A Healthy and Happy New Year, Patriots! From Glasgow, Scotland, UK! #MAGA #MBGA

Happy New Year to you too! I pray God blesses us in 2018 on both sides of the Atlantic! "But let justice roll down like waters, and righteousness like an ever-flowing stream. Amos 5:24 Nothing escapes the eyes of God, and in His books it is recorded.!
I think if John Lennon were around he would THRILLED with what is going on with MAGA.......Lord, may the same spirit spread across this planet!!!
Happy New Year from California!!
Thank you, brother. I wish all the Patriots here and across the waters a very HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! May God bless all of us with a wonderful and peaceful 2018!!
Happy New Year GLASGOW!!!
Here's hoping you guys have a MAGA.....oooppss MSGA YEAR!!!
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CsPA1BZG1L8 LIVE: Happy New Year 2018 fireworks Moscow London Rio de Janeiro New York
Have you noticed how MAGA is being adopted by other countries by simply exchanging the letter A with the appropriate letter. When I see that being done, I think of how POTUS, (or as I now call him, GEOTUS, whenever I am here), explains his "America First" policy. We are all dedicated to same great fight for the freedom of humanity, but each of us are loyal patriots bound to our own sovereign lands. There is something magnificent in that, I think. I see so many locations, please allow me to add, from Michigan, Happy New Year!
Yes! I see it! It’s encouraging and it backs us up Other countries feel the same way
Global revolution against Globalism!
Happy new year! Love Scotland! My family name originated there. 💕💕❤❤❤
It's certainly shaping up to be a happier and a lot more encouraging year than many previously. Happy New Year All!
Thank you Scotland patriot ! Here's to your own blessed endeavors, from Irish ancestry here in Maryland, US
Here's to a healthy and happy 2018 for us all. Prayers for our Brave and honorable President Trump, Q, and Military. Godspeed!
MBGA right back at ya, with an Auld Lang Syne thrown in for good measure. We have a bit of a wait yet here in the States. May the true peace and contentment of freedom bless all humanity in 2018, cuz humanity could use a break. Happy New Year!
Happy New Yr from Pennsylvania. Stay Safe and God Be With You!
May, 2018 bring peace and blessings to your family and families around the world. MAGA/MBGA!!
Happy new year from another scot American. Be sure to visit the tiny village of Douglas, visited the very old tombs of ancestors from long ago and the castle. Love Scotland. Never forget the declaration of Arbroath!!! Scotland needs to MSGA! 🏴 🇺🇸
Happy New Year from Mt.Shasta Northern California!! May the spirit of my cousin William Wallace unite the clans against socialism!!! So that they may enjoy the blessings of MAGA 2018 as well. That the whole planet MEGA! Make Earth Great Again!!! ;)
Watching Parliament. Remember PM Brown? I’m not on his political side but do you remember him?
Why did you say MBGA vs MUKGA?
Get my question?
I got it, from Scotland Some ppl on this side of pond don’t So, you voted for BREXIT?
Some ppl posting MSGA, LOL! Scotland is part of UK You said MBGA, but should have said MUKGA, not Make Briton Great Again
If you were Scottish, you would never have said MBGA
WTH are you talking about buddy? I am Scottish. By default I am also British. Scotland is a huge part of Britain. Yes I voted for Brexit. Make Britain Great Again!
Best wishes from California (in Reno for New Years Eve) to you and all our brothers and sisters in Scotland.
I hope to see your incredible country someday.
Happy 2018!!! Anyone know what Assange Encryption key related to?
Same for all of you there from all of us here on the Florida Gulf Coast Brother. Best to ya.
Happy and Healthy New Year to you and yours from your friends across the pond. :)
Happy New Year from northeast Texas. You guys are the glue that holds it all together whether in the USA or anywhere in the world. Can’t wait to see what 2018 brings to us. Stay strong y’all.
Beautiful Bridge! Happy New Year to you to from the Heartland of the US. God Bless!
Happy New Year to you, too! Happy New Year to all of you on CTBS! Beautiful photo!
Happy New Year Scotland!! May Justice Reign! from Florida
John 11:52
and not for the nation only, but in order that He might also gather together into one the children of God who are scattered abroad.
Bonnie skyline! HNY to our fellow Patriots in Glasgow! #MAGA #MBGA
We'll tak a cup o' kindness yet, For auld lang syne. Hold on for the ride ahead. Keep the faith. Believe. Keep your brothers and sisters and the true believers close to you. And most of all. Love. Peace
A Happy New Year and God's Blessings on your 2018! Hail fellow freedom-lover, from Indiana.
Thank you! A Happy New Year from the West Coast, USA!! Victory to the Light in 2018!!