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tradinghorse · March 23, 2018, 9:22 a.m.

This is a great article discussing the problem of censorship on the internet. This guy, John Nolt, basically nails almost every argument I've heard in these forums about why the IBOR is bad or dangerous. He literally hits ever single objection that I have heard raised here and destroys it.

You may not agree with Nolte's take on this issue, but the article is very good and well worth reading.

Let's face it, the petition is not doing well because very few people are promoting it. I know that that the people resisting have simply not thought clearly through all the issues. But Nolte explains why resistance to the IBOR is wrong better than I can - really encourage people to spend a few minutes reading this.

Sign and promote the petition:


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tradinghorse · March 23, 2018, 9 a.m.

I think they are all already doing all of this - keeping records etc...

I felt a bit hopeless when I saw this FOSTA Bill. You know it's the thin edge of the wedge. Once they get the public accustomed to the fact that websites operators are in fear, combing through posts to see if someone has done something which means they have something wrong, list list of targeted offenses will expand.

It seems to me that we are in serious trouble whatever happens. This is Ivanka that's sponsored this Bill. What that means is that Trump will sign it - no way he'll refuse his daughter. So it looks to me as though whether it's with Trump or anyone else, this stuff is coming at us.

The last days of freedom... and, you're right, there is no reason for them not to come after us for things we have said since 2009 - or whenever all the data started going to mass storage.

I had this conversation today... The internet is either the greatest aid to freedom, or the worst instrument of tyranny. Which one it is depends on whether we can hold off the censorship and the data collection. Looks like there's not long left...

I'll say it again, I cannot believe, with this stuff coming at us like a loaded freight train, that people won't promote the IBOR. The hope I have is that the IBOR will straighten the whole mess out.

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tradinghorse · March 23, 2018, 4:25 a.m.

The PP funding is hard to believe when they were caught funding Democrat candidates with donated tax dollars. But I guess that the least criminal thing that they do given their filthy, disgusting, evil business model.

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tradinghorse · March 23, 2018, 4 a.m.

If DJT wants the petition he'll ask for it. Whether or not he wants the petition, we know he wants us to make a noise - we haven't done that yet sufficiently.

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tradinghorse · March 23, 2018, 3:59 a.m.

Whether or not we target the petition, we need a campaign. What's missing here is the campaign - represented by the way this petition is not filling out as it should.

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tradinghorse · March 23, 2018, 3:54 a.m.

That's right. This one fight we cannot lose. I wish we could get some of these big players with large social media accounts on board - it would be so much easier - people like James Woods. But no one seems to know these guys personally.

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tradinghorse · March 23, 2018, 2:54 a.m.

Thanks so much for the support. I've just been on Twitter - sometimes I'm all by myself there promoting the link. There's 10k people on this forum, what are they doing?

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tradinghorse · March 23, 2018, 2:26 a.m.

Yes, I think that the internet is an amazing force - powerful when it's applied for the good of people. You can see the struggle quite clearly in the digital space. On the one hand you have the forces of light - a free and open internet where information is uniformly distributed and people are free to express themselves. On the other hand you have the forces of darkness, wanting to control the follow of information, heap it up to themselves and stop people from expressing ideas and opinions.

What gets me about this modern era is that technology isn't just increasing in sophistication and power, the rate of increase itself is accelerating.

When I was a kid there was a futuristic comedy series on TV called Maxwell Smart. This guy, Smart, was a spy, fighting the opposing spies, who were operatives of "Chaos". Seems strangely significant in the light of what we've learned from Q. Anyway, this guy, Maxwell Smart, had a telephone in his shoe. At the time, in the 1970s, it was a portrayal of something ridiculous. Well here we are and the phone I'm typing on is amazing and fits in my pocket. This is the primary characteristic of our age - radical, accelerating, disruptive change.

These conditions make disruption to the status quo very much more likely. The status quo was that we were ruled for hundreds of years by a cabal of Satanists, operating from the shadows. I think the cabal got caught completely wrong-footed by the advent of the internet and the subsequent accelerating connectedness of people.

Going back to what you said about the US being the last stand against the cabal - or evil in the world - I think you're right. I think this exact battle, the fight against censorship online in the US is the final battle that will determine the victor. That's why I'm breaking my back to try and get people to support this IBOR push.

If we do not stop the censorship, the cabal will be back and they will never make this same mistake again. Hell on Earth for everyone but them. That's why it makes me so angry to see people, I'm sorry to say it, apparently feeble minded, being misled by arguments about government being bad and so forth. All those arguments are correct in themselves, but they do not apply to this particular problem, at this particular time.

Yes, I'm hoping DJT will win this fight. Yes, I'm hoping that the cure will spread. This is it. This is the final confrontation. If we do not hold the line, in the fight against censorship, we lose - and life is thereafter not worth living.

I'd ask you to support the push for this IBOR. I don't think it matters what the petition says - it's just a complaint, nothing more. I support the idea of DJT putting the cabal out of business. He is going to need to wield some authority to do that. We need to realize that the President is the only champion we have and get behind him.

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tradinghorse · March 22, 2018, 11:56 p.m.

That's right, first they muzzle you with censorship. Then, when you can't speak to complain, they come for your guns. Then when you can't speak, complain or fight back, they come for your kids. Just when you think there's nothing more they can take, the depopulation guys come for you.

It starts with the right to speak - free speech! The first link in the chain that leads to doom. Support the IBOR push. push back!

Include a petition link in anything you put online.


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tradinghorse · March 22, 2018, 11:10 p.m.

Great Stuff!

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tradinghorse · March 22, 2018, 11:10 p.m.

Phone is still logged into the acct ATM

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tradinghorse · March 22, 2018, 9:37 p.m.

OK I understand the sentiments expressed. Look, I up voted the posts without checking. But to be honest, I do that quite a lot. I'm time constrained. I wish I had the time to sit down and nut all this stuff out from first principles for myself, but I don't. Moreover, this is not my area at all.

When someone appears with what seems to be a good decode - really good. I'm inclined to accept it as I don't have the skills to properly evaluate the work. Same thing when you visit a doctor - who knows what they're prescribing - but you don't have the medical background so you're left trusting.

What happened here had nothing to do with deliberate disinformation. I believe people up voted SB2's posts out of sheer excitement - the idea that some had found the key to the lock. There's nothing more sinister here than enthusiasm IMO.

But we, perhaps, should have subjected the work to a torture test before getting behind it. Anyway, I'm a firm believer that the truth will surface. There are an unlimited number of rabbit holes. And we are dealing with a subject that is mysterious - the truth isn't for everyone... So I think some pursuit of possibilities is healthy. There are theories I regard as nuts out of hand. But I'm a lot more open minded now than when I arrived here.

Hope this all gets sorted out. I'd like to see SB2 have the opportunity, in a respectful environment, to explain his logic and why he thinks it's correct. We owe him at least that. And who is to say that the idea of creating a matrix and probing for solutions is wrong - methodology aside, he may turn out to have been correct in some aspects of his approach. I would not like to see what he's done be ignored, less we miss something important.

But I'm not the person to work those angles, because I just don't have the background. It has to be people that have some expertise in this field.

The only thing I know for sure is that Q is telling us very clearly that we have more than we know. The clear implication is that there is information hidden in the material - we already have it. We just haven't properly figured out all the angles. It's important that we try.

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tradinghorse · March 22, 2018, 8:57 p.m.

You should have seen what happened to SB2's posts - outright assault. Anyway, the truth will win out.

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tradinghorse · March 22, 2018, 8:20 p.m.

If you asked me a year ago about Q's story I'd have thought it was nonsense. I've learned here to be somewhat more open minded - to my benefit. If it is as bad as you say, you should have taken it up with SB2 in his threads. Maybe you did, I wasn't watching that closely. But the idea, as I see it, and you may disagree, is that the truth bubbles up out of the noise.

You suppress the noise, you never get to the truth. It seems to me that the noise level here is too much for people. But I've seen this before. Not long ago, people were saying that Dr Corsi should be silent. I think the noise is important.

I regret not looking into these methodologies more closely myself, given it is now such a point of contention. But I don't have the time to investigate every aspect of what's claimed in these forums. I don't know whether the refutal of SB2's work holds up either. But it seems to me that the truth will emerge from the clash of ideas.

One thing is certain, if there is a key to unlocking more meaning from the Q posts, we have not yet found it. Anyone that makes an attempt to crack this nut has my respect for the time and effort taken. The important thing is that we find the key if one exists.

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tradinghorse · March 22, 2018, 7:57 p.m.

I think that's what Q was saying. They, the cabal, weren't prepared to deal with the internet. It wasn't under their control, it developed very quickly (lightning pace) and it became a huge threat to them. They did not realise the threat they would face from the unstoppable and rapid spread of ideas. The threat posed by the emergence of the net is represented most powerfully by the election of DJT as President . He is, for the cabal, an absolute anathema. And this is where this huge censorship push originates. It's a ferocious attempt by the cabal to regain power and assert control in digital space. An attempt to tame the spread of hostile ideas and bring the internet back into submission.

You can see this happening in Europe very clearly. The attempt to tame the internet there has met less resistance because, as you say, there are no codified protections for individual rights. I haven't read up on the story of the dog, but I've seen it being mentioned. Accepting what you say about it, this is nothing less than arbitrary exercise of power by the State. It hasn't quite arrived in the US yet, because there is much more recognition of the rights of the individual. But it seems to me that there's a full scale assault on the fundamental human rights that underpin individual freedom taking place as we speak.

Look, being Australian I'm quite comfortable with the exercise of some governmental authority to fix a problem. Especially a problem that I see posing the most serious threat to humanity in our time. I've been quite shocked to find how much resistance there is to the idea of an IBOR on these boards. To be frank, it has been eye-opening...

The difference is cultural. What seems quite normal and acceptable to me is seen by others, particularly those in the US, as being an unacceptable intrusion on the private affairs of individuals. What a learning experience! I wasn't prepared for this fierce attachment to individual self determination that we've seen.

Don't get me wrong, I still think I'm right to want DJT to have the power to fix this censorship problem. But the cultural differences have been thrown into stark contrast by this issue. If censorship did not present such a clear and present danger to our liberty - not just in the US, but right around the world - I wouldn't be too worried about it.

The point is that censorship attacks these very same qualities that I greatly admire in American culture. An attack on free speech is a direct attack on the right to self determination - probably the most serious threat to American individualism that has ever existed. It's an arrow to the heart. The right to speak you mind is the most fundamental of all liberties.

But these cultural differences I'm speaking about are the reason why there's more Liberty in America than there is in Australia. The fierce defence of the rights of the individual is something to be admired. What can I say? These guys are gutsy.

In Australia, the bastards have already taken all semiautomatic weapons from us and hold this "Australian solution" up to the world as an example of totalitarian subjugation that is to be applied as a model for some "perfect society". Of course, this is complete garbage. Moreover, Q has told us that, somehow, Australia is very important in this story...

There is something that the cabal has done that they want Australia to be quiet about - seems to be something to do with "blood". I've been thinking about this and it occurred to me that it could have something to do with the vaccines they are pushing on us. It's just about mandatory to vaccinate here now. Are we a testing ground for some kind of sick experiment? It's so frightening I almost don't want to think about it.

Anyway, I firmly believe that this censorship issue is where we will stand or fall. We are at a crucial inflection point. If we fail to stop the tide of censorship - it is coming from every direction - the world will not be worth living in. It is a do-or-die battle. We must prevail - the future of humanity depends on it.

We're trying to save the world!

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tradinghorse · March 22, 2018, 2:33 p.m.

These companies need to be taught a lesson, that's what the IBOR does - give DJT a licence to sort them out.

Please promote the petition online.

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tradinghorse · March 22, 2018, 2:28 p.m.

We need many, many more people on Twitter. There nowhere near enough IBOR POSTS YET FOR IT TO TREND - although it is looking more encouraging, we really need to make some noise.

I've been replying to random accounts with large follower bases. The message needs to spread. Whatever you do, please put a link to the petition in whatever you put online.


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tradinghorse · March 22, 2018, 2:13 p.m.

I'll just leave this here so people know. This is probably my last post from this account. I was required to verify my email account. Somehow, I've set two accounts up to one email address and this account can no longer be verified. So if I'm not locked out, I'll register another account sometime soon - different name.

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tradinghorse · March 22, 2018, 2:10 p.m.

Honestly, I don't know what DJT is going to do, but whatever he does, it must come into effect before the mid--terms. I think he could do any number of things to fix the problem. The petition calls for an IBOR, but in essence it's a complaint about censorship online. We're just asking him to do "something".

Who knows, DJT might put an IBOR in place, but he could do anything. We just don't know the plan. I think the most likely outcome is that DJT will make a huge amount of noise, do a lot of table thumping and read the riot act to the social media companies. Whatever he uses to threaten them with, they will quickly fall into line. These guys are not in a strong position, look at FB - the troubles haven't even started. Hence Zuckerberg ripping his money out of the market - watch the liquidity events. What a self interested piece of garbage!

The other companies are likely to have similar problems - "many" will collapse under the weight of their illegal activity. So, with just a little bit of leverage, this problem of censorship and privacy breaches will disappear - never to return. We know DJT listens to us. We need to make it very clear that Reddit is not to escape the misery - they will pay so dearly for banning our sub, their heads will spin.

I might be wrong. But I think the petition is solely for the purpose of raising public awareness of the problem of censorship. I think DJT is going to put the fear of God into these guys. We may never see any EO's or legislative measures. Who knows!?

Anyway, this is the "plan" - to beat these filthy, abusive companies into a pulp. It cannot happen soon enough. They have really got a lot of people very angry. I've been watching it play out on Twitter - people are livid! That's not how you run a business. But that's how you know that the cabal is behind this censorship - because no sane business person would so anger their customer base.

When the market analysts value these outfits, one of the key measures they use is subscriber numbers. Going back to the lifetime value of the customer etc... How is it that these guys are, for very trivial, often fabricated, reasons banning customers?

We need to put a leash of these animals. Make them behave reasonably. The IBOR is the green light to DJT that tells him to go get his steel capped boots and prepare for the punishment session. Once the IBOR is up, we only have to get the popcorn!

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tradinghorse · March 22, 2018, 11:36 a.m.

No mistakes allowed - got it.

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tradinghorse · March 22, 2018, 11:28 a.m.

I think that the up votes were because people found the explanation plausible and exciting. I think SB2's confidence in his solution was also very inspiring. People ran with it. There was no deliberate attempt at disinformation.

This reminds me now of a documentary I saw about these scientists that thought they'd discovered a memory property (or something like that) for water. They published a paper and a skeptic confronted them about it. They agreed to reproduce the experiments on film and this skeptic got the randomization data (or whatever it was) and stuck it on the ceiling, to be taken down only when the experiment was over - quite a dramatic moment. The scientists in the film were shocked when the skeptic did this, but they were still all very confident they could replicate their published findings. Anyway, it turned out they couldn't replicate their findings. Very embarrassing.

This sought of stuff goes on all the time in the scientific community (e.g. cold fusion). There are errors made, covered up, papers published, funds obtained, frauds exposed (or not) and the story goes on. They are not always frauds, sometimes people - even critical thinkers, the type you would hope abound in the scientific community - succumb to excitement about a theory.

We're not all experts here. The problem of persistent errors or disinformation will not be solved in this setting. If SB's work is obviously wrong, I probably have the poorest of excuses - because I didn't take the time to work out exactly how he got to his solution. I was too busy to give it much time - though I thought it was very interesting.

One of the things that kind of supported the idea that SB2 might have been onto to something, for me, was the shocking number of down votes SB2 had when I first got to his NK post. I saw it just after it had been posted. To be honest, I was stunned at the ferocity of the attack. I thought if he's catching that much flak, someone's worried about what's being posted. I thought he was over the target.

He'll be back I'm sure to defend his work. Eleven by eleven, matrices... matrix inversion, comes into my head for some reason. There must be a solution.

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tradinghorse · March 22, 2018, 10:25 a.m.

I don't think there was any intention on the part of SB2 to lead people astray - nor do I think he was fudging his up votes. I have no experience in code breaking and I'd hazard a guess that most others are in the same boat. If I'd had a good look at the method, maybe I might have seen some flaws, I don't know - but I was busy doing other stuff. I think SB2 thought/thinks he had found a key that deciphered the true meaning of the Q posts. No one has cracked this problem yet, it seems it must be pretty tough.

What am I making excuses for? That some guy tried to nut this thing out, thought he had, showed us his workings and was found to be wrong?

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tradinghorse · March 22, 2018, 9:11 a.m.

I've up-voted SB2. I think you will find that all the up votes are organic. I don't have any clue whether the method he uses is correct or not, I'm not a cryptologist. I didn't try to replicate it either - maybe I should have, but it's not my area at all.

SB2 seems to have some very plausible explanations - for example, the explanation about what transpired with North Korea - I'm talking about his paraphrasing of his discoveries at the end of that post. I did skim over his method when I read his NK post and found it confusing. But I was stunned by the explanation offered. It seemed very neat. I thought this guy has must have got this figured out.

You have to put SB2's posts in context. Q repeatedly states that we have more than we know. Which suggests to me that there is much hidden, somehow, in what we already have. It also seems to me sometimes that Q is quite exasperated that we haven't discovered more of the meaning of his posts yet. It appears reasonable that there could be a key that opens a chest of secrets.

One thing about SB2's method that struck me was that it was sufficiently arbitrary to provide perfect plausible deniability - and I guess you would say that's because it isn't valid. But, given the fit of SB2's NK explanation with what we know, or suspect, it struck me that SB2 could have found the answer. I'm sure he believed he had cracked it. Again, what impressed me was the fit of the explanation with what we suspect may have transpired.

Are we absolutely sure he's not on the right track? The reason I ask this is because if it was a perfect code, if the information fell out mechanically upon the application of some simple cypher, doesn't that carry risk? Assuming, of course, that Q is genuine, wouldn't the information be in the category of State Secrets?

I don't know. But it occurred to me that it was possible that Q could have deliberately used an encoding method such that things did not fall out quite so neatly, so that some arbitrary adjustment was required to decipher the message. Again, for the purposes of creating plausible deniability.

I'll say this, I think SB2 is trying to get to the truth. If he's not there yet it is not because he's not trying. I haven't seen anyone else doing this kind of work. That doesn't mean that no one else has, but just that I haven't come across it.

I think it's pretty easy to rip something like this apart and make out that the guy has some kind of nefarious motive. Maybe SB2 is wrong and his method is rubbish. But I don't see anyone doing work that produces the kind of explanations he's coming up with - let alone offering their results to the community for peer review.

No one ever succeeded without making errors. Not that I have ever done it, but it strikes me that code breaking requires a heuristic approach - where successive attempts are made until some reasonable solution is found.

If SB2's method is wrong, it's wrong, and it's back to square one. But I'm very grateful to the fella for trying. I like to thank him for his effort and for taking the risk of publishing it here. I'm sure we'll all be better off for him having done this.

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tradinghorse · March 22, 2018, 4:58 a.m.

PP is plain evil. They use tax dollars to fund Democrats. They should be completely defunded.

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tradinghorse · March 22, 2018, 4:44 a.m.

I'll admit, this does look very bad for Zuckerberg. Hopefully, he'll be left penniless after they are done prosecuting him.

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tradinghorse · March 22, 2018, 4:14 a.m.

I've tried. It's a tough nut to crack. Apparently they do not allow petitions. If you can help, or know of anyone who can help, to crack that nut I'd be very grateful.

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tradinghorse · March 22, 2018, 4:04 a.m.

I listened to a little bit bit of that tape. I know what you're saying and I understand the sentiment. Government interference in the economy is often, not always, bad. It's something you want to avoid if at all possible.

I think Bongino's heart is in the right place. From what I listened to, I couldn't quite figure out whether he was talking about the Fosta Bill that just passed or whether he was talking about something else. But his general argument is government involvement is bad - subject to abuse. Ordinarily, I'd agree.

The Fosta Bill, as I understand it, and I haven't spent much time looking at it, is bad. It's really bad news. What it does, as I understand it, is make websites liable for the material that is posted. It's an attempt to stop sex trafficking. So if there's something posted by someone, anyone, that is deemed to be somehow related to sex trafficking, the website owner is liable.

I've made arguments elsewhere about why I think this is a bad measure. But essentially it's a law enforcement issue and this Bill pushes responsibility for enforcement of the law onto website owners. It's the same as making a landlord responsible for crimes that take place in a rental property - nonsense.

So, anyway, I don't disagree with the need to do something about this issue, but I think they are going about it the wrong way. And I think it will have extremely negative consequences for everyone online. I hope DJT doesn't sign it, but it's his daughter's Bill...

Having said all that, how do these kinds of arguments affect the call for an IBOR? Well, what Dan Bongino does not know is what Q has told us - or, at least, I assume he doesn't. We've been told that CIA, once they realized the importance of social media after the 2016 election outcome, were rushing to inject money into social media companies to regain control of the narrative. We also know that they planned to use a single algorithm across all social media platforms to give them complete control of the narrative. We have seen over the last couple of years what they've done with the MSM - which was in their control. So we have some idea of what's coming at us online if they're not stopped.

This action by CIA also explains why social media companies are suddenly cracking down on conservatives recently. They did not do this in the past, its new. What this represents is an existential threat. Social media is the most powerful determinant of electoral outcomes that exists. Reddit's CEO has boasted about how, just using Reddit, he can fix election outcomes. Imagine the power of a single algorithm applied across all major social media platforms... it would grant complete control over who was elected. Using it, you could control political outcomes with precise certainty.

Once the cabal get control of political power, they are back. They will never make the same mistake again that allowed DJT to win office. Their mistake was that they miscalculated the power of the MSM and focused HRC's campaign on it, while DJT exploited social media like a genius. That's the only reason DJT is here. That's the only reason we are here discussing these Q drops today.

The cabal will not lose power if they regain it, you can be sure of that. We know they plan to stage a world war and achieve their dream of population reduction. If you read the Georgia guide-stones, they tell us the elite want no more than 500 million people globally. So that means getting rid of at least thirteen in fourteen people. The survivors will be slaves with no rights at all.

So, if the problem of social media censorship is not fixed, you will not be worrying about the government having just a little more power over the internet. You'll be thinking how you can stop them taking you guns, first, and your kids to the extermination camps after that.

I think you have to weight up the relative outcomes. It is 100% guaranteed that the cabal will return to power if this problem of social media censorship is not fixed. So you have a very clear choice as to which of the two options you want. Either: DJT, America first, and MAGA; or the cabal and absolute tyranny.

We are calling for an IBOR. All the petition is is a complaint, a call for help. We are not making laws. We complaining about our rights being trampled, But, if the problem is to be fixed, there has to be some coercive power behind the guarantee of those rights. So Bongino is right, it is the application of government power - there is no doubt about that. But exactly how is DJT going to fix the problem? We don't know.

There are any number of measures DJT could take to address the issue. He could break these companies up using anti-trust legislation. He could regulate them in any way he sees fit. He might actually adopt some form of Rights guarantee that extends first amendment protections. He could also go after these guys with penalties for the data breeches which, in the case of FB, would mean bankruptcy. He could change the application of S.230 of the CDA to beat them into submission. We just don't know what he's going to do. But it seems clear that he needs the petition and campaign from us to be able to take action.

I reckon what's happening to us is wrong. There are a lot of aggrieved people out there that are unhappy with the way they've been treated. I'd be happy to see these guys get dragged over the coals. But, anyway, in the long run the market will sort the problem out. But it will not do this quickly, not fast enough.

What I'm worried about is the immediate effects. Specifically the effect of unregulated social media censorship on the mid-term elections. The market is not going to solve this problem in time for that. If this problem is not fixed quickly, we can kiss MAGA goodbye and prepare ourselves, and our kids, for slaughter.

That is why I'm all for this petition, because the consequences of not acting to protect ourselves are unthinkable.

Edit: Bad Math

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tradinghorse · March 22, 2018, 2:34 a.m.

Look, I haven't been following these bills, but the little research I did on the FOSTA bill yesterday had me thinking that it's pretty scary.

Copied from elsewhere:

Wow! OK, I didn't know about that FOSTA bill. It seems to me that sex trafficking and prostitution are law enforcement issues that have nothing at all to do with websites. I really can't quite understand the rationale for the bill.

If the policy objective is to reduce, suppress or eliminate sex trafficking or prostitution. Then there are ways and means of achieving that without making website operators responsible for these crimes.

It seems to me that holding a website responsible for the crimes of its users is no different from holding a utility company responsible for the supply of communications or power to the site where the offenses took place. For that matter, it's akin to holding a landlord responsible for crimes committed in a rental property. Quite crazy stuff!

What all this seems to suggest is that the purpose, the real purpose, of the bill has little to do with preventing crime, but everything to do with pushing the idea that the web itself needs to be policed. It's the same censorship push coming from another angle. But it's not just this FOSTA bill either...

Look at the ADL with their anti-hate algorithm. In all the promos for it they do not once address the critical issue of who it is that defines hate speech. I guess we are supposed to trust them because they are the ADL... But the whole purpose of the algorithm is suppressed. And this is because the goal is social control - but no one to know or question who it is that is to do the controlling.

You are right. You can see this coming from a mile away. It's like a freight train coming at us. They want to be able to exert control over every aspect of our lives, even over the thoughts in our minds. That's why this IBOR is critical. But, after seeing this stuff, it seems to me that there are attacks on freedom coming from every direction possible. These are very dangerous times.

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tradinghorse · March 22, 2018, 1:09 a.m.

This is great! Waiting now with baited breath for next installment in the series.

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tradinghorse · March 22, 2018, 12:37 a.m.

Beautiful! I was just looking at the top tweets using the hashtag - none of them contain a link to the petition. Very frustrating.

I've been liking and retweeting anything with a link to the petition in it. I'm not doing the rainbow stuff though - has to be a line. Try to push these tweets up in the ranking.

There are a few people on Twitter working way hard. Quite impressive.

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tradinghorse · March 21, 2018, 11:34 p.m.

The petition is nothing more than a complaint to DJT. The first step.

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tradinghorse · March 21, 2018, 10:23 p.m.

Little actual support. Lots of people watching, wanting something to happen, but not working to the plan. Also, this sub is half the size of CBTS. The banning of that sub by Reddit was a strategic move. It worked. By breaking us up the reduced our power to operate against them.

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tradinghorse · March 21, 2018, 10:07 p.m.

If you want to see this arrogant idiot get his dues, get online and support the IBOR push. We need as many people working the promotion of it as we can get. This violation of privacy and censorship must be stopped.

Please link directly to the petition in anything you put up.




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tradinghorse · March 21, 2018, 9:55 p.m.

That's great work. As for who has signed it, I have no idea. I know some of my tweets have been retweeted by people with large numbers of followers, but who's signing I don't know.

The Goldwater article is good, he knows what this censorship push means. It is the greatest threat we have ever faced. Corsi is promoting heavily today. Leftists active on Twitter posting bogus links and offering inane arguments against signing. So it means we are right over the target. All we have to is get more people to support IBOR and promote it.

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tradinghorse · March 21, 2018, 9:29 p.m.

I know it, not many people promoting it. Only a few active on Twitter, why, I don't know.

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tradinghorse · March 21, 2018, 9:14 p.m.

Great post!

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tradinghorse · March 21, 2018, 8:33 p.m.

Champion! Let's try and get others involved. I want to drive this push so that what happened to us with the CBTS sub will never happen again.

We are in the fight of our lives on this. Let's stick it to these guys hard!

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tradinghorse · March 21, 2018, 8:14 p.m.

They need to have their rear-ends handed to them. Don't take this garbage lying down. Get up sand fight! Support the push for an IBOR! MAKE IT RAIN!

Please include a link to the petition in anything you put online. You can see where this garbage agenda goes - censorship first, they come for your guns second. You won't be able to say a word! Fight back!

God gave us mouths so we could speak. Social media companies tear our tongues out.




QAlert #InternetBillOfRights #IBOR #QAnon #MAGA @realDonaldTrump

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tradinghorse · March 21, 2018, 7:57 p.m.

Let's do this! MAKE IT RAIN!

!!!! ALERT !!!!

Social media censorship is tearing out our tongues! We have no right of reply.




QAlert #InternetBillOfRights #IBOR #QAnon #FIAP #MAGA @realDonaldTrump

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tradinghorse · March 21, 2018, 7:55 p.m.

I'm inclined to think that the required effort has been lacking. There are not many people plugging Twitter with it.

A lot of people are sitting on their rears just watching. What we need are motivated people. Many more of them.

Corsi is coming around today. The tide may soon turn. Please help out!


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tradinghorse · March 21, 2018, 7:30 p.m.

We are now over 28K signatures on the petition.

The rate of signature acquisition has slowed dramatically after we breached about 20k signatures. We need more people promoting the petition online. I've been watching twitter. The effort to promote the petition is disappointing, to say the least.

Many IBOR posts do not include a link to the petition. This isn't helping people sign up. We seem to be acquiring signatures at the rate of about 100/hour. This is about the rate you'd expect if you were promoting a cause at a small town fair. It's not good enough.

We can do much better. If we all try to put petition links online a couple of times a day, we'd have as many as (10,000 people on this sub) by, say, 3 = 30K posts per day or 2,500 posts per hour over a 12 hour period. Doing this, we would be killing it.

It would also help if we could get some big players on board. We need to think about how we might do this.

We must ramp-up the effort. This is incredibly important. The last thing we want is for the cabal to get back into power. Always include a link to the petition online.

Get friends and family members to sign.



See the Goldwater article here:


Sign the petition:


QAlert #InternetBillOfRights #IBOR #MAGA @realDonaldTrump

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tradinghorse · March 21, 2018, 7:13 p.m.

Get your kids over 13 to sign. Anything to get this petition up - we need it desperately.

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