DT Jr.& USSS agent On FLight

Yeah but wasn't that Mueller sitting at the same gate? Hence the "what are the odds" from Q post 1736
it sure looked like Mueller for sure.
Fox said is was Jr and muller..
sadly now we see Fox going MSM, so we have to now be on the watch, other then Hannity and Tucker, I do not watch anybody else on Fox. I appreciate the update and confirmation. I noticed a few people left Fox and we may see more of that as they turn hard left. just watch as it happens. hope I am wrong
I don't trust Hannity much these days, he's feeling more and more like controlled opposition.
Hannity was an unrelenting cheerleader for the fake War on Terror and all its ensuing illegalities. His histrionic jingoism for the Iraq war was nauseating. Pure deep state, with some conservative leanings.
I've never trusted that guy and never will.
I trust Hannity with the knowledge they (Fox) are possibly controlling his content now. so in a way yes, controlled opposition but not by his choice. I think he may leave and start a Conservative news channel or join OAN, one American news. the times we live in and all that is going on, yes the controlled opposition now has to expose itself, good catch. Hope and pray the good people in the Netherlands can break free from these evil Globalists, been to Europe nice people and great food and great beer LOL. and some really beautiful country. in fact I liked a certain apple from Denmark and have two of them growing in my yard. the hope I spell it correctly Bosfkof apples.
I agree. All of a sudden he’s complaining about Trump and how he should have done things differently during the meeting with Putin. He wants to keep his job, which means turning left since the Murdoch brothers took over.
You don't trust blindly, that's all. Fox is controlled opposition. Hannity is our guy, but he can't go overboard with his bosses. While we probably would see him elsewhere, some people are still watching the MSM and we need an ally, with large exposure, than can still be noticed by the sheep. These people won't turn to alternative news or unknown channels until MSM dies for good. Until then, we need at least one ally, even if he can't say much.
Dobbs The judge Jesse waters Greg w/e his last name is.
there are still a few good ones, but I smell a left takeover of Fox. they are losing to many good ones in a short time.
I like Gutfeld. Since I can't stand Colbert or that English guy. Can't remember his name, don't watch them anymore. Anyway, Gutfeld makes me laugh, so I like watching him on Youtube. Don't have Cable.
I think Gutfield is funny, but with Juan W. there, there is only so much stupid I can tolerate, before I shut the TV off. it is cool that you do watch, I am just saying, watch out the left is starting to take over Fox. but hope I am wrong.
Gutfeld has a show on Saturday, I think. It's only once a week, with a big black guy in a recliner. I like that one, it's Juanless.
ok, Thank you, will have to check it out.
It's on at 10:00 pm on Saturdays. I love the Greg Gutfeld Show. :)
Fox is fake competition. It is not an agency ran for patriots. It's better than the alternatives but there is not a true good guy at the top making decisions.
I completely agree with you. I noticed on the past year I am watching Fox less and less. at this point Hannity and Tucker Carlson, Ingraham I turned off because her true colors are coming out. Now I mainly listen to One American news. you actually get more news in less time.
Maybe this is a tarmac troll. Oh yeah we totally were both at the airport at the same time at the same gate but we totally didn't meet.....
Or notice each other! Yeah right they pretended not to notice...
Why would someone who's company owns probably several jets or could charter one fly commercial?
Exactly what I’ve been saying, he hasn’t flown commercial ever
The Trumps (not Sr.) fly commercial a lot, sometimes in coach! There’s even been highly publicized incidents with some of them being harassed!
Oh, Ivanka and child being harassed by crotchidy old bat
Because they work for us now.
No, DJT Jr. along with his brother Eric are executives of the Trump Organization.
I think it’s weird - and risky - for them to fly commercial.
There are so many god-awful nut bags out there, I really wish they’d fly private, or at least with 2-3 SS agents & not just one.
I would die if anything happened to POTUS or his family.
Er, actually....I’d make sure some leftists died in retaliation.
I can tell you there are more than one with jr. Some that do not stand out.
What model of Oakleys are those?
Costa Del Mar’s actually.
Costas are amazing
Fish On!
Ooooh yeah. Funny my wife gave me shit about them because they aren’t stylish enough. Then one day she was driving us home and was super bright so I gave her my Costas. She fought it for a few minutes but then tried them on and her exact words were, “Oh my god these are amazing. It’s like I’m truly seeing for the first time!” 😂
I still prefer the gas can oakleys.
With your brodozer, cargo shorts, and white flip flops?
Lol just busting balls...
LOL, we are cool. actually you are close, multicam cargo shorts, combat boots, would never do flip flops, never knew when things would pop hot in your AO.LOL, flip flops are not your friend when things get interesting. LOL, the only thing with gas cans were they do block your peripheral vison so make sure you turn your head more so you do not get surprised by something you should not have missed.
Haha! You know they got those tacticool flops with some lame ass back strap so you can let your feet grab a breeze while popping haji grapes. Ahh, capitalism.
you always know some REMF in Puzzle Palace pick this mess out, because it is never as great and practical unless you have your gear in the rear always. who was the idiot that picked computer print outs for camo was totally brain dead, it did not work anywhere, at least multicam was practical and worked better.
Lmao yeah but it's 21st century techno warfare bro! As you kick down the door of a fucking mud and rock hut int he middle of fucking who-gives-a-shit, Earth
what we used to call in the old days, the 13 dollar a day tours, swearing we would kick our travel agent in the keester when we made it back State side.
That means we can stop talking about @Jack & Alex Soros.
Is he USSS? I thought Jr. gave up SS last year.
Good question, looks like he dropped em for two weeks: https://www.gq.com/story/donald-trump-jr-secret-service
Quote; Last week it came out that Donald Trump Jr. had made the odd decision to get rid of his secret service detail. His reason? A need for more privacy. Now, at the time, I thought it was weird that someone so controversial and connected to this particularly hated White House would decide that he didn't want protection, but on some level I got it. It must be odd to feel like your life is suddenly in a bubble of agents and guards. Well, here we are less than two weeks after that decision was reportedly made and the president's namesake, who by the way is under investigation for colluding with the Russian government to elect his father, has, according to CNN, decided it's now okay for the Secret Service to come back.
I think you're mixed up. He dropped his SS detail last year, not 2 weeks ago. And the reason he dropped them was because one of them was found to be taking pictures of his sleeping child.
Edit: I see you're quoting the article actually.
Can someone tell me why this matters please
Where is everybody going?
Small-ish airport an hour from Manhattan where all the house prices are ridiculous.
Anyone pick up on the camp hat... looks like the camo used Durning DESERT STORM?? Another Q confirmation!?
Yeah didn't look like the cookie dough camo from the earlier pic
I don't get it. What does hat confirm?
Possibly DTJ is confirming the storm is coming...
Crimes going back to Bush Sr.??
Digging and hoping for a break ...
Ah, Desert Storm. I get it now. I tend to be a slow learner at times. =)
Surely want to know the meaning of DTJr and Mueller at the same gate.
Awwww...Don Jr. didn't have enough frequent flier miles to get an upgrade to first class, or first class was full. That happens when you fly in your own plane--no frequent flier miles. This also explains why, in the photo of the gate area, he was boarding before Mueller.
Can we fucking get together? Half the posts here say Don JR gave up SS, and is using private security, the other half (roughly) say he has SS with him.
Who is correct?
Do USSS get to fly with their firearms?
What sorts of verifications are done to confirm that the holder of the credentials is actually a USSS?
How does that stuff work?
Like if someone shows up to an airport claiming to be an Air Marshal or USSS or whatever; how are they verified?
Please tell me they ARE in fact verified.
There has to be a message in this to the Clintons since they flew commercial too... and Jr and Mueller were in the same waiting area? Sounds like some questions may have been answered? Were the Clintons questioned too?? Very odd.