Anonymous ID: a4e09d QRB General #332: WE CAUGHT THEM in Georgia, AZ Next!! Edition June 21, 2021, 1:54 a.m. No.64916   🗄️.is 🔗kun

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Anonymous ID: a4e09d June 21, 2021, 1:58 a.m. No.64918   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>>61058, >>62044 QRB spam policy new posters plz read

>>60854, >>60857 Can repost images now, need to find BV to bake new threads

>>60850 Fake pandemics and pretend viruses thread now PINNED - COVID database

>>63979 Who is stealing American elections? - NEW THREAD new - Maricopa County Livestream Audit



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>>64880, >>64881 CV19 studies: "No matter what their studies show, they end up promoting vaccination"

>>64883 Hollywood Human Trafficking VID - share this

>>64884 A man sends his pet lizard's DNA to 23 and ME - and finds lizard is JEWISH (for real)

>>64895 Discredited COVID Investigators Lead New WHO ‘Strategic’ Group on Pandemics

>>64903 Glenn Greenward educates Tucker on Operation Mockingbird & domestic terrorism

>>64904 Full moon coming...

>>64905 Good News of the Week

>>64908, >>64909 WEF: "Why is there such a stigma surrounding harvesting children's blood?"

>>64910 Sara Carter: Will #UFO be a new paradigm? (Luis Elizondo)

>>64911 WE CAUGHT THEM: President Trump Warned Raffensperger & His Atty Ryan Germany About Election Fraud

>>64912, >>64913 Dr. Byram Bridle - Pfiizer never did bio-distribution studies for spike protein

>>64914 California just told everyone to not charge their electric cars due to power shortage

>>64915 #331



>>64813, >>64844 Easy Sunday planefaggin

>>64855, >>64856, >>64858 COVID-19 may trigger the development of an autoimmune condition similar to the antiphospholipid syndrome (APS)

>>64837 Another Pompeo "17" Timestamp pipehitters

>>64836 Coronavirus latest: Japanese companies kick off workplace vaccinations

>>64832 This is a racist attack. This is what MSM will never talk about because it doesn't fit their narrative.

>>64823 for the keks

>>64821, >>64830 Discredited COVID Investigators Lead New WHO ‘Strategic’ Group on Pandemics.

>>64820, >>64829 Godfather of Color Revolutions: Is George Soros the Most Dangerous Man Alive?

>>64819 America’s Soup-Brained President Says The US Never Interferes In Other Countries’ Elections

>>64818 Russian envoy returns to US after Putin-Biden summit

>>64817 Japan’s Nikkei 225 Slides 3% on Concern Over Interest Rates-US 30Y Treasury Yield below 2.00

>>64816 Scavino bring it tonight

>>64815 Texas Gov. Greg Abbott defunds Texas Legislature after Dem lawmakers blocked election integrity bill

>>64809, >>64824 GEM is the key

>>64860 #330



>>64734, >>64763 Goldstar planefaggin

>>64778 Qatar to Require Fans at 2022 World Cup to Be Vaccinated

>>64777 Malloch Brown, Definitely a Soros lieutenant and influential in Smartmatic

>>64771 American Airlines Flight Cancellations Set to Continue Monday

>>64770, >>64772 Dis Panic!

>>64768 Irish scientists discover why some Covid patients get life-threatening blood clots?

>>64767, >>64781, >>64782 Definitely a Soros lieutenant and influential in Smartmatic but not an obvious owner.

>>64766 The Bee: Planned Parenthood Celebrates 104 Years Of Preventing Fatherhood

>>64759 Happy Father’s Day, DAD!

>>64756 DeSantis Beats Trump In 2024 Straw Poll At Top Conservative Summit

>>64755 "The Deep Rig" Movie Premiere Event in Phoenix!

>>64754 45: Happy Father’s Day to all, including the Radical Left, RINOs, and other Losers of the world. Hopefully, eventually, everyone will come together!

>>64740 Powell Just Launched $2 Trillion In "Heat-Seeking Missiles": Zoltan Explains How The Fed Started The Next Repo Crisis

>>64733, >>64738, >>64739 "AIR INDIA LOSES 5TH PILOT TO COVID IN A MONTH'

>>64732 Happy Father’s Day, DAD!

>>64731 Happy Father’s Day — to all of the GREAT dads out there!

>>64730, >>64735, >>64736 Dr. Michael Levin - Tufts University - Reading and Writing the Bio-Electric Morphogenetic Code

>>64726, >>64727, >>64729 20 State Delegations visited AZ to tour what is now being called the GOLD STANDARD for forensic election audits

>>64724 AMA Question about Robert David Steele/pushing for more than 2 parties is antithetical to a Constitutional Republic of the United States.

>>64784 #329

Anonymous ID: a4e09d June 21, 2021, 1:58 a.m. No.64919   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>>64670, >>64675, >>64683, >>64685, >>64697 PF reports

>>64656 Texas Gov Announces $250 Million ‘Down Payment’ On State-Funded Border Wall

>>64660 16-year-old given fake vax against parents' wishes in AZ against state law

>>64661 $100 Oil Predictions Soar As Analysts Warn Of Supply Crisis (next DS election distraction?)

>>64662 Patriots uncover suspicious Dominion file deletions by Griswold after Colorado election

>>64663 Reports of a "missile attack" targeting the Ain Al Assad Air Base in western Iraq (US troops stationed there)

>>64664, >>64665 Perspex Screens Installed To Stop COVID May Have Actually Increased Its Spread

>>64668 How to watch the full "strawberry" moon, the last supermoon of 2021

>>64669 Happy Father's Day!

>>64672 Non-profit tied to BLM's Patrisse Cullors 'failed to disclose at least $175,000 in donations'

>>64674 China is quietly stepping up its interventions in markets

>>64678 Pompeo: "Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid"

>>64679 Shock test video

>>64681 CDC Whistleblower: ‘We trashed data showing vaccine-autism link in African-American boys’

>>64684 (VIDEO) Attkisson: Separating rumor from fact on Covid-19's origin

>>64688 GA Sec of State Raffensperger Concealed Election Fraud Report

>>64696 Secret Docs Reveal Moderna Sent Their Vax To N Carolina Univ. BEFORE Pandemic

>>64698 Terrorist Attack’ on LGBT Pride Parade is Now Reported to Be ‘Accident’ - after suspect seen with PRIDE flag/tshirt

>>64700 Dr. Simone Gold: After Twitter/FB/website censorship, "it turned out we were RIGHT"

>>64708 #328



>>64615 There has not been an honest election in the State of Georgia since at least 2002

>>64608, >>64612, >>64616, >>64617 Facebook "Overwhelmingly" Being Used For Online Recruitment In Active Sex Trafficking Cases

>>64606, >>64607, >>64609, >>64632, >>64633 They want to change the flag and mark my words they will do everything...

>>64604, >>64605, >>64610 They did the risk analysis.

>>64602, >>64603 Google & USAID Funded Wuhan Collaborator Peter Daszak's Virus Experiments For Over A Decade.

>>64600, >>64601 ACLU Asks Judge to Block Arkansas Trans Youth Treatment Ban So Minors Can Have Access to Gender Hormone Treatments

>>64598, >>64599 Raising Arizona LIVE with Matt Couch, Josh Barnett, & David Jose

>>64597 The Arizona Audit has found 33,000 undervotes (ballot with no vote for president)

>>64596 Ariz. leaders stand firm on audit

>>64595 Truth About Nov 3rd You Won't See on CNN

>>64591 So crazy how fast the time goes Can’t wait for the RETURN!

>>64590 In the darkness there is a light. In the suffering there is a hope.


>>64634 #327


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Anonymous ID: a4e09d June 21, 2021, 1:59 a.m. No.64920   🗄️.is 🔗kun

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Anonymous ID: a4e09d June 21, 2021, 1:59 a.m. No.64921   🗄️.is 🔗kun

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Anonymous ID: a4e09d June 21, 2021, 2:03 a.m. No.64922   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4924



baker signing out

bushed baker be bak for bacon breaqfast

around NOON

Anonymous ID: a4e09d June 21, 2021, 10:19 a.m. No.64994   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4996


>talkin bout wakes

we givin u compliments bro

anons talk at night, dat's what us 'nite people' do - we r sleeyp philosophers

why gy was often an interestin' shift

Anonymous ID: a4e09d June 21, 2021, 10:22 a.m. No.64995   🗄️.is 🔗kun


i pick up some of the really good opinion pieces but most of it is stuff we knew a long time ago

(Why does it takes Glenn Greenwald to tell Tucker Carlson about Operation Mockingbird in 2021?)

Anonymous ID: a4e09d June 21, 2021, 10:27 a.m. No.64998   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5001





In the recently uncovered 29-page report that was created by Carter Jones and provided to Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger, there were numerous observations of potential crimes and corruption. But in addition, there is one entity that shows up in this report that until today remained unnoticed. It is the entity referenced in the report labeledThe Elections Group.


Below is the entire report from Carter Jones with mentions of The Elections Group noted on pages 10, 11, 15 and 24 in the report.


The Elections Group was founded by Jennifer Morrell and Noah Praetz in 2020, according to their webpage...


Somehow The Elections Group made it into the election process in Fulton County Georgia. We also know per Influence Watch that Morrell worked with the CISA – the Department of Homeland Security’s Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency. This entity claimed the 2020 Election was safe and secure despite piles of information to the contrary. This gives us a hint about Morrell’s political leanings and integrity.


Three of The Elections Group’s six nonprofit and academic “Partners” are:


  • the Center for Tech and Civic Life: main Zuckerbucks nonprofit bagman;

  • National Vote at Home Institute: one of Zuckerbucks nonprofit bagmen;

  • Center for Civic Design: one of Zuckerbucks nonprofit bagmen


Morrell is also heavily involved in the Democrats’ attempted destruction of the 2020 Election audit being performed for the Arizona Senate. When reviewing the 2020 Election results in Maricopa County and you’ll see that Morrell and Praetz both signed the April 22 letter to Arizona Senate President Karen Fann. In this letter from the Brennan Group of far-left nonprofits, the Democrats are requesting that the Arizona Senate stop their audit.


Morrell is one of Arizona’s corrupt Secretary of State Katie Hobbs’ three observers. She is one of those quiet, efficient progressive-Democrat operatives who slip in and get placed where needed – along with Elizabeth Howard, Esq. from the Brennan Center and also of U.N. / Harri Hursti fame and our old friend, the spy, Ryan “Snidely Whiplash” Macias.


page 1 of 2

Anonymous ID: a4e09d June 21, 2021, 10:31 a.m. No.65001   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5007



All of the three observers together were invited by ABC 15 in AZ to a discussion regarding their observations of the audit:


Morrell then put together a hit piece on the Arizona Audit for the far-left Washington Post. In her observer quotes in the WaPo about AZ audit, she attempted to destroy the audit firm hired to perform the audit, Cyber Ninjas:


…So I expected it to be unconventional. But it was so much worse than that. In more than a decade working on elections, audits and recounts across the country, I’ve never seen one this mismanaged…


…I also observed other auditors working on a “forensic paper audit,” flagging ballots as “suspicious” for a variety of reasons. One was presidential selection: If someone thought the voter’s choice looked as though it was marked by a machine, they flagged it as “anomalous.” Another was “missing security markers.” (It’s virtually impossible for a ballot to be missing its security markers, since voting equipment is designed to reject ballots without them….


…The fourth reason was folding. The auditors reasoned that only absentee voters would fold their ballots; an in-person, Election Day voter would take a flat ballot, mark it in the booth and submit it, perfectly pristine. I almost had to laugh: In my experience, voters will fold ballots every which way, no matter where they vote or what the ballot instructs them to do. Chalk it up to privacy concerns or individual quirks — but no experienced elections official would call that suspicious….


…What I saw in Arizona shook me. If the process wraps up and Cyber Ninjas puts together some kind of report, that report will almost certainly claim that there were issues with Maricopa County’s ballots. After all, Cyber Ninjas chief executive Doug Logan has publicly voiced his wild conspiracy theories about the 2020 election. But the real problem is the so-called audit itself.


Audits are supposed to make us better. They are supposed to make our elections more secure and transparent — to strengthen the public’s trust in our democratic process. Maricopa County is known for having some of the best election practices in the country: Officials had already undertaken a hand-count audit and a forensic audit of their 2020 ballots and found no evidence of fraud. Now a group with no expertise, improvising procedures as they go, is sowing doubt about the outcome of a well-run election.


This is not an audit, and I don’t see how this can have a good outcome.


Here’s another hit job by Morrell and Macias in the AZ Mirror:


“’What is going on here is unprecedented,’ Morrell said. ‘They’re making things up as they go along.'”


“Macias said he overheard one of the ballot counters complaining about the fluctuating procedures and how ‘those that are there the longest are the ones making the most mistakes’ because things would be different from one shift to the next.”


'''Morrell, Macias, and Howard are the Elite Team the Democratic machine has deployed to solve problems that threaten the security and continuance of the Biden election win.


Morrell – or at least her company – can be placed in both the Atlanta State Farm Arena and the Phoenix Veterans Memorial Coliseum.


Morrell is also a consultant for the Democracy Fund, which is E-Bay founder Pierre Omidyar’s foundation. His foundation was a heavy donor to Zuckerbucks and the Democracy Fund is a main funder of much of the election BS that went on in 2020....


Jennifer Morrell and ‘The Elections Group’ are in the middle of the Democrats’ 2020 Election plans. Morrell was involved before the election, during the election, and now after the 2020 Election. If Morrell is there, you better guard the ballots.


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