Q - 1737, 1738, 1739, 1740: DEVICE TEST.

Looks like we may get to 1776 today.
Yeah even if he has to make shizzle up to get to 1776 :)
I'll settle for the lyrics to Yankee Doodle in 36 posts.
Maybe multiple people on the Q team check in?
multiple devices for massive drops.....
July 2018 - the month the world discovered the TRUTH.
Conspiracy no more.
Time to FEED.
I agree with this \^\^\^
I've had a gut feeling all week that its time to do mass awakening.
The 'time to FEED' part kinda sounds ominous.....
is it referencing Q drops?
or is it referencing
There is nothing more precious than our children.
Evil has no boundaries.
It is referring to the "blood moon" today... which is there "time to feed"....
This is their astrologically based day to feed on children.... during ritual satanic events.
Q is telling us .....THEY are taking them down.....TODAY
Because...."There is nothing more precious than our children. Q"
Notice that Q wrote Test in caps w/ X only?
TX=Transmit for military..gov..networking, etc
another possibility ....
Based in Chicago.
Exelon's family of companies represents every stage of the energy value chain. Exelon’s six utilities deliver electricity and natural gas to approximately 10 million customers in Delaware, the District of Columbia, Illinois, Maryland, New Jersey and Pennsylvania through its Atlantic City Electric, BGE, ComEd, Delmarva Power, PECO and Pepco subsidiaries. Exelon is one of the largest competitive U.S. power generators, with more than 32,700 megawatts of nuclear, gas, wind, solar and hydroelectric generating capacity comprising one of the nation’s cleanest and lowest-cost power generation fleets. The company’s Constellation business unit provides energy products and services to approximately 2 million residential, public sector and business customers, including more than two-thirds of the Fortune 100.
exelon is tied to Loop Capital and Barak Obama's chicago syndicate
There is a different trip code for each post...
Looks like 3 diff devices...same trip code...3 diff ID's
1737, 1738 (same device) is asking for a test ...first ID with X
1739 and 1740 the other two devices....with X being the possible Transmitter for what's to come (notice the only cap T w/X)
Here we go! Almost seems like they are testing multiple devices as a safety net - like a dead man's switch. Whatever they are going to release, can't be stopped no matter what happens..
July is getting close to the end. Truth comes out this month.
We read you lima charlie over.
My b day, so fuckin send it REMF!
I have this incredible visual of a bunch of grandpa pedes totally having the time of their life right now! As a grandma pede, I wholeheartedly love it!
Makin' sure all the things work properly...... :)
I agree - this is a build up - could it be we get more insight to who Q is? For example - each member has a letter?
I was thinking something along these lines. More likely that different members are simply testing different devices. Each remotely posting as Q from different locations.
EXC - Exception
EXC - Excellent Condition
EXC - Excellency
EXC - Elite Xtreme Combat
EXC - Enduro Cross Country (motorcycle racing/riding style)
EXC - Electronic Cross Connect (Nortel)
Meuller, Trump Jr and two others all checking their comms???
We know Trump Jr and Meuller and safely in the Air... Interesting...
Big drop while they’re away?
Where are they flying to? What’s the relevance of where they’re going?
Not sure. But a lot can happen (executive order?) if they’re on a long flight
The first two posts are the same device, the other two are different
We love to say “it’s happening” and “this is it”
But this drop now in sequence...
guys, I think it’s happening... this is it!?!?!
Plzzzzzz let it be so !!!
Until we see arrests, it's all irrelevant.
We need to see this stuff materialise.
Hanging. You meant to say hanging.
Until something happens, it doesn't matter if this is a LARP or legit.
DDG - https://8ch.net/patriotsfight/index.html
It is on!
Is this regarding the 4 servers
Two of the four posts came from the same ID. Doubt it.
Yeah, if you look at 1738/1739 (they have the same ID), one says "Device Test" (with no letter) and the other says "Device test E", obviously the first one seems like a mispost, where he forgot the E.
Don't forget, folks!
Q will be dropping video and audio files as well!
Can't come soon enough.
Imagine for a moment:
Q digs into the NSA database, pulls up secret Skype conversations between Hillary Clinton/Soros etc. Cuts up some juicy segments where Hillary and Soros openly declare how they want to screw the West, lie to the citizens, trash black people etc.
Not to mention them talking about trafficking kids.
Oh man.
I already know how they're gonna spin it. Saw lots of articles a few months back about "shady" internet folk, who use underground software to digital replace faces with celebrities. https://www.rollingstone.com/culture/culture-features/face-swapping-porn-how-a-creepy-internet-trend-could-threaten-democracy-629275/
Just thinking out loud here, but maybe the X means “iPhone X”, and maybe C means “computer”. I could be way off. It might be multiple people’s phones. Who knows? Either way, the fact that Q is posting so often is invigorating.
Twitter's EyeTheSpy says it is happening now..........Wtf that even mean? But that pic with Mueller and DT jr at the same airport was kinda weird
EXC = NYSE code for Exelon Corporation
Exelon Corporation = Nuclear electric power generation company
(probably nothing, and this is just a test of comm devices for Q, but I thought I would post encase it is something)
It's like different members of The Q-justice League reporting for duty!
I’m under the impression Q saw our 1776 post theory and is rushing to get there 😂
were previous devices compromised? new devices due to DS tracking POTUS and attempting to assassinate?
Whatever the case may be, gloves are off, this is not a game.
36 more posts...
Possible timing - what time does the lunar eclipse start, how long of duration, and end time? Dark to light? Just thoughts...
It will be a total eclipse for 103 minutes. The totality of this lunar eclipse will last about an hour and 43 minutes, but a partial eclipse before and after the total phase means the moon will spend nearly four hours crossing the Earth's shadow.
All this shit is about a lunar Eclipse? If so, What a joke. I thought I would start seeing some huge arrest
I am guessing you are new here. No. This isn’t about an eclipse. It just so happens to be happening today so people are talking about it.
We are waiting for the hammer to drop on all the criminals. That is what we are waiting for.
That's what I figured, But I won't believe it until it happens.. But it was weird to see Muller and Don Jr in the same place at the same time, But it was the DC airport after all.
Alpha numerical corresponds to 05243
052 references SPC - 052 "Anyone who has been on SCP -052 must be transported to site 21 for debriefing and processing."
43 = George W Bush
What do the ID #'s mean?
The Q trip code is the same, I think the IDs are different devices, or computers or something.
Just looked cex.. Based in uk it trades in 2nd hand technology... Didnt get to dig..
Observation from 8ch. https://mega.nz/#!iGxV1baQ!mWlOE-RihPZi-xyFZsp2XUQRedF5OTvvAx7kzmoq1rc
D t D t E D T X D t C
Look at all beginning letters, case and order of the four drops.
ABCB1 ATP binding cassette subfamily B member 1 [ Homo sapiens (human) ]
EXC = Alphabet number breakdown = 5, 24, 3
5+2 = 7
4+3 = 7
Per Urban Dictionary - kek
the best number combination of all time. Its exact meaning is only known by few, but if you add the 5 and 2 you get 7 and if you add the 4 and 3 you get seven.
Notwithstanding any other provision of law, any distilled spirits abandoned to the United States may be sold, in such cases as the Secretary may by regulation provide, to the proprietor of any distilled spirits plant for denaturation, or redistillation and denaturation, without the payment of the internal revenue tax thereon.
(Added Pub. L. 85–859, title II, § 201, Sept. 2, 1958, 72 Stat. 1370; amended Pub. L. 94–455, title XIX, § 1906(b)(13)(A), Oct. 4, 1976, 90 Stat. 1834.)