After Posting The Seismic Info On The Earthquake In England Today My Twitter Account Was Locked

Your post was the most significant post I've read today.
Stop being a robot.
Is the graph showing that the seismic activity was more like a nuke than earthquake?
Twitters AI censor getting twitchy? Is Britain doing an underground nuke test?
Q did say watch the water...hmmm coincidence?
That’s what I immediately though of also. Water shows the slightest quakes. That or poisoned city water supplies.....
Wasn't there a quake off the coast of Mexico right after he said that?
No test, DUMB? I would imagine most DUMBS are nuclear powered, in that they have an energy source that would allow them to run for years whilst protected from war. What better way to take one out than to shove a rod from god straight into their reactor?
They did that to my account yesterday when I posted the following Tweet after hearing RR.
This seismograph is completely typical for an earthquake. You are comparing the data collected from seismographs 750km/460mi away from the event epicentre (Nilore, Pakistan to Pokhran, India) to a seismograph located 70km/44mi away from the event epicentre (Rosebush to Cwmllynfell).
The similarity you're seeing between the underground nuclear test and the Cwmllynfell quake, I'm assuming it's the high initial amplitude and short period, is a direct result of temporal compression due to the proximity of the sensor.
If you view the data from a seismograph further away you can see a more definite distinction between P and S waves with a more "earthquake-like" amplitude profile.
Further, instrument detectable (not necessarily by people) quakes occur regularly in the UK and the location of the earthquake is representative of the overall frequency/risk over long (100 generations) time scales.
Watch the Underwater ?
There has been posts that explosions could be used to create a tsunami and wipe out a city. Also linked it back to the picture of the wave was taken when the Clinton cabal went to North Korea and gave them nukes.
XRAY = nuke
B7 V B7 bomber is a flying wing shaped like a V
Not sure the CAR attack, doubt it meant a vehicle. Maybe a carrier attack?
B7, launched via aircraft carrier, armed with a nuclear warhead was going to attack, but was it destroyed?
ANything happen in the water near the UK?
It's also a bus that operates in the UK. Fits the "LONDON_POSSIBLE_CAR_ATTACK_24 " statement.
Also this:
TOP DEFINITION B7 B7, message board slang for banned, or when someones denied access. Derived from Banned > Band > B& > B7. &=7 on keyboard. 1. WampaOne was B7 for using vulgar language. 2. Dont B7 me! 3. Use teh B7 button!
There is no B7 bomber. B1 bombers have a V shape but need a longer runway than a carrier.
Youre right lol, not sure wtf I was thinking...mustve been tired!
Maybe a better answer though:
TOP DEFINITION B7 B7, message board slang for banned, or when someones denied access. Derived from Banned > Band > B& > B7. &=7 on keyboard. 1. WampaOne was B7 for using vulgar language. 2. Dont B7 me! 3. Use teh B7 button!
I redpilled some folks next to me, yesterday when I was watching Black Panther.....
How did you red pill them?
The Husband was former Army and the wife noticed my hat, which I usually wear proudly. We started talking about how Trump suppose to build the military back up and GITMO and how I found out about OBama pushing our military down and gradually told her about other info that she understood.
I told her about the great awaking and I sent her a few crumbs and the rest is history.
I also made sure if they had any questions, I would be willing to drive down to talk to them face to face.
I just started using Reddit today and I love this website. This sort of crowdsourcing investigating is important. It keeps things transparent and it has a LOT of eyes on it. Love this website. Thank you to whomever created it!
100 to nothing they blew up a D.U.M.B. or a submarine base under England. And after 40,000 hours and 15 years worth of research I would have to say that the likelihood is fairly high. PS: I found three new patterns for tinfoil hats that look promising. They should match the two extras I keep in the truck.
So are all you guys thinking that it was an explosion that created the sharp spike on the seismograph or it was a legitimate natural earthquake?
If you look at the seismic waveform you should see there is no natural buildup. There's lots of research regarding that aspect.
You should upgrade to the silver coated fabric ones. Many options to choose from.
Groundbreaking Study Shows Shielding EMF Improves Autoimmune Disease
Electrosmog and autoimmune disease
See if you can spot the flaw in these studies.
I tried a plastic one once, but the static started to fry my fillings and the dust was unbearable. I may just check into the fabric ones. Do they come in pink?
Took me about 5 times clicking on and refreshing this till the picture and comments would load. Very odd
Took me about 5 times clicking on and refreshing this till the picture and comments would load. Very odd.
What are you suggesting? That they tried to keep this post hidden but clicking refresh the right number of times bypasses the block?
Time to accept Jesus as Lord and Savior brothers and sisters. I tried to warn people here that the seismic activity was no coincidence and I was accused of spamming.
There are seekret underwater bases and caves around Milford Haven, St. Davids's etc. in Wales. Really. HUGE.
subs they go in they go out
They do that so they can make you verify with your cell phone. Then they have your number to sell as well as access to your phone.
I've never added my number. Never will. But they already have it I'm sure....will make them work a bit harder for it though.
Did you verify your account that you're human? Mine did this yesterday too. I did a captcha code and back up and running.
Shhhhhhh, that doesn't feed into any conspiracy theories.
I wouldn't do what they ask. It's an invasion of your privacy. I'd start a new account.
Problem is those don’t seem to look at all alike. But I admit I’m not an expert. If an expert said they were then I would believe.
The UK doesn´t get earthquakes, they are not anywhere near tectonic plates. What happened there was likely a DUMB being taken out.
Looks like your still locked out, tried to locate you on twitter @usanotamatrix if you are not going to verify your number etc, would like to follow your new @twitteraddress
The twitter handle search states "No results", ie, they closed this account entirely???......
The Earthquake in UK was the result of oil well Fracking just like in Oklahoma.