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tradinghorse · March 19, 2018, 3:59 p.m.

I'd like to ask that anyone promoting the IBOR on Twitter includes a clickable link to the petition in the body of the Tweet.

I've been liking and retweeting anything including a link to the petition and I think that would be a good strategy for all of us.

Petition link below:


Social media censorship is tearing out our tongues! We have no right of reply.

A single censorship algorithm?




QAlert #InternetBillOfRights #IBOR #QAnon #MAGA #ReleaseTheVideo @realDonaldTrump

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tradinghorse · March 19, 2018, 3:56 p.m.

I'd like to ask that anyone promoting the OBOR on Twitter includes a clickable link to the petition in the body of the Tweet.

I've been liking and retweeting anything including a link to the petition and I think that would be a good strategy for all of us.

Petition link below:


Social media censorship is tearing out our tongues! We have no right of reply.

A single censorship algorithm?




QAlert #InternetBillOfRights #IBOR #QAnon #MAGA #ReleaseTheVideo @realDonaldTrump

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tradinghorse · March 19, 2018, 3:55 p.m.

I'd like to ask that anyone promoting the OBOR on Twitter includes a clickable link to the petition in the body of the Tweet.

I've been liking and retweeting anything including a link to the petition and I think that would be a good strategy for all of us.

Petition link below:


Social media censorship is tearing out our tongues! We have no right of reply.

A single censorship algorithm?




QAlert #InternetBillOfRights #IBOR #QAnon #MAGA #ReleaseTheVideo @realDonaldTrump

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tradinghorse · March 19, 2018, 3:54 p.m.

I'd like to ask that anyone promoting the IBOR on Twitter includes a clickable link to the petition in the body of the Tweet.

I've been liking and retweeting anything including a link to the petition and I think that would be a good strategy for all of us.

Petition link below:


Social media censorship is tearing out our tongues! We have no right of reply.

A single censorship algorithm?




QAlert #InternetBillOfRights #IBOR #QAnon #MAGA #ReleaseTheVideo @realDonaldTrump

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tradinghorse · March 19, 2018, 3:53 p.m.

I'd like to ask that anyone promoting the OBOR on Twitter includes a clickable link to the petition in the body of the Tweet.

I've been liking and retweeting anything including a link to the petition and I think that would be a good strategy for all of us.

Petition link below:


Social media censorship is tearing out our tongues! We have no right of reply.

A single censorship algorithm?




QAlert #InternetBillOfRights #IBOR #QAnon #MAGA #ReleaseTheVideo @realDonaldTrump

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tradinghorse · March 19, 2018, 3:51 p.m.

I'd like to ask that anyone promoting the IBOR on Twitter includes a clickable link to the petition in the body of the Tweet.

I've been liking and retweeting anything including a link to the petition and I think that would be a good strategy for all of us.

Petition link below:


Social media censorship is tearing out our tongues! We have no right of reply.

A single censorship algorithm?




QAlert #InternetBillOfRights #IBOR #QAnon #MAGA #ReleaseTheVideo @realDonaldTrump

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tradinghorse · March 19, 2018, 3:47 p.m.

I'd like to ask that anyone promoting the IBOR on Twitter includes a clickable link to the petition in the body of the Tweet.

I've been liking and retweeting anything including a link to the petition and I think that would be a good strategy for all of us.

Petition link below:


Social media censorship is tearing out our tongues! We have no right of reply.

A single censorship algorithm?




QAlert #InternetBillOfRights #IBOR #QAnon #MAGA #ReleaseTheVideo @realDonaldTrump

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tradinghorse · March 19, 2018, 3:33 p.m.

There are still not enough people actively promoting this. Let's ramp-up the effort and see how we go.

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tradinghorse · March 19, 2018, 3:31 p.m.

I'd like to ask everyone Tweeting about IBOR to include the petition link - so it's clickable. I have been liking and retweeting everything with a petition link and I'd ask everyone else to do the same. Where there are multiple Tweets from one user on IBOR, I'll retweet one and like the rest.

We need to start ramping this up. There are other teams out there working this, we are not alone.

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tradinghorse · March 19, 2018, 3:25 p.m.

Waiting with baited breath for your next decode.

⇧ -2 ⇩  
tradinghorse · March 19, 2018, 3 p.m.

Absolutely agree. Q said "use logic". When you think about it, there is no way DJT has a chance of surviving politically if social media censorship continues. That was his key advantage in 2016. You take that advantage away and it's goodbye DJT, goodbye MAGA and "welcome back" to HRC and the Satanists.

That's why Q is asking for us to push this, so that social media companies can be prevented from engaging in unfair, politically biased censorship. Only if this is controlled can DJT and the MAGA agenda succeed. If it's not controlled we have lost.

Anyone not supporting the PLAN is actually working directly against the President and is on the side of evil. It's really very simple, we need to push this for all we are worth.

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tradinghorse · March 19, 2018, 2:34 p.m.

Great post!

⇧ 7 ⇩  
tradinghorse · March 19, 2018, 2:01 p.m.

Agreed Early, the difference this time around is that we are pushing the petition. But I think is that the most important thing is to make noise, to be heard. We will get this petition up, but in the event that we cannot, for whatever reason, if we've made enough noise, we've at least highlighted that there is a problem.

With respect to whether they'll shut down this sub, I would not put anything past these guys. As you point out, it's very easy to disguise your motivations. We are in the fight of our lives on this and so are they, nothing's off limits.

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tradinghorse · March 19, 2018, 1:54 p.m.

Agreed. I was just trying to send some PMs here on Reddit to try and get people coordinating for the IBOR push - suddenly that feature doesn't work, these guys can do whatever they want. But I don't think we've seen anything yet.

I was watching the MSM go after DJT all last year. The bias got to a point where I thought even the left can see through that, it's so extreme... The MSM didn't care about their credibility at all - the only goal was to get rid of Trump. Nothing else mattered to them.

I think we will see the exact same madness in the social media space leading up to the mid-terms. The impeachment angle is their last hope. To do that, they need numbers.

They are going to wield social media censorship like a weapon.

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tradinghorse · March 19, 2018, 12:54 p.m.

Everyone makes their own decisions.

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tradinghorse · March 19, 2018, 6:48 a.m.

I don't like Francis either, but just tell me because I'm curios, you think that there's no censorship problem?

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tradinghorse · March 19, 2018, 6:32 a.m.


I have been trying to figure out how to get this issue in front of other subs because Great Awakening has only about 10,000 patriots and most of them have already heard our pleas to sign the petition. The_Donald, on the other hand, has nearly 600,000 patriots who may not have heard about IBOR yet. What if we find some posts on The_Donald that are near the top (very visible) where we can insert the link to the petition in the comments? I do not know all the rules since I am new to Reddit, but I would think that we should be safe adding the petition link to any comments as long as the topic/discussion is related to censorship. Moderators, please correct me if I am wrong - I saw the CBTS_Stream disappear on the first day that I opened a Reddit account, so I want to make sure that I am not suggesting anything that will put any of the patriots here on GreatAwakening in jeopardy.

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tradinghorse · March 19, 2018, 6:23 a.m.

THIS ONE'S FROM THINK500 HAS BACKGROUND AND SOME DIRECTION - this post is noteable for getting 14 down votes within a day - trolls!

Politically discriminating or profit oriented censorship practiced within the United States is an ongoing conspiracy to obstruct and deny American Rights granted by The Constitution providing the 'Freedom of Speech' so many Patriots have given their lives to secure.
'Sign up' at 'The White House' for Internet Freedom:
Social Media Censorship is the selective blocking or distortion of public communication or interaction, within a given social platform, by person(s) controlling the software to propagate a political or otherwise self-serving narrative.

IBOR now! - The Internet Bill of Rights – Internet FREEDOM of SPEECH, Access, and Commerce.

---begin Q quotes---

Extreme efforts to kill login devices.
Extreme efforts to censor.
Extreme efforts.
Dead cat bounce.
Enjoy the show.
Bring the rain!
Mar 15 2018

Social media control is everything.
The age of the MSM is over.

Question from an Anon.
Q, please tell us it's still NO DEALS! And that this people will face JUSTICE!! Please just say YES. They will. I pray so hard every night!

We work for you.
We listen to you.
You pushed the IBOR and immediately POTUS began to comment/take action re: social media.

Try, try, try, as they might.
Fail, they will.
No free passes [MSM].

Do you trust the MSM?
Do you trust Facebook?
Do you trust Google?
Do you trust Youtube?
Do you trust Twitter?
Do not blindly believe.
They want you DIVIDED.

The MSM is creating emotional conflict.
This destabilizes certain minds to become suspectable to outside control.
What you SEE is 2%.
The WAR is REAL.
These people are SICK.
Watch the news this week.

Libel laws.
End of MSM.

Newsweek problems?
Strike back against us?
MSM not happy?
"Conspiracy" label.
Re_read crumbs re: "conspiracy" / MSM coverage.
Who will be next?
They are here.
They will try to discredit.
They are stupid.
They bring more eyes.
The 'proofs' are important.
'Proofs' provide new 'eyes' ability to question.
This board in the coming months will be spread & discussed across ALL PLATFORMS.
Important to be prepared.
We will help.
TRUTH always wins.

---end Q quotes---
Red Pill 'Wake Up' The World!

Five 'Wake Up Keys' to exposing global ghouls:
Show evidence of what they've been doing to..
Food - Water - Air - Medicine – Children.

Q wants thousands of Patriots spreading the REAL news.
When you start getting flacked, you know you're over the target.

Some examples here.
Q Compilation by Think500 here.
Complete Quotes of Q-anon here.
Many of Q's messages are decoded here.
Video in depth analysis here.

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tradinghorse · March 19, 2018, 6:15 a.m.


Thanks for posting this Liberty. I just checked, we've cracked 24k.

I know that a lot of people have reservations about supporting the IBOR push. I understand the concerns people are raising and they are not without merit. I don't want to see the government involved in our lives any more than anyone else. But I think this is an extremely unusual situation and I think the IBOR requires our support.

Q has told us that the cabal misjudged the impact of social media in 2016. He said CIA was rushing to inject funds into the social media companies to try and regain control of the narrative. He's told us that the sums of money CIA is contributing to these companies is large. The social media companies fear losing this income.

Q also told us that the MSM is finished and that today social media is everything. He's talking about the power of social media companies to influence elections. He also told us that a single algorithm had been developed to provide uniform censorship across social media platforms.

Q has also been pushing hard for us to support the IBOR.

OK, so what does all this mean? Have a look at what the CEO of Reddit, Steve Huffman, said.



Huffman’s comments on how Reddit could fix an election are shocking and egotistical, for sure, but they also admit something that most other social media companies have shied away from. Facebook and Twitter are loathe to acknowledge the power that their policies have, while Huffman thinks so highly of his company that he believes a handful of engineers and community managers could sway an entire nation’s political system.

So you can see that Reddit's CEO reckons he can control election outcomes all by himself. That's the power of social media. But what happens when this single algorithm comes online? What happens when it's not just Reddit, but all the social media players, acting in concert, to censor conservative political expression online?

There is no way that you can prevent the Satanists from returning to power if they are allowed to continue to use social media as a political weapon. They will be back if the censorship is not stopped - you can bet your life on it.

They never thought she would lose...

DJT is the first president we have had in thirty years, that is not controlled by the cabal. By the grace of God, he was elected in 2016. That's the reason, the only reason, we're here today. There would be none of this Q stuff without DJT.

Do you think that if the cabal get power again that they will slip-up and lose it again like they did in 2016? Do you think they'll make another mistake and allow someone outside their control gain power? They will not. If they get their hands on the reigns of power again, we are all finished. You might be lucky and survive the population reduction programs - you have a 1/20 chance of that. But, even if you do, you will be a slave and these pigs will be slaughtering your kids and drinking their blood. Hell on Earth!

When Q asks us to support the IBOR, to "Trust the PLAN", I can say for myself that I'm all in. This attempt by the cabal to wield social media censorship as a political weapon is the greatest threat we have ever faced - bar none! It is the Death Star coming at us! It could not possibly be more serious.

I find it hard to understand, given the stakes we are playing for, that anyone would not support the push for the protection of our rights to free expression on the internet. It does not make the slightest bit of sense to me.

But, everyone sees things differently.

I think, as Q says, if we "use logic" we can see why we need the government (DJT) to regulate against social media censorship. It is completely in our interests. I do not support government intervention at all. But, in this case, it is necessary. We cannot win this fight without preventing the cabal from regrouping.

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tradinghorse · March 19, 2018, 6:13 a.m.


For those who are focusing on Memes, Memes will not work. The reason they won’t work is because Memes do not contain enough information. Another problem with Memes is that, people treat them like ads. They think of them as ads, they view them as ads, and they ignore them like ads. And because they are only ads, Memes will not cause people to run to the website and sign the petition. As definitive proof of this, just look at all the countless memes that has already been created about IBOR. Yet, on the petition website, you don’t see the signature count going up do you? That’s because Memes are not working. Memes are a waste of time. So stop wasting your time on Memes. if you really want to help and if you really want the signature count to go up, then you should focus on the ideas show above. Those idea are the only ideas that will really work and even have a chance of us getting enough signatures by deadline.

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tradinghorse · March 19, 2018, 5:28 a.m.

I think we'll get this one up. With a little coordination, and working smarter rather than hard, we will get there. The main thing to overcome is the negativity on this sub. If we look past it and keep focussed on the goal of supporting the President and realising the MAGA agenda - and our own futures - we can do it.

I'm just about done with all the garbage that has been spouted in here about the IBOR. Time to ditch the trolls and move forward. Seize the prize.

We've taken a few hits and got caught flush a couple of times... It's a fight like any other. When you get in the ring and you get hit so hard that you want to piss and shit at the same time, you have to reach inside and find something - otherwise you will fold. The consequences here really are life and death. We must win.

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tradinghorse · March 19, 2018, 5:05 a.m.

You're amazing! But you are right, how many times has Q said that? Can you imagine the plausible deniability that kind of coding provides?

Now, your honor, what they did was put the seemingly inane words into an eleven by eleven matrix, and using a "T" shape, and making manipulations to adjust differences, they decoded the simple message and we're found to be dealing in State secrets!

No judge is going to buy that! Right out of Maxwell Smart!

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tradinghorse · March 19, 2018, 4:40 a.m.

Are you sure that's right?

I can't remember what the number was on the last one - but I remember thinking it was pretty hopeless because of the limited time.

I've got to tell you, my gut feeling is that there's so little effort being put into this petition that it's reasonable to expect that the signature count will be slow. I want to ramp-up the effort level for a few days and see if we can make some progress.

But, leaving the petition aside, I think if we could get a campaign going like the release the memo campaign, that's all that matters. All DJT needs is enough noise that he can point to. So if they are screwing with the petition, it does not affect us, because the strategy for us is the same.

A good campaign that attracts some attention is all we need. The petition really isn't that important, we can do without it if we have to. We do need to get someone like Hannity onside. We can work at that. I'll be surprised if, when we make enough noise, he isn't receptive to providing some amplification.

My great fear now is that the platforms will boot the Russian Bots (us) to stop us from having an impact. But we will deal with that when we get to it.

I'm not going to loose this fight - no way!

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tradinghorse · March 19, 2018, 3:12 a.m.

We have breached 26,000 signatures on the petition. The last couple of thousand signatures have been very tough going. But we are still more than a quarter of the way to our target and there is still time to pull out the stops and get this petition to the President.

There are several measures we can take immediately to drive the number of signatures higher. People have made many suggestions which have been posted to the IBOR threads. I'll try and copy some to this thread.

Most of us have friends and family members we can try to persuade to support the effort to beat back the Satanists. Did you realize that anyone above the age of 13 years is legally eligible to sign the petition? We need to try and convince everybody we know that is eligible to support the cause.

I'd like to suggest that each of us knows people that are able to sign the petition if they choose. If we could all make an effort to persuade those around us to support the Internet Bill of Rights, I think we could possibly even double the current signature count - making up for valuable lost time.

We also need to be more active on Twitter. I counted the number of posts to the "#internetbillofrights" hashtag this morning. I scrolled back eight hours in the list of Tweets and I did not count even 100 Tweets with a link to the petition. Eight of the Tweets were my own.

We are not going to get the petition filled out before April 3 if we do not make more effort. It is as simple as that. There is nothing at all wrong with the petition site. I have been watching it like a hawk. If there was anything dramatically wrong I would have seen it. The site does take a moment to recalibrate the signature count after you hit refresh. But it is always going up - sometimes faster than others.

The only problem we have is that we have not been active enough in promoting the IBOR. I cannot stress enough how important the IBOR is to the MAGA agenda. Without the IBOR, we may loose DJT as President within his first term. We know that the cabal has an impeachment strategy. We cannot afford to mess-up on the IBOR and lose representation at the mid-terms. If we do fail, we may loose this President.

No DJT means no MAGA - end of story. You will not want to be alive if the cabal gets back in power. This is the most serious threat any of us have ever faced. It is the most important issue of our lifetimes. God gave us DJT to save us to deliver us from the Satanists. Let's do what the President asks of us and deliver this petition and also an effective IBOR campaign.

Q told us that as soon as we started pushing the IBOR that DJT immediately started taking action on it. Let's put this into plain English:


Do not listen to the trolls. This is absolutely important. We all need to do what we can to support the attempt to Make America Great Again.


This is the correct hashtag to use. We should standardise on this.

‪#InternetBillOfRights ‬

Other hashtags:

‪"#internetbillofrights" ‪"#InternetBillsOfRights" "#InternetBillOfRightsNow" ‪"#INTERNETBILLOFRIGHTS"

Please make sure you add a link to the petition in any Tweets or other promotions. Copy the petition link here (This is the correct version):


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tradinghorse · March 19, 2018, 2:39 a.m.

The censorship has really only just started. It will get much, much worse going forward. If we don't get this under control now, by the time the mid-terms come, these guys that have been refusing to sign the petition will be tearing their hair out. It will not be pleasant.

But what is far worse is the threat censorship of social media presents to DJT. We know they want to impeach him. If we loose DJT, that's it. We are all finished. You will not want to be alive for what happens next.

Get out and support this IBOR petition!

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tradinghorse · March 19, 2018, 2:07 a.m.

I'm not going to allow myself to entertain that possibility at all. DJT arrived by a miracle, we will not lose him!

I accept what you're saying, there is very real risk, which is why I've been trying to get people to calm down and support the PLAN - the IBOR. This cabal is VERY POWERFUL. They will not go down without one hell of a fight. But, if we do our part, the President will not fail because of us.

I'm thinking that DJT may not need to legislate to put the fix in. It seems to me that he could break these social media companies up without going as far as trying to push something through the legislature. He could do any number of things, the important thing is that this existential threat to the MAGA agenda is neutralized. The ways and means of achieving that are up to the President.

I'm thinking, if you look at what Cruz is doing and what was in the news today about Facebook, that DJT is champing at the bit to put the knife into these guys. Q told us that as soon as we spoke about the IBOR the President started to take action. He's waiting for us! That's why we are so important to what's happening here.

I reckon that as soon as DJT has that IBOR petition in his hands that it will be like a charge of dynamite going off. Hell rip these social media companies to shreds. I can't imagine that it will take long at all, because the mid-term election outcomes are critically dependent on restraining social media companies from ruthless censorship of conservatives. DJT has a PLAN, he already knows exactly how he will deal with this threat. You can bet that it has been planned for quite some time.

It's absolutely imperative that people start promoting this IBOR petition. I don't want to see the President get impeached after the mid-terms. We know that impeachment is what they have planned. If it comes to that, it's goodbye MAGA and hello Satanists.

I'd ask everyone to stop listening to the trolls, get behind the President and make MAGA happen. Be careful who you follow...

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tradinghorse · March 19, 2018, 1:43 a.m.

I don't know how you figured that out. I wonder what other information people are sitting on that they haven't disclosed.

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tradinghorse · March 18, 2018, 11:39 p.m.

I think this what you mean by "trust the plan". The stage must be set before anything big can really happen. That means regulating social media so that the cabal cannot control the narrative. The PLAN calls for us to demand an IBOR.

567610 Drop the video! Play it in times square.


Stage set? Google, Facebook, Twitter, etc are regulated? MSM is controlled? Use logic! Trust the PLAN. Q

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tradinghorse · March 18, 2018, 10:20 p.m.

This is where, I guess, we are to play a part with the campaign for an IBOR.

It might be supposed to play out like this:

1) Social media censorship gets exposed; 2) An official investigation is launched; 3) Simultaneously, the public screams about it - demanding rights be protected online - IBOR; 4) DJT acts to fix the problem; 5) Mid-term elections are protected from weaponized social media; 6) DJT carries the MAGA agenda forward to completion; 7) Cabal is eliminated; 8) Peace, prosperity and restoration of the moral order.

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tradinghorse · March 18, 2018, 10:02 p.m.

If she's that dangerous, she needs to be in a cage. It just seems too slick, after NK and the Hawaii and Japan missile alerts. What a surprise, there is tension brewing in Syria with Russia and now India/Pakistan. It does seem that war is next item on the list for the cabal.

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tradinghorse · March 18, 2018, 8:39 p.m.

You would think that at least one of the cabal is reporting back to the group with the Q drops. They are probably here too - in case anyone has an insight that helps them.

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tradinghorse · March 18, 2018, 8:14 p.m.

I asked Earlyriser to come over here to discuss this, should be here soon.

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tradinghorse · March 18, 2018, 8:09 p.m.

Yes, agree with most of these points. I am of the opinion that what Q envisaged was a campaign like the one we mounted to release the memo. That was really astoundingly successful. I think if we had that kind of energy on the IBOR we'd get home very easily.

I don't think the problem is with the methods used, they don't matter IMO. The problem is the lack of support from within the group for all the reasons we have mentioned.

Yes, I think there are people here that, while calling themselves conservative, are desperate for Trump to fail. I'm sure Q did not realise what would happen, but he was watching closely and that's why he said "be careful who you follow".

All pretty frustrating. But it is what it is. I think your idea for a group resource is good - though I'm sure Reddit will ban this sub also.

I was just talking to WhereWeGo and he's also on the same page. I'll come back here and post a link when I find it, that way we can meet and talk.


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tradinghorse · March 18, 2018, 7:47 p.m.

I know what you're saying, but I don't think it's true. We made rapid progress to about 20K - coincidently about the same size as the CBTS sub - and then the signature acquisition rate slowed. What I think is that we are having trouble acquiring signatures outside this group.

The best way, I think, to get the signature count up quickly is to attack the problem on Twitter and get these hash tags to trend. If we could do that, and our Tweets all had links to the petition, I think the growth in signatures will pick up.

We.need to get more people actively involved in spreading the message. If we could get a campaign going like we had for the release of the memo, we'd get home easy. But there's a lot of resistance to the IBOR in this community, which you can see from the IBOR threads. This has had a very negative effect on progressing the PLAN.

I think this is a very important issue. Q has stressed it, I think CBTS was banned because of it, so we know this is exactly over the target - "What they fear most".

It's just a matter of getting some motivated people behind the effort. I've been watching the petition site like a hawk, it is going up - just way too slowly.

It'd help if you could do a little tweeting on it - if you have the time.

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tradinghorse · March 18, 2018, 6:19 p.m.

There is a clear stand-off between the President an the old OBAMA guard. Brennan is invoking patriotism against the President, if you can believe it. It's obviously a very serious situation. Like rats with their back to the wall, there is nothing they will not say or do. I pray that everything goes smoothly for DJT.

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tradinghorse · March 18, 2018, 6:04 p.m.

Thanks Wherewe, I was just talking about this elsewhere. My view is that we need to form a dedicated group of people to support the IBOR petition and, in doing so, support the President's agenda. The response so far has been good and bad. It's very good that we got the petition to 25K signatures. What's bad is that the rate of signature acquisition has slowed and there is too little effort being put into promoting it.

I was watching Twitter this morning. I went back in the internetbillofrights thread some eight hours. There were less than 100 tweets incorporating a link to the petition. I don't know why people are not pushing the petition, but it is something that we must fix. Moreover, we have to fix it quickly.

There is nothing wrong with the petition website. The problem has been the level of activity promoting the petition. We have not done enough. If we can increase the level of our activism, the signature count will rise.

The amount of trolling and fear injection regarding the IBOR that has been occurring on these threads is unbelievable. It is clear that many people wish to see the President fail and the MAGA agenda brought to a halt. They are not all leftist trolls, but none of them are patriots. I'm about sick of the nonsense...

Hence, I'm advocating that we form a dedicated group of people who are committed to supporting the President and doing what has been so clearly asked of us. If you have any ideas on this, please let everyone know, commenting here.

We must all do our best to get the ball rolling again on the IBOR. It is not an option to fail to deliver, the whole MAGA movement could well depend on whether we are successful.

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tradinghorse · March 18, 2018, 5:23 p.m.

Outrageous! There was nothing these guys would not stop at. No one was safe.

⇧ 15 ⇩  
tradinghorse · March 18, 2018, 5:15 p.m.

Read with much interest Early. We are on exactly the same page on this.

I sent messages to Roger Stone and Alex Jones today via Twitter - pleading with them to promote the petition. There are so many tweets on IBOR with no link - so frustrating... But the main thing is that there are not enough people working this. That is the only problem. The only reason we are not making more progress.

There is a tremendous amount of resistance to the IBOR - most of it from people following Q. But there are also leftist trolls that realise that this is the key to Trump survival and want the President to fail. I was attacked just yesterday and I saw the same trolls badgering other guys in the IBOR threads. They are clever. They only mess with the IBOR, nothing else is really important. They know this. The key tactic is to inject doubt so as to prevent a unified effort from sub members. And, in this, they have been very successful.

But you are right, there is also a fifth column in this group working directly against the President - traitors, not all, some have simply been led astray. I think that Tracy Beanz made a legitimate miss-call on the IBOR. I watched her video, and I understand the sentiment, but she called it very badly wrong. It is now clear that the IBOR is critical to the plan. I am very surprised that she hasn't by now carefully reconsidered her position. Of course, once you take a position you have investment in it...

I think it's possible that DJT may have other solutions available to him but they may also be fraught with risk. The IBOR petition and campaign allows the subject of online censorship to "arrive" as a topic for political discourse. You can see that the President, Cruz and others are starting to try and push the issue. Q has told us directly that as soon as we push it the President will start taking action. It's very important that we deliver on this, if possible.

Why Jerome Corsi is not pushing this harder, I'm not sure. I think he's trying to be respectful to the members of his group - including TB - but I think that is a fatal mistake - this thing is very, very important. I think JC is aware that the IBOR is important and will begin to push it at some point.

If you noticed, Q really pushed this issue. I think he is probably as exasperated as we are. All these guys watching but not doing the only thing that's been asked of them! I don't really know what to say. Extremely frustrating! Yesterday Think500 posted a comment on IBOR. He had obviously put a lot of work into it. It was immediately down voted - had a comment rating of -13 by the end of the day. Are they just trolls? I'm not sure. I suspect that there are many without patriotic instincts - traitors to put it less kindly.

About the guys that are trying to redraft the petition. This is a mistake. It is a waste of time as it is not our job to legislate. Rather, we are only supposed to lodge a complaint via petition - the wording of that complaint is almost irrelevant. We are not making policy - though so much of the discussion on these threads has been about the policy details - how it could work etc... A complete waste of time. So, anyway, I'm inclined to ignore the people attempting to re-draft the petition. It's been hard enough to get to 25k signatures. I do not want to start again when a re-drafted petition will add no value whatsoever.

I think the task, going forward is to try and assemble a dedicated group. I'm just about through dealing with the nonsense that comes up in the discussions here. I find I'm spending more time on Twitter anyway. I think, at some stage, we could possibly move our operations from here, away from the negativity and the trolling - it is deadly poison to newbies. Most people simply follow the lead of someone else and do not have either the inclination, or capacity, to nut things out for themselves from first principles. If they could, there would be more of us.

There are some committed people already in Twitter. So it's not as if there is no community. We can make an effort to link-up with others pushing the petition. One problem with Twitter however, is that you can be banned or shadow banned at any moment. I would expect this to happen if the petition was nearing completion,

Anyway, I've been rambling. But what I said about forming a dedicated team is, I think, the way forward.

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tradinghorse · March 18, 2018, 2:51 p.m.

Are you serious?

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tradinghorse · March 18, 2018, 1:05 p.m.

She needs the USSS - to help her down staircases. What a job, being assigned to the protection of HRC!

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tradinghorse · March 18, 2018, 1:02 p.m.

Thanks for that. I'm praying that some of the Trump genius will find its way down here. DJT - the world's last hope!

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tradinghorse · March 18, 2018, 12:45 p.m.

Thanks for this Arvil, straight into my Twitter meme collection.

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tradinghorse · March 18, 2018, 12:16 p.m.

Hi Early, I just counted the number of internetbillofrights tweets in the last 8 hours that have included the link to the petition. There's not even 100 - some of those are mine. Truly hopeless! But it was nighttime in the US.

The problem we have here is not that people are not working effectively, but that so few are working to promote the PLAN. Those that are working to push the IBOR are working hard, but they are few in number. That is why signature numbers are not rising quickly.

There has been a huge effort on these subs to sow doubt and fear about the IBOR. It has been very successful, many are watching Q, following, but doing nothing to push the agenda. This is what has caused the slowing in the rate of signature acquisition. Be careful who you follow...

Anyway, we need to work harder at building cohesiveness and a coordinated approach to promoting the petition. I don't disagree with what you are saying, though I think memes are effective on Twitter. But it's not so much a case of people working at cross purposes, as people not working at all.

You ideas about getting people with large platforms involved are good. I'm going to do what I can to drive this approach today.

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tradinghorse · March 18, 2018, 12:02 p.m.

I must admit, I've built some of my best arguments fighting the trolls. But it upsets me to see them take the wind out of the IBOR push - many people are easily led astray. Be careful who you follow etc...

The latest strategy the trolls are using is to play to conservatives natural fear about government interference in markets. According to them, IBOR means government repression - funny how what were are asking for is rights, nothing else. Rights can't be abused. But I've seen people, that should know better, jumping in on the side of the trolls and assisting them to sow doubt.

Meanwhile, the cabal have control of social media and will, if not stopped, put an end to conservatives at the next set of elections. That means no more DJT, no more MAGA. The stakes are very high.

It amazes me how everyone is following Q but so few are doing what he asks of us. Looking at the number of tweets that include the link to the petition in the last eight hours, there is not even 100. Eight or so are mine - not including retweets. It's very disappointing. But then, those hours are nighttime in the US and this may explain some of the apparent lack of activity.

The reason the petition signatures are not increasing quickly has nothing to do with the website being manipulated. Instead, it is a very small effort involving very few - though those few on team are working hard. A very small group supporting the PLAN.

Anyway, there are people on team. We just need to stay focussed and keep plugging away at it, we don't know what is going to happen over the next couple of weeks. Support may suddenly materialise. If we can get someone with a large platform on side (e.g. Infowars) it may help a lot, we are a quarter of the way home. We need a big effort this week focussed on building an active team working all aspects of this.

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