Anonymous ID: 9ff888 QRB General #333: Trips of Truth WWG1WGA, Fuck the ABC's Edition June 21, 2021, 10:32 a.m. No.65003   🗄️.is 🔗kun

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Anonymous ID: 9ff888 June 21, 2021, 10:44 a.m. No.65009   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>>61058, >>62044 QRB spam policy new posters plz read

>>60854, >>60857 Can repost images now, need to find BV to bake new threads

>>60850 Fake pandemics and pretend viruses thread now PINNED - COVID database

>>63979 Who is stealing American elections? - NEW THREAD new - Maricopa County Livestream Audit



are not endorsements



>>64948, >>64962, >>64992, >>65000 Monday Eyez on the skyz

>>64993 Pakistan Prime Minister Imran Khan on why he’s outspoken against Islamophobia in the West but silent about the genocide of Muslim Uyghurs in western China.

>>64989, >>64990, >>64991 British Airways Says Deaths of 4 Pilots Not Linked

>>64987 KPMG Faces $21 Million Fine for H.I.G. Capital Conflict

>>64986 Universal Basic Income Experiments Expand To 20 Cities In 14 States

>>64985 New Study Links Ivermectin to ‘Large Reductions’ In COVID-19 Deaths

>>64984 Grenell on newsmax

>>64983 Moar Pompeo pipehitters

>>64982 Scavino: The struggle for freedom continues.

>>64980 A video was just posted by "MJ12" here, carbon capture shield

>>64977, >>64978, >>64979, >>64981 accts to watch recommended by 45

>>64974 link to Georgia Hearings

>>64968 Experts Have Been Warning for Months of an Unprecedented Stock Market Bubble Set to Explode

>>64960, >>64961 Georgia Hearing on Fulton County Absentee Ballot Audit with Judge Amero


>>64942 Moar Jared Polis: After 400 executive orders, Colorado Gov. Jared Polis promises to “phase out” pandemic powers Republicans say they’ll believe it when they see it

>>64941 Colorado Gov. Jared Polis Signs 3 Gun Reform Laws, Allows Cities to Enact Their Own Local Laws

>>64930, >>64931, >>64932, >>65001 Jennifer Morrell and ‘The Elections Group’ Were Involved in GA’s 2020 Election. Anti Arizona Audit. Connected to Huge Far-Left Nonprofits

>>64929 US Preps New Russia Sanctions Over Navalny Just Days After "Friendly" Putin-Biden Summit

>>65007 #332



>>64880, >>64881 CV19 studies: "No matter what their studies show, they end up promoting vaccination"

>>64883 Hollywood Human Trafficking VID - share this

>>64884 A man sends his pet lizard's DNA to 23 and ME - and finds lizard is JEWISH (for real)

>>64895 Discredited COVID Investigators Lead New WHO ‘Strategic’ Group on Pandemics

>>64903 Glenn Greenward educates Tucker on Operation Mockingbird & domestic terrorism

>>64904 Full moon coming...

>>64905 Good News of the Week

>>64908, >>64909 WEF: "Why is there such a stigma surrounding harvesting children's blood?"

>>64910 Sara Carter: Will #UFO be a new paradigm? (Luis Elizondo)

>>64911 WE CAUGHT THEM: President Trump Warned Raffensperger & His Atty Ryan Germany About Election Fraud

>>64912, >>64913 Dr. Byram Bridle - Pfiizer never did bio-distribution studies for spike protein

>>64914 California just told everyone to not charge their electric cars due to power shortage

>>64915 #331

Anonymous ID: 9ff888 June 21, 2021, 10:44 a.m. No.65010   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>>64813, >>64844 Easy Sunday planefaggin

>>64855, >>64856, >>64858 COVID-19 may trigger the development of an autoimmune condition similar to the antiphospholipid syndrome (APS)

>>64837 Another Pompeo "17" Timestamp pipehitters

>>64836 Coronavirus latest: Japanese companies kick off workplace vaccinations

>>64832 This is a racist attack. This is what MSM will never talk about because it doesn't fit their narrative.

>>64823 for the keks

>>64821, >>64830 Discredited COVID Investigators Lead New WHO ‘Strategic’ Group on Pandemics.

>>64820, >>64829 Godfather of Color Revolutions: Is George Soros the Most Dangerous Man Alive?

>>64819 America’s Soup-Brained President Says The US Never Interferes In Other Countries’ Elections

>>64818 Russian envoy returns to US after Putin-Biden summit

>>64817 Japan’s Nikkei 225 Slides 3% on Concern Over Interest Rates-US 30Y Treasury Yield below 2.00

>>64816 Scavino bring it tonight

>>64815 Texas Gov. Greg Abbott defunds Texas Legislature after Dem lawmakers blocked election integrity bill

>>64809, >>64824 GEM is the key

>>64860 #330



>>64734, >>64763 Goldstar planefaggin

>>64778 Qatar to Require Fans at 2022 World Cup to Be Vaccinated

>>64777 Malloch Brown, Definitely a Soros lieutenant and influential in Smartmatic

>>64771 American Airlines Flight Cancellations Set to Continue Monday

>>64770, >>64772 Dis Panic!

>>64768 Irish scientists discover why some Covid patients get life-threatening blood clots?

>>64767, >>64781, >>64782 Definitely a Soros lieutenant and influential in Smartmatic but not an obvious owner.

>>64766 The Bee: Planned Parenthood Celebrates 104 Years Of Preventing Fatherhood

>>64759 Happy Father’s Day, DAD!

>>64756 DeSantis Beats Trump In 2024 Straw Poll At Top Conservative Summit

>>64755 "The Deep Rig" Movie Premiere Event in Phoenix!

>>64754 45: Happy Father’s Day to all, including the Radical Left, RINOs, and other Losers of the world. Hopefully, eventually, everyone will come together!

>>64740 Powell Just Launched $2 Trillion In "Heat-Seeking Missiles": Zoltan Explains How The Fed Started The Next Repo Crisis

>>64733, >>64738, >>64739 "AIR INDIA LOSES 5TH PILOT TO COVID IN A MONTH'

>>64732 Happy Father’s Day, DAD!

>>64731 Happy Father’s Day — to all of the GREAT dads out there!

>>64730, >>64735, >>64736 Dr. Michael Levin - Tufts University - Reading and Writing the Bio-Electric Morphogenetic Code

>>64726, >>64727, >>64729 20 State Delegations visited AZ to tour what is now being called the GOLD STANDARD for forensic election audits

>>64724 AMA Question about Robert David Steele/pushing for more than 2 parties is antithetical to a Constitutional Republic of the United States.

>>64784 #329


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Anonymous ID: 9ff888 June 21, 2021, 10:44 a.m. No.65012   🗄️.is 🔗kun

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Anonymous ID: 9ff888 June 21, 2021, 10:45 a.m. No.65013   🗄️.is 🔗kun

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Anonymous ID: 9ff888 June 21, 2021, 10:52 a.m. No.65019   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5058 >>5075 >>5078

UPDATE: Judge Amero Will Take Fulton County’s Motions Under Advisement – Wants to Study Filings – Will Issue Ruling at a Later Date


A court hearing is taking place today in Georgia this morning regarding the audit of the Fulton County absentee ballots.


The latest hearing in an ongoing attempt to unseal more than 145,000 Fulton County absentee ballots to examine them for alleged counterfeits.


Heather Mullins from Real America’s Voice is at the courthouse this morning.


Top defense Attorneys for Fulton County elections officials are calling to stop Mr. Barron’s testimony on Monday.


On Thursday the Fulton County high-powered criminal defense attorneys filed a motion to delay his testimony on Monday. The high-powered criminal defense attorneys also filed a 2nd motion to of Robert Pitts.


Here is the video feed from the hearing this morning.


During break today Attorney Garland Favorito sounded hopeful over the outcome.

Anonymous ID: 9ff888 June 21, 2021, 11:02 a.m. No.65022   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5058 >>5075 >>5078

When the FBI Framed Four Innocent Men


And how John Durham uncovered shocking FBI crimes


This is the story of how the FBI framed four innocent men for murder, destroyed families, and tried to cover it up. It’s also the story of the convergence of John Durham and Robert Mueller: how Durham uncovered the FBI’s crimes and how Robert Mueller’s FBI disputed the innocence of the men the FBI framed.

Anonymous ID: 9ff888 June 21, 2021, 12:01 p.m. No.65034   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5058 >>5075 >>5078

Michigan court asked to change dates to draw political maps


DETROIT (AP) — A clash over the Michigan Constitution has hit the state’s highest court.


A commission that must draw seats for Congress and the Legislature is asking for new deadlines to produce maps because of a delay in detailed census data.


New district maps must be in place by Nov. 1, according to the constitution. But the commission is not expecting final census data until Sept. 30 due to the coronavirus pandemic.

Anonymous ID: 9ff888 June 21, 2021, 12:08 p.m. No.65036   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5037 >>5048 >>5058 >>5075 >>5078

Interesting: Go to white part, start highlighting. Hidden message?


We're Building a Brighter Future for America

What if? It was all stealth. It was FISA.

Military Intelligence intercepted the Deepstate 16 year plan to destroy America.

(8 years of Obama, then 8 years Hillary)

White-Hats needed someone loyal for the role of president during this operation.

After approving certain clearances, the Military installed Trump into the RNC.

Think about that for a second:

Military. Installed. Trump.

The 2016 Election was rigged for Hillary.

The Media was complicit.

Algorithms weren’t strong enough to give her the win.

White Hats controlled the election to give the people a fair vote. There was no way Trump could’ve won without this happening.

That’s why they were SHOCKED when she lost.

That’s why they didn’t cover their tracks.

They never thought she would lose.

Obama used FISA courts to secretly spy on Trump’s campaign during the 2016 election.

It was the worst decision ever.

He literally opened the door to EVERYTHING, by giving Trump the playbook for the next 4 years.

FISA = Start.

US Military has it all.

That is why it looks like “nothing happened” for the last 4 years.

It was all in the dark.

It looks like these people will get away with all their crimes.

They will not.

Trump and our military have been dismantling this web of criminals all in the dark.

Top levels of corruption are under control.

We had to let them complete their crimes in order to charge them to the fullest extent under the rule of law at a tribunal.

The election was a trap.

Trump ran uncontested.

An Election Monitoring (Surveillance) System was installed by the US Cyber Command, Space Force, and the Shadow Warriors of the Cyber Brigade.

Soon we will see the real numbers.

Every part of this operation is strategically planned.

Not everything will be clean.

But there is no escaping it.

That is why congress did everything they could to remove Trump before he was even inaugurated, with zero success.

He is untouchable.

It may look like he is gone from the public eye, but in reality this needed to happen.

Now that he is completely out of the picture, and with the public thinking biden has full control, the military will soon be able to announce the takeover.

The media was left in the dark.

They are just trying to delay the military from making their next move.

Everything on TV in politics right now is fake, and holds no legal standing.

Define: [Self Destruction]

They have been left in the dark during all this, which is explains all the blatant lies and desperation.

They try to make Trumps administration look like they are weak.

Don’t forget,

Barr is a Patriot working behind the scenes. Anything stating otherwise is completely false.

Durham is a Patriot burning the midnight oil. He will get the job done.

Along with hundreds of others working behind the scenes to take down the establishment.

There are more good than bad.


Stealth Bombers.

Military Operation.

Shadow War.

Dark to Light.

Anonymous ID: 9ff888 June 21, 2021, 12:23 p.m. No.65038   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5039 >>5042 >>5046 >>5058 >>5075 >>5078












Our team’s expertise spans decades, technologies and markets. Our internal proprietary techniques and technologies including leveraging A.I. and M.L. modeling for the good of humanity, help us to fund and develop products and solutions that are literally ‘light years’ ahead of the competition and other Nation states.


We develop a framework — what we call a technology architecture — that provides a system level view of the various capabilities necessary to help solve a partner’s problem. Using this architecture, we are able to find and invest in companies that provide technology capabilities to address these problems.

Ingersoll Lockwood’s focus is on these ten key areas, with a 200+ year business plan, which started in 1891:


Life – Defend & Extend

Land – Reverse GMO, Reverse Contamination, Speed Travel

Water – Reverse Contamination, Expand Accessibility

Air – Reverse Pollution, Speed Travel, Defend Against HAARP

Fuel – Unleash Hidden and Next Gen Tech – Nearly Limitless

Space – Unleash Hidden and Next Gen Tech – Faster, More Efficient

Computing – Next Generation Privacy, Safety & Security

Communication – Truthful, fact-based, ethical reporting

Education – Unwind Stupidity Training, Unlock History/Future

Entertainment – Wholesome, using 1-9 (above)


All Products and Services we invest in and support are Made in America, with Pride.

Anonymous ID: 9ff888 June 21, 2021, 12:27 p.m. No.65040   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5041 >>5049 >>5058 >>5075 >>5078












In the late 1800’s, our namesake, Ingersoll Lockwood, delivered futuristic and visionary content, over a century ahead of his time. He passed on this knowledge to S. G. Samuels, (Sr.), who shared “The Great Awakening” plan also known as the “Plan for the New American Century” with Steven G. Samuels, followed by our entire team, who continue to carry on this tradition, today. Our mission is to build a brighter future for humanity, starting with the resurgence of American exceptionalism.

Our Namesake


Ingersoll Lockwood


We leverage what our founder called ‘future vision’ where we deliver solutions based on Trade Secret Predictive Intelligence Team/Technology (TSPI), a mix of futurist inventions, artificial intelligence and machine learning, all used for the good of humanity. We communicate publicly on our own Open Source Intelligence Platforms (OSINT) as trusted Media Sources (CDMG, CSMG, TTN, more to come…). We unleash New Technology Safeguards to Defend Humanity from novel Threats (NTSD) and to Accelerate the Great Awakening (NTAGA). We market our solutions first, on our own Open Source Intelligence (OSINT) Media Platforms, then on strategic mainstream media (MSM) platforms.

We Profit…


Invent, Fund, License, Develop and Sell (IFLDS)


We Reinvest… (and donate to U.S.A. 501-c(3) causes)


Government, Commercial, International

Focus on Making America Awesome (MAA)


Management Team


Ingersoll Lockwood’s staff includes a unique mix of entrepreneurs, technologists, and investors. While our team represents a diverse array of backgrounds, its members share similar traits – deep knowledge of their chosen fields, strategic vision, and a dedication our core mission: delivering solutions that address the critical technology needs of the national security community. First and foremost, our founder required that what we do Must Deliver American Exceptionalism and Must be Made in America with Pride.

Board of Directors


Steven G. Samuels, US DHS (founding member), Chairman


James Gorman, US Navy (retired), Vice Chairman


James Hess, US Army (retired) , Director


James Henderson, DoD Consultant (active), Director


Timothy J. Goulden, US Army (retired), Director


Paul Hemphill, US Army (retired), Director


Al Fulchino, US Patriot, Director


Olivier Vallez, Esq., Secretary of the Board, Director

Anonymous ID: 9ff888 June 21, 2021, 1:21 p.m. No.65058   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Notables so far


>>65056 Sweden Plunges Into Political Chaos After Prime Minister Lofven Ousted In Historic No Confidence Vote

>>65038, >>65039, >>65040, >>65041, >>65042, >>65046, >>65049, >>65051, >>65057 Our team’s expertise spans decades, technologies and markets./Ingersoll Lockwood

>>65036, >>65037, >>65048 FISA goes both ways.

>>65034 Michigan court asked to change dates to draw political maps

>>65031, >>65032 April Moss BLOWS WHISTLE on Network ‘Discrimination’ On-Air During Weather Report

>>65030 Georgia Fulton County’s Richard Barron Reportedly Finds 1,500 Chain of Custody Forms

>>65029 tactical civics

>>65028 Striking positive results, which if further verified would establish Vit D status as the cornerstone of this crisis

>>65023, >>65027 snopes at work even then

>>65022 how John Durham uncovered shocking FBI crimes

>>65020 SEC investigating companies' handling of SolarWinds cyberattack

>>65019 Judge Amero Will Take Fulton County’s Motions Under Advisement – Wants to Study Filings – Will Issue Ruling at a Later Date



czech em

lemme know

Anonymous ID: 9ff888 June 21, 2021, 1:24 p.m. No.65059   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5075 >>5078

Leak Exposes UK Plan for "Permanent Lockdown"



New 4-Page Memo Sent Out by Neil M. Ferguson

from the Imperial College London Purportedly

to Key Covid Crime Spree Co-Conspirators

Spells Out Secret Plot to Effectuate the

“Permanent Lockdown of the UK”


State of the Nation

*Click on all four screenshots below to enlarge.

Anonymous ID: 9ff888 June 21, 2021, 1:30 p.m. No.65062   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5075 >>5078

Treasury GC nominee discloses $11.7 mln Davis Polk partner share


Veteran white-collar lawyer Neil MacBride, head of the Washington, D.C., office of Davis Polk & Wardwell, disclosed an $11.7 million partnership share at the firm Monday as part of his nomination to serve as general counsel to the U.S. Treasury Department.


MacBride joined Davis Polk in 2014 from the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the Eastern District of Virginia, where he was appointed U.S. attorney in 2009. At Davis Polk, he has served as co-head of the white-collar defense and investigations practice. He was an unpaid volunteer on the Biden transition team.


His disclosure form Monday includes income from the prior calendar year up to the date of the filing. The financial statements are mandatory for many high-level executive branch officials, offering a window into compensation at U.S. law firms, law schools, consultancies and in-house legal departments. The disclosures and accompanying ethics agreements show where top enforcement and regulatory officials might be forced to recuse themselves in matters involving former clients or employers.

Anonymous ID: 9ff888 June 21, 2021, 1:32 p.m. No.65063   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5064 >>5075 >>5078

Trump interview on Real America's Voice News





Anonymous ID: 9ff888 June 21, 2021, 1:41 p.m. No.65065   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5066 >>5075 >>5078

Supreme Court Agrees To Take Major Gun Case


In late April, the Supreme Court announced it would take an important gun case, something they have not done for 11 years.


The case will review a New York law that severely restricts the ability of law-abiding citizens to carry a gun outside of their homes. The case is New York Rifle and Pistol Association vs Corlett.


Like many Eastern states, New York nominally allows gun ownership, but ties the process up in such clever paperwork and delay, that in actuality, severely limits the exercise of Constitutional rights.


The case could influence outcomes in more than seven other states that severely restrict the right to carry. Not surprisingly, they are all Democrat-dominated states that suppress Constitutional rights. They are California, Hawaii, Delaware, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Jersey, and Rhode Island.


This is certainly one of these issues where the political fault lines are clear. Republicans tend to favor the full exercise of Constitutional rights, while Democrat states seek to deny them.


If indeed the right to keep and bear arms is protected under the 2nd Amendment of the US Constitution, then it is difficult to see how these states can deny the exercise of these rights. You cannot really exercise your rights of self-protection using a firearm, without the ability to bear them. A gun locked up at home, or secured at an authorized gun club, is of no help when it comes to self-protection.


Writer Mark Moritz makes the point cogently with a question. What is the first rule of gunfighting? The answer, have a gun!


That may be equally true if confronted by a knife, club, or any other deadly weapon.


Yes, having a gun in possession is necessary to win a fight with a dangerous criminal and thus bearing arms is arguably more important than “keeping” or owning, in the words of the 2nd Amendment. For example, if you are bearing a gun that does not belong to you, you have the ability to defend yourself.


If you cannot bear an arm that does belong to you, what good does the ownership bring?


If you think of it in free speech terms, it is sort of like saying, you are free to exercise your right to free speech at home under certain conditions, but speaking in public is prohibited. That would not be much of a right to free speech, would it?


So, not only is the Constitutional right of ownership of a firearm completed with bearing the thing, only through the bearing is the right exercised in a way intended, that is to allow for the fundamental right of self-protection.


The right of a person to protect himself, his family, and his property, was long recognized in law as a natural right, even before the writing of the Constitution. In a very real sense, the Constitution does not provide a right, it recognizes the pre-existing right.


The timing of the case is interesting. Conservatives have continually been disappointed by appointees to the Court. Chief Justice Roberts is only the latest example.


With the Trump appointees on the bench, there is a supposedly 6-3 Conservative majority.


Hence, this case comes along before the Democrats can try their court-packing scheme. That would seem to put the odds more favorable to a better outcome.


It will also be a key case to see if Trump appointees to the court are as squishy philosophically as some of their predecessors. If so, the whole process of judicial selection will need a makeover.

Anonymous ID: 9ff888 June 21, 2021, 1:49 p.m. No.65068   🗄️.is 🔗kun


they took this back in April

was thinking they usually hand over opinons by end of June, before they break for the summer, wonder if we'll know by then, member notabling in April

Anonymous ID: 9ff888 June 21, 2021, 2:03 p.m. No.65069   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5075 >>5078



The Facts:We conducted an interview with former child sex slave, Anneke Lucas, and I found some similarities between what she has said and what one of Jeffrey Epstein’s victim’s, Virginia Roberts Giuffre, has said.

Reflect On:How deep does this go? How many people are involved? Are we letting people who lack morality and empathy make our decisions with regards to political, health and environmental policy? What’s going on here?


Virginia Roberts Giuffre is the now 33-year-old woman who was a minor when Jeffrey Epstein and his associates would sexually abuse her on Epstein’s island. She is the woman who has come forward nearly two decades after she was abused, filing a lawsuit against Ghislane Maxwell.


More documents, that could be released any day now, could reveal hundreds or more politicians and high profile figures connected to Epstein.


–>FREE Documentary: Discover the latest breakthroughs in alternative treatmennts that are scientifically proven to successfully prevent and treat cancer. Click here to save your spot!


As Roberts has come forward, she has given many details with regards to how Epstein’s operations functioned. Included in her story was revelations of specific details around how she was trained by Maxwell at a young age to perform sexual acts.


“The training started immediately… It was everything down to how to give a blow job, how to be quiet, be subservient, give Jeffrey what he wants. A lot of this training came from Ghislaine herself.” Giuffre told The Miami Herald.


What struck me as so interesting about this story is that when we did a 4 part interview series with Anneke Lucas, a former sex slave who also witnessed satanic ritual abuse at the hands of high profile politicians and figures, was the corroborating stories of ‘training’ to teach young girls how to properly please the people they are about to engage with.


By the way, CETV, where you can find that interview linked above, is the platform we created to combat internet censorship and to continue doing the work that we do.


Like Virginia, Anneke spoke in deep detail about how inside the pedophile ring they would teach her to understand how to read various people and what they might want sexually without having to say anything. These are graphic details but highly important as we uncover the reality of the high profile people we put our trust in.


So I was taught, I was shown a lot of videos, or film, whatever, my eyes were pried open and I was made to watch, and I was made to watch people engaging in all kinds of sex acts, but I was made to watch their faces, and I was taught, it was systematic, it was very well done in that sense, that it was structured really well, so that I could start to understand that certain physical features, like, certain physical features are gonna mean that for that man’s genitals, for example, or looking at certain physical features, like, “That’s what that man likes sexually.” So I could see from looking at someone’s face what they like, and then looking at someone’s body, what they like sexually, what they are about sexually, what they need sexually, so that was most of it, that was most of this training.


Anneke reveals a great deal of details around what this elite pedophile ring functioned like and who the types of people involved were. We’re talking high profile figures people would recognize in America for example. Her testimony is incredibly important as it reveals so much about what the world is currently just learning about through this Epstein case. Further, we made sure we explored her healing journey through all of this, so that things didn’t end on a depressing and lack of solution note. Instead, we learn how to process these revelations through this interview.

Anonymous ID: 9ff888 June 21, 2021, 2:05 p.m. No.65070   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5075 >>5078

Nebraska Gov. Pete Ricketts announced that the state will send troopers to the U.S.-Mexico border to aid law enforcement after the governors of Arizona and Texas sent a request to other states for help amid a surge of people crossing the border illegally.

Anonymous ID: 9ff888 June 21, 2021, 2:22 p.m. No.65075   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>>65072 UK anons on Q pics

>>65070 Nebraska Gov. Pete Ricketts announced that the state will send troopers to the U.S.-Mexico border

>>65069 Anneke Lucas

>>65067 Metabiota Call to diggz

>>65065, >>65066 Supreme Court Agrees To Take Major Gun Case

>>65063, >>65064 Trump interview on Real America's Voice News

>>65062 Treasury GC nominee discloses $11.7 mln Davis Polk partner share

>>65061 on the road

>>65059 Leak Exposes UK Plan for "Permanent Lockdown"

>>65056 Sweden Plunges Into Political Chaos After Prime Minister Lofven Ousted In Historic No Confidence Vote

>>65038, >>65039, >>65040, >>65041, >>65042, >>65046, >>65049, >>65051, >>65057, >>65073, >>65074 Our team’s expertise spans decades, technologies and markets./Ingersoll Lockwood

>>65036, >>65037, >>65048 FISA goes both ways.

>>65034 Michigan court asked to change dates to draw political maps

>>65031, >>65032 April Moss BLOWS WHISTLE on Network ‘Discrimination’ On-Air During Weather Report

>>65030 Georgia Fulton County’s Richard Barron Reportedly Finds 1,500 Chain of Custody Forms

>>65029 tactical civics

>>65028 Striking positive results, which if further verified would establish Vit D status as the cornerstone of this crisis

>>65023, >>65027 snopes at work even then

>>65022 how John Durham uncovered shocking FBI crimes

>>65020 SEC investigating companies' handling of SolarWinds cyberattack

>>65019 Judge Amero Will Take Fulton County’s Motions Under Advisement – Wants to Study Filings – Will Issue Ruling at a Later Date



thinkin bacon

lemme know

Anonymous ID: 9ff888 June 21, 2021, 2:37 p.m. No.65078   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>>65072 UK anons on Q pics

>>65070 Nebraska Gov. Pete Ricketts announced that the state will send troopers to the U.S.-Mexico border

>>65069, >>65076 Anneke Lucas

>>65067 Metabiota Call to diggz

>>65065, >>65066 Supreme Court Agrees To Take Major Gun Case

>>65063, >>65064 Trump interview on Real America's Voice News

>>65062 Treasury GC nominee discloses $11.7 mln Davis Polk partner share

>>65061 on the road

>>65059 Leak Exposes UK Plan for "Permanent Lockdown"

>>65056 Sweden Plunges Into Political Chaos After Prime Minister Lofven Ousted In Historic No Confidence Vote

>>65038, >>65039, >>65040, >>65041, >>65042, >>65046, >>65049, >>65051, >>65057, >>65073, >>65074 Our team’s expertise spans decades, technologies and markets./Ingersoll Lockwood

>>65036, >>65037, >>65048 FISA goes both ways.

>>65034 Michigan court asked to change dates to draw political maps

>>65031, >>65032 April Moss BLOWS WHISTLE on Network ‘Discrimination’ On-Air During Weather Report

>>65030 Georgia Fulton County’s Richard Barron Reportedly Finds 1,500 Chain of Custody Forms

>>65029 tactical civics

>>65028 Striking positive results, which if further verified would establish Vit D status as the cornerstone of this crisis

>>65023, >>65027 snopes at work even then

>>65022 how John Durham uncovered shocking FBI crimes

>>65020 SEC investigating companies' handling of SolarWinds cyberattack

>>65019 Judge Amero Will Take Fulton County’s Motions Under Advisement – Wants to Study Filings – Will Issue Ruling at a Later Date
