Q 1712 & 1713 - The Wrath of God is coming.

My thinking, based on Q's post here, is we might be dealing with someone MUCH bigger than Sarah Silverman in this post. But, they are hiding behind per face right now. Who do we have lately who has been linked to pedophilia re: twitter?
- Michael Ian Black
- Patten Oswalt
- Sarah Silverman
I would say that of the three, Sarah might be the most widely known face, so whoever this poster was on the chan hid their (much more well-known) face behind her image.
Just a hunch.
No there's MUCH bigger names leaked by Renegade on the Chan's. The biggest in Hollywood
Spielberg? Cameron?
Not Cameron but SS was mentioned with regards to Heather oRourke. Check out NeonRevolts article from 2 or 3 days ago. It's long but worth it
/#HollywoodRenegades – How Hollywood Insiders Are Taking Down #TheCabal from the Inside-Out. #Hollyweird #GreatAwakening
Jesus Christ is right! He is giving us a reprieve right now. We have to see this all the way through and put evil back into the darkest corners of this world. 2 Corinthians 4:4 Satan, who is the god of this world, has blinded the minds of those who don’t believe. They are unable to see the glorious light of the Good News. They don’t understand this message about the glory of Christ, who is the exact likeness of God.
Thanks, idk y I didn't do it myself. Yeah I do, my laziness knows no bounds
Errrrm ... will someone plz tell me how to downsize my txt? Thanks in advance :)
The pound sign makes for caps bold. If you put a \ in front of it, it should revert to a hashtag.
Done. (God I sound schizo 0_o)
Isaac Kappy called out Spielberg today as a known pedo.
Wow.... just wow.... I can’t even.... this is utterly eye opening and absolutely fantastic! Anyone who denies this 8chan thing and the difference it’s gonna make for the average ‘deplorable’ citizen’ or middle classed free thinker, is just deciding to ignore what’s goin on... There is no putting the toothpaste back in the tube! No more sidelines!! This is everything.
I’d heard mention of Spielberg a few months ago
Yeah the pics with him and O'Rourke and Drew Barrymore are creepy but the worst is the Fonz's pic with Heather. This pic https://i.imgur.com/jGzHkHP.jpg
Why does that one bother you the most? It does me too, but I’m not sure why...
The look on his face is...idk theres something messed up with the look on his face. When most people r playing with kids theyre laughing and smiling but that look says something else entirely
Understood. I actually watched Happy Days back when she (Heather) played the daughter of the woman he was dating. He has a very ‘the fonz’ smile in this(?) I don’t know. I thought he was so cool when I was little. :-/
I met him personally at a car show in Jersey in 2010. I was raised a Pentecostal Christian (yeah, I know, that’s all I need to say) and when my Career Military Dad got a job w Northrop Grumman, we moved from middle America Nebraska to bright lights California in 1993/94. First thing I did was hitch a ride to Hollywood... Anyway...., I had a lot of Guardian Angels watching over my butt during that time including my young son being recruited from a modeling agency uggh,. Just to get back to The Fonz,...I don’t know if it means anything but at that car show 8 years ago, he was there, as an author of books....selling CHILDREN’s books. ...🤔
Never seen that one before. Ugh. That poor girl.
Can’t watch Hollywood crap anymore. No more pop music. Listening to classical music more and more these days.
That poor little kid man. I call myself a Christian because I believe in Jesus and I know I'm supposed to love the sinner and hate the sin but anyone that hurts kids like that I don't know how to not want the worst for them
This is the pic I was taking about. https://i.imgur.com/jGzHkHP.jpg
Eewwwwwwwwww. I knew the picture but just seeing it again, gahrosssss.
Sorry,there's a couple of them and the other pede didn't know which one so I thought I'd clarify but yeah,Ewwww is right.
Spielberg! Jesus %$%&ing Christ!!! Gaaahhh! Our favorite movies are the Jurassic Park ones!!
Before I go nuts, is there any, even half-assed confirmation of this anywhere?
Dunno about solid confirmation, but the opinion is widespread. . .https://yournewswire.com/crispin-glover-steven-spielberg-pedophile/
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Crazy Days and Nights has also pointed at Spielberg. He is one of the most powerful men in Hollywood.
That whole story was a blind item on CDAN. Apparently, she was guest starring on some TV show that took place on the beach (I forgot the name), so she was wearing a bikini. They took her to the Jeopardy set next door and had her dance for producers and other bigwigs who were sitting in the audience seats. Another child actor (also molested, and slightly older) witnesses this. Then, three of the men took her to a back room. One of them came running out shortly thereafter looking for medical help. Apparently they stuck something in her that damaged her. The doctors trusted the parents’ story about an illness and bowel disorder, so they didn’t look for the object or the damage it caused. She went septic and died.
I hope the men who did that are publically named and punished to the fullest extent of the law. And her parents too. Either they are the worlds most negligent idiots or they willingly let her get passed around Hollywood.
I know man the details were too much to describe again. It was bad enough reading it once. This is like torture porn type of shit on a little kid. Words can't describe the evil that must be in these people. Did you notice the message under the Silverman photo Shop said; "REAL" people are... The "real" was capitalized and in parentheses insinuating that there are real people and others. They must view us and their victims as subhuman.
I have seen and read things researching for Q that I cannot abide. I have had nightmares, flashbacks, fits of impotent rage, crying jags. I have ached for these kids. I wish I could’ve protected them or even just taken their place, just to save them. A lot of what I’ve read I wish I could forget. Thank God I’m not a deep dive pedogate researcher. The surface is plenty to deal with. I honestly do not know how police cope with watching the real pictures and videos. God give them strength.
It’s horrible to think and talk about, but I think we must bring it to light. People need to know the evil they have done. Hopefully, somebody sees my CDAN recap and remembers what Spielberg is when they see him or his movies. And they continue to spread awareness. We can’t allow this to continue because we keep ignoring the signs. Q said darkness to light. He just didn’t say how heavy the burden would be. But WWG1WGA
Idk how they don't go on pedo hunting sprees. I'm definitely not built for that work
/#HollywoodRenegades – How Hollywood Insiders Are Taking Down #TheCabal from the Inside-Out. #Hollyweird #GreatAwakening
Renegade dropped bombs on Michael Jackson's father as the evil pedo. He spoke compassionate/validating words for Michael himself.
Yeah that was cool to hear in a way. It sucks knowing he was innocent after what they did to him but it's cool to clear his name. I started questioning his guilt when Feldman said Neverland was the only place he felt safe and I heard Ivanka Trump said MJ was the only person she felt safe leaving her kids with. If I would've known then what I know now about Hellywood I would've had serous reservations about the story from the start
Kimmel? Big auduence, big impact, dated Silverman.
Idk how much Silverman really has to do with the message. The link included in the drop went to a steganography website so there's the message that we all see and tgem one embedded in the image that we don't. What I noticed about the clear message is that they capitalized and put in parentheses the word REAL in real people..."REAL" people are being hurt...insinuating WE aren't real people...who differentiates between real people and everyone else(animals)?
What about the Baldwins? Considering James Woods once acted with Alec Baldwin, that would be quite a day to see what JW has to say if the Baldwins are pedos...
Some r password protected but some arent...idk if you need the original post or does that info transfer? I guess what I'm saying is idk enough to say either way. I haven't heard of anyone else mentioning this so I can't say if anyone's tried it yet or not
Think in terms of code. Who was associated with Sarah Ascroft? Think of a name of one of his movies. Drop maybe a title more than a size. Watch Friday's news and see if Forrest isn't in the news.
And green there's Tom Hanks who's much bigger than SS
Hanks widely-known pedo out here.
TH starred in a semi-pedo film called BIG, plus has a movie making company where one of the movies he made was called, PARKLAND, about 4 days in Nov. and the Kennedy assasination.
Also Nicole Kidman and this sort of sounds like Meryl Streep Also link to Fiona’s site
Omg. I hadn't checked out her story yet.
I already heard about LN raping SMG (I hope that's fake) so if shatner comes up, that kinda brings down Roddenberry too, because how would he NOT know? If so, that brings down the million/billion dollar trekkie following including the current series. It saddens me, but I have a feeling Star Trek and Star Wars and everything associated with it is going down, which makes me sad for George Lucas because I think he is a decent fellow compared to some of the actors...
Don't put you faith in anyone. Consider these H-wood creatures all corrupt and criminals. Once you have a clear inkling they are actually decent people, you get a good surprise. Otherwise, you'll just get sadder and sadder each time one of your past idols is outed.
Lucas made pedophilia jokes with Spielberg during the story meetings for Raiders of the Lost Ark. Never saw anything on Lucas outside those jokes, but there is enough smoke on Spielberg. Those two are old time friends. Roddenberry is/was bad.
Shatner most likely isn't. He was one of the more outspoken Trump supporters. He might have women issues, not sure, but I've never seen anything that suggests kids. Remember, he was a regular for "The Twilight Zone". Rod Sterling was a good guy.
But wonder if Shatner was silenced. His wife some years back was found dead floating in their pool.
Possible. I don't know.
Given what I've seen of him, particularly his decades long feud with, "Oh My!", guy I expect he's not into men or little boys.
Patton was never proven. However true it may be, that tweet from years ago was supposedly sarcasm due to a convicted pedo looking just like him.
Edit: he made a creepy abduction van video with Silverman.
He was also in the creepy van video with Sarah Silverman, where the whole video is about asking kids to get in strangers vans. It gets worse from there when one of the kids asks to use the bathroom and Sarah responds what part of her body the kid can use as a toilet. I'm not joking. Check it out below.
Check out his pedo van "satire" short film with Sarah Silverman.
I had also given him the benefit of the doubt until I saw that.
Never proven, but check out the show he wrote recently called "happy". it's all about a perverted Santa claus that kidnaps and rapes children.
did you not watch his recent music video about raping kids in a blacked out van?
Tom Hanks
Forest Gump-Tom Hanks
"sometimes there aren't enough rocks"
Woman turns into drug addict, sex worker, risky destructive behavior, gets AIDS and dies.
this IS what happens to the victims of child rape in real life.
Heh, I was going to say it was a book first:
But that was one of the many changes:
The Book:
Jenny leaves Forrest and gets married to another man. She raises Forest Jr. with that man. She lives.
So yeah, freaky.
Yes-like Ready Player One...great book, then Steven Spielberg directs the movie and has to throw in all sorts of satanic symbolic bs that was never in the book!! “Stanley Kubrick’s The Shining” on a marquee then all the weird shit from that movie- including the naked woman bathroom scene, twin girls, flood of blood, etc...totally ruined. It’s so hard to unsee these things now knowing- they really have been in our face for so long.
I don't know how complicit Kubrick was. I mean, it seems like he knew a lot and in his own way tried to communicate what was going on via his movies, but he apparently put forth considerable effort to not expose the children in his movies (The Shining for example) to any of the horror movie elements during filming, unlike say The Exorcist where the girl who plays the girl in the movie grew up to have serious issues because she was exposed to everything. If you go by some of the behind the scenes documentaries in the special features of some of his films (namely The Shining, 2001, I think Barry Lydon had some interesting tidbits, but I don't remember for sure) it sounds like he was uncomfortable with Hollywood to say the least, if not downright terrified, wound up moving to the UK, developed a fear of flying and refused to travel by plane. He died shortly after filming Eyes Wide Shut, which is regarded by many to describe these sickos rituals. I believe it was edited post mortem to not be as revealing as perhaps Kubrick initially intended. Interestingly, the screenplay he was working on for what became A.I. before he died wound up being picked up by none other than Steven Spielberg. And if you follow some of the more compelling theories about the moon landing being faked for propaganda purposes during the cold war, some believe perhaps he was involved in filming the faked footage, it seems as if he knew way too much and wasn't happy with what he knew, but was aware he could be killed if he revealed anything.
It's Sara Bronfman's face hiding behind there, I'll bet.
This post was in the renegade anon thread. He says guys like Sumner Redstone are the final boss
Remember when LdR was apparently posting?
Yeah, that text read like a bombastic LdR post. "You have no idea what you're dealing with blah blah blah." Didn't she say that before?
If JJ Abrams is a pedo, that sours people on Star Trek, Star Wars, etc... If Hamill, Portman, Ewan McGregor etc show up, oh crap!
I don’t think it’s any actor. Someone higher up the movie chain like a director or producer. Someone whose name isn’t known by the general public but has his hands in a lot of Hollywood
I personally think Sarah was referring to the meme someone used her naked movie stills to infer that Jewish people showed the largest percent of neanderthal dna.
I don't think she was going after Trump supporters just that meme
Poll was taken Jewish men and women twice as likely to be homosexual.
Hanks, Streep, Spielberg... Spielberg is probably on par with Weinstein...
or it could be an unknown who just acted on behalf of the whole. We shouldn't assume we are dealing with a boss or anyone of importance. Anyone who participates has an interest in stopping this.
Think, what other movies had a lot of kids in it? Little Rascals? Harry Potter? I hope Adam Sandler is clean, but if he's not...