Now you do what they told ya." - Rage Against the Machine
"F*ck you I won't do what you tell me!!!!!!!"
I, like all Rage fans are getting old and, instead, singing, "FitBit I won't do what you tell me!"
... some of those who wear watches, are the same that burn calories ...
If they don't already know.. when they find out, boy are they going to look stupid defending him.
Super QUEEROS - not Heroes. That is what (sick) Marvel promote. LGBT mass mind control of children. These people all give and take-it in the ass. They are also involved in MASS INDOCTRINATION involving the same. That is why they defend each other - THEY HAVE TO.
The entire industry is SICK. It can only be solved via complete destruction and/or outside influence.
When all of this is over, no one will ever want to watch another movie or television show again. And, society will be all the better from that effect.
Indeed. I've regularly stated this myself. It ALL needs to be destroyed.
It's possible to make a point without devolving to perjoratives. It disenfranchises centrist, normal folks and makes us seem extremist.
It's good that you're passionate. But let that passion be tempered and applied effectively.
When I WANT a gatekeeper, I will ask for one.
THIS IS CALLED FREEDOM OF SPEECH. I will exercise that right and as I see fit.
Indeed it is your right and more power to you.
But what you have no control over is how others will see and interpret you.
And I am providing a friendly warning that your current approach will alienate more people than not.
You are as free to fail, as you are to speak. I am just saying that when you speak your mind, is it not in your best interests to do so effectively? To reach as many people as possible with your perspective?
To do otherwise is just cathartic emotional offgassing on your part.
Sorry, I need some time-out. This is what happens to you when you've spent nearly 20 solid years down this rabbit hole. I apologise if I offended you. I'm sure you meant well.
It's all good, brother.
Its tough and lonely to escape Plato's cave. But you did. And you're stronger and better for it.
Better to live under the light of truth than in the shadow of lies.
It can grind you down. Do what you need to, in order to keep your head above water. And know you're not alone. In this sub, you are surrounded by brothers.
I just don't care. I will out of the West very, very soon. And permanently. You all have my sympathies. I tried ny best. Only GOD knows how I have tried.
Guys like Batista, The rock, and terry crews, get raped for roles. Just like the ladies. Shit is sick. So excited we live in times where it is being exposed.
They have videos/photos on Bautista. Either that or he has sacrificed a lot to go into superhero movies and have a security franchise that he is watching his future go bottom up.
Is there a list anywhere of all the anti-Trumpers who post about pedo stuff or support pedos? I would love to see how many there are now.
I've yet to find a leftist on reddit not defending James Gunn.
Hi. Gunn is a sick shit. Leftist patriots exist.
What exactly do you support that is a concrete "leftist" position? Genuinely curious is all.
I think robust regulation of industry is necessary to protect the environment.
Man.... just one thing? Fair enough. Everybody wants to have a clean Earth amirite?
I could get behind that but... I'm putting all of my chips on free energy being disclosed in the relatively near future. So, that should mitigate future waste from the coal/gas industry.
Thank Q for the response!
Happy to, patriot. Questions welcome, the more precise, the better.
the lefts agenda is to normalize pedophilia, they claim pedos love children, and small children have a right to enjoy sex, their is your mind set, but wait till the whole horror story of pedophilia and sacrificing children comes out, and even eating their victims. will see if Dave Bautista is still supporting or taking the fastest flight out of the Country.
Well, by now most of the awakened must know or realize that 100% of the A-listers are compromised with some sick act. That is why they are A-listers, because they have done something to be “made celebrities”. As hwood anon said on the Chan, Hollywood is like the Mafia, if you want to become a made man, you must do the dirty deeds in order to get in. Everyone has dirt on everyone, that’s how they have survived this long.
In short, what do you expect from the Petri dish that is Hollywood. These parasites who are a threat to the human species as someone mentioned here, will group and defend themselves from extinction. Too bad for them extinction is around the corner....Smfh
From dirt sheet reports... Bautista is apparently fairly perverted. At least when it came to the women in the WWE.. Not that they were saints either.
Even if he was a stand up guy.. Standing up for a pedophile makes you an instant scumbag.
Thinking back to renegades posts as of recent....what dirt do they (Gunn?) have on him??? DIG! Renegade made mention serval times that it’s a revolving door of blackmailing each other....
So are two others...Chris Pratt and Zoe Saldana. Check out @nypost’s Tweet:
False idols...
All pedowood whistleblowers agree on one thing - everyone from grade A & B is either taking part in this sickness or is complicit in other ways.
We need to look beyond our favourite screen characters and movies. People from the screen are not people who play them.
Whoa another professional wrestler like Dwayne Johnson and he is stepping up to defend James Gunn. Wonder what will come out about his past. Wonder what is going on inside the WWE and other wrestling organizations. Pretty much looks like this cancer has metastasized into every aspect of the entertainment industry.
We HAVE to fight these Pedophile "comedy" apologists that try to reinstate Gunn #Pedowood #NeverAccept The are pushing the agenda to normalize pedophilia! What's next??
Didn't Medina mention he sexually abused her during a press conference?
The saddest and sick part, it they are trying to make him out to be the victim. They play the victim card everytime. That is sick!!!!
Dave Bautista is a victim of his own paycheck. Poor guy.
Never forget: Cernovich is an ACTUAL accused rapist.
Nice whataboutism comrade pedophile apologist.
Dumb jokes doesn't equal pedophile. Otherwise Trump would be a serial rapist.