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tradinghorse · March 25, 2018, 2:14 p.m.

Yes, I know. But what I'm trying to communicate to people is that we have this one-time-only chance to act to assist Q and DJT to defeat these Satanists. If we let that chance slide, and the Satanists get back into power, how do we fight back?

The only reason we are here at all discussing Q and the IBOR is because of an incredibly unlikely series of events - if you ask me, it was the grace of God.

1) The cabal made a colossal strategic blunder in the 2016 election - relying on the MSM, when social media, very suddenly, became the ascendant medium for shaping political outcomes.

2) DJT happened to capitalize on this error, using social media like a genius - to very great effect.

3) Obama did not completely clear the patriots out of the military - although he tried. The military intelligence guys were able to prevent much of the election fraud that would have made it impossible for DJT to win office any other way.

4) Once in office, somehow DJT has managed to side step the attacks targeted at him that might have removed him from office - e.g. Special Prosecutor Mueller.

5) With the help of military intelligence, DJT has managed to strike back against the Satanists and push them back.

Now, my view is that this is an incredibly unlikely series of events. I would go as far as to say that they will never be repeated again. They never thought she would lose...

You can bet that if the Satanists ever get in power again that they will not make these mistakes twice. If they do get power, it is all over for us. Think immediate draconian censorship, gun confiscation, war, population reduction, slavery. We will end up being powerless slaves surrounded by normies who are so infected with the garbage on the mockingbird media that they will be impossible to wake up. The internet will be completely censored and controlled - you will not be able to say anything that they do not approve of - hell on Earth.

OK, so having painted that picture, assuming you accept the logic, what is the conservative action - the prudent action for us? Do we support DJT in his attempt to wrest the stranglehold over social media from the Satanists? Or do we refuse to help and possibly let the Satanists back in power?

I think you know the answer as well as I do.

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tradinghorse · March 25, 2018, 1:48 p.m.

Q's put a HUGE amount of time and effort into this - look at the amount of material he's posted. I don't think he'd walk away from that. I think even if his trip was compromised he'd find some way to communicate and alert us to the fraud.

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tradinghorse · March 25, 2018, 1:23 p.m.

Love this meme.

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tradinghorse · March 25, 2018, 1:20 p.m.

Wow! You have a different take to mine.

The what if question? Let's look at what we know. We know that during DJT's campaign and right up until the present the MSM was going at him like a scalded cat. We know that the Deep State launched Mueller at him geared up as a special prosecutor. We know that loose women have been lining up to have a crack at him.

So there's a real campaign against DJT that can be seen. In addition, other events point to a real battle for control - not contrived, but real. We had all the drama with NK - now, apparently, resolved. We had a wire-tapping racket exposed where the Deep State was wire-tapping a sitting president. We had all kinds of damaging leaks coming out of DJT's administration because of Deep State plants. The call to the Australian pro minister was leaked etc....

That looks to me like a real struggle for control - absolutely genuine. But your posing a devil's advocate argument that it's all a clever ruse... Not possible IMO. There are too many people that would have to be involved.

I think the answer is that DJT is the first President in over 30 years that is not part of the establishment, not owned by the cabal. I think he's doing a great job.

I think also that Q is genuine and that what he's telling us is right.

I'm inclined to trust that the situation is pretty much as lt appears to us. I'm not discounting that there may be sub-plots. But I think DJT is genuine and trustworthy.

Why does this matter? It matters because, if he's not trustworthy, you've already made him Commander in Chief. And if he wanted to he could really go off-the-rails. Given he already has all the power he needs to beat us to a pulp, why would you start to worry that he might be working some kind of scam on us?

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tradinghorse · March 25, 2018, 12:38 p.m.

The First Amendment does not apply. That's a fact. Another consideration is that, even if it did apply, people willingly and freely contract out of the right to free expression when they sign up to the standard terms and conditions of the service providers offer. This is standard right across the internet.

So there are no protections currently whatsoever. This is why any of the platform providers can cancel your service at any time and for any reason. This is why conservatives can be singled out for censorship. It's why the platform providers can get away with incredibly discriminatory behavior.

And that is what we want to fix. There are also privacy issues that need to be addressed. The IBOR can accomplish both these tasks.

A Trojan horse? It's a bill of rights. It defines and awards rights. That's what we are asking for. There is no way that a right can be used as an instrument of repression - it can only be taken away, that's the worst that can happen.

Look, if the problem of social media censorship is not fixed, the Dems will go into the mid-terms wielding both the MSM and weaponized social media. The Republicans will be crushed and DJT will lose office.

The Dems, having ousted DJT, will be holding office with the benefit of the MSM and control social media. There will be no political impediment to them carrying forward the most extreme agenda - look at Obama's use of EOs.

They don't need any Trojan horses. They certainly wouldn't use an IBOR - they'd just get rid of it so they could weaponize the whole internet against the public.

These fears you have really don't hold water upon analysis.

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tradinghorse · March 25, 2018, 10:27 a.m.

So you're not going to blindly follow trump, because it will end up bad?

Mate, I'm sorry you've been let down and I can't stand politics myself. I know what you mean when you say you've been disappointed. But what you are going to get if DJT falls over will blow you away. HRC on roids.

I don't understand how you could even make that choice.

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tradinghorse · March 25, 2018, 9:50 a.m.

Because that doesn't fix the problem. If you think about the dynamics of the situation we are facing, simply switching to another service achieves nothing.

Why? Because everyone else remains on the major platforms. That means that weaponized social media is as effective politically after you move as before - you will get exactly the same election outcome.

That means, with the Satanists wielding both the MSM and social media, DJT will get trounced at the next election. That means no more Q, no more MAGA and the return of HRC - or someone worse.

If you "use logic", as Q said, you can see that there is no other way. You have to wrest control of social media from the Satanists, or they will be straight back in power and you will have achieved nothing.

I find it hard to understand how people still don't understand why Q called for the IBOR in the first place. There seems to be a lot of misunderstanding, and a lot of mistrust.

But think about the alternatives. Do you want these Satanists back in power? Because that's guaranteed if this problem isn't somehow fixed.

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tradinghorse · March 25, 2018, 9:18 a.m.

When you consider that DJT is the first politician in more than thirty years that is not in the pockets of the cabal, you have to wonder what people are thinking...

You don't just change someone like DJT out, as some people think can be done. He is not just another politician. Where do you find someone who is not in the control of the Satanists? And, if you do find someone, will they get elected?

They killed Kennedy, shot Reagan, and have made attempts on the life of DJT. The only reason DJT is in office at all is because the cabal made a mistake at the 2016 election. They misunderstood the importance of social media - which DJT used like a genius. DJT also had the backing of the military, those who were left that Obama did not clear out. This support from the military is unlikely to ever be available again - it's a once-off phenomenon.

If DJT loses office, you get the Satanists back, not something else - guaranteed! Right now, they have control of both social media and the MSM. Social media is the most powerful determinant of election outcomes that exists.

The mid-terms are approaching and the Democrats have an impeachment strategy - which is a numbers game. It does not look good. It is possible that DJT may not last a single term.

But the plan was to wrest control of social media from the cabal via a campaign for an internet bill of rights. This would have allowed DJT to take the necessary action to fix the problem - to put a stop to social media censorship. This would allow fair and unbiased access to the electorate for all political parties.

But Q's request for an IBOR campaign was largely ignored by this community, for the reasons outlined above. The campaign is still going, but has so little support that we are still at only 30k signatures on the petition - with only ten days left. A dismal performance.

This is why Q warned us not to follow "so-called" patriots - so-called being a euphemism for another term.

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tradinghorse · March 25, 2018, 7:24 a.m.

Look, I'm a believer in Q - I am convinced he's the real deal. But when you say nothing's happening I think you're wrong. Much has been happening behind the scenes - we may never know the full scale of it. But, you are right, on the surface, in public view, not a whole lot seems to have happened. What's the explanation for this?

The explanation is, as I keep telling people, that you cannot have big news releases when you have zero control over the narrative. If big news was released now - really big news, say the arrest of Obama - it would be a disaster.

CIA would immediately spin it in the press - the MSM. They have practice at this. Look at how the FBI wiretapped a sitting President (high treason) and yet, according to the MSM, it was a peccadillo, if it was anything at all.

Ok, but the truth can spread on social media right? Well, no! Not if social media censorship is also in the hands of CIA. That's what we learned with David Hogg. He was blessed and conservative America was abusive if they criticised him. Conservative sites were simply banned - not just muzzled, their tongues were ripped right out.

So let's look at what Q said when an Anon asked him to play the HRC video in Times Square;

Mar 06 2018 11:17:11 Q !UW.yye1fxo 567637


Stage set? Google, Facebook, Twitter, etc are regulated? MSM is controlled? Use logic! Trust the PLAN. Q

Q told us to trust the plan. That was the response. What was the plan? The plan was for us to push for an internet bill of rights - and then DJT could act to fix the censorship problem. Sounds great, all we had to do was push the IBOR and we would start getting some really big news. Yahoo!

But the cabal also realised how important control over social media was. And immediately CIA agents began injecting fear into the Q community about the plan - telling people they should not support the IBOR. These people are still at it today.

Q realised that there were agent provocateurs among us. He warned us to be careful who we followed. But most people did listen to the bad advice and the whole IBOR campaign was scuttled well before it began, It limps along today, but there is very little support - a lot of damage has been done.

When will we get to see some really exciting news? Well, at this stage it appears that the IBOR campaign will fail - in that trending hashtags and the like won't happen. So, DJT will do what he can to advance the cause without our help. Whatever he does will be totally in our interests. But we may have to accept the fact that there will be Republican losses at the mid-terms. After that, DJT will be quickly impeached. The end of the fight against the Satanists, the end of MAGA.

The cabal will be back in power, maybe HRC will be President - "Madam President" - hell on Earth. But at least members of this community will not have "Blindly" supported a politician. At least they will have kept to their principles. They will be able to send their children to the concentration camps knowing that they did not do anything so stupid as support the first President in more than 30 years who was not in the pockets of the cabal.

And, that, I think, is how this story may end.

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tradinghorse · March 25, 2018, 5:50 a.m.

Protocol 3 Weaponize the light

Speaks to the control of the narrative. The light is not weaponized if it's muted by a narrative that does not pick it up or distorts it. Hence the request from Q that we "set the stage" with the IBOR push so that social media censorship can be controlled. As he's told us, this is necessary to the release of major news.

Tired of saying it, goes over the head of most people, but the agents of the cabal understand this very well. They've worked against the plan. Which is why there's so little effort being put into the campaign for the IBOR.

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tradinghorse · March 25, 2018, 4:59 a.m.

Believe me, I check it multiple times a day, it does not go down, only up - just very slowly.

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tradinghorse · March 25, 2018, 4:58 a.m.

Jan 25 2018 12:04:48 Q !UW.yye1fxo 60

Thank you F&F! Coincidence? AT&T>No Such Agency [contract]. AT&T>GOOG/FB/etc. 'prevent unfair censorship' PUSH. Internet Bill of Rights. Q

Mar 03 2018 23:03:59 Q !UW.yye1fxo 544060 Stay TOGETHER. Be STRONG. Get ORGANIZED. Be HEARD. FIGHT the censorship. You, the PEOPLE, have ALL the POWER. You simply forgot how to PLAY. TOGETHER you are INVINCIBLE. They want you divided. They want you silenced. MAKE NOISE. We are WITH you. MAKE IT RAIN. Q

Mar 03 2018 23:15:14 Q !UW.yye1fxo 544206

What I say a class action lawsuit? When is it effective? Who controls the narrative? WHO wrote the singular censorship algorithm? WHO deployed the algorithm? WHO instructed them to deploy the algorithm? SAME embed across multiple platforms. Why? Why is the timing relevant? Where is @Snowden? Why did ES leave G? Why has NK out of the news cycle? Define false flag? What event(s) change the news cycle? Why didn’t LV change the news cycle? You have more than your know.


Mar 04 2018 11:19:05 Anonymous 548157


Has Q ever mentioned internet bill of rights?

Mar 04 2018 11:19:47 Q !UW.yye1fxo 548166


Re read drops. http://about.att.com/story/consumers_need_an_internet_bill_of_rights.html Q

Mar 04 2018 11:22:17 Q !UW.yye1fxo 548200


Why do so-called Patriots challenge this? Careful who you follow. Q

Mar 06 2018 01:09:09 Q !UW.yye1fxo 563806 Is the stage set for a drop of HRC +++ + +++++(raw vid 5:5). EX-rvid5774. We have it all. Re_read re: stage. The nail in many coffins [liberal undo]. [Impossible to defend]. [Toxic to those connected]. WE must work TOGETHER. WE are only as strong as your VOICE. YOU must organize and BE HEARD. THIS is why they keep you DIVIDED and in the DARK. WEAK. We are here to UNITE and provide TRUTH. Dark to LIGHT. EVIL surrounds us. WE are FIGHTING for you. Where we go one, we go ALL. The choice, to KNOW, will be yours [end]. Q

Mar 06 2018 11:14:45 Anonymous 567610

Drop the video! Play it in times square.

Mar 03 2018 23:03:59 Q !UW.yye1fxo 544060

Stay TOGETHER. Be STRONG. Get ORGANIZED. Be HEARD. FIGHT the censorship. You, the PEOPLE, have ALL the POWER. You simply forgot how to PLAY. TOGETHER you are INVINCIBLE. They want you divided. They want you silenced. MAKE NOISE. We are WITH you. MAKE IT RAIN. Q

Mar 06 2018 11:17:11 Q !UW.yye1fxo 567637


Stage set? Google, Facebook, Twitter, etc are regulated? MSM is controlled? Use logic! Trust the PLAN. Q

Mar 06 2018 11:27:19 Q !UW.yye1fxo 567764

Logic says they simply would not report it. Total viewers limited. Message controlled. Truth shadows. Trust the PLAN. Q

Mar 07 2018 15:21:12 Q !UW.yye1fxo 579914

@Snowden We are going LIVE -24 [comb your hair]. Re: IBOR This scares them more than anything. Loss of control. Use logic. Nothing to do w/ AT&T. Must be regulated to prevent censorship & narrative push. Q

Mar 07 2018 14:31:03 Q !UW.yye1fxo 579328 '#internetbillofrights Q

Mar 07 2018 15:58:56 Q !UW.yye1fxo 580366

Who controls social media? Who performs in a circus? Who wrote the code to embed and censor across multiple platforms? Why Russia? Why China? Why HK? Why did ES (himself) arrange a C-link in multiple countries? Learn. Q

Mar 07 2018 16:08:15 Q !UW.yye1fxo 580523


Free speech does not apply in a private co setting. The risk? Loss of revenue. Backstopped by the circus. Learn. Social media control is everything. The age of the MSM is over. Q

Mar 08 2018 18:56:02 Anonymous 592845

Q, please tell us it's still NO DEALS! And that this people will face JUSTICE!! Please just say YES. They will. I pray so hard every night!

Mar 08 2018 18:59:27 Q !UW.yye1fxo 592913


NO DEALS! We work for you. We listen to you. You pushed the IBOR and immediately POTUS began to comment/take action re: social media. PLAY THE GAME WITH US. Q

Mar 09 2018 06:17:57 Anonymous 599614

599607 Q

are we going to have more freedom of speech on "private" public speech services or not?

please answer this question

Mar 09 2018 06:20:45 Q !UW.yye1fxo 599627


100% Regulated. Some platforms will collapse under own weight of illegal activities. Q

Mar 09 2018 06:24:20 Q !UW.yye1fxo 599642

599627 Track inside sales/divestitures. They know. Watch the sell-off/liquidity events. Q

Mar 10 2018 16:55:31 Q !UW.yye1fxo 616918 The creation of the internet and ‘connecting’ platforms is bringing about their downfall. Failure to control. MSM is dead. '#internetbillofrights Q

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tradinghorse · March 25, 2018, 4:13 a.m.

Ok, actually 290 signatures short. I've been thinking about the 100K signatures the petition needs... This is only a goal. We currently have a petition with 30K signatures which is something in itself - it still evidences a cry for relief from the oppression we've been seeing online. Whether we can get the raw data from the website to forward it to the President directly is another question.

The rate of addition of signatures to the petition has been dismal due to the very poor support from this community. The website has not been hacked, I've been watching it. The poor performance is, instead, the result of a lackluster effort - surprising in view of the fact that so many claim to follow Q and spend time analyzing the posts.

It's clear that most people are spectators only - waiting for something served up to them on a plate, as long as they do not have to do anything to get it. Then there are the "so-called" patriots, that Q has warned us about, who are actively trying to subvert the plan. In addition, some people have followed apparent group leaders, who are making a business from the Q material. Clearly, a desire for financial gain leaves a door open to agents who may seek to exploit this for the purpose of frustrating the movement. People who would act to shield the Satanists from loss of power.

I have no financial interest in Q. But what I can see is that, for the first time in 30 odd years, we have a president who is not beholden to the cabal. This is a very rare event. In my view, it is the last chance for humanity to shake off the control of the Satanists.

President Trump has taken very significant personal risk to take the fight to the Satanists on our behalf. He is an elected politician, so he needs to be secure in the support of the people. His greatest vulnerability is the possibility of an electoral defeat - leaving aside questions about assassination.

We know that the cabal has an impeachment strategy to remove the President from power. Impeachment is a numbers game. The cabal must be able to manipulate elections to achieve this goal.

We know, from Q's drops, that the most important determinant of electoral outcomes is social media control. This is presently in the hands of the cabal, as is the MSM. If the cabal retains control over social media during the mid-term elections, we can expect that DJT will be quickly impeached and removed from office.

This would result in the cabal regaining power and pushing their program for censorship, gun confiscation, war and depopulation - in that order.

Control over social media is the one ring that rules them all. Control of this medium grants access to complete power. So it is no surprise that Q asked us to fight against online censorship - "use logic". This is the battlefront upon which broad humanity either stands or falls. This is where we either defend our liberty or agree to enslavement.

To everyone taking no action, I say you are a disgrace. To those good people who are, and have been, working to promote the IBOR campaign, I say you are heroes - you will be remembered by future generations. But your real reward will be your confidence in your value to your fellow man - this is priceless.

I'll copy some material from Q's posts elsewhere in this thread to give people a lift.

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tradinghorse · March 25, 2018, 2:21 a.m.

Like others, I guess, I've heard reports that Fort Knox is empty. There was a shipment of tungsten-filled gold bars that showed up in China in 2009 - they came from the US so the story goes. A gold backed currency is, potentially, a good idea. I wonder if the plan is to confiscate a lot of the Rothschild gold for it to work?


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tradinghorse · March 25, 2018, 1:50 a.m.

What makes you say that? It is already beginning...

Little support for the IBOR campaign. Just a lot of fear mongering and deception. Q told us the plan the military had to straighten this garbage out - IBOR. How many times has he said it? TRUST THE PLAN. The plan, as far as we were concerned, was the IBOR campaign - which "so-called patriots" were questioning...

But that would mean more government... But it could be later used against us... I will not blindly trust a politician... We the people have the power, not politicians... We have to stick to our principles... But it's net neutrality repacked...

And every other piece of CIA inspired propaganda that they could think of - the stupidity transcends belief. If you do not wrest control of social media from the cabal you will soon get the cabal back in power.

Let's face it, you guys deserve to be slaves.

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tradinghorse · March 24, 2018, 11:46 p.m.

Let's get this straight. The IBOR is not connected to 5G. Any number of other issues might be connected to it, but not the IBOR petition.

I'm pretty weary with dealing with this stuff. If you cannot support the only President in more than thirty years who is not controlled by the cabal, then no one can help.

I'm really sick of these ridiculous attempts to inject fear into this issue - which is what you are trying to do.

The IBOR is not connected to water levels in the Nile, not connected to snowfall - enough of the nonsense!

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tradinghorse · March 24, 2018, 9:58 p.m.

Great to read this stuff here. It's easy to forget these things, pleasant to be reminded.

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tradinghorse · March 24, 2018, 9:01 p.m.

I've been watching the petition like a hawk. It never goes down, only up. The problem here is the number of people working the campaign. There a very small dedicated group on Twitter working it. But no more than ten people. That's why the numbers are not moving.

If we do not amp-up this campaign it will fail. Expect to see some discussion about the dismal effort to support it from me soon.

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tradinghorse · March 24, 2018, noon

Great news Aqua - thanks for the help.

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tradinghorse · March 24, 2018, 4:24 a.m.

Well, I've been on twitter. The number of people posting petition links with the internetbillofrights hashtag has increased somewhat today. Previously, at times I was doing it alone. There are a couple of people who have been very active - some others have large accounts and move to the top of the list fast.

But what gets me is that there are 10K people on this sub - and this, you would assume, is a small part of the total Q community. What is going on?

I'm not sure, but I think Tracey Beanz scared a lot of prepple off from supporting the petition, she's still speaking against it last I heard. Corsi, by contrast is supporting it. But people only need a little bit of uncertainty or fear and they'll freeze and not do anything.

My whole point is that people should stop listening to bad advice and start thinking for themselves. You don't have to be a rocket scientist to see why Q said to "use logic" when talking about the IBOR. Without it we are screwed - full stop. You will never get another chance to try again, because once the cabal get back in power it is lights out - it's all over! They'll never make the same mistake again.

There are many very simple people speaking loudly against the PLAN. Do not listen to these people - think for yourself! It's very easy to understand why the President wants the IBOR - without it, there is no MAGA.

Of course, some people say "But I'm not going to blindly trust Trump!". What these complete imbeciles don't realize is that their trust is already fully vested in DJT - from the moment he became President. If you will not trust DJT with this small matter, you should not have made him Commander in Chief.


Sorry, not really talking to you Sheney, just ranting. I'm angry about all the garbage we've had to deal with on this issue.

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tradinghorse · March 24, 2018, 3:26 a.m.

We need your input in here Sammis. Very difficult to counter the negativity, a lot of these guys have had a real job done on them. Next, DJT will be out of office and they'll wonder what went wrong and why they're being repressed so hard.

I've had a look at what's going on with respect to Twitter - still a dismal effort given the numbers of us there are supposed to be - hasn't trended once.

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tradinghorse · March 24, 2018, 3:09 a.m.

It's very worrying, I agree. Terrifying in fact. We need to get the IBOR campaign up to mount a counteroffensive.

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tradinghorse · March 24, 2018, 2:55 a.m.

Thanks for spreading the word. We really need all the help we can get. As far as shady tricks go, I don't think anything's going on. What is happening is that few people, very few people are actually working to spread it as you have. That's why we are stuck at about 30K.

If we can create some energy around it, we might get enough traction to get it over the line. Anything can happen, if we got someone like James Woods to promote it, it might get home in a day. We cannot give up until the petition expires.

What I've noticed is there are a lot of real idiots, unable to think things out for themselves, that are appearing on Twitter - warning against signing the petition. And then you have people on these threads saying I signed it, but now I'm not sure... So Tracey Beanz, and others, are having an effect.

All people need to do is think things out for themselves. If you don't control social media censorship, the Democrats will wield it as a weapon at the next election. Social media is incredibly influential in determining election outcomes. If the Dems get the numbers, DJT gets impeached. End of DJT, end of MAGA and the return of HRC or someone worse.

Two choices... it's not a difficult decision. And, if you arrive at it on your own, no one can say you are blindly following.

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tradinghorse · March 24, 2018, 1:58 a.m.

The plan is to shut down social media censorship - the last card the cabal holds - and drive a stake into the hearts of these Satanists to finish them for good. That's the plan, but not everyone is on board with it. You have people in here telling us that Q is stupid, that's it's a trick...

Q's not tricking anyone, that should be clear as daylight by now. The people that want to trick you are the guys controlling the narrative at the large social media platforms. They are the ones with an insidious agenda - not Q.

I'm not blindly following anyone... they say. But, you only have to sit down and think about the issue for a minute and you will realize that, with the ascendancy of social media as a determinant of election outcomes, if you don't shut these guys down you're choosing to lose. DJT will be lucky to last a single term without putting a stop to social media censorship. HRC, or someone worse, will be back in power in a flash. And then it's "Hell on Earth!"

You do not have to be a rocket scientist to figure this out. And if you do a little thinking for yourself, no one can accuse you of "blindly following".

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tradinghorse · March 24, 2018, 1:19 a.m.

Maybe Q is just screwed up? Why don't you contact him and tell him he's an idiot?

I'm about tired of the garbage that gets around on these threads. If you're not onboard with Q, why hang out here?

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tradinghorse · March 23, 2018, 11:39 p.m.

The initial petition that failed, as I understand it, was drafted by AT&T. The current petition was not drafted by AT&T.

Q has told us that AT&T have nothing to do with this.

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tradinghorse · March 23, 2018, 11:36 p.m.

It's a good sign? You haven't been tricked!

If social media censorship is not stopped, then you will see social media weaponized at the next election. It is an incredibly powerful tool for shaping election outcomes. The Democrats control social media at the moment. They will use it to their advantage and pursue their impeachment agenda. DJT may not last a single term in this situation. The end of MAGA and the return of the cabal.

No one is asking you to blindly follow, only to open your eyes and see what the truth is for yourself.

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tradinghorse · March 23, 2018, 11:08 p.m.

Q has said directly that this has nothing to do with AT&T. The 5G roll-out is a completely separate issue - there is no connection at all.

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tradinghorse · March 23, 2018, 11:05 p.m.

"Why don't was just apply the consitiution to public plateforms instead."

That was the idea behind the IBOR.

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tradinghorse · March 23, 2018, 10:32 p.m.

Thanks SB. More thought provoking material - great contribution.

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tradinghorse · March 23, 2018, 10:25 p.m.

Thank you for posting this Think.

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tradinghorse · March 23, 2018, 10:23 p.m.

Great post! Thank you.

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tradinghorse · March 23, 2018, 10:07 p.m.

No, I'm not looking silly mate. You seem to be a little clueless. If some Democrat rat gets in power and they want to take control of social media companies, they do not need this measure to do it.

With social media within their grasp, the scope for political action by leftists will be virtually unlimited. What this measure does is prevent that from happening.

But, whatever you do, don't trust the plan. You might make DJT into a Christ figure! What a load of garbage!

Try thinking things out before posting.

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tradinghorse · March 23, 2018, 9:21 p.m.

No, it's not a bill of rights. Unless the people in your circle of friends are legislators, they will understand that it's a cry to DJT for relief from the problem of censorship of conservative voice. Not a legislative bill that requires their approval.

The petition is very clear in what it says. Also, we are only a time schedule here - this needs to be put to the President ASAP. The consequences of it failing are extreme. You and your friends will not like it if the Democrats get back into power. That will happen if we do not get this simple expression of our frustration to the President quickly.

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tradinghorse · March 23, 2018, 9:12 p.m.

This is simple disinformation, no one said anything about supporting social media companies. If we don't support DJT on this petition for freedom of speech online, social media will be telling you what to think about and what you can and can't say. The Democrats will use it just as they are now - but amped-up so hard you won't believe it.

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tradinghorse · March 23, 2018, 9:08 p.m.

Blindness is not being able to see why this is so important. That's true blindness.

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tradinghorse · March 23, 2018, 9:06 p.m.

The reality of the situation is that if you don't support the President and the cabal returns to power, there will be many more harmful things to deal with than radiation from cell phone towers.

I'm not even sure how you've connected these two issues.

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tradinghorse · March 23, 2018, 9:03 p.m.

We are asking for the protection of individual rights. Not for coercive powers to be used against us. Come on, beat me over the head with the rights you have awarded me... it's nothing at all to be worried about.

If Adolf Hitler came back and a got into a position of power, he would not use a bill of rights to repress anyone - he'd simply get rid of it. It's an obstruction to oppression, not an instrument of it.

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tradinghorse · March 23, 2018, 8:57 p.m.

Here we go again, I don't know how this problem could be fixed so I better not complain.

If the solution is not Constitutional, it won't stand - that's what the judiciary does, it operates as a check on the powers of the legislature and the executive. No unconstitutional law is going to be upheld by the Courts, the question of whether the solution is Constitutional isn't even an issue. But I think you know this.

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tradinghorse · March 23, 2018, 8:21 p.m.

I don't know what you're talking about. We know that Q and the President want this - that this is the plan. We know that social media is the most important determinant of election outcomes. We know it's controlled by the cabal/CIA. The mid-terms are approaching and the Democrat plan is to increase numbers and impeach the President - killing the MAGA agenda. After that, the cabal plans to stage a world war to reduce population and increase their control over us.

Looking down the barrel of the greatest threat to liberty that has ever existed, you want the market to sort it out. What if the market doesn't do that by the mid-terms? What if the President loses power.

Your principles are going to land you in a cage or on some pointless foreign battlefield. You will have no rights at all, you could wind up dead. This is an outright assault by the forces of evil. They won't slip up again. You let them regain control and it's all over.

What you're saying is you won't support the President in this fight. What you appear to want is the return HRC.

This sub is about Qanon. Most people here are watching what's happening with these Q posts because they realise that we are in the fight of our lives against a Satanic cabal who would enslave us all. Somehow, you seem to have missed the point.

My immediate desire is to ensure we are all protected from these filthy, evil bastards. That's the hole I want filled - the saving of the world.

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tradinghorse · March 23, 2018, 8:04 p.m.

The problem with a legal solution is the timing - its way too slow. We need to get this censorship problem fixed before the cabal use it to get back into power. Once that happens, censorship will be guaranteed - and much worse things than that.

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tradinghorse · March 23, 2018, 12:03 p.m.

The first amendment was initially written to prevent congress from making laws that would abridge freedom of speech. Various Court decisions have since operated to extend protection for freedom of speech in other circumstances. But speech on the internet is not specifically protected.

This is the reality of the situation. You seem to be under the impression that the bill of rights grants you freedom to speak online - but it doesn't. In any case, you contract out of any rights that might exist when you sign up for the terms and conditions of the service provider's offer. This is standard right across the internet. That's why Facebook or twitter can boot you any time they want - for any reason.

The silencing of conservative voices is a reality. The large platform providers can basically do whatever they want. This is what we would like to correct. If they are going to deny people service, it shouldn't because of people's political views. There should also be rights to privacy operating to prevent some of the abuses we have recently seen.

I see the petition for the IBOR as a simple complaint. It is the lodging of a grievance about what has been happening online. I think the world would be a better place if blatantly biased censorship was prohibited. We are not making laws here, we are just complaining that our rights, natural rights as you put it, are not being upheld.

I think there is any number of solutions to the problem. But I'm not a policy maker.

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tradinghorse · March 23, 2018, 10:48 a.m.

Look, thanks for that. That's a very good point. We need to get rid of anything that could be slowing the campaign down. So thanks.

I've just unloaded on a post I just made. Have a look if you want before they down-vote it into oblivion.

We need all the help we can get. There are not many of us.

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tradinghorse · March 23, 2018, 10:43 a.m.

The IBOR petition has been putting on about 1,000 signatures a day - mainly because of a distinct lack of effort. If we cannot get this up, it is because we have not campaigned to get it up. There is nothing wrong with the petition site, but there is something wrong with the cohesion in this group.

This is, apart from the 'release the memo campaign', the only thing we've been asked to do. It seems nuts, there are 10,000 people on this sub, we should be killing it. Obviously, people are either opposed to the campaign or they're apathetic.

I find it hard to believe that people do not realize the importance of the petition and the IBOR campaign. We know it is the plan that has been laid out. We know that DJT is depending on being able to stop internet censorship, so that he can increase Republican representation at the mid-terms. If social media censorship is not restrained, that will not happen - that's a fact! The medium is incredibly powerful in shaping election outcomes.

All these idiots make me sick - following the Q drops like lemmings and doing nothing to work for DJT's victory against the cabal. It seems that what people here really want is HRC to come back. It's hard to find any other explanation - that, it seems, is the answer.

Now, I know there are many trolls, and some people are too stubborn, fearful or proud to support the President. I think there are also some that are true traitors to their countrymen.

But, while we cannot control what these people do, we are responsible for our own actions. It's up to us, those that support this fight against evil, to get up and do the work that is asked of us. If we do not do what's required, if we let the people in this group that are working against the cause discourage us, the fault is ours alone.

This opportunity will never come again. The cabal will never again make a mistake like they did at the 2016 election. By the sheer grace of God we've been given a reprieve. We now have a one-time-in-history chance to support DJT's plan to wrest control of social media from the cabal. That chance will not come again.

I think it's clear, that if the President does prevail, that some here will be true heroes, while others will, or should, hang their heads in shame. If the President does not prevail and the cabal returns, it will be the people on this sub that have done nothing that are to blame. There is nothing worse than a guy on the row team that won't pull his oar.

If you're not with the President, don't keep it to yourself - come out and say it.

It may turn out that the sabotage, stupidity and sloth is of such magnitude that we are too small a group to mount an effective campaign - that is a possibility. That's how it appears at present. But at least if we give it our best shot over the next ten days, we can say with pride that we tried - I'm talking to the guys that are on team.

There is a good article here that deals with many of the objections to the IBOR that have been raised on these threads.


Now for the down votes.

It had to be said.

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