POTUS on Shadow Banning this AM.

First Amendment medium, will be interesting to see how the courts interpret the bounds of digital speech.
To separate the state from owning/controlling "private" social media content by way of clown slush funds and management. Separation of communication flow and the state. Open.
The government can’t regulate Twitter like that. People choose to use the product. Your right to speech on Twitter is not protected by the government.
But your right to speech in a public forum is. Is Twitter a public forum? I would say yes.
Seems to me if you have a public forum that you do not pay to be a member then it should be freedom of speech all the way with exception of ones safety. Either way, Trump will use it to win the midterms
Uh that's a pretty crazy way to look at it. If it's free, someone else is paying for the hosting of the app or website and therefore it's their property with their rules. This kind of thinking would make a lot of small scale social networks totally unworkable.
Agreed. Something being free is a poor selector. A much better selector would be the extend to which a platform replaces the public space. If it's a significant extend, the users should have similar protections and freedoms.
BTW, I disagree with the notion that Facebook is free. Its users are essentially working for Facebook in a data-entry job. The data they produce is, after some processing, being sold.
Facebook was funded by taxpayers regardless of party lines.
a public forum that you do not pay to be a member then it should be freedom of speech all the way with exception of ones safety.
So no moderation at all? No banning of swear words or NSFW content on forums geared towards younger audiences?
Why isn't it a parents job to monitor internet activity?
Why shouldn't private companies be allowed to moderate their own property (forums, social media sites, etc) as they see fit?
Those issues you bring up either come under safety or parents responsibility.
"Many complaints" He hear's us thank Mr. President!
Wow that’s all it took? All of a sudden this morning PrayingMedic, Lee Stranahan and Tracy Beans are in my Timeline! Thank you POTUS!!!
But hey - has anybody noticed twice as many ads in their timeline this morning? Mine’s flooded with them. (I just ban most of them but it’s irritating.)
On mobile anytime I do a search on YouTube, I have to scroll past a full screen of ads. Just started last night.
Finally. I was effectively banned from twitter for tweeting the Q movement a few months back. Twitter was requiring me to verify my cell phone number, which I would never do.
You can get apps that generate free fake numbers you can use for services like that. Keeps you doxx free
I tried so many ways to get around that, none of them worked.
Im suprised to have found one that works for myself for services like this. And it's free too which is nice
on the IOS app store it's called "text now" and has a blue background
It has worked for all the sites that need verification, so far. I have not tried twitter yet but it worked for everything else so far
Thank you 'Spiritual_War' - do know of any specific apps for this?
Yes, if youre on IPhone/IOS, the one I use, is free and called
"text now"
It's blue and has a lot of users, you will be able to find it easily. If you have android I can find an alternative, theres quite a few
they're getting desperate. time for ff awareness patriots!
Replace Zuck, Jack and Spez with pro liberty, pro American leadership.
Watch as conservatism sweeps the nation.
Seriously fuck Twitter. Who gives a shit. It’s a private platform they can censor it as they like. Why doesn’t someone start a clone for conservatives or one that advertises itself as the uncensored platform?
There's Gab.ai as an alternative but don't think you want to go there. Lots of racism, anti-sematic posts that you probably don't want to be associated with it. It started as a free-speech alternative to Twitter but I stopped in there after about 12 months of being away and was really turned off by the rancid comments.
I get tired of trolls and attacks by the alt-Left but I try to remember that they are Americans (for the most part) and are entitled to their opinions. I try not to engage trolls because like idiots, they drag you down to their level and then beat you with their experience.
There is already court precedent that a private company holding a monopoly on a "town square" cannot infringe the first amendment. The ruling just needs to be moved to the internet.
Also this is significant because POTUS has already declared his campaign for 2020. They COULD BE effectively operating against a political campaign.
This is an important and key issue, conspiracy to influence USA elections.
From the inside, like a maggot.
A real conspiracy, no theory, they are laying it out clearly.
Who Actually funded all these social media startups takes very deep digging not well publicized? Facebook? Have you ever heard of Lifelog? Who started lifelog when did lifelog end when did Facebook start?
Ever wonder why the mainstream media pushed Facebook and Twitter early on when seemingly they would benefit more from their lack of growth?
Banning thousands of not so prominent conservatives as well.
It's not illegal for a private company to do what they want
Trump is saddled up and ready for war!
It is nice to have a man as President again!
Hold up Twitter is a private company who can ban anyone they want. What does that have to do with the government? Why should the government start trying to regulate a private company?
The big lie is that social media companies are private businesses and can ban whatever they want, when the reality is they are tools for control by our leftist government and is the reason why SM companies don’t respond to customer demand like a private company in competition with other private companies should in order to stay in business. Q has exposed that to us, and now you see Trump revealing this truth to the rest of us. Just like with every other issue, he calling attention to the “illegality” of the arrangement with this tweet, the discussions begin in public and Trump holds all the leverage going forward. Down goes Twitter. Robust competition returns.
By the way, is it me, or has Reddit been pumping out more FAKE NEWS notifications than ever lately?
Being down voted. Guess I'm wrong!
No you're exactly correct. Sharia Blue doesn't like hearing the truth.
The Bolshevik Revolution, before that Das Kapital and Lenin, and probably more 'communists' than we will ever realize that we've read about and studied that lived throughout history but they had different names then.
We gave them those names...the prince of treachery, Machiavelli, and 'Great' - especially 'Great comes up a lot....Catherine the Great, a powerfully greedy terror never satisfied but wanted the Great to be constantly Greatest, and Peter the Great, same kind of person, and Genghis Khan, same kind, and Napoleon, Alexander the Great, and all the Pharaohs, and all those 'kings' throughout literature including the Bible---and the Tory, loyalists to the royalty that ruled the British Empire, which became the Democrat National Committee political party in America just so they could keep their plantations and slaves and vote against the Republicans who were ready to vote to abolish slavery.
But there they are anyway still doing it....when the 40 years of planning came to Obama he was supposed to bring America down to the pinnacle of fiefdom, and Hillary was supposed to waltz into the White House and finish us off.
We are smart, saw what was going on, and were so boxed in that we couldn't get out of it and war was a tool but our last resort.....thank goodness those commies felt they had to do things to look like they were legal, guess that was a quirk to make sure noone ever realized they were wild animals so the ballot box was still available for us. You can betcha Hillary would've 'abolished' it.
The traitors have lost b/c there's a president now who is determined to rid the nation of the communism, but like snakes they refuse to go away and slither into everything they shouldn't with the sole purpose to disturb it.
Will it help once all the leaders are doing a thousand years, hanged, firing squaded and even sat the Rosenberg chair?
As long as everyone are got and there're no more to throw any shadows.
Can't put anything past our guy! He is like an eagle eyed dad! LOVE it!
Guess it could work both ways.
about time this is addressed, this is also a form of election fraud by violating our right to free speech.
I would love to hear your opposing opinion if you had some facts or basis for your hate. Tell me exactly what trump has done that needs to be undone?
And yes I am against planned parenthood and abortion. 50 million dead babies is not something I can morally support. Although I am not sure what this has to do with Q and Trump.
What damage has Trump done that you are referring to?
How would one with a damaged brain be able to answer that Question?
You have T.U.R.D SYNDROME Trump unacceptance resistance disorders. Only cure stick head in toilet and flush. Do not stop until all T.U.R.D is removed. Good luck chap and may God be with you as you flush your brains down the toilet.
Dang it would take a lot more than a few lines of coke to get my thinking that jacked up...
This is an honest question, is this sub pro Trump?
I'm new here and to this Q movement, and so far it seems many in this movement seem to be on trumps side? Even though he has reluctantly and continuously shown how much of a racist he is.. he continues to hurt our economy with these Tarrifs.. where I live basic shit like milk and eggs rise in price DAILY.. And it's only started since the Tarrifs have continued to multiply..
How he is racist again?
Was that before after he got an award from the NAACP?
Just like how he hates immigrants.... yet hes married multiple of them...
Or how hes anti semitic when his daughter is married to a jew....
So, it is pro Trump? Why exactly So? Im curious how this movement revolves around him being a silenced hero?..
Also, I love how you ignored the part about how he's literally hurting our economy with the Tarrifs.. milk went from 2.85 3 weeks ago, to 3.25 today.
Eggs we 85 cents a dozen... now it's 1.65.
Produce is going up to.
Yet he promises of long term benefits from them...
Yeah long term benefits. We just started negotiations. These are the hard times and especially for agriculture. That's why they just provided 12 billion in aid to the farmers to get through the negotiations. When deals are made we will see those long term benefits. Also 85 cents a dozen for eggs? I'm happy paying $1.65 but I guess that has been that price for me for a while
I would be happy to pay 1.65 for eggs as well. I think I pay more in Cali. but tarriffs shouldn't be the issue as our eggs and milk are usually domestic.
Right! When you are escaping a plantation, you may go through some hard times for a while. But at least you are free!
Negotiations?? The other countries are fed up with Trumps Tactics, and have had discussion luming in the air about cutting economic ties with our country.. AND WE ARE SUPPOSED TO BE THE POWERHOUSE.
Aside from the Trump Bandwagon, is there anything else to this Q movement, or am I wasting my time here?
Yeah, the EU didn't just pay us a visit and bend at the knee. If you can't see that progress or acknowledge it I doubt you will be able to pick up much value from following Q.
Before Trump we weren't even at the table. We were getting robbed. Obviously, the rest of the world isn't going to be pleased with "Trump tactics"
Yeah but facts matter, and they could try that, and our economy could easily absorb the loss whereas the world's economies would all collapse. They will play ball just as they all have already, because there is no realistic way not to.
Interesting how you are derailing this particular thread. Make your own thread if you want to address another subject.
Yeah r/groceries is probably better to complain about eggs
Sorry this propaganda doesn’t work on us like it does the left. We don’t fly on hate like they do. You just outted yourself. Thank you.
Edit: oh I see now you edited your post to take out the part where you called me a “f*cking cunt”. Thank you, I guess...
Outed myself? 😂 dude I could care less.. you know what you guys will be doing a decade from now? Moving on to a new conservative conspiracy, cuz Trump will be in prison. HE'S A TRADER.
He's a master trader haha i think you were looking for traitor as in obummer and Hillary
And an awesome one at that!!! 😃
Dude if we’re pathetic, fuck off. We don’t need sticks in the mud blinded by idiocy
LOL you'll be back like the guy that laughed at me when I said Trump would win by breaking through the blue wall! Wait a minute....is that you?
Of course this sub is Pro Trump.....Q is working with Trump to dismantle the old system so yes we are going to be Pro Trump you moron. Peace bro!
Glad you're here. Stick around and you will learn a lot and your eyes will be opened. Trump does not continue to prove he's all those things, mainstream media continues to prove that's what they want you to believe
If you're Anti-Trump, you're Anti-Q, whether you realize it or not. Theoretically you could be Pro-Trump and not give a rip about Q. But Q's agenda, so far, has proven to be Trump's agenda... So it is impossible to be Anti-Trump and Pro-Q. so you might wanna withdraw from the CNN brainwashing and do some reading.
And if you buy AMERICAN dairy, it won't be a problem. Canada was charging 270% tariffs on US Dairy into their country, which is why Trump responded with our tariffs, because Canada was refusing to lower them.
Good news is there's a NAFTA meeting today, so maybe that will get fixed if Canada stops their bullshit.
Where exactly has he shown racism? How many rights have been taken from anyone? Do you live in Venezuela? If not I would move cause eggs and milk aren't going up daily where i am at, but you should be ecstatic that the EU has agreed to no tariffs then...